Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Good morning and TGIF! Thanks for the coffee. </p>

<p>I hope everyone had a nice Valentine’s Day. H and I will celebrate on Saturday. </p>

<p>Not much going on. S is still in internship limbo. And D is waiting to know if she’ll be an RA next year. </p>

<p>Have a great day and weekend. :)</p>

<p>If you can’t remember how to do the heart, you can always just copy it from a post. :)</p>

<p>Not much to report. Hoping to hear from S2 this weekend. No call last weekend as they had a weekend field trip.</p>

<p>TGIF. My week has been altogether too eventful. That said, I’m thankful that everything has turned out well. My H came home late last night, and reported that all medical appointments for my D were good news - no serious injuries, she just needs time to heal and things may hurt for a while.</p>

<p>I think I shall book an appointment for a massage tomorrow. </p>

<p>Hope everyone has something nice planned for the weekend.</p>

<p>Good morning everyone. Thanks for the coffee IL.</p>

<p>Good morning! Happy Friday. Thanks for the coffee. </p>

<p>S2 signs up for classes tomorrow, but one he wanted is already full. Time to re-group to plan B.</p>

<p>best wishes for your son’s wedding this weekend mommusic!! and hope your eye issue is fully resolved</p>

<p>fingers crossed for RA position DB!</p>

<p>IL i’m sure the SAT score will be wonderful</p>

<p>robd… glad internship is going well for your D!.. and hopefully there will be a decision for your D2 soon… i hated being a passenger on that ship way back when. i think i may be on the Triumph this time though… to apply or not to apply that is STILL the question!! mathmom i am hearing from my S2 a bit more than i want right now :)</p>

<p>tigerdad…how is the decision going at your house??</p>

<p>hope he has good luck finding an alternate class tx5</p>

<p>glad all ok for your D alice </p>

<p>good luck footballmom!</p>

<p>Yet again, I missed all the coffee, tea, muffins, marmalade, and other goodies. IL, I try to avoid being in the Sky Club at breakfast time whenever possible. Although, the bagels and muffins are usually better than the olives and Nutella they have the rest of the day. The travel gods are not smiling on me today as it is a LaGuardia day. Anyone want to hang out with me in an NYC airport for a few hours tonight?.. I thought not. ;)</p>

<p>It sounds like everyone had wonderful Valentine’s Days (especially Checkers… thanx for sharing ;)) DW’s flowers were duly delivered and appreciated! I successfully filled my role of “Guy picking up take-out alone on Valentine’s Day that couples look at in disdain and / or pity.” Has anyone seen a bunch of tulips that I misplaced? I can’t find those things anywhere. :wink: Glad to hear that I am not the only slacker H not home for Valentine’s Day. Like the DB’s, we are celebrating Saturday… I’m thinking either dinner out or Couple’s TurboTax. Any votes? ;)</p>

<p>[Mini Grammy Rant]
They cut Chick Corea and Stanley Clarke short. Now I remember why I quit watching the Grammy’s.
[/Mini Grammy Rant]</p>

<p>On the subject of music, I highly recommend this if you are anywhere near UMass Lowell.
[Legend</a> Rocks the Keyboard for Scholarships](<a href=“]Legend”>Legend Rocks the Keyboard for Scholarships | UMass Lowell)</p>

<p>P56 – Can you talk with DH and tell him to stop worrying everyone like that? :wink: Glad to hear that he is OK.</p>

<p>Aliceinw – Glad to hear that your D is mostly OK too. I’m sure I’d have done the same thing that your DH did! Enjoy the much deserved massage.</p>


D2 mentioned that she knows a lot of “kids” who have started taking antidepressants this year. Some of it seems to be from workload and some of it is kids dealing with disliking their major that they are taking because their parents are “making them.” :confused:</p>

<p>VAMom2015 – Glad to hear that S2 survived his solo “flight.” D2 sent snow pix to DW, so technically I saw them by proxy.</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – The papers were successfully delivered on time!</p>

<p>12rmh18 – You gotta admit, IL’s cheap hotel coffee looked pretty funny coming out of your nose. :slight_smile: And, if I didn’t know better, I’d think that you are not in agreement about the nobleness of the IT profession. ;)</p>

<p>Mommusic – You just can’t get that kid outta the house, huh? :wink: Enjoy the wedding!</p>

<p>TWINMAMA – Don’t they have places in Edinburgh that will deliver $15 of candy for < $20 USD… nevermind.</p>

<p>DB – Best of luck to both your kids (and by extension you) with the internship and RA possibility.</p>


Pretty close to the definition of success!</p>

<p>Tx5 – Congrats to your S3. Here’s a little motivation… no pressure.

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<p>Re: Study Abroad – D2 did a 1 month study abroad the summer after her freshman year. The program was affiliated with her school and required both language and cultural classes. She said that the workload was intense with a lot of homework, but not everyone treated it with the same level of rigor.</p>

<p>Not much college news as the semester is in full swing and D2 is swamped. She did call DW just to blow off some stress from the work load and tell her that she just wants to have a little time to watch some TV. She called me today and sounded super stressed. She sent me an email to the effect of, “If I don’t live through this semester, this is why.” Attached were pages from her weekly planner for next week’s homework… approx. 1000 pages of reading from 20+ sources with summary papers due. :eek: This would be the child that DW and I, as good paranoid parents, were convinced would never read. :rolleyes: At the bottom of the planner was the “Additional Activities” list like “Apply for Internship,” “JP research,” etc.</p>

<p>Back to the to, g# thanks for the tulips. You didn’t have to…</p>

<p>Happy Day after Valentine’s Day (or Happy Friday)!</p>

<p>It’s good to know that D isn’t the only one overloaded with schoolwork and other commitments. I was pleasantly surprised to receive a Happy Valentine’s Day call from her last night - she had just gotten in from a party she’d co-hosted for one of her ECs and she was planning a late night finishing up apps for grants and internships. Haven’t heard from her today, but I’m hoping she finished because some of those things were due today.</p>

<p>GSharp - glad your D received her papers on time. </p>

<p>Hey, we were in the same borough today! Too bad I didn’t know you were sitting all alone at the airport - I could have kept you company. I didn’t want to be at work anyway! My office has been overloaded with boxes of files and binders and it’s been a little overwhelming. I’ve managed to put away 20+ boxes of stuff, but I still have a number of overflowing boxes that can probably be tossed. Unfortunately, I’m pretty sure it all needs to be shredded, and I’m probably going to be the one stuck doing it due to the contents. </p>

<p>RobD - your D’s internship sounds like a fantastic opportunity - so nice that she’s enjoying it even more than she’d anticipated!</p>

<p>DB - sending good luck vibes to your D and your S! </p>

<p>Munequita - that was so sweet of GSharp to send you flowers! ;)</p>

<p>My H brought home beautiful pink tulips on Wednesday night as an early Valentine’s Day gift (he works late Thursdays). </p>

<p>I hear we’re expecting snow tonight into tomorrow - not a lot, but enough to be annoying. Crossing my fingers that the weather reports were wrong!</p>

<p>Middle if the night bump</p>

<p>Good morning, coffee is brewing. </p>

<p>Fingers crossed DB for the internship and the RA position. </p>

<p>Good luck with the wrestling today Fballmom104. Wait… I mean good luck to your son ;)</p>

<p>RobD - signs of maturity? OMG, what will we all do if that spreads to all our kids?;)</p>

<p>Gsharp - I can’t stand the nutella but I like the Sky Club olives, especially when in an adult beverage</p>

<p>Anyone know if windows broken caused by a meteor induced sonic boom are covered by insurance? Cue “we are farmers, dum da dum, dum dum dum dum”</p>

<p>good morning all!! thanks for the coffee IL!!</p>

<p>Good morning. Thanks for the coffee. Trying to get life back to normal (whatever that is) around here. Slept in a bit this morning and will head off to yoga shortly. Hope we’re not doing back ends today.</p>

<p>Good morning, thanks for the coffee, IL. Hear are some croissants…</p>

<p>Long weekend, S will not be home. He signed up for a school competition and it’s two days. Fortunately, a friend is going to be in S’s city with her S for a volleyball tourney in two weeks. It will be her 50th birthday so DH and I have plans to drive up there to meet them for dinner. S and his GF will join us, too. Can’t wait.</p>

<p>DH and I are starting our spring cleaning a little early. There’s just so much to do around here and the weather will be nice today.</p>

<p>I really should be spring cleaning since I’m under house arrest today - we’re down to one car right now and H and S2 are at a wrestling tournament. I need to quit procrastinating and do S1’s FAFSA … yes, yes, I know, but we’re not going to get squat anyway so why hurry?</p>

<p>Lazy Saturday morning here. Bumping us to the top</p>

<p>Just noticed my typo above. That should have been back bends, not back ends. And the good news is that we didn’t do them.</p>

<p>Good morning! Just got back from yoga, and am on day 3 of an empty nest so I am feeling very calm. </p>

<p>I filled out S2’s FAFSA a couple days ago and it came back: “possible error, your parents made about the same amount of money, but paid a lot more in taxes, are you sure it is correct?” Sadly, it is correct. Ouch! We lost the child tax for S3 and the education credit for D1. </p>

<p>G#: Thank you for the “motivation”! Very cool.</p>

<p>Nice Skype call. Sounds like his Jordanian internship (10 hours a week) is working out. They are finding him plenty to do and it’s all right up his alley. Glad he’ll have something for the resume!</p>

<p>tx5, how nice of the FAFSA to look after you like that. Hated losing that deduction this year.</p>