Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>teacher92, I suggest you just start a new thread on the Parent’s board. That way every parent will see it not just those with kids graduating next year. Most of us haven’t gone through graduate school applications with our kids unless they have older siblings who went.</p>

<p>Hello and happy Friday. :)</p>

<p>12rmh18 - I hope your S had a good interview. </p>

<p>I hope our mid-westerners are warm and safe in their snowstorm. And, same for everyone with ice in their weather. </p>

<p>ML - sounds like a great cruise. </p>

<p>Checkers - have a great time on your trip!</p>

<p>alice, did your S have his tournament? If ever there was time to cancel, this might be it. </p>

<p>showmom - sounds like you’ve got some nice graduation plans lined up. </p>

<p>tx5 - I hope you enjoy Wicked. I’ve still never seen it. :(</p>

<p>momusic - best of luck to your S with his summer internship search.</p>

<p>Looks like my S will get a spring internship after all. His interview this morning went well. (He called it “easy.”) And now the school and the employer have to coordinate a few things. Hurray. :)</p>

<p>Tournament cancelled. Mom breathes a sigh of relief. I think even S breathed a sigh of relief. There is only one thing worse than an away tournament during 8th weekend (of a 10 week term, which is this weekend), and that is an away tournament during 9th weekend (which happens in the spring term). S is a guy who needs down time, and this should help him get some.</p>

<p>Happy Friday, all.</p>

<p>12rmh18 - I hope the interview went well. feel free to use my tactics, with appropriate credit of course. </p>

<p>DB - I’m behind - is this the London internship?</p>

<p>We saw Wicked last year, DW’s second time. Clever plot, but overall, I was ‘meh’.</p>

<p>Airport/travel day. weather shaping up to be a potential problem.</p>

<p>Have a great weekend, everyone!!! :)</p>

<p>Teacher92 - often college Career Planning offices also have grad school info. Check with yours, hopefully they can help.</p>

<p>Love Wicked - so cool that you got those seats TX5!</p>

<p>Thinking of mommusic, Checkers and anyone else in the storm’s path. We are supposed to get anywhere from 3 inches to a foot, depending on who you listen to. I guess we’re right on the fringe of the rain/snow line. One degree of temperature can make a big difference.</p>

<p>DB, so glad the internship worked out! Jolly good!</p>

<p>Weekend plans include starting the taxes (Turbotax) and taking down a border print in a bathroom we’re re-doing. SO exciting… :p</p>

<p>I am not posting from ATL or LGA this week because I caught an early flight home!</p>

<p>Aliceinw – Glad to hear that your D is on the mend. I can sympathize with trying to get around campus on crutches! W&M doesn’t have the ice, but those uneven colonial brick sidewalks are a challenge.</p>

<p>Zoosermom – You’re Back! I knew something felt right with the world!</p>

<p>DB – You win the FB stalker award for the week. Congrats to your S on the internship… easy is good. ;)</p>

<p>Colorado_mom – Congratulations on discovering the secret to eternal youth (keep sending kids to college). ;)</p>

<p>ML – I can’t think of anyone who deserves a great vacation more! Thanks for reminding me that I need to get my generator fixed. Re: phones - I went with the Samsung Charge over the Thunderbolt due to so many complaints about the Thunderbolt battery. I work in a Cincinnati vortex building that eats batteries and makes you go to the lobby to actually make calls. I can go all day with mine and usually charge it overnight. If all else fails, you could check Amazon. I found 2 spare batteries with a charger for mine for around $25.</p>

<p>LAF – Sorry to hear that your D had to learn a $500 lesson. :frowning: </p>

<p>12rmh18 – Congrats to your newly emblazoned S1 and I hope that S2’s interview goes well. Oh, and thanx for making us feel inadequate by keeping up the hiking. I hiked through 4 airports this week. Does that count? Unless I have a tight connection, I always walk instead of taking the train between terminals.</p>

<p>Coskat – Congrats to your DD (and you) on the internship close to home!</p>

<p>Footballmom – Keep us updated on how the wrestling championships go.</p>

<p>Checkers – Glad you made it back here. We were afraid that we would have to dig you out. ;)</p>

<p>Mdem – It’s Friday! (sorry) ;)</p>

<p>Tx5 – That’s wicked cool. If you were in Maine, you’d know that wicked cool is a good thing. ;)</p>

<p>CD – Geez. Maybe you can find a rotary dial cell phone. Feel free to smack me now. ;)</p>

<p>Mommusic – It sounds like there is much promise for your now well-traveled S! I skated my way to the car this morning.</p>

<p>ProudNJMom – President’s Day “Boss for a Day.” I like it. I hope you went with, “I think we should work late and get paid triple-time.” :wink: I do not remember if D2 has done the “dinner with Shirley” thing. She had dinner with Meg Whitman last year… I guess when Meg came to check on her “rental property.” ;)</p>

<p>IL – Glad to hear that S1 (aka Thor) is on the mend. We wouldn’t want him to be unable to provide for the betterment of society at the Yacht Club. Maybe he supervises? :wink: Send S2 to tag along with a 425 LB hammer.</p>


Dude, you need to give up on the three-ways. :wink: Not to mention that you lost your street cred when you had to be rescued “Gingham Style.” ;)</p>


Keep these for re-use later. D1 called this week to tell me that she is engaged! She called DW later to ask her what my reaction was… something like :slight_smile: :eek: :wink: :frowning: :confused:! We are having lunch with her and her fiancé tomorrow to get more details, but I know she is thinking about a wedding around the same timeframe as D2’s graduation… let the fecal matter hit the oscillating unit! Apparently I don’t have to worry, she is putting together a spreadsheet with all of the “needs.” :rolleyes: I hope she likes my Grape Jelly, Chili Sauce, and Lil Smokies fountain idea. :wink: Mommusic – Can I go ahead and lose my credit cards now? :wink: Does anyone know if there is a “Meets Full Need” wedding planner?</p>

<p>Re: Spring Break – that is totally up in the air for D2 as it is determined by how well (or not so well) the Men’s and Women’s basketball teams do and if she has to travel to one or more of the tournaments. The Women’s team is doing well.</p>

<p>College News – None. After I saw D2’s planner page for the week, I figured I better leave her alone. I do know that she had to UPS some papers to a government agency this week and she texted me whining that the government had cost her $17.24 to send 4 sheets of paper! This was about 10 minutes after I said to DW, “I wonder how long it will be before she calls to complain about the cost to send in those forms?”</p>

<p>G#… getting mmmmmmaried? That’s a new stage indeed. You’ve seen “Father or the Bride”, right ? ;)</p>

<p>oh wow!!! congratulations gsharp!!! now be nice at the luncheon tomorrow!!!.. so exciting and we will have to get all the details on the wedding!</p>

<p>IL safe travels!</p>

<p>and i still dont know what S2 has decided or if he has decided anything.</p>

<p>congrats to the G#'s! what a stunner! with all your sky miles, you can send them around the world, or at least get them access to the sky club. start squirreling away the nutella now for the reception;)</p>

<p>communicating with my imaginary friends from the belly of a MD88, parked JUST away from the gate in BHM. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>lovely weather in bhm today…not!</p>

<p>Congratulations G#!!!</p>

<p>Congrats, G#! Now you need to get some dancing shoes as the FOB!</p>

<p>Yeah! Another CC wedding to vicariously follow! Congrats G# and family.</p>

<p>Happy Friday! DH and I just got back from a night out. We had dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant. Love their margaritas!</p>

<p>Tx5 - I didn’t know they do the raffle at the touring Wicked shows! Lil D and DH both won 2 tickets when we were in NYC last summer. </p>

<p>Colorado mom - “Father of the Bride” is a must see for future FOB G#! </p>

<p>Congratulations G#!! Your DW must be excited about wedding planning!</p>

<p>good morning all!! coffee is ready</p>

<p>Thanks P56! The BHM weather was clearly a bummer yesterday, though the travel problem was on the ATL end(isn’t it always).</p>

<p>We are down at the lake this weekend and about 5:30 I was awakened by two owls calling to each other. Very cool, and much more melodious than then ten crows that showed up at 7:30:rolleyes:</p>

<p>Today is The Dunk, where they saw holes in the ice and folks jump in to raise money for charity. Maybe next year…;)</p>

<p>Congrats to the g# family!!!</p>

<p>Congrats, G# !!! Wonderful news.</p>

<p>Wrestling tournament didn’t work out so well, I’m afraid. He advanced to the quarter-finals Thursday evening, then lost that match, dropped to the consolation bracket and lost there, to a kid with a much worse record than his. It was upsetting to watch, he was in tears afterward and I was close. His older brother was there and I’m glad because they’ve always been close and he cheered S2 up. Oh, well, maybe next year.</p>

<p>aww what a shame footballmom!!</p>

<p>think i’ll pass on any dunking IL… unless its donuts in my coffee.</p>