Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>LIMOM: Wishing for housing/roommate news for your D! I’m sure the waiting is hard. Enjoy your lunch with your friend in the city. :)</p>

<p>Momof3: The reception was at a beautiful private home…hosted by parents of recent Penn grads.</p>

<p>Psychmom: Just passing it along! :slight_smile: I also want to add smiles about the happy news of your former patient…So nice!..And I think we may be moving the NYC lunch to sometime in Sept?</p>

<p>Morning all! I made smoothies; anyone want one?</p>

<p>AL34 is just a day ahead of us; there is nothing close to “the closet is almost empty” here. When we get back, I’m going to have to remind D that she needs to get her clothes together. I think she thinks it’s going to be similar to packing for a vacation, but it’s a little more complicated than that. She did end up picking up a suit yesterday; there’s this huge consignment sale by us and they only take designer and upscale stuff (they’ll take Old Navy & Kohl’s but only if it’s new with tags and was originally over $25.) She texted me to let me know she got a black petite suit for $15! Woo hoo :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Last night was the first time I got a real “pang” about her leaving. I was lying in bed & I realized that once she moves in, she’ll only be in her own bed a couple of nights before December. It’s not the same as when she’s been away for 3 weeks or so in the summer. Which of course I knew intellectually, but I just realized emotionally, if that makes sense. Ah, well. We’ll be on the road this time tomorrow (hopefully, we’ll already be in Kentucky) and we’re all pretty psyched. Ikea & Container Store have worked their way into the itinerary…can’t escape the dorm shopping!</p>

<p>ooops i thought paventurer was an estrogen producer!! so sorry pa, didnt realize you were a guy! but kudos for all the work you are doing. scualum, gsharp and pa really do have to stay!!!</p>

<p>waving at RobD and AL34!!! alabama awaits!</p>

<p>Morning! and WOW! Missed over a week’s worth of posts and there is no way I will ever catch up here (50+ pages). I skimmed a little to see what’s been going on. </p>

<p>We’re back from vacation in ME. I was expecting a great relaxing time on the lake. The weather was beautiful in spite of the few pockets of rain. The water/house was great! The one thing, however, that really ruined it for me was (as some of you here have been posting about) the horrible way my college-bound daughter behaved during the week! You would have thought she was in prison. She did everything possible to let us know that she did not want to be there with us. We’d be swimming…she’d be in the house. We’d be in the house…she’d grab her stuff and go outside. She was constantly isolating herself from us. Constantly had her cell phone in her hand. I was so insulted! I spoke to my sister and she reminded me of how her daughter behaved last summer (her ‘senior summer’) right before she went off for her freshman year. I know it is ‘normal’, but I hate it. My husband doesn’t have any trouble ignoring her behavior but I can’t. It really seems to rattle me way more than him. I feel sad because I think one day she will look back and regret her behavior (maybe I’m delusional, who knows).</p>

<p>My daughter was supposed to have her wisdom teeth out yesterday. We get there at 7:45 am and the office has no electricity. Ugh! We go home to ‘wait’. By 1:30 still no electricity so the surgery was postponed to next week. </p>

<p>The bedding we ordered two weeks ago from Target has been lost and they’re now saying it’s out of stock. My daughter is beside herself! Oh and she’s still waiting to hear about roommate info.</p>

<p>It’s been a rough week…August 30th can’t come soon enough…Who am I kidding? :(</p>

<p>I will now attempt to read all that I missed…see you all NEXT week! haha.</p>

<p>I’m so sorry for those of you who received bad news regarding loved ones last week.</p>

<p>3-4 days until my “new” Imac (24 inch) arrives!!! so excited. and on the 6th off we go to the apple store for sons new macbook pro…so glad to read you guys are liking yours</p>

<p>ummm…what to say…</p>

<p>I have not been able to keep up with this thread at all lately (too much actual work to do), but just wanted to check in and wave to everybody.</p>

<p>D is nervous about going away, sad to see her friends leaving, and still waiting for a housing assignment. Everything is good. We might go to NYC this weekend if I can get a hotel deal.</p>

<p>No major news, just biding our time until August 25.</p>

<p>hi everyone, haven’t checked in for a few days because nothing is happening here D is still away for a few more weeks at camp, roommate info doesn’t come until end of next week, etc. </p>

<p>tc- hope you, your dog and of course the rest of your faimily enjoy your trip to NH and hiking in the whites! Weather has been great in that area last week or so, hope it lasts for you…</p>

<p>AL- are you the first to leave? We’ll have to start some type of thing like the envelopes to mark the start of this chapter on the journey for all!</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>momof3 - waving back~~~~I think the anticipation of receiving the housing info reached a new level when D found out that kids in NYC received theirs on Monday. She thought for sure that hers would have gotten here yesterday. Hoping my D and your boys, and anyone else still waiting, receives their info soon.</p>

<p>Psychmom - I think the lunch is being moved to Sept., though technically I’m still free on our original date. I think it might just be a little easier for all of us in Sept.</p>

<p>KS & Psychmom - thanks for the good wishes for today - I’m sure it’ll be fun - despite the heat and humidity.</p>

<p>RobD - hugs, and thanks. :slight_smile: Virtual smoothies are the only kind I ever drink. </p>

<p>Wishing you safe travels! You too, AL34!</p>

<p>Just wanted to send some {{{hugs}}} to intouch. It’s not easy! And honestly, I think more of our kids’ obnoxious behavior tends to be directed at the moms than the dads. At least it’s that way in our house. Sorry about the comforter issue and the wisdom teeth - hope it all gets straightened out soon.</p>

<p>Hi to PAVenturer, Queen’s Mom, and Jackief. :)</p>

<p>I’m glad D isn’t fouling (not that she would have the opportunity, as she is not at home) but H would not put up with that at all. As it is whenever there is a little tiff he talks about all we do for them.</p>

<p>Hi LI - I can say in our home, my wife gets the brunt of the teenagerness that our daughter gets every, oh say, about 28 days. I’m the GOOD parent! Our son takes out his life’s frustrations on me.</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 - You are so right! And thanks! :)</p>

<p>PAVenturer - 28 days? I wish! The frequency here is more like every 4 days! ;)</p>

<p>sewemma - I just read your post about your sister. I’m so sorry for your loss.</p>

<p>KYParent - It’s terrible about the flooding in your area. I hope things are getting better.</p>

<p>Would one of you please be a big mean boss and yell at me to stop reading this thread? I have a lot of work to do!!!</p>

<p>DB - GET BACK TO WORK!! There, done! :D</p>

<p>DB - the work can wait</p>

<p>DB: I say you need a work break every once in a while! ;)</p>

<p>intouch: Also sending {{{HUGS}}} and good wishes for resolutions with the comforter and smooth healing with your D’s wisdom teeth extraction next week. And welcome back!</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>copied this from another thread (hope the OP doesnt mind)… our fouling children from their own perpective</p>

<p>"Since I graduated in June I’ve been extremely anxious to leave for College, but then I’m scared to.
I know I’ve been a pain to my parents and my brothers, but I can’t seem to control myself!
I lash out for no reason and get annoyed over the tiniest things.
I feel like the biggest jerk for acting the way I am but I don’t know what else to do.
Yesterday I had a minor anxiety attack [not my first, but my first in a few months].
I know I’m stressing out my family, but I feel so stressed myself.
I leave to college in September and that seems ages away.
I’d appreciate any advice or tips. "</p>