<p>Thanx ML for doing the real work. Here’s the distribution:</p>
<p>Boston University 1<br>
momonthehills D </p>
<p>Brown 3<br>
astromoms D
L.A.Parents S
momof2mens S </p>
<p>Bryn Mawr 1
Queens Moms D </p>
<p>Cal Berkeley 1<br>
IloveLAs D </p>
<p>Cal Poly Pomona 1<br>
gotaplay2s D </p>
<p>Cal Poly San Luis Obispo 1<br>
lilmoms S </p>
<p>Caltech 1<br>
PaperChaserPops S </p>
<p>Carleton 4<br>
aliceinws S
neumes S
pmartin57s D
Youdontsays S </p>
<p>Carnegie Mellon 1<br>
CaliforniaDancer </p>
<p>Carthage 1<br>
Kajons S </p>
<p>Coastal Carolina 1<br>
austinmtmoms D </p>
<p>Colorado College 1<br>
skier29s S </p>
<p>Columbia 1<br>
LetsGoMetss S </p>
<p>Dartmouth 1<br>
standrews D </p>
<p>Elon 1<br>
Lafalum84s D </p>
<p>Emerson 2<br>
intouch1520s D
runnersmoms niece </p>
<p>George Washington 1<br>
1sttimemoms D </p>
<p>Goucher 1<br>
nightchefs S </p>
<p>Grinnell 1<br>
sDonCCs S </p>
<p>Hampshire College 1<br>
ALFs S </p>
<p>Harvard 3<br>
Bubbes GS
mountaingoats D </p>
<p>Haverford 1<br>
Bclintonks D </p>
<p>High Point University 1<br>
KYParents D </p>
<p>Ithaca 1<br>
mdemvizi </p>
<p>Kenyon 1<br>
boiledeggs D </p>
<p>Loyola Chicago 1<br>
mpabons D </p>
<p>LSU 1<br>
alexahet </p>
<p>Macalester 1<br>
Cecils S </p>
<p>Marymount Manhattan 1<br>
showmom858s D </p>
<p>Middlebury 1<br>
journey919s D </p>
<p>Northeastern 1<br>
pugmadkates S </p>
<p>Northwestern 2<br>
FindAPlaces S
momof3sons S3 </p>
<p>NYU 1<br>
Mablab54s D </p>
<p>Oberlin 1<br>
qialahs D </p>
<p>Ole Miss 1<br>
mantori.suzukis S </p>
<p>Pitzer 1 mom2sons S2 </p>
<p>Pomona College 1<br>
BengalMoms S </p>
<p>Princeton 2<br>
GSharpM7s D
hopeful12345s D </p>
<p>Rhodes 1<br>
mimimomx3s D </p>
<p>Rice 1<br>
MuppetMoms D </p>
<p>Scripps 1<br>
scualums D </p>
<p>Smith 2<br>
teenage_cliche </p>
<p>St. Olaf 1<br>
robinsuesanders S </p>
<p>Stanford 1<br>
applicannot </p>
<p>SUNY Albany 1<br>
donnagals S </p>
<p>Swarthmore 3<br>
2girls4mes D
momof3sons S2 </p>
<p>Tufts 3<br>
CountingDowns S
mathmoms S
momof2inmas D </p>
<p>University of Alabama 2<br>
AL34s S
RobDs D </p>
<p>University of Alabama Birmingham 1<br>
parent56s S </p>
<p>University of Buffalo 1<br>
coskats D </p>
<p>University of California @ Santa Barbara 1<br>
esobays S </p>
<p>University of Central Florida 1<br>
WhirledPeas2us D </p>
<p>University of Chicago 2<br>
jackiefs D
motherbear332s S </p>
<p>University of Cincinnati 1<br>
mommuiscs S </p>
<p>University of Delaware 2<br>
Bookladys S
zoosermoms D </p>
<p>University of Illinois @ UrbanaChampaign 1<br>
BerneseMtns S </p>
<p>University of Maryland 1<br>
ELYs S </p>
<p>University of Michigan 1<br>
littlefalls S </p>
<p>University of North Carolina 1<br>
BCandBU82s S </p>
<p>University of Pennsylvania 1<br>
kindredspirits D </p>
<p>University of Redlands 2<br>
missemily516s D
vballmoms S </p>
<p>University of Rochester 1<br>
PinotNoirs S </p>
<p>University of Scranton 1<br>
1sokkermoms D </p>
<p>University of Southern California 1<br>
pixeljigs S </p>
<p>University of Texas at Austin 2<br>
MaineLonghorns S
SWTCATs D </p>
<p>University of Virginia 4<br>
2educations S
curiousmothers D
jc40s D
shillyshallys D </p>
<p>Vanderbilt 1<br>
BlessedTwices S </p>
<p>Vassar 1<br>
psychmoms D </p>
<p>Villanova 2<br>
archiemoms S
<p>Wake Forest 1<br>
DougBetsys S </p>
<p>Washington University in St. Louis 3<br>
limabeans S
PAO2008s D
sacchis S </p>
<p>Wellesley 1<br>
Sailorettes D </p>
<p>Wesleyan 1<br>
sewemmas S </p>
<p>Wheaton (MA) 1<br>
SLUMOMs S </p>
<p>William & Mary 1<br>
anothercrazymoms S </p>
<p>Williams 1<br>
GTalums D </p>
<p>Yale 3<br>
learninginprogs S
my2sunzs S
vicariousparents D</p>
<p>Total Result 105</p>