Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Sometimes my brilliance amazes even me. At around 7:30 tonight (you know, dusk) I had the flash of inspiration that I should take my sweaty self outside and pull some weeds that have been mocking me all week. So I went out there, battled the elements, and was eaten alive by mosquitoes while doing so. This is usually the epicenter of West Nile.</p>

<p>All together now: was your brain with you when you did that?</p>

<p>ahhhh mothers and their sons…what an incredible relationship it is. cried as i read he sent you an apology!! wouldnt trade them for the world, but there are days we would sell them for a nickel. while we always love them, there are times we dont like them as much. my sons and i have always had a little song, where i ask… who loves (their name) and they then sing back… you do!! even my 26 year old will sing it back to m, or send the answer by text if i randomly send it to him…if we ever get into the ****y fighting, it ends by that song…or its just a random thing as they walk by.</p>

<p>ewww about bedbugs. and i just got bleeped by cc LOL</p>

<p>zooser dab the bites with vinegar, it takes the itch out.</p>


I didn’t know that. Thank you!</p>


<p>[How</a> to Get Rid of Bed Bugs](<a href=“]How”></p>

<p>and nope doesnt look like lysol will do the trick
[How</a> To Kill Bed Bugs - Best Ways To Get Rid of Bed Bugs For Good](<a href=“]How”></p>

<p>Pengo, my darling son always apologizes when he is hideous! Just wish he wasn’t hideous to begin with!</p>

<p>GSharp he is in Nicholson, which according to some boards is just awful! He’ll be fine, it’s near the rec center. the dining hall and the library according to the website. </p>

<p>The funny thing about his attitude isn’t that he is an optimist, cause he isn’t! He is an “arrogant realist”. Realistic enough to make the best of things, arrogant enough to believe he gets the best!</p>

<p>Had drinks with friends at the golf club, walked my wonderful stalker dog, now off to bed with a novel! Good night.</p>

<p>off to read for me too…and after tonights discussion will end with what my mother used to say…</p>

<p>good night, sleep tight, mind the bugs dont bite!</p>

<p>@parent56 - awwwwww - that is so sweet!
@anothercrazymom - son apologizes when he realizes he’s being unreasonable. Sometimes that needs to be pointed out to him. :-/</p>

<p>I remember when he was about 13 and going thru those hormonal ups and downs. I’d explained to him that his hormones would take him thru all these changes, blah, blah, blah and to cut us a break because we love him and we’re old and can’t take too much grief. One day, he had an outburst and then immediately came over to me and put his arm around my shoulder and said (in that new deep voice of his) “Mom, you know it’s just my hormones talking, right?” I had to laugh.</p>

<p>Re: bedbugs - I read about them on an old thread here and when I ordered my BB&B stuff online last month, I went ahead and ordered the natural spray they have. You can’t be too careful - I figured it can’t hurt. I was just at our local BB&B and they had tons of bottles all over the dorm section. $10 is cheap for peace of mind. I am hoping roommate doesn’t get there first - I want to do his bed too. Hopefully his parents won’t mind. LOL</p>

<p>‘last vacation’ : we also just returned from a nice family vacation. The whole time all I could think about was that this may be the last time we all get to go. I admit, it made me enjoy it less. Just too much stress. I just kept remembering that when he was about 3…we were best friends. :(</p>

<p>He’s had a little attitude. He doesn’t usually have. He’s also spent a lot more time with younger sister I mentioned. I think he’s realized he’ll miss us all.</p>

<p>I have a ‘foo foo’ dog too. I would seriously have upgraded her to the suite too. She does not know she is a dog and pretty much runs the place. </p>

<p>Read the ‘moving story’ - hysterical ! Are there more ? I can see my H dropping all those lids too !</p>

<p>My son is an Eagle Scout too. We attended one of the other boy’s Eagle ceremony last weekend. They started in Tiger Cubs together. It was nice, but when his mom was pinning on his Eagle badge…all I could think about was “That’s when my SIL fell down in the aisle taking pictures” at ours. Some things are just never forgotten. :slight_smile: Ah, memories.</p>

<p>I don’t think we’re off topic. I think we have A LOT of different things to talk about, and somehow they all help us get through, cope, or find answers to all the changes taking place right now. We’re serious and offer some laughter too. Perfect.</p>

<p>Laundry lesson tomorrow. I’ll take up the rug first. Thank goodness I have a top loader. I think.</p>

<p>Pengo, your story reminded me of when D and I got into a fight this past spring. I had gone out of my way to make a dinner I thought she’d like and she told me she didn’t have time to eat it, she was going to meet her boyfriend and she didn’t want to be late. I told she may as well leave because I didn’t even want to talk to her. About an hour later she texted me: “I’m sorry.”
I texted back: “Me too.”
And it was all good again. :)</p>

<p>Good morning!!! Looks like I am the first one up. I have been up since 5:30. It is the first morning in about 4 weeks that I feel refreshed. My eyes are not swollen and I do not feel like going back to bed. I have so much to catch up on in my life. Today I am taking my 6 yr old to Build A Bear- she has a birthday gift certificate. Then we are going to visit with my mom. Then I HAVE to clean up my house. </p>

<p>My S2 has everything he needs for college except a mini fridge and school supplies- both of which are in the Target ad today. I do have to wash all the bed linens and maybe all his clothes too! I am hoping it will all fit in my car, but I might be shipping some things by UPS (I can send right from my work, so convenient), or take up with me for parent’s weekend in October. My mom said she would like to go up then too.</p>

<p>I leave for vacation in a few weeks. My D and BF and I are going to Mystic, CT for a few days. I am hoping for a little cooler weather and a lot of lobster rolls. </p>

<p>Have a great day!!!</p>

<p>Good Morning Sewemma, my dog woke me up at 6:05! That seems to be his time lately. Your day sounds like a good one, enjoy!</p>

<p>Good morning, sewemma. I hope you have a great day. :)</p>

why so early prep your Ds2? My DD does not start until 9/19…</p>

<p>BTW, where is the best place to get those Twin XL sheets? Target?</p>

<p>Good Morning!</p>

<p>sewemma, Glad you are having a nice morning. Thanks for sharing your sister’s picture with us. Her family is beautiful. Have fun in Mystic when you go. I lived there for a year when I was a kid after my dad retired from the Navy.</p>

<p>I’m at my sister’s house in CT right now and I was able to see most of my family yesterday at a fun family gathering. Today we relax and tomorrow we’re off to Boston.</p>

<p>Good morning all!</p>

<p>I’ve read it all from yesterday’s busy day here…</p>

<p>sewemma: I also admire your strength and spirit. Glad you are feeling refreshed today and hope you have a good one. :)</p>

<p>austinmt: I’m glad your mom is feeling better in her attitude. Also hoping that continues when visiting the doctor tomorrow.</p>

<p>teenage: Your roommate sounds great! Also waiting to hear about your rug selection and offer support when needed.</p>

<p>Pengo: Sounds like the letter was good for both of you…</p>

<p>BUandBC82: Glad you are enjoying your time at your sister’s with your family. Enjoy your Boston trip!</p>

<p>Not much going on around here…just trying to enjoy the day. With both S and D away, H and I had a nice “empty nest” weekend…</p>

<p>Wishing all a wonderful day.</p>

<p>Trying to stay :cool: :cool:</p>

<p>artloverplus- my son spent last summer at Harvard- 7 weeks, so he got everything he needed then. We just had to get XL sheets and a mattress pad and now a fridge. I like to be prepared. I was a cub scout leader for 8 years- it soaked in! S2 starts Sept 1st.</p>

<p>I got the sheets at JC Penneys.</p>

<p>sewemma…glad to hear today is a “better” day</p>

<p>artlover+ i got the xl sheets at $15 per set for jersey</p>

<p>coffee’s ready</p>

<p>parent56: Thanks for the coffee! Any more triple triple? ;)</p>

<p>sewemma-what a great idea if you can bring your mom with you for Parent’s weekend in October. It will really give her something to look forward to. Enjoy your Build-a-Bear day with your daughter! :slight_smile: I will put in a good word for better (cooler) weather for you in Mystic if you will eat a lobster roll for me. ;)</p>