Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>ShillyShally…I’m a Sox fan myself (unless they’re having a losing season in which case I cave and cheer for the Rangers). I hope you and S have an INCREDIBLE time! Don’t forget to take pictures of him with the monster at Fenway!</p>

<p>ACM…So sorry about the problem with S. Teenagers can be SO frustrating! {{{HUGS}}} </p>

<p>BUandBC82…It sounds like y’all had a wonderful time in ME. I remember when my BIL died tragically at 39 (unexpected disected aorta), my MIL’s friend asked if she could have some of his old clothing. My MIL agreed and what resulted was a beautiful quilt that will be cherished for generations.</p>

<p>Back from our weekend at the cabin. Great time with our friends. Bittersweet to see the five kids from our two families together for the last time, most likely. Their ages range from 12 to 19, and they all get along so wonderfully!</p>

<p>SWTCAT, I just feel sorry for the kid! If he’s barely in the top 25%, it’s going to be almost impossible for him to get in.</p>

<p>I am practicing deep breathing. Deep, deep breathing. On the UT board, it was posted that the school is thinking of changing the rules for gaining in-state residency (and thus, cheaper in-state tuition). I won’t bore you with details, but if they do that, we are sunk. My only hope is that they don’t apply the new rules to students who are already in school. We made all our plans based on the current rules, and this would definitely penalize DS unfairly. Sigh. I’m not even going to mention it to DH or my parents. There is no way we could afford the extra $22,000+ each year. :(</p>

<p>ML…hopefully you will be “grand fathered” in!! Have you called UT to aks them about it? (((hugs)))) to you!</p>

<p>yeah ML…I feel sorry for him too, mainly because his parents, mostly mom. are in LA LA LAND</p>

<p>ML, I would think they would have to grandfather you in? I can’t imagine they would assume everone has the extra $$$. I would think a great many people, if not most consider cost in the final college decision.</p>

<p>ML I had an inkling they might change it because so many were able to figure out how to use it to gain in-state BUT I certainly don’t want them to do it and affect current and incoming students, especially because if they institute it for next fall your S should have met the year obligation. Not to mention you would think you could get some exception for being related to faculty. I agree on not mentioning it yet, and hopefully it can be one of those things you can mention safely once you know you no longer have to worry! Keeping my fingers crossed!</p>

<p>Thanks, guys, I will keep my fingers crossed for grandfathering!</p>

<p>Here is an update of the list! I tried to put asterisks next to additions, but I may have missed one.</p>

<p>1sokkermom’s D – University of Scranton
1sttimemom’s D – George Washington
12rmh18’s S – William & Mary
2education’s S – University of Virginia
2girls4me’s D – Swarthmore
ajfischer@verizo’s D – University of Maryland
AL34’s S – University of Alabama
alexahet – LSU
ALF’s S – Hampshire College
aliceinw’s S – Carleton
almar4’s S – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
anothercrazymom’s S – William & Mary
applicannot - Stanford
archiemom’s S – Villanova
artloversplus’s D – University of Chicago
astromom’s D – Brown
austinmtmom’s D – Coastal Carolina
BCandBU82’s S – University of North Carolina
Bclintonk’s D – Haverford
BengalMom’s S – Pomona College
BerneseMtn’s S – University of Illinois – UrbanaChampaign
BlessedTwice’s S – Vanderbilt
boiledegg’s D – Kenyon
BonnieNewJersey-s D - Lafayette
Booklady’s S – University of Delaware
Brooklynborndad’s D - RPI
Bubbe’s GS - Harvard
CaliforniaDancer – Carnegie Mellon
Cecil’s S – Macalester
CheckersMidwest’s S – University of Missouri/Columbia
colorado<em>mom’s S - Northeastern
coskat’s D – University of Buffalo
CountingDown’s S - Tufts
curiousmother’s D – University of Virginia
donnagal’s S – SUNY Albany
DougBetsy’s S – Wake Forest
ELY’s S – University of Maryland
esobay’s S – University of California – Santa Barbara
FindAPlace’s S – Northwestern
Flinty’s D – William & Mary
FLVADAD’s D – Villanova
*<em>footballmom104’s S – Marshall University
gotaplay2’s D – Cal Poly Pomona
GSharpM7’s D - Princeton
GTalum’s D – Williams
hopeful12345’s D – Princeton
hopeful2014’s S – University of Michigan
IloveLA’s D – Cal Berkeley
intouch1520’s D - Emerson
jackief’s D – University of Chicago
jc40’s D – University of Virginia
jingle’s S – University of Virginia
journey919’s D – Middlebury
Kajon’s S - Carthage
Keilexandra – Swarthmore
kindredspirit’s D – University of Pennsylvania
KYParent’s D – High Point University
Lafalum84’s D – Elon
L.A.Parent’s S - Brown
learninginprog’s S - Yale
LetsGoMets’s S – Columbia
lilmom’s S – Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
limabeans’ S – Washington University in St. Louis
LIMOMOF2’s D – Harvard
littlefalls’ S – University of Michigan
LoisHK’s S - Bennington
Mablab54’s D - NYU
MaineLonghorn’s S – University of Texas at Austin’s S – Ole Miss
mathmom’s S - Tufts
mdemvizi – Ithaca
mimimomx3’s D - Rhodes
missemily516’s D – University of Redlands
mom2sons’ S2 – Pitzer
MomLive’s S – University of South Carolina
mommuisc’s S – University of Cincinnati
momof2inma’s D - Tufts
momof2men’s S - Brown
momof3sons’ S2 – Swarthmore
momof3sons’ S3 - Northwestern
momonthehill’s D – Boston University
motherbear332’s S – University of Chicago
mountaingoat’s D - Harvard
mpabon’s D – Loyola Chicago
MuppetMom’s D – Rice
musicmom26’s D – Columbus State
my2sunz’s S - Yale
neumes’ S - Carleton
nightchef’s S - Goucher
PAO2008’s D – Washington University in St. Louis
PaperChaserPop’s S – Caltech
PAVenturer’s D – University of Richmond
PAVenturer’s S – Millersville University + CC
parent56’s S – University of Alabama Birmingham
PayFor’s S – University of Chicago
Pengo’s S – Colgate University
PinotNoir’s S – University of Rochester
pixeljig’s S - University of Southern California
pmartin57’s D – Carleton
proudparents’ S – Rice
Psi’s S – Louisiana State
psychmom’s D – Vassar
psychmomma’s S - Northwestern
pugmadkate’s S – Northeastern
qialah’s D – Oberlin
Queen’s Mom’s D – Bryn Mawr
redbug119’s D – Minneapolis College of Art and Design
ReturntheFava’s S – University of Southern California
RobD’s D – University of Alabama
robinsuesanders’ S – St. Olaf
rocket6louise – Smith
runnersmom’s niece - Emerson
sacchi’s S – Washington University in St. Louis
Sailorette’s D – Wellesley
*</em>Scoutmom9’s S - Elon
scualum’s D – Scripps
sDonCC’s S - Grinnell
sewemma’s S – Wesleyan
shillyshally’s D – University of Virginia
showmom858’s D – Marymount Manhattan
somewhereinga’s D – University of Georgia
skier29’s S – Colorado College
SLUMOM’s S – Wheaton (MA)
standrews’ D - Dartmouth
SWTCAT’s D – University of Texas at Austin
tango91’s S – Yale
t-boneParent’s S - Northwestern
teenage</em>cliche – Smith
TWINMAMA’s D – Hamilton College
TWINMAMA’s D – Wheaton College (MA)
vballmom’s S – University of Redlands
veewhitty’s D – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
vicariousparent’s D – Yale
want2babuckeye’s son – Ohio State University
WhirledPeas2u’s D – University of Central Florida
Youdon’tsay’s S - Carleton
zoosermom’s D – University of Delaware</p>

<p>vballmom Sorry to hear about the dog.Have two older ones myself .</p>

<p>Gsharp Thanks for the link on Amtrak.Used it this am.</p>

<p>Aliceinw When daughter went to Europe we used AAA debit card worked beautiful.Also had a Capitol One credit card.</p>

<p>I am going to try to open a bank account with Chase online That seems the bank by school that has the most ATM’s.Will keep an account open at home for when she is here and the summer.Hopefully I can marry both accounts so transferring money will be easier. Also I’m opening an Metro card ez pass Hope this works out any one familiar with this?</p>

<p>Another culinary experiment! In the mood for pasta, something summery but our market here on the Island leaves much to be desired! I wanted penne, none available so I bought rigatoni, which really resembled penne, while it boiled I grated some pecorino romano, washed some greens (spinach and arugula) when the pasta was done I tossed it all with some very good olive oil (brought from home) some fresh ground pepper, and kosher salt and a little of the pasta liquid. Not bad, not bad at all. Ready in 15 minutes too!</p>

<p>Mablab: There are two options for the EasyPayXpress for the NYC Mta (involving automatic debit/credit card renewal): Pay Per Ride and unlimited 30-day ride. Here’s the link:</p>

<p>[MTA/New</a> York City Transit - EasyPay Xpress](<a href=“]MTA/New”>EasyPay for MetroCards)</p>

<p>As someone who works in NYC and may travel from one place to another on any given day using the MTA, I think the 30-day unlimited ride option is preferable. If your D is at NYU, she may, e.g. use the MetroCard for unlimited rides during a 30-day period. Although you get a percentage added to your card with the pay-per-ride to put toward fare for future rides, for a student in NYC, who will be using the subway/buses often, I think the 30-day unlimited is wonderful, and can be cost-effective. It depends on how often your D will be using the MTA. I know that NYU does have shuttle buses that take students to various parts of the city, so a pay-per-ride might work. I think you can change plans with the MTA, once you sign up. Hope this helps.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>SWT, do they understand the 10% rule? And that only 15% of the incoming UT class is from those outside of the top 10%? I couldn’t help but try to educate them. I hate for the kid to suffer because his parents are clueless. BTW, my ds was one of those lucky kids outside the top 25% of his school who still got in at UT, but we considered it a reach, not a safety!</p>

<p>acm, sorry about ds. Nothing worse than feeling disappointed in your kid.</p>

<p>good evening all!! </p>

<p>sorry about your son acm!!</p>

<p>we will probably keep his local banking account and the one he had for bs. he has a debit card with both and a credit card on the local one.</p>

<p>ML… surely they would have to grandfather?? </p>

<p>son will get home tomorrow night, then we have the running around to do before he leaves on the 12th. haircuts, buy computer etc</p>

<p>quick question… in the mail today was the forms for a loan, has Upitt’s name on it… son declined upitt way back when… think i should call or just trash it?</p>

<p>SWTCAT, S’s frat will be assisting at their move-in, but I don’t think it’s a “tipping” type thing. They do it as community service to the college. All the frats, sororities and fall sports teams pitch in to help move the freshmen it. Two days later, everyone else is on their own for move in, lol.</p>

<p>P56, I’d call UPitt. S got paperwork for a loan at PC, he was accepted there but never enrolled. When I went online to look up their phone number, the FA office had a big notice and apology on their web page, somehow a bunch of loans had been submitted for kids who never enrolled or asked for loans at PC. The notice assured everyone it was being taken care of and there would be no loans issued. But I’m sure they only found out about the error when people started calling.</p>

<p>will call in the morning laf…</p>

<p>p56: I agree with calling UPitt…and good luck with all the “getting ready” stuff with your S. I’m sure you’re glad to have him home! Hope his wrist, etc. are healing…</p>

<p>Hmmm, I’ve been getting housing stuff from UT and A&M and ignoring it. These are off-campus dorms and such, so I figured they just got an old mailing list. Nothing I thought of as official. Keep ignoring?</p>

<p>will be great… i have really missed him, more than i thought i would, as i am used to him not being home, he was usually away 6-8 weeks at a time</p>

<p>youngest is in heaven over his "new " car!! 10 years old with 100k miles on it but you would think it was a brand new ferrari LOL, out last night washing it… of course he cant drive it as he chose not to study to take his learners permit… now realizing that wasnt a great choice</p>

<p>yds, i have received a few things from schools he declined and just thrown them away but this one is rather official looking from direct loans, govt thing</p>

<p>ACM…Okay, I seriously just called in a pasta order at a local Italian joint! :slight_smile: My mouth was watering after reading your post.</p>

<p>YDS…yes they are well aware of the top 10% rule because I have talked about it ad nauseum…(I am against it.) They seem to think that because of the private school he attends that will make a difference. I have told them that they really need to have some real safety’s in place…hopefully they will listen…oh well…there is only so much I can do.</p>

<p>Lafulum…the move in info we got clearly stated that tips would be appreciated…I just have no idea how much…</p>

<p>Anyone eles totally wasting thier time and watching the Batchelorette? Chris or Roberto?? I vote Chris but we shall see…</p>