Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>I have only posted a few times before, but was fortunate to get an envelope from BT and my son made it on the list from ML. I wanted to post on this new thread before the end of July 1st, the opening day. S will be studying engineering at UIUC this fall. Also have a D, Class of '13. </p>

<p>I got hooked on CC by reading the “Less than 3.6 and applying to T20” thread, starting in August last summer. What an eye opener! Then came and visited this thread and since it was so welcoming and friendly, stayed around. I have been BerneseMtnDog, BerneseMtnMom and BerneseMtn because everytime I do a clean up of my computer, my password gets lost and by then I have forgotten it so I have to create a new name. Needless to say, along with DH, DS and DD, there is a Bernese Mountain dog here that gets her fair share of attention.</p>

<p>It has been great to share the ups and downs of senior year with you parents and young ladies, (BTW,young ladies, I must say, you knock my socks off with your ambition, poise, common sense and problem solving skills.) Here’s to the future!</p>

<p>Did anyone watch Boston Medical tonite? Wow…I am hooked…such an emotional show…of course I am an emotional wreck anyway…</p>

<p>Hello, this is mom2son’s introduction. Obviously, I have two sons. S1 is a rising senior at Rose-Hulman and S2 is about to matriculate at Pitzer. Most seniors from our high school go to in-sate publics, and they have very little guidance support, so CC has been our “virtual college counselor” throughout the process. My employer actually provides free college counseling sessions, and every time I’ve met with one, they are always impressed that I already know so much about the process.</p>

<p>I joined CC during S1’s application period, mostly lurking, sometimes asking questions, like the ubiquitous “How do you recalculate GPA when your school uses a 100 pt scale?” S1 applied to 3 dream schools, including MIT. This was the year of the Marilee Jones scandal, so CC proved to be very entertaining reading, indeed.</p>

<p>Took a hiatus, and then became a regular last spring when S2 started seriously looking at colleges. I’ve learned so much, just from reading threads, and from asking questions. S2 is a B student with mid-range test scores, but a strong E.C. He cast a wide net in his applications - he probably applied to too many. But he did get into some of his reaches, so I learned that you really can’t predict admissions. It’s better to have a wealth of choices, than not enough.</p>

<p>CC has helped me be ahead of the curve, so to speak, as I usually learn news here first. I’ve impressed S2 with the “heads up” many times. He would sometimes ask me, “Can you check CC to see if xxx college has sent out any acceptances yet?”</p>

<p>The 2010 thread was AMAZING - you are all such wonderful, supportive people. I’m looking forward to sharing our experiences as our kids go off to college. I can tell you now that one of the saddest nights in my life was going back to the hotel after I left S1 at college.</p>

<p>S2 has been getting all kinds of stuff from Pitzer, including some flip-flops. He asked me if they were free. I told him they were the most expensive flip-flops he will ever have!</p>

<p>Rats…the 7th is the one weekend S1 will be home this summer!</p>

<p>ML, so sorry to hear about that young man. What a loss to his family and community.</p>

<p>Ha, I turned off the computer FOR GOOD, and then DH asked me to revise an invoice so I’m back on!</p>

<p>We will be in Sedona for one week, then the Grand Canyon for two days, the Hopi Reservation for one day, the Navajo Reservation for two days, and then a couple of days of wandering. My family did this loop when I was in high school, and it was one of my favorite trips. Arizona is such a beautiful state. And we won’t even mind the hot weather - it will be a nice change. This is the longest vacation we’ve ever taken!</p>

<p>Now I’m REALLY off!</p>

<p>Thanx ML for doing the real work. Here’s the distribution:</p>

<p>Boston University 1<br>
momonthehill’s D </p>

<p>Brown 3<br>
astromom’s D
L.A.Parent’s S
momof2men’s S </p>

<p>Bryn Mawr 1
Queen’s Mom’s D </p>

<p>Cal Berkeley 1<br>
IloveLA’s D </p>

<p>Cal Poly Pomona 1<br>
gotaplay2’s D </p>

<p>Cal Poly San Luis Obispo 1<br>
lilmom’s S </p>

<p>Caltech 1<br>
PaperChaserPop’s S </p>

<p>Carleton 4<br>
aliceinw’s S
neumes’ S
pmartin57’s D
Youdon’tsay’s S </p>

<p>Carnegie Mellon 1<br>
CaliforniaDancer </p>

<p>Carthage 1<br>
Kajon’s S </p>

<p>Coastal Carolina 1<br>
austinmtmom’s D </p>

<p>Colorado College 1<br>
skier29’s S </p>

<p>Columbia 1<br>
LetsGoMets’s S </p>

<p>Dartmouth 1<br>
standrews’ D </p>

<p>Elon 1<br>
Lafalum84’s D </p>

<p>Emerson 2<br>
intouch1520’s D
runnersmom’s niece </p>

<p>George Washington 1<br>
1sttimemom’s D </p>

<p>Goucher 1<br>
nightchef’s S </p>

<p>Grinnell 1<br>
sDonCC’s S </p>

<p>Hampshire College 1<br>
ALF’s S </p>

<p>Harvard 3<br>
Bubbe’s GS
mountaingoat’s D </p>

<p>Haverford 1<br>
Bclintonk’s D </p>

<p>High Point University 1<br>
KYParent’s D </p>

<p>Ithaca 1<br>
mdemvizi </p>

<p>Kenyon 1<br>
boiledegg’s D </p>

<p>Loyola Chicago 1<br>
mpabon’s D </p>

<p>LSU 1<br>
alexahet </p>

<p>Macalester 1<br>
Cecil’s S </p>

<p>Marymount Manhattan 1<br>
showmom858’s D </p>

<p>Middlebury 1<br>
journey919’s D </p>

<p>Northeastern 1<br>
pugmadkate’s S </p>

<p>Northwestern 2<br>
FindAPlace’s S
momof3sons’ S3 </p>

<p>NYU 1<br>
Mablab54’s D </p>

<p>Oberlin 1<br>
qialah’s D </p>

<p>Ole Miss 1<br>’s S </p>

<p>Pitzer 1 mom2sons’ S2 </p>

<p>Pomona College 1<br>
BengalMom’s S </p>

<p>Princeton 2<br>
GSharpM7’s D
hopeful12345’s D </p>

<p>Rhodes 1<br>
mimimomx3’s D </p>

<p>Rice 1<br>
MuppetMom’s D </p>

<p>Scripps 1<br>
scualum’s D </p>

<p>Smith 2<br>
teenage_cliche </p>

<p>St. Olaf 1<br>
robinsuesanders’ S </p>

<p>Stanford 1<br>
applicannot </p>

<p>SUNY Albany 1<br>
donnagal’s S </p>

<p>Swarthmore 3<br>
2girls4me’s D
momof3sons’ S2 </p>

<p>Tufts 3<br>
CountingDown’s S
mathmom’s S
momof2inma’s D </p>

<p>University of Alabama 2<br>
AL34’s S
RobD’s D </p>

<p>University of Alabama Birmingham 1<br>
parent56’s S </p>

<p>University of Buffalo 1<br>
coskat’s D </p>

<p>University of California @ Santa Barbara 1<br>
esobay’s S </p>

<p>University of Central Florida 1<br>
WhirledPeas2u’s D </p>

<p>University of Chicago 2<br>
jackief’s D
motherbear332’s S </p>

<p>University of Cincinnati 1<br>
mommuisc’s S </p>

<p>University of Delaware 2<br>
Booklady’s S
zoosermom’s D </p>

<p>University of Illinois @ UrbanaChampaign 1<br>
BerneseMtn’s S </p>

<p>University of Maryland 1<br>
ELY’s S </p>

<p>University of Michigan 1<br>
littlefalls’ S </p>

<p>University of North Carolina 1<br>
BCandBU82’s S </p>

<p>University of Pennsylvania 1<br>
kindredspirit’s D </p>

<p>University of Redlands 2<br>
missemily516’s D
vballmom’s S </p>

<p>University of Rochester 1<br>
PinotNoir’s S </p>

<p>University of Scranton 1<br>
1sokkermom’s D </p>

<p>University of Southern California 1<br>
pixeljig’s S </p>

<p>University of Texas at Austin 2<br>
MaineLonghorn’s S
SWTCAT’s D </p>

<p>University of Virginia 4<br>
2education’s S
curiousmother’s D
jc40’s D
shillyshally’s D </p>

<p>Vanderbilt 1<br>
BlessedTwice’s S </p>

<p>Vassar 1<br>
psychmom’s D </p>

<p>Villanova 2<br>
archiemom’s S
FLVADAD’s D </p>

<p>Wake Forest 1<br>
DougBetsy’s S </p>

<p>Washington University in St. Louis 3<br>
limabeans’ S
PAO2008’s D
sacchi’s S </p>

<p>Wellesley 1<br>
Sailorette’s D </p>

<p>Wesleyan 1<br>
sewemma’s S </p>

<p>Wheaton (MA) 1<br>
SLUMOM’s S </p>

<p>William & Mary 1<br>
anothercrazymom’s S </p>

<p>Williams 1<br>
GTalum’s D </p>

<p>Yale 3<br>
learninginprog’s S
my2sunz’s S
vicariousparent’s D</p>

<p>Total Result 105</p>

<p>SWT, yes, ds2 and I are watching that show. We were so afraid the baby would die!
I admire the kids who are thinking of going into medicine. Could never do it.</p>

<p>Just checking in on this new thread after the wonderful support of the 2010 thread. I’m coskat (combo my & DH names). I have been on CC 2 + years since DS was HS Sr. He has finished 2 nd yr at SUNY New Paltz major accounting. DD 2010 HS grad going to University at Buffalo SUNY for Chemical Engineering. She has orientation next week so we will have an empty nest come Aug. DH & I just celebrated 24 yrs of marriage which will hopefully survive to see 25 if too much togetherness doesn’t kill us lol.
We live on LI in NY and both work in health field ( PT & Pharmacy). Glad to be part of such a great group!</p>

<p>ML - sounds like a great trip; I hope you enjoy it! </p>

<p>I’ve been continuing with cleaning my room (a little bit each day), and I’m finding some interesting stuff! I found not 1, but 2 newspaper articles about me that I’d saved! When I was younger (4th/5th/6th grade), I was quite the spelling bee champion. I won my school’s spelling bee each year, I placed first in the regional, and I made it to the county spelling bee a couple times, though I never made it past that. Anyway, I’d forgotten that it had actually been written up. Ah, the fame of my youth…;)</p>

<p>Finally finished catching up with this thread. It’s like trying to keep pace with a cheetah!</p>

<p>Oh DB, I’m so sorry to hear the GF will have to delay her start with the AFA. Let’s hope the time can be well spent getting that foot back in to tip top shape.</p>

<p>ML, that story you posted was just so, so sad. The idea of having a HS aged kid dying in their sleep is just shocking.</p>

<p>H has completed quizzing S about his classmates who chose to attend USC. I guess H is checking to ensure admissions has proper quality control, LOL!</p>

<p>I got an email from the mother of the class val, thanking me for the photos and video I passed on. She was musing whether her SoCal boy or mine would be colder this winter. I assured her Evanston is colder than Providence, but that neither of them would be interested in winning this particular he-man contest.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Hey, y’all! I’m jc40, and my DD1 will be going off to UVA this fall. (Wahoo!!!) She had an unusual spring when she discovered of the schools she applied to she had been rejected by 3 (HYS), accepted by 7, and…wait for it…waitlisted at 8!!! Is that a record, I wonder? At any rate, it’s all good, and she’s so pumped to be “cheering” :slight_smile: on the Cavaliers. She plans on double majoring in neuroscience and bio and minoring in psych before heading off to med school. (BTW…she LOVES Boston Med, too!) We still have 5 blissful years to enjoy DS1 before he graduates from HS. </p>

<p>DB…I’m SO sorry about your son’s girlfriend. I can’t imagine how disappointed she must be. How far will her new school be from him and her family? </p>

<p>MaineLonghorn and SWTCAT… We may have a bit of a rivalry going on in Oct. I’m hoping for a Crabtree-type repeat of two years ago. “Get your guns up!” (Okay, you now know my Alma matter:) ) </p>

<p>I’m a late nighter, so while Jackief and the rest of you get the gourmet brunch going, I’ll be here with pizza and beer or maybe wine, cheese and fruit for any nightowls who wish to join me:)!</p>

<p>DB so sorry about your son’s GF. I hope that she gets well very soon and enjoys her first year of college, even if it was not what she was expecting.</p>

<p>Rocket, cancer is perhaps the worst word I know. So glad your father is doing well and finishing up his treatment. No doubt his joy of seeing your accomplishments over this past year has made it more bearable for him.</p>

<p>Now for the introduction…
DH and I went to law school together just months after we were married. We have 2 Ds. D1 graduated this year and, after two years of college visits, she will be going to High Point University. DH and I have encouraged her to go in as undecided but she is leaning toward Biology as her Major.
Hopefully, D2 is going to be a member of the HS Class of 2014. She was born prematurely with several serious heart defects that were repaired when she was 11 days old. She suffered a stroke at some point of time. School is difficult to say the least. She has an aide that is with her. Our goal is to see her walk across the stage to get her high school diploma.
DH has a private law practice and is a LT. Colonel in the US Army Reserves. I do some mediation but am primarily a SAHM.</p>

<p>Good morning and thanks for all the sympathy toward son’s gf. To answer a few questions…
We don’t know when she’ll be home.
The short-term college (McDaniel) is about 15 miles from home and nearly 400 miles from Son at Wake Forest.<br>
Like a few of you, I’ll be curious to see if she still has “it in her” to return to AFA a year from now. She was able to write one letter to Son and he says she describes it with words like “hard” “sucks” “yelling” “exhauted,” etc. :frowning: I think that’s typical for service academies. But, once you’ve a taste, do you really want to go back?</p>

<p>Welcome to all our new cyberfriends. </p>

<p>ML, I’m deeply saddened by the news of that young man’s death. What a loss. </p>

<p>Son and Daughter are rushing Batman to the vet as I type. Yesterday we noticed his belly was bulging, he drinks water non-stop, and this morning H says he had no interest in breakfast. When the vet heard those symptoms, she didn’t even schedule an appt. Just said, “get him in here right now.” :frowning: Oh, no.</p>

<p>Morning all! Another TGIF already and first one on our new wonderful thread!</p>

<p>ML: Wishing you and your family a wonderful trip and vacation in Arizona! Sounds wonderful. Safe travels and can’t wait to hear about it when you return.</p>

<p>Jackie: Enjoy your trip to the Cape!</p>

<p>mablab: Welcome! Nice to have you join this wonderful community. Best to your D in her journey at NYU. My niece just graduated from NYU Stern and had a phenomenal experience. She had wonderful internships in NYC and is now working in her dream job! And NYC is just the best!</p>

<p>BernesMtn: Welcome Back! Best to your S at UIUC!</p>

<p>And waving to coskat, jc40 and KYParent as you join the new thread. :slight_smile: Nice to have everyone continue into the Beyond.</p>

<p>CaliD: How nice to have discovered your past recognition for your spelling skills.<br>


<p>I have a feeling it won’t be the last time you will see your name in print praising your successes.:)</p>

<p>Not much going on here today. Off to celebrate a dear friend’s birthday and enjoy the start to the holiday weekend. And maybe we’ll hit an outlet mall to explore the Sales!</p>

<p>Wishing all a wonderful day and a fabulous weekend. Safe travels to all. :slight_smile: <em></em><em></em>*</p>

<p>Stay :cool:</p>

<p>ETA: DougBetsy: Continued good wishes for your son’s GF and I hope Batman is okay! Keep us posted! And sending {{{{HUGS}}}</p>

<p>good morning, help yourself to coffee!</p>

<p>hi to all…both old and new at our new home…have love reading the intros</p>

<p>DB…oh no… hope Batman is ok!!!</p>

<p> Good Morning Everyone! :heart::heart: </p>

<p>Welcoming all the newcomers and enjoying all the (re)introductions!</p>

<p>Can’t believe the holiday weekend is upon us so quickly…I have a feeling that this summer is going to fly by. Hope everyone who is taking a vacation has a most excellent time!</p>

<p>DB, I was sorry to read about your S’s gf…I was really thinking that it was a “go.” At least now she can get the rest she needs to heal; really, that’s the most important thing.</p>

<p>Mathmom, Thank you for posting about the NYC get-together. I think once we get into mid-August, it’s going to be chaos, yet August 7 seems to be a difficult date…any thoughts about pushing the date back a week to July 31? Just an idea.</p>

<p>ETA: Hope Batman is okay!</p>

<p>We’re away the last week of July. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>There’s never going to be a day that works for everyone.</p>

<p>psychmom: It works for me! :heart:</p>

mathmom: I agree…I think we should just keep this “second” lunch for August 7th. There will be others in the future for those that can’t make this one.</p>

<p>Also sending a shout out and good wishes to BT! May your sweet D have a safe flight home from her Moroccan adventure and enjoy a wonderful weekend with your family. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>


I started to type “call me as soon as you hear something” because I’m so invested in Batman. I’ll be praying for it to be no big deal and waiting for your news on pins and needles.</p>

<p>Good Morning! </p>

<p>DB - Here’s hoping for a speedy recovery for Batman!</p>

<p>ML - Have a great vacation!</p>

<p>mablab - Good luck to your daughter at NYU next year! It was one of the top choices for my daughter. I too have been a stay at home mom (for the last 18 years). I will be looking for a job this August when my D’12 gets her license and will no longer need constant rides everywhere. It is frightening to think about re-entering the workplace. I was a computer science major back in the day but I don’t think that is my calling now. I am a bit more creative these days but do not have any one interest. I was a bank teller long long ago and I really enjoyed that. This should be fun. :eek:</p>

<p>KYParent - I wish your daughter much success next year at High Point University. And I wish the best for you regarding your preemie. My D’10 was also a preemie weighing just 1lb 12 oz. at birth. Although we have not experienced the difficulties you have, I know your road must be a challenging one. Good luck to you and I know you will reach that goal. :)</p>

<p>My daughters returned home from Costa Rica last night! It’s awesome to have them back. They’re tired and tanned. It was nice when during their chattering about the trip they kept saying “Mom, you would’ve loved it there!” or “Dad, you would’ve loved this…”. It’s nice that they thought of us. :smiley: Within an hour my D’10 was out the door with her boyfriend! “I’ll finish unpacking tomorrow!!” Haha!</p>