Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>The NYT article was a good read. I thought the blurred lines between downloading music and copying info was a good correlation. I think many students know they are cheating and believe it is acceptable and the article confirmed that.</p>

<p>S will be in an apartment on campus and has a meal plan. He will most likely cook/prepare one meal a day. He’s pretty good at cooking with leftovers but hasn’t really cooked from scratch much. We’re going to wait to see what the other roommates will bring for the kitchen. S asked for a deep fryer - not safe, NO WAY. Plus, I had visions of deep fried twinkies.</p>


Oh my God. I just spit all over my monitor. Do what you can to encourage that boy to STAY AWAY FROM THE STOVE!</p>


These boys are giving me a twitch!</p>

<p>If someone else brings one, smuggle it out under your bag.</p>

<p>Morning all!
Colorado mom – Hope you are enjoying your Cape Cod vacation!</p>

<p>CheckersMidwest – LOL at the hole-punching! Was it a multi-page syllabus? That may have added to the stress…</p>

<p>RobD – Woo hoo indeed! Glad you are finished shopping – well except for the all important FOOD!</p>

<p>BUandBC – Have fun getting your classroom ready!</p>

<p>Ks – Mornin’ peep!</p>

<p>Somewhereinga – “Keep your hands off my mom’s Grey Goose.” Sounds like a commercial in the making!</p>

<p>FAP – Sounds like a fabulous time in New Mexico!</p>

<p>parent56 - Love it! My D really doesn’t cook either but that’s because all her favorite soy foods are microwaveable :slight_smile: She will have a full size fridge and a microwave in her dorm. Apparently once upon there were stoves but after too many fires and near fires those were removed. Guess those students were not as well-versed in fire suppression as your S!</p>

<p>footballmom - Coastal Carolina plays WVU opening game. Apparently CCU is supposed to be the WVU “whipping boy.” We’ll see. We are just happy that D has a college team to cheer for. There were no athletics at D’s high school and we are a big football family so this will be fun for us. Go Chants!!!</p>

<p>Lilmom – Deep fried twinkies indeed! </p>

<p>D is on the 10 meal plan. We will stock up on mini cereal boxes and yogurt since she plans of eating breakfast in her room before those 8:30 am classes. And we will stock her fridge before we leave so I don’t think she will starve. There is a Food Lion close by and D thinks that must be the coolest grocery store ever. The CINO Grill serves a wonderful black bean burger so I have a feeling I know where her extra meal dollars will go!</p>

<p>Have a great day everyone and don’t forget to stay :cool:</p>

<p>p56, that is so endearing to me! Sounds like a boy who knows his limits and is thinking ahead. My brother started two fires at my parents’ house. Once, not paying attention to the pork chop he was reheating and once making iced tea without water (don’t ask). WTH starts a fire making a liquid?!?!? But mom got new tile and a new couch out of the pork chop incident as my brother had used cast iron to warm the pork chop and it was raging so that bad that dad used a couch cushion to cover it and carry it outside.</p>

<p>alice, were we supposed to sign a housing contract? Maybe I did and I don’t remember.</p>

<p>his favorite dinner is schnitzel which i have been told i have to teach him to make before he leaves…so we’ll see what happens</p>

<p>Good Mornng All!! YDS…I am laughing hysterically!! That is too funny!</p>

<p>D’s mealplan is a declining balance account that she can use for two places on campus plus the convenience store in her dorm. I believe there are also a couple of neighborhood restaurants she can use it at. </p>

<p>Our plan is to move her in on Saturday and do the rest of the shopping for the dorm room after move in. Then on Sunday we will hit the grocery store to stock up on food. She will eat breakfast and probably dinner in her room and use the mealcard for lunches at school.
At least that’s the plan for now.</p>

<p>Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!</p>

<p>FAP, that’s cool about Richard Feynman! We have one of his quotes up on our office wall: “For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled.” A good quote for structural engineers!</p>

<p>Per pmk’s suggestion, my friend Susan is coming over around 12:30 today to get DS moving on his packing/organizing. I’m thinking I will just stay clear, and let them work together!</p>

<p>He will have $1,400 in Dine In Dollars and $300 in Bevo Bucks. If he eats three meals a day in one of two all-you-can-eat cafeterias, he should make it through most of the year. If he goes to the a la carte places, though, that money won’t last long! Whoever mentioned stocking the room fridge before you leave - thanks for the idea! I will tell DH to do that. There’s no way DS will get up in time for breakfast on the three mornings a week he has an 8 am class.</p>

<p>Chose the unlimited 7 day meal plan for D1. UGA only offers either a 5 day or 7 day meal plan and the price difference is $200 for the entire year. It would cost more than $200 for her to eat out every saturday and sunday. I want to be sure that she has enough to eat and know that with her class schedule that she will be plenty busy. Wish she didn’t have an 8am class every day as that will likely mean she won’t get up in time for breakfast. She will stock dry cereal, drinks, granola bars, etc in her room for snacking.</p>

<p>UGA food services reall does go all out to offer as many food choices as possible. I have never seen such an array of options. They even have one location that is open 24/7.</p>

<p>D took the minimum plan available for freshman which is 160 meals per semester plus $300 in Dining Dollars. There is no way that she’s going to eat that much; she will never eat breakfast in the dining halls. Our stop at Publix while on campus will include small cereal boxes, protein bars, yogurt, etc. She has a full fridge & microwave, plus access to a kitchen on her floor. She can downgrade to a 90 meal plan as a sophomore and I’m pretty sure when we crunch the numbers at the end of the year that will be more in line with how she eats.</p>

<p>D had signed up for 19 meals/week but I got her to change it to 15. The 15 meal plan comes with more flex dollars, and I suspect that’s what she’s really gonna use. She doesn’t eat much at any given time, she grazes all day long. </p>

<p>Like others have said, after move-in day is done, I plan to hit up the local grocery store and stock her room with cereal (she eats it dry) and Easy-Mac. And maybe some fruit… </p>

<p>Her dorm is attached to one of the dining halls, and it serves Belgian Waffles all day long. I don’t think she’ll starve. Freshman fifteen, anyone?</p>

<p>LOL, Lafalum, I warned DS about the Freshman Fifteen! If he doesn’t start running again soon, that could easily happen to him.</p>

<p>Ugh, I’m having a hard day. On the verge of tears, and I’m not even PMSing! I like to think of myself as a logical, practical engineer in control of her emotions. Ha! I’m a basket case. We’re having two families over for dinner tonight, so I’d better pull myself together quickly. At least I’ve already got the chili made!</p>

<p>We chose the 15/wk + $200/sem plus dollars; we were told it was the one most everyone chose. In fact, UVA has an automatic default and enrolls your kid in this plan unless you specify otherwise. Those $200 plus dollars won’t last long with my D’s Starbuck habit (like mother like daughter – have to have my skinny vanilla latte daily.) DH insists we hold stock in Starbucks! :)</p>

<p>Concerning college dining halls…I know some schools have vegetarian dining halls and some have kosher dining halls…do y’all know if some colleges offer nut free dining halls? Our 13 yo is one of those kids who can be in a restaurant that serves peanuts as snacks and simply breathe the air and go into anaphalactic shock. We had one incident where we had to rush him to the nearest hospital ER, they stabilized him, and then Careflighted him to the large children’s hospital. I remember telling my DH (pilot) when were dating how ridiculous I thought it was that Southwest replaced their peanuts with pretzels. I said I don’t buy this whole peanut allergins floating in the air. If these people are that sensitive, maybe they should choose another airline or drive for goodness sake (very insensitive and ignorant attitude, I know). God put me in my place, though, 7 years later when I got the kid who’s allergic to ALL nuts, kiwi, strawberries, coconut, etc. These are just the foods – don’t even ask about airborne allergies (LONG list). Suffice to say, EpiPen (epinephrine shot) goes with us everywhere. Fortunately, he’s so good-natured and easy going he’s unphased. He’s this strong, athletic kid so we’re blessed he’s been able to lead a semi-normal life. :)</p>

<p>ML…Deep breath, smile. It’ll be okay! {{{HUGS}}}</p>

<p>I watched the Bachelorette finale last night and I never watched any Bachelor/Bachelorette show before - but there was nothing else on. Kinda interesting but I don’t think I will start watching it on a regular basis. </p>

<p>They have like 4 meal plans at my D’s school - they all include 5 nights of all you can eat (sun - thurs) and then varying levels of dining dollars for all other plans. My D eats 3 times a day - she cannot skip a meal or she gets really sick. So I went up a level from the plan that they automatically enroll everyone in. She also has a snack bar/coffee shop in her dorm which operates on cash only - so she can get her snacks in. I have no idea if we picked the right plan…I’m sure by next semester we will know (and you can change plans each semester).</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>YDS - No housing contracts. Since all freshmen live in dorms and there are no pricing variations among the dorms, no contracts. As long as the bill gets taken care of by 8/15, you’re all set.</p>

<p>Interesting to hear how many kids plan to feed themselves rather than eat 3 meals a day at a dining hall. My kids like having food prepared for them and just having to show up.</p>

<p>Hmmm. I have a dear H like that too…</p>

<p>Jc40, tell your D to check out Greenberry’s. It’s the local C’ville competition to Starbucks. They sell Greenberry’s (not Starbucks) at the library cafe. But don’t worry: there’s a Starbucks at the Corner if she starts to go through withdrawal … ;)</p>


S2 cut a reciprocal deal with some of his female friends who will be attending W&M: They will tell him and he will tell them if they are gaining the Freshman Fifteen. Telling a girl that she’s putting on weight sounds like a death wish to me.</p>

<p>alice, glad to know that hadn’t fallen through the cracks.</p>

<p>Ds is finding things to return and get store credit for so we have more dorm-shopping money. lol He gave me an unopened game for her computer that his cousin gave him a few weeks ago (that he came across after cleaning his room :rolleyes: and told me to cash it in. Kaching! Another $32.46 at Target. :)</p>

<p>I am really hoping ds doesn’t gain the freshman 15. He’ll be walking a lot more at college than he does now so I doubt it’ll happen. Let’s see if I have to eat my words, which at least are calorie-free.</p>