Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Good Morning everyone!<br>
DB…please let us know how Batman is!</p>

<p>JC40…Hook-Em! LOL…D has several friends that are going to Tech and is already making plans to road trip to the game which is in Lubbock this year.</p>

<p>D is coming home from a week of camp today. I know she will be exhausted and I am bracing/preparing myself that she will be a bit grouchy…the bus ride is 18 hours…we are ready for her to come home but it has been sort of nice to have an empty nest this week…H and I have been able to go to the gym, eat dinner when we want, etc…now come August…that will be another story…:)</p>

<p>Hope Batman is okay!</p>

<p>Re-introducing myself. My D will be attending Carleton this fall, after an agonizing, drawn-out decision-making process that went down to the wire. She will probably major in something on the math-science spectrum. She is a dancer and a runner.</p>

<p>We also have S’16, who generally manages to fly under the radar, but now will be the sole focus of our day-to-day attention:) </p>

<p>H and I have been married almost 25 years (foregoing the big anniversary trip to pay tuition.) We met in law school and both practice in large firms in our mid-sized Midwestern city.</p>

<p>Special welcome to jc40! I was a Wahoo “back in the day”–back when women at UVa were still sort of a novelty act, back when the “new dorms” really were new!</p>

<p>Good Morning Everyone!
The sun is finally out here by the beach so I’m hopeful that the 4th will be a beautiful one! Youngest D, who is 8, is practicing a dance that she’ll be performing in our local Fourth of July Parade. She and 2 other friends decided to participate this year since we’re actually going to be home! This is usually our vacation time. Having a big age difference between my kids can sometimes drive me crazy but lately, it’s kept me sane. </p>

<p>I resisted the temptation to shop for S’s dorm stuff since he’s the one who received tons of Target gift cards. He’ll have to come with me! And youngest D was with me that day and she’s been sad about the thought of big brother leaving. It will be difficult for her. They’re so close. </p>

<p>For now, I’m getting ready for the Fourth of July. We’ll bbq and spend time with neighbors and just enjoy!</p>

<p>Can I just say how happy I am to have so many fellow Texans come out of the woodwork???</p>

<p>DB, give us a Batman update when you can. Hope the little buddy is OK. When I was thinking about the relationship, I just meant that when he came home, she’d be in town and not in transit, or stuck in Colorado. I do think it’s a shame she’s gotten a taste of the negative without a lot of the postive payoff yet. I have a friend whose ds started there last year and she would say early how skinny he was and how hard it is. But, of course, now he’d have it no other way.</p>

<p>Hey, NYers – Why not have two close together? And then whoever can make it either week can make it? I’d go to both!!! :D</p>

<p>Ds and I leaving in four hours for the big trip to Fort Worth; he’ll be leaving work early, and I’ll swing by and pick him up. I have a friend who’s offered her Rangers rain ponchos in case we need them. I’m going to pick them up but hope we don’t. My parents have no Internet access so I may be MIA for a few days. Have a great Fourth everyone!</p>

<p>DB: Positive thoughts coming from CA to Batman… Poor puppy…</p>

<p>CaliDancer, just to tell you that up until last week, I had never been to Rhodes. It was super important to us that DD go on visits alone so that she could make an independent decision. We are super supportive of her and her goals, we just felt strongly that she should make that choice.</p>

<p>I do love SF!</p>

<p>DB, sorry about ds’ girlfriend. I’m always amazed by the kiddos who go to the service academies. All that academic work AND the military/physical fitness stuff! Amazing. I hope she knows that she’s a winner for even trying.</p>

<p>ML, sorry about your DS’s friend. So sad, a young life. </p>

<p>Have a restful vacay!</p>

<p>It’s still rainy and gloomy here…yuckkkk</p>

<p>Good morning everyone! SO sorry to hear about that poor young man. Diabetes is horrible. It is in my ex’s family, so I worry about my kids and their kids.</p>

<p>And Batman. He has had his share of problems. I am sending positive vibes.</p>

<p>So, I finally made an appt for S2 for the freshman physical. The forms have to be back by 7/15! Yikes. The summer is going by too fast! He took his online math placement test yesterday and did very well. There are still som many things that have to be done in the next 2 weeks. </p>

<p>August 7th sounds interesting. To actually meet some of you would be fun!</p>

<p>Poor Batman, I am a wreck if my yellow lab, Cotton doesn’t seem right. He is such a sweet dog and they are so dependent on us. How can you not love them?</p>

<p>I am really disappointed about August 7th. I’ll get the info so if I wind up leaving the island a little early I can come. </p>

<p>The weather at the Jersey shore is amazing today, I am about to put on one of my new bathing suits and head over to the beach! Wish we could have a get together on the beach, margaritas and mojitos! </p>

<p>Welcome to all our new members, this is the nicest group of people on CC!</p>

<p>S is having a great vacation, he grilled last night and they are playing 18 holes today. Tonight is lobster night at the casual restaurant on the dock. The life!</p>

<p>Re-introduction from the ‘old lady’ of this thread - I’m ‘Bubbe’ (Grandma of 7). I’ll be 76 yrs. young in 2 weeks and have been married 57 yrs. My DH still ‘lights up my days’.</p>

<p>I found out about CC from my daughter (she’s internet shy and is a ‘lurker’). I joined CC the Spring of GS’s Jr. year to learn about the college application process, to try and help by listening to the ‘angst’ with an ‘educated’ ear. </p>

<p>I wasn’t involved with college applications with the lst 4 grandchildren, except to cheer.
By the 5th time around, life had ‘quieted down’ for us and I found myself with time on my hands. A ‘lifeline’ w/ emotional support was gracefully accepted by my daughter and GS, and I had a new and exciting ‘project’.</p>

<p>I easily became addicted to CC, ‘virtual friends’ and their great kids! The trials, tribulations, great successes, sad and funny stories were/are a daily interlude. You have become ‘add-ons’ to our own 4 kids, (they range in age from 51 to 56 & their varied stories and life adventures fit just ‘so’ here). </p>

<p>I don’t post often, but I am with you all daily & I will hang in through GS’s Class of 2014 Harvard adventures. </p>

<p>My new (very exciting) project is as an adjunct ‘wedding planner’ - our oldest GD (25) recently became engaged - HELP! where is the GrandDaughter Getting Married? message board?</p>


And I know you wouldn’t have it any other way!</p>


I’m sure we would all be very happy to ofer opinions!</p>

<p>Prior to this, my all time favorite thread on CC was Molliebatmit’s wedding thread on the Cafe. It was a great because so many people over there have experiences, ideas and thoughts that were amazing.</p>

<p>zooser, you are absolutely right! He’s working this summer, not hard really. His “kids” are fun! He is a really good guy, helpful at home and generally delightful. I am glad he is having fun and I think taking care of the house, cooking and cleaning and all that is a good experience too!</p>

<p>Batman is still at the vet. The kids left him there so they can perform 2 barium xrays. The first will be a baseline and when they compare it to the second they’ll be able to tell if his digestive track is clear or blocked. </p>

<p>They think the “regular” xray was negative for a flipped or turned stomach. But since the stomach definitely didn’t look right, they haven’t completely ruled it out. :frowning: </p>

<p>I’ll be able to call back aroung 12:30 for results of the barium. </p>

<p>Thanks for your hugs and concern.</p>

<p>Saying prayers for Batman, DB. I’m looking at my own puppy and just imagining what your going through right now.</p>


When will he ever be free to live this way again? I am hugely in favor of enjoying it as much and as often as possible.</p>

<p>Good morning!</p>

<p>DB - keeping my fingers crossed for Batman. Poor pup. </p>

<p>Mathmom - thanks for posting about the get-together. </p>

<p>ML - wishing you safe travels. Your vacation plans sound wonderful.</p>

<p>pmartin - my younger S (h.s. class of 2014) is worried about being the sole focus of my attention once his S leaves for school. He’s asked me to get a full-time job. :D</p>

<p>hoping all good news with next call DB! </p>

<p>should have acted sooner on computer purchase, now son is saying he wants an IMac and an IPad (before it was just peripherals to hook up to a new laptop) … the debate is ongoing now.</p>

<p>i had promised son a trip to europe this summer if he found someone to go with him,well he didnt so thought i had dodged a bullet there…now he has come up with the idea that he will go to canada, see grandparents, and then travel east and visit friends and his father’s side of the family. arrive in buffalo, go to toronto area, then take train stop in Montreal (and check out McGill even though he turned down their acceptance??) then go out to the maritimes. has no concept that when he says he wants to do this by leaving in next two weeks and not getting back until about 3 days before college starts that i might not be exactly enthusiastic! re costs and time to prepare for college move in</p>

<p>DB, I hope Batman is okay. That’s scary. I know my dog is a special part of my family. I’m thinking of you.</p>

<p>The beach was so windy this morning. I couldn’t stay. I feel very gritty, even after a shower. Mt H is on his way, so I’ll have some good company soon. Should I be worried about my two teens home alone?</p>

<p>acm, maybe next summer everyone should plan some beach hopping trips to NC and SC.</p>

<p>Yikes, parent56! That’s some trip your DS planned for himself. I’m impressed at the thought he put into it, even if he didn’t leave much time to prepare for his college move-in or consider the costs. Good luck paring it down to something a little more manageable.</p>

<p>I’m glad you posted because I kept meaning to tell you how much I enjoyed your D’s wedding pictures - they were just gorgeous!</p>