Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>so you have 2 sets of brackets one for color and one for size…is there a space between the sets of bracket?</p>

<p>Hmm, I put down the day I actually leave my house. I hope that’s okay! That’s going to feel like the big day for me, I think. Move in day is a few days later, then a week of orientation. </p>

<p>Good morning everyone! Not much else going on right now.</p>

<p> :sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny:
Happy Saturday! Hey, y’all… SLOW DOWN! I can’t keep up with you.</p>

<p>I am taking a class this summer and have been attempting to complete my course work. I keep flipping back to CC, which makes it hard to finish my work. However… DRUM ROLL… I am finished! CELEBRATE! This is the last official class I will ever have to take! I will only have to renew my teaching license one or two more times. Woohoo! </p>

<p>Welcome to you, footballmom. Where is your son headed? I think I missed that.
psychmom - I’m wishing your daughter all the best and a speedy recovery! :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: </p>

<p>parent56 - Wishing your son a speedy recovery. Yikes! And {{HUGS}} for you.</p>

<p>jackief - Have a great weekend. I’m green with envy!
momof3sons - To make it larger, replace i for * [s&lt;em&gt;ze=+2] BIG [/s</em>ze] and it will turn out BIG. Good luck, and don’t forget the / symbol. BTW, do you know where the Clinton-Mezvinsky wedding is today? My invitation must be lost in the mail.</p>

<p>LOL, austinmtmom. I had chips and salsa for dinner last night… There are vegetables in salsa, right? {{HUGS}} It must have been a sleepless night?</p>

<p>Sailorette - I expect our son to use his MacBook Pro all four years. We purchased the Apple Care repair policy that is good for three years. </p>

<p>zoosermom - I am also hoping that our son has a roommate who is a little different from him. He’s hoping to avoid creepy. Our son doesn’t like creepy, whatever that is…</p>

<p>RobD - I’m glad you’re having a good time! </p>

<p>Mablab54 - Sending more {{HUGS}} your way.</p>

<p>DougBetsy - Laughing!! Funny that an 18 year old wouldn’t mind being in a wing with all girls… Happy Birthday to Grandpa!
kindredspirit - :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Yes, thank you! I love that idea. Once we leave for Nashville, I will be pretty busy (coming back to prepare my own classroom right after move-in) and would hate to miss any of the 130+ students we have to launch, so I think it will be great to have each parent launch their own precious student(s). I will be available Friday nights, however, as I will not be attending our dear son’s football games. :frowning: Hope that trip to BB&B is successful! ;)</p>

<p>Kajon - I hope you are enjoying the tournament. :)</p>

<p>Staying :cool: :cool:!</p>

<p>ETA: Yes, parent56, there is a set of brackets for each command. And I don’t leave a space between them. Good luck! :)</p>

<p>We’re back…D has all 4 wisdom teeth removed. She’s looking pretty miserable but is resting quietly in her room. </p>

<p>KS: Cute idea! I am happy to help with the departure announcements if we decide to go that route; perhaps we should scrap the whole idea as it’s such a busy time (and there are so many of us)! On another note, I hope you and D have a great shopping day…the weather is perfect for it! I will be nurse psychmom this weekend.</p>

<p>GSharp: That’s quite a rocket you have there! Oh come on, someone had to say that line!</p>

<p>acm: You are a valuable asset to those of us with homebody-ish kids who will be calling constantly. Have those virtual martinis ready!</p>

<p>Wish I could join all beach goers today :(</p>

<p>BT: Just read your awesome post–Congrats!!!</p>

<p>:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:…</p>

<p>thanks guys!!</p>

<p>hope the recovery time is quick psychmom!!</p>

<p>congrats BT!!!</p>

<p>8/7 AL34
8/8 RobD
8/10 austinmtmom
8/11 somewhereinga
8/12 CaliforniaDancer
8/12 parent56
8/13 jc40
8/13 twinmama D1
8/14 MomLive
8/16 MaineLonghorn
8/17 CheckersMidwest
8/18 mdemvizi
8/18 Footballmom104
8/18 PAVenturer (FDOC 8/23)
8/19 mpabon
8/19 DougBetsy
8/19 Bubbe (GS)
8/19 BlessedTwice
8/20 anothercrazymom
8/20 veewhitty
8/21 2education
8/21 1sokkermom
8/23 psychmom
8/24 momof3sons S2
8/25 bclintonk
8/26 coskat
8/27 showmom858
8/27 Lafalum84’s D
8/28 twinmama D2
8/28 zoosermom
8/30 teenage_cliche
8/30 Sailorette
8/30 mablab
9/1 momof2inma
9/1 CountingDown
9/1 kindredspirit
9/2 hopeful2014 S
9/4 GSharpM7
9/4 robinsuesanders S
9/13 lilmom
9/13 momof3sons S3
9/14 FindAPlace
9/14 psychmomma
9/17 jackief
9/17 artloversplus
9/18 PaperChasePop</p>

<p>Here are a few random examples that may be relevant:
Since I don’t see colors particularly well (there’s a difference between blue and purple?) I’ll skip them. No wonder DW feels the need to dress me. :slight_smile:













<p>MMXIV (just had to include this, even though it is not a symbol)</p>

<p>poop, may have to wait til tomorrow to see what you posted gsharp… i just have blank boxes (just like i didnt have envelopes :frowning: ) but tomorrow will have new computer set up by afternoon.</p>

<p>ah yes, I remember the snowman from the winter months… I put the date we are leaving the house. Really on my way out the door this time!</p>

<p>parent56: right back at ya with the speedy recovery stuff!</p>

<p>CaliD: As I’ve mentioned, I put down the “leaving home” day.</p>

<p>GSharp: Let me know if you come across any “cat” symbols (for Hello Kitty, of course)!</p>

<p>(I agree it’s more practical for each of us to do our own launch, if we so choose.)</p>

<p>8/7 AL34
8/8 RobD
8/10 austinmtmom
8/11 somewhereinga
8/12 CaliforniaDancer
8/12 parent56
8/13 jc40
8/13 twinmama D1
8/14 MomLive
8/16 MaineLonghorn
8/17 CheckersMidwest
8/18 mdemvizi
8/18 Footballmom104
8/18 PAVenturer (FDOC 8/23)
8/19 mpabon
8/19 DougBetsy
8/19 Bubbe (GS)
8/19 BlessedTwice
8/20 anothercrazymom
8/20 veewhitty
8/21 2education
8/21 1sokkermom
8/23 psychmom
8/24 momof3sons S2
8/25 bclintonk
8/26 coskat
8/27 showmom858
8/27 Lafalum84’s D
8/28 twinmama D2
8/28 zoosermom
8/30 teenage_cliche
8/30 Sailorette
8/30 mablab
9/1 momof2inma
9/1 CountingDown
9/1 kindredspirit
9/2 hopeful2014 S
9/4 GSharpM7
9/4 robinsuesanders S
9/13 lilmom
9/13 momof3sons S3
9/14 FindAPlace
9/14 psychmomma
9/17 jackief
9/17 artloversplus
9/18 PaperChasePop esobayS (move in)
9/22 esobay S (classes start)</p>

<p>BT…Congrats on completing your last class! WooHoo! Teaching licenses in my state expire every five years. You have to complete 150 hours of PD during that 5 yr period to be eligible to have it renewed. That started about 13 years ago as a precursor to NCLB. Prior to that, you got your teaching certificate for “life” and never had to do anything to stay current with the trends. I actually hold 2 certificates for life (secondary English and history) and three “standard” certificates that require 150 hours/5 yrs to maintain (composite social studies, elementary self-contained, ESL).</p>

<p>DB…I’m laughing at your son’s reaction to what he thought was his room assn! Too cute! My son wouldn’t have called to clarify for fear of what he thought to be a university error would be discovered. He would have been quiet except around his friends who he would have to boast, “The school messed up and I’m ‘stuck’ in the middle of all these hot chicks!” :)</p>

<p>I’m envious of those who are spending today at the beach. I will be roasting running errands in let’s see…today’s only supposed to be a mere 105!!!</p>

<p>DH and S are getting a reprieve from the heat; they’ll be flying out Monday to our lake home in WI. D and I will spend quality time together here (only 13 days left with her :frowning: ) trying to get last minute things accomplished. She also has to pack up her stuff, and I have to report back to school on 8/6. DH will drive her stuff out in the SUV and small UHaul (20 hours), and I will fly out and meet him. The clock is ticking! :(</p>

<p>very cool :cool: symbols Gs.</p>

<p>We are very happy with the college prep/orientation etc. But NOW I am ready to hear about hte room mate and dorm assignments. They don’t send them out until late Aug/ early Sept. Some of you will be having tests by then!</p>

<p>We are so happy too that both kids are on the quarter system (ie lining up breaks). Our D can help her bro move in and she’ll fly from LA back east. He, of course, has another orientation before classes officially start. </p>

<p>FindAPlace … S is in CCS math, I’ll let you know how it goes, he couldn’t be happier with the program. I am an NU grad, so know a lot about ISP, but for our S, I think CCS will be a better fit.</p>

<p>jc40, I would love a little sunshine here. I live close to the beach and it’s dreary! Cold and overcast for most of the day…looking on the bright side, it is a great day to wash the cars. S needs extra $ for a shopping trip in Santa Monica and is washing all of the cars. </p>

<p>I am so behind in the “symbols” dept here on this thread. My posts look boring…gotta get an old fashioned notebook to jot down directions on how to do these!</p>

<p>8/07 AL34
8/08 RobD
8/10 austinmtmom
8/11 somewhereinga
8/12 CaliforniaDancer
8/12 parent56
8/13 jc40
8/13 twinmama D1
8/14 MomLive
8/16 MaineLonghorn
8/17 CheckersMidwest
8/18 mdemvizi
8/18 Footballmom104
8/18 PAVenturer (FDOC 8/23)
8/19 mpabon
8/19 DougBetsy
8/19 Bubbe (GS)
8/19 BlessedTwice
8/20 anothercrazymom
8/20 veewhitty
8/21 2education
8/21 1sokkermom
8/23 psychmom
8/24 momof3sons S2
8/25 bclintonk
8/26 coskat
8/27 showmom858
8/27 Lafalum84’s D
8/28 twinmama D2
8/28 zoosermom
8/30 teenage_cliche
8/30 Sailorette
8/30 mablab
9/01 momof2inma
9/01 CountingDown
9/01 kindredspirit
9/02 hopeful2014 S
9/04 GSharpM7
9/04 robinsuesanders S
9/07 aliceinw
9/13 lilmom
9/13 momof3sons S3
9/14 FindAPlace
9/14 psychmomma
9/17 jackief
9/17 artloversplus
9/18 PaperChasePop esobayS (move in)
9/22 esobay S (classes start)</p>

<p>Just for psychmom. Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

                __                             ___            <em>aaaa
               d8888aa,</em>                    a8888888a   <strong>a88888888b
              d8P   `Y88ba.                a8P'~~~~Y88a888P""~~~~Y88b
             d8P      ~"Y88a&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;strong&gt;aaaaa&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;strong&gt;&lt;em&gt;a8P        888          Y88
            d8P          ~Y88"8~~~~~~~88888P          88g          88
           d8P                           88      _&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/strong&gt; &lt;em&gt;88y&lt;/em&gt;_       88b
           88                           a88    &lt;em&gt;a88~8888"8M88a&lt;/em&gt;_&lt;strong&gt;&lt;em&gt;888
           88                           88P    88  a8"'     `888888888b</em>
          a8P                           88     88 a88         88b     Y8,
           8b                           88      8888P         388      88b
          a88a                          Y8b       88L         8888.    88P
         a8P                             Y8_     <em>888       _a8P 88   a88
        _8P                               ~Y88a888~888g</em>   a888yg8'  a88'
        88                                   ~~~~    ~""8888        a88P
       d8'                                                Y8,      888L
       8E                                                  88a</strong><em>a8"888
      d8P                                                   ~Y888"   88L
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     <em>888ba       ~            aaaa.                 8888            d8P
 a888~"Y88                    888888                 "8P          8aa888</em>
        Y8b                   Y888P"                                88""888a
        <em>88g8                  ~~~                                 a88    ~~
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   88"'    "88g                                                 "888g_
   ~         `88a_                                            &lt;em&gt;a88'"Y88gg,
                "888aa&lt;/em&gt;.                                   _a88"'      ~88
                   ~~""8888aaa&lt;/strong&gt;____                ____a888P'



<p>8/07 AL34
8/08 RobD
8/10 austinmtmom
8/11 somewhereinga
8/12 CaliforniaDancer
8/12 parent56
8/13 jc40
8/13 twinmama D1
8/14 MomLive
8/16 MaineLonghorn
8/17 CheckersMidwest
8/18 mdemvizi
8/18 Footballmom104
8/18 PAVenturer (FDOC 8/23)
8/19 mpabon
8/19 DougBetsy
8/19 Bubbe (GS)
8/19 BlessedTwice
8/20 anothercrazymom
8/20 veewhitty
8/21 2education
8/21 1sokkermom
8/23 psychmom
8/24 momof3sons S2
8/25 bclintonk
8/26 coskat
8/27 showmom858
8/27 Lafalum84’s D
8/28 twinmama D2
8/28 zoosermom
8/30 teenage_cliche
8/30 Sailorette
8/30 mablab
8/30 intouch1520
9/01 momof2inma
9/01 CountingDown
9/01 kindredspirit
9/02 hopeful2014 S
9/04 GSharpM7
9/04 robinsuesanders S
9/07 aliceinw
9/13 lilmom
9/13 momof3sons S3
9/14 FindAPlace
9/14 psychmomma
9/17 jackief
9/17 artloversplus
9/18 PaperChasePop esobayS (move in)
9/22 esobay S (classes start)</p>

<p>Added my date, but it’s subject to change because we haven’t made final plans.</p>

<p>8/07 AL34
8/08 RobD
8/10 austinmtmom
8/11 somewhereinga
8/12 CaliforniaDancer
8/12 parent56
8/13 jc40
8/13 twinmama D1
8/14 MomLive
8/16 MaineLonghorn
8/17 CheckersMidwest
8/18 mdemvizi
8/18 Footballmom104
8/18 PAVenturer (FDOC 8/23)
8/19 mpabon
8/19 DougBetsy
8/19 Bubbe (GS)
8/19 BlessedTwice
8/20 anothercrazymom
8/20 veewhitty
8/21 2education
8/21 1sokkermom
8/23 psychmom
8/24 momof3sons S2
8/25 bclintonk
8/26 coskat
8/27 showmom858
8/27 Lafalum84’s D
8/28 twinmama D2
8/28 zoosermom
8/30 teenage_cliche
8/30 Sailorette
8/30 mablab
8/30 intouch1520
9/01 momof2inma
9/01 CountingDown
9/01 kindredspirit
9/02 hopeful2014 S
9/04 GSharpM7
9/04 robinsuesanders S
9/07 aliceinw
9/13 lilmom
9/13 momof3sons S3
9/14 FindAPlace
9/14 psychmomma
9/17 jackief
9/17 artloversplus
9/17 PayFor
9/18 PaperChasePop esobayS (move in)
9/22 esobay S (classes start)</p>

<p>jackief & artloversplus – We’re flying from NY and expect to get to Chicago by Saturday the latest. And I do hope we’ll get a chance to meet at orientation. It would be funny if any of our kids were in the same dorms.</p>