Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Another Uchicago parent here. We’re flying in on Saturday. </p>

<p>After the convocation, I’ll get to fly directly on to Europe for a meeting, but poor DH will have to come home to a completely empty nest. </p>

<p>(I’m way behind on this thread)</p>

<p>Trying to go back thru all the pages I’ve missed, and found zoosermom’s post about her D’s roommate not being on Facebook.</p>

<p>S got his roommate and hall assignment yesterday, and it seems the roommate is not on Facebook. I was quite surprised, as you were, zooser. Are there really teens left in this country who do not have a facebook account? I asked D, who just graduated from college, if she knew anyone who was not on FB, and she said this past year she met ONE freshman who did not as yet have an account.</p>

<p>I guess S will contact him the old-fashioned way, by phone. :)</p>


Congratulations!!! That’s great news (you must have the luckiest students)</p>

<p>Psychmom, sending comfort vibes to your D. Mouth stuff is so miserable.</p>


THis young lady uses a nickname, so she does have an account.</p>

<p>We just had a serious conversation with our D about the fact that she is a super-hyper-fast-moving New Yorker and the roommate is from a place that is as different as it’s possible to be and my D needs to be aware of her manner of dealing.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the hugs. Much better here, in terms of both temperature and temperament.</p>

<p>While S2 is at work, the other 3 of us did a major archeological expedition in his bedroom. We have house guests arriving tomorrow & S1 is moving in with S2 so that the guests will have their own room. He’s camping on the floor for 4 days. I know, it sounds horrible but this is the same kid who backpacked 200 miles on the John Muir Trail & lived in a tent for 3 months last summer, so he doesn’t mind “urban camping” for a few days.</p>

<p>I’m feeling better about the cleaning & organizing part, having liquidated books, clothes & purged the linen closet (old towels & bed linens are going to the local animal hospital; used books to the library). It feels very liberating.</p>

<p>No shopping or packing for college until after house guests leave. </p>

<p>Good things about sons: S1 does not complain about giving up his room to house guests.
S2 is working hard - 14 hours today - and is one of the more popular swimming instructors. He is great with the little kids & is very charming to the parents - except his own, of course.</p>

<p>I am one of those people who aren’t on Facebook. I just never saw the point in high school but now as I head off to college it makes a lot mote sense. I am going to get a Facebook before I leave for Ithaca ;)</p>

<p>Mdem, have you gotten acquainted with your roommate yet?</p>

<p>I don’t have one :frowning: I got stuck in a si gle but the person who I wanted to live with is right next door. We are put on a waiting lost that if any doubles open up we will move into them.</p>

<p>I knew that. Jeez, what is wrong with me? Old age, I guess.</p>

<p>I’m aware of a bunch of kids this year who got singles against their wishes. I wonder what’s up with that?</p>

<p>Sheesh! It’s impossible to keep up with you all! :slight_smile: What am I going to do when we go on vacation next Saturday for a week? :eek:</p>

<p>Adding S:</p>

<p>8/07 AL34
8/08 RobD
8/10 austinmtmom
8/11 somewhereinga
8/12 CaliforniaDancer
8/12 parent56
8/13 jc40
8/13 twinmama D1
8/14 MomLive
8/16 MaineLonghorn
8/17 CheckersMidwest
8/18 mdemvizi
8/18 Footballmom104
8/18 PAVenturer (FDOC 8/23)
8/19 mpabon
8/19 DougBetsy
8/19 Bubbe (GS)
8/19 BlessedTwice
8/20 anothercrazymom
8/20 veewhitty
8/21 2education
8/21 1sokkermom
8/22 bengalmom
8/23 psychmom
8/24 momof3sons S2
8/25 bclintonk
8/26 coskat
8/27 showmom858
8/27 Lafalum84’s D
8/28 twinmama D2
8/28 zoosermom
8/30 teenage_cliche
8/30 Sailorette
8/30 mablab
8/30 intouch1520
9/01 momof2inma
9/01 CountingDown
9/01 kindredspirit
9/02 hopeful2014 S
9/04 GSharpM7
9/04 robinsuesanders S
9/07 aliceinw
9/13 lilmom
9/13 momof3sons S3
9/14 FindAPlace
9/14 psychmomma
9/17 jackief
9/17 artloversplus
9/17 PayFor
9/18 PaperChasePop esobayS (move in)
9/22 esobay S (classes start)</p>

<p>Adding D - and jc40 - is your D now moving in earlier than 3 days ahead or are you just leaving earlier? I think we are driving down day of and now that D has been gone for a week at the beach and will be gone for another week I can tell I will adjust to her being gone but I think the hard part will be when my younger 2 start their school years - that will be when not going to her sports events and hearing what happened everyday be hard!</p>

<p>8/07 AL34
8/08 RobD
8/10 austinmtmom
8/11 somewhereinga
8/12 CaliforniaDancer
8/12 parent56
8/13 jc40
8/13 twinmama D1
8/14 MomLive
8/16 MaineLonghorn
8/17 CheckersMidwest
8/18 mdemvizi
8/18 Footballmom104
8/18 PAVenturer (FDOC 8/23)
8/19 mpabon
8/19 DougBetsy
8/19 Bubbe (GS)
8/19 BlessedTwice
8/20 anothercrazymom
8/20 veewhitty
8/21 2education
8/21 ShillyShally
8/21 1sokkermom
8/22 bengalmom
8/23 psychmom
8/24 momof3sons S2
8/25 bclintonk
8/26 coskat
8/27 showmom858
8/27 Lafalum84’s D
8/28 twinmama D2
8/28 zoosermom
8/30 teenage_cliche
8/30 Sailorette
8/30 mablab
8/30 intouch1520
9/01 momof2inma
9/01 CountingDown
9/01 kindredspirit
9/02 hopeful2014 S
9/04 GSharpM7
9/04 robinsuesanders S
9/07 aliceinw
9/13 lilmom
9/13 momof3sons S3
9/14 FindAPlace
9/14 psychmomma
9/17 jackief
9/17 artloversplus
9/17 PayFor
9/18 PaperChasePop esobayS (move in)
9/22 esobay S (classes start)</p>

<p>zoosermom - so, I was right about the nickname? :cool: </p>

<p>I’m sure your D and her roomie will be fine.</p>

<p>Fabulous beach day! Cocktails anyone?</p>

<p>Shilly Shally- I was waiting for you where is your D rooming again?</p>

<p>Waiting here for S1 to go shopping no rush, feels like doing nothing just relaxing ???
In the meantime, I went for a walk around the Lake, did 2 laundry loads, water flowers on deck, cooked lunch for DH and S2 before they left for MA (college tours round II… ;))</p>

<p>Acm- please send that cocktail my way :D</p>


Yes you were!</p>



<p>I’m sure the roomie will be fine. D? Not so sure.</p>

<p>2education - she’s in a single in Gooch - still not sure what time we’ll roll in but I’m hoping for no rain, a nice breeze and easy move-in :slight_smile: Panic mode hasn’t hit yet! I know it will once D is back home and then the countdown truly begins (it feels like it is in holding while she’s at the beach, lol).</p>

<p>I do not envy you having to both send S1 off and jump into college admissions round 2 with S2! I am so glad I have a break of a couple years before D2!</p>

<p>Amen to that ^^, ShillyShally! 2education and all of you who get to go through this whole thing again this year…yikes!!! Like ShillyShally, I’m glad I have a 5 year break. In fact, we’ll be going through the med school app process with D before S even graduates high school!</p>

<p>ShillyShally…She moves into her dorm on the 18th; however, she has to be there on the 13th for cheer camp. D’s actually flying out on the 12th, so here’s the change:</p>

<p>8/07 AL34
8/08 RobD
8/10 austinmtmom
8/11 somewhereinga
8/12 CaliforniaDancer
8/12 parent56
8/12 jc40
8/13 twinmama D1
8/14 MomLive
8/16 MaineLonghorn
8/17 CheckersMidwest
8/18 mdemvizi
8/18 Footballmom104
8/18 PAVenturer (FDOC 8/23)
8/19 mpabon
8/19 DougBetsy
8/19 Bubbe (GS)
8/19 BlessedTwice
8/20 anothercrazymom
8/20 veewhitty
8/21 2education
8/21 ShillyShally
8/21 1sokkermom
8/22 bengalmom
8/23 psychmom
8/24 momof3sons S2
8/25 bclintonk
8/26 coskat
8/27 showmom858
8/27 Lafalum84’s D
8/28 twinmama D2
8/28 zoosermom
8/30 teenage_cliche
8/30 Sailorette
8/30 mablab
8/30 intouch1520
9/01 momof2inma
9/01 CountingDown
9/01 kindredspirit
9/02 hopeful2014 S
9/04 GSharpM7
9/04 robinsuesanders S
9/07 aliceinw
9/13 lilmom
9/13 momof3sons S3
9/14 FindAPlace
9/14 psychmomma
9/17 jackief
9/17 artloversplus
9/17 PayFor
9/18 PaperChasePop esobayS (move in)
9/22 esobay S (classes start)</p>

<p>Blessed Twice - thanks for the welcome! S is headed to Marshall University in Huntington, WV (the one from We Are … Marshall) to study sports broadcasting. A lot of people on here are not familiar with it but even fourth-tier no-names have their pockets of excellence, and so it is with Marshall’s journalism school</p>

<p>DougBetsey - I’m glad I’m not the only one whose S doesn’t seem to care about college. Or maybe it’s just that I care so much! I loved college and want everyone else to love it too, and I’d give anything to trade places with him right now!</p>

<p>2education: Best wishes with your '13er! Eventually I will start spending time on the 2012 thread (sigh). My S had no interest in looking at colleges this summer; I recently asked him if he wanted to plan a visit when he’s off from school (Columbus Day, Veteran’s Day) and he vehemently ix-nayed that idea. “Why would I want to visit a school when I’m off from school,” was his reply (or something to that effect). Ahhh, the journey with this child will be quite a ride! (ACM, are you still making virtual martinis?)</p>

<p>GSharp: Thanks for the HK graphic…right now, my D wishes she could morph into Hello Kitty, who has no mouth!</p>

<p>psychmom- My son (the 2012er) sounds EXACTLY like your son. I wanted to do some visits on no-school days in the fall to places within driving distances. Sigh… It will be an interesting ride this time for different reasons! Different kids!</p>

<p>Wishing everyone luck on their shopping trips/vacations/medical issues!</p>

<p>My mother woke me up this morning and immediately said “We’re going shopping.” Yay! So we did Home Goods (bedding, teacups), BB&B (a ridiculous amount of stuff…wastebasket, lapdesk, electric tea kettle, hand vacuum, tupperware, hamper, etc) and Costco (a year’s supply of snacks - energy bars, popcorn). I’m thrilled! Everything is practical AND pretty, how awesome is that? I have never been one for color schemes so I have lots of green, blue, purple and pink…:).
Now all we really need to do is go to Staples for academic stuff and get little things like toothpaste, shampoo, etc. Yay!</p>