Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Good morning. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Have a great Tuesday, everyone.</p>

<p>Good Morning, 2014ers -</p>

<p>Jambaby - I looooove Real Housewives of New Jersey! Itā€™s my favorite guilty pleasure, although I usually DVR it and watch it the next day.</p>

<p>MaineLonghorn - My parents have been very generous toward my brotherā€™s and my kids education-wise, not only for college but for parochial school. S made me proud by acknowledging it, unprompted, in his thank-you note for his graduation check - my folks were touched and it made my day too.</p>

<p>ACM: Tough situation for you. We all know that the kids are headed off to college soon and at some point there will likely be drinking involved. We can only hope that it wonā€™t be in a dangerous situation. Iā€™ve told D1 over and over again not to accept a drink in a cup. You never know what will be in it and always be with a girlfriend.</p>

<p>D1 had several friends spend the night after prom (which we were totally fine with, happy to have the kids not out on the roads). As they raided the kitchen during the night, one boy saw my bottle of Grey Goose and wanted to make jello shots. Fortunately my daughter said, ā€œNO, youā€™d be placing your life in serious danger if you touched my momā€™s Grey Goose.ā€ She thought it was funny and told me about it right away the next morning. Said boy had the grace to look embarrassed.</p>

<p>Iā€™d have your son pay for the carpet cleaning and the replacement bottle of vodka. Hope it is smooth sailing for the rest of the summer for you.</p>

<p>Hi. Weā€™re still in NM so I have little Internet time. Not sure Iā€™ll catch up on this lost week in CC. </p>

<p>I put on my Facebook status about our visit to the Bradbury Museum is Los Alamos. Itā€™s a very well done museum, chock a block with scientific information. it also includes info on he lives of the people who lived in the area during the Manhattan Project.</p>

<p>Richard Feynman, a well known physicist, was one of those scientists. He used to drive the security people nuts. Letters to the outside world had to pass through security. He would do things like write the letter, then cut it up into bits. Or write one in Hebrew.</p>

<p>So my cousinā€™s wife responded that she has two love letters from Feynman. These were written to her mother (deceased) while Feynman was at Cornell. When I get back, Iā€™ll have to ask if sheā€™ll willing to scan these so we can see them ā€¦ unless itā€™s too intimate.</p>

<p>Hiking in Bandeleir yesterday. Guided walking tour of Santa Fe and the opera (Tales of Hoffman) tonight. S is at home, still waiting on his housing/roommate assignment which many NU frosh feel will come out today. Reading their posts on the Northwestern FB page, it appears some of these students are as anxious as when they were waiting for admissions decisions. I find this a bit odd but perhaps itā€™s just a general excitment with some anxiety thrown in.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

My DS told me that someone he knows got her NU rooming assignment. Last night? Late last night? So, he frantically tried to use my computer as he was rushing out the door for work this morning, but couldnā€™t log on because I donā€™t have NUā€™s email bookmarked and he didnā€™t know how to open it on someone elseā€™s computer! :rolleyes: He swore that he checked ā€œlate last nightā€ and there was nothing. I told him that it should be the first thing he looks for when he gets home from work today. As soon as that housing contract is signed, he gets to choose his move-in time slot. Actually, we get to choose it for him. :D</p>

<p>His twin was notified that his school is sending out the info by email tomorrow. Keil, you must know that. ;)</p>

<p>CheckersMidwest-with my two boys we have accomplished a total of ZERO dorm shopping. I am trying to remain :cool: as one of them leaves exactly three weeks from today and will only be home for a total of 9 days before then.</p>

<p>Thanks momof3sons. Iā€™ll give S a call today to make sure he checks, so we can get that move in time after the contract is signed. He decided on a meal plan before we left, in case that also has to be done with the housing contract signing. He decided to start with the 13 meal per week plan (the minimum required.) They can change each quarter, so itā€™s really not a huge decision point.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>FAP-My understanding is that they assign the incoming freshman the 13 meal plan. DH and I were just discussing that last night-whether we think that it a realistic amount of meals. That amounts to less than two a day, plus there is a little cash available to them on the plan but itā€™s a very modest amount per quarter.</p>

<p>Sorry to everyone else-not trying to hijack this thread and turn it into Northwestern headquarters. Weā€™ll take any further discussion ā€œback channel.ā€ ;)</p>

<p>Although, come to think of it, would the general populace of this thread think that a 13 meal per week plan is appropriate? Do you think your kids will eat 3 meals a day most days?</p>

<p>Hereā€™s an excellent piece for our incoming freshman to read:</p>

<p>Plagiarism Lines Blur for Students in Digital Age</p>

<p><a href=ā€œ[/url]ā€>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Good morning all and thanks for the welcome.<br>
Findaplace- I could not open the NY Times link you posted but my son brought to my attention an Aug 1 article 'lines of plagerism Blur in a digital age. " Very interesting, and somewhat disturbing- if some teachers are getting more relaxed about what constitutes plagersism.</p>

<p>momof3, that may depend on whether your son is a breakfast eater and also what type of dorm he has. we got the 15 meal/week plan which is the max at sonā€™s school. he never eats breakfast and also has an apt style dorm with full kitchenā€¦so we may have more than we need?</p>

<p>mdemvizi - I am originally from the land of Wegmanā€™s - and there is really nothing else like it. I havenā€™t seen the one(s) in Ithaca, but I imagine you will be quite impressed.</p>

<p>momof3sons - my D has a full meal plan (I think itā€™s 20 meals) and wouldnā€™t give it up for anything. Of course, she doesnā€™t function without a big breakfast. I canā€™t quite imagine my S with any fewer. YMMV.</p>

<p>Iā€™m still more excited about Sā€™s starting school than choked up. I think that will come later.</p>

<p>Have a good day. And stay :cool:</p>

We have always insisted that our kids eat a healthy breakfast. No, we donā€™t force feed them ;), but it was established practice so long ago that itā€™s now taken for granted in our home. However, outside my presence I think that DS#2 might be tempted to skip breakfast on many occasions. Seriously, I think it will depend totally on what his class schedule looks like. If he has later morning classes on some days, I could see him only eating twice a day.</p>


My D has no early morning clases (halleluia!), so I worried about when she would eat since most of her classes are through the lunch hours. However, we have since learned that a Dunkinā€™ Donuts stands between her dorm and her classes, so the girl will be fed. I am so relieved. Donā€™t you all just love fate?</p>

<p>Because of the above, we decided on the meal plan with the least meals and the most points.</p>

<p>didnt think of scheduleā€¦ yep that will definitely mean no dininghall breakfast for my son!! he has 3 8 am classesā€¦ so knowing him he will sleep til 7:45</p>

<p>zooserā€¦ sons school has starbucksā€¦ those dining bucks will go fast!! starbuck mocha latte whatevers add up</p>

<p>Hey, mdemizi, you know weā€™re getting a Wegmanā€™s in Frederick, right? Iā€™m looking forward to it.</p>

<p>It is so strange to hear several just now signing housing contracts.We had to have ours done by March 22 and our $300 fee as well. We felt like we spent so much on college while S was still in HS ! There were several other things as well. He chose his room April 6.</p>

<p>S has the 17 meal plan with $340 in Flex dollars. A lot of weeks, he wonā€™t come home on the weekend. During the week, he plans to eat breakfast, skip lunch, and eat dinner. On the weekends, itā€™ll probably be either a late breakfast or lunch, and heā€™ll have room for a few extras. They have several dining facilities to choose from: all-you-can-eat dining with italian, made to order grilled burgers, sub type & grilled sandwhiches, salad bar, and a section that changes with chinese or mexican. It has omelets, bacon, yogurt, etc for breakfast. (Right next door to his dorm) Other dining halls have all mexican ,chinese food, or pizza. He can use the flex dollars at Starbucks, or for things at the ā€œmarketā€. It has pop tarts, bread, gallons of milk, etc for your room. Thereā€™s also a little snack/coffee stand inside the library. If you have left over credits, you can get packaged things & take to your room for snacks later in the week or something. However, if he does come home on the weekend, there will be several meals ā€˜lostā€™.</p>

<p>He has several 8:00 am classes, so I am really wondering if heā€™ll get up in time for breakfast. We can change plans twice per semester. Heā€™s a big eater at home, so I wanted him to have plenty. The price between plans wasnā€™t much different either. I would rather pay for a few more and not worry about him having money for food.</p>

<p>One of the dorm kitchens is also right across the hall. I donā€™t think heā€™ll cook.</p>

<p>Son got the 17 meal plan, too. This will allow for lunch and dinner everyday, plus breakfast after rotc PT 3 days a week. (we hear thatā€™s the custom in the battalion.)</p>

<p>hoping son wont cook! the other day he asked if the frying pan i bought him had a lid?? i thought he was worried about getting splashed with grease or something like hamburger helper where you need to put a lid onā€¦ but NOā€¦ ā€œi need a lid in case it catches on fireā€¦youā€™re supposed to smother it right??ā€</p>

<p>LOL, parent56! </p>

<p>At least heā€™s thinking safety first! :D</p>

<p>things to doā€¦ check if fire extinguisher in dorm</p>