Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>TC, enjoy your break!</p>

<p>Hi Bonnie - welcome back!</p>

<p>Snow/weather day # 6 here. I’m glad the private school where I work doesn’t have to make up snow days, although the teachers have lost 4 days from this semester and are publicly worrying about their ability to get thru the curriculum by the end of the year.</p>

<p>Morning all!</p>

<p>alice: how’d your S do with his drive to GA? They had some nasty weather yesterday.</p>

<p>IL: same for you in B’ham! Also: D1 would drool hearing your S’s summer plans. Right up her British History loving alley. </p>

<p>TC: Glad that you’re enjoying Spring Break. Sounds lovely (except for the weather!)</p>

<p>Speaking of Spring Break, D2 & I will be visiting Disney for 4 days next week & get to see D1. Last I heard, there was 1 scheduling snafu for D1 during our time there, but she’s confident that it will work out. Can’t wait to see her!</p>

<p>I hear that quite a few states are getting snow today. I’m sorry. Those March snows used to be soul crushing to me…so close to spring yet so far.</p>

<p>Thinking of ML’s family</p>

<p>Part of the program dd is on in Hong Kong is the possibility of an internship for the last 5 weeks of the program. If you are not successful with an internship placement, you do an independent study instead. The director of the program has been telling dd from day 1 that because she was majoring in math instead of marketing or even economics there would be no way she would get accepted anywhere for an internship in marketing research. Today, thank heavens, dd was offered an internship in quantitative research for a prestigious multinational marketing company. :slight_smile: :)</p>

<p>IL sounds like fun. One of the best summers I had involved doing summer research in Europe for my senior thesis. I got a grant that covered costs and even paid for a new camera with an architectural lens.</p>

<p>I think my kid is going to end up working at Tufts this summer.</p>

<p>Hi there. We’re back from our spring break in London. We saw S, his flat, his favorite pub, his favorite fish & chips joint, and - oh yeah - several standard tourist sites. It was a great trip, although cooold. The average high is 50-ish. We were at or below freezing 5 out of 6 days. And, it snowed on each of those days. n.b. My next vacation will be to a WARM climate. ;)</p>

<p>In college news, D was accepted into an externship program for the summer. It will be 1 week shadowing a physical therapist.</p>

<p>Son’s summer plans are unknown. He’s applied to 2 dozen internships, with no replies. :frowning: So, he might go to summer school for a “Management Education for Liberal Arts Majors” program instead. The school calls it “Business Boot Camp.” It would be 8 credits in 5 weeks. So, if that happens, he would have two 12-credit semesters as a senior. That could open-up time for a school-year Plan B. So, we wait and see…</p>

<p>IL - great news about your S’s summer plans. I think he’ll love London. </p>

<p>Now going back a few more pages to read-up on what I missed. Keep warm and safe if you’re in the storm’s path. :)</p>

<p>Hope all are doing ok with the storm.</p>

<p>Bumping us back up to page 1!</p>

<p>Had some fun with S today. We flew a kite! It was sunny, cool, and VERY windy, so I looked around the house for this nice box kite he had when he was younger. Found it in his closet, with all its pieces intact. Woo-hoo! :D</p>

<p>Last time I flew a kite I gave to one of the girls in the girl scouts troop and she let it go. I had it soaring really really high</p>

<p>D’s summer plans are still up on the air, internship is doubtful, research is possible and there is a great summer program that she should be applying to - should is the key word here. And study for the GRE retake, hopefully</p>

<p>P56 - we were fine in downtown BHM. My boss was not so lucky. He had taken his expensive German car in for service. While parked on the dealers lot, the storm came through and some loose equipment was blown into the side of his car. Fair amount of damage, including the windshield. Not a good day. </p>

<p>Alice- I’m sure you’re S made it just fine. Hope you get to go out and enjoy the LA weather!</p>

<p>Mathmom - we can only hope S is that successful with the grants!</p>

<p>DB - eight credits in five weeks will be a ton of work! But you put a thought in my mind - perhaps we need to go visit S1!! That’s the ticket!</p>

<p>Good morning! Time for coffee. First day of spring and it’s 25 degrees here! Last year it was an unseasonable 83. :eek:</p>

<p>initiate–too bad about your boss’s car!</p>

<p>S has been doing 3 hours of volunteer work each day…I think today is the last of it and he’ll be done with the scholarship-required hours for the year. He’s been working for an organization that collects & donates truckloads of food & supplies to disaster victims. His most interesting day was spent wearing work coveralls and organizing donated paint (pouring like colors into cans.) :)</p>

<p>IL - well, duh! Of course you need to visit your S1 in London. I highly recommend it. Chances are, you’ll have better weather than we did, too.</p>

<p>Happy Spring! </p>

<p>Sounds good on many of the summer plans. </p>

<p>The second passport arrived for D yesterday, so I think all hurdles are set for her to leave next week to spend her spring quarter in Paris :smiley: Still has to do the visa with passport #1 but I think we will be able to send all that in after she is gone, and we will bring it when we visit her.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>I am SO over cold and snow…please bring on real SPRING weather!!</p>

<p>After hitting 75 this past weekend, they’re now talking about snow Thursday night into Friday. Srsly? Kiddos have 1/2 day already on Friday and it’s the last day before Spring Break. I’m guessing no school on Friday. Glad I didn’t buy those tomato plants that were enticing while we were at the home center on Saturday!</p>

<p>Drive-by post to wish everyone Happy Spring!, LIMOMOF2 a Happy Twenty-Somethingth Birthday! and my worst nightmare, Happy 21st Birthday to D2! Her birthday House of Cupcakes was delivered. She sent me a pix message from whatever room she was in. In the background, I can see “Happy Birthday <d2>!” on the blackboard. They still have those? Clearly, tuition cost should cover Smartboards or at least whiteboards. ;)</d2></p>

<p>Snowing AGAIN this morning. Weather reported places that are 30 degrees colder than this day last year. It may be the first day of spring, but it was 20 this morning with a really cold wind. Yuck. It makes me crabby.</p>

<p>S is almost done with midterms. Spring break starts Saturday. The GF’s birthday is Monday, so he’s sticking around for that and will be home Tuesday afternoon. :slight_smile: Classes were all going well until this last test. Ugh. Sometimes I just want to be my head against a rock…</p>

<p>D15’ prom dress is suppose to be in on Friday. We’re anxious to pick it up. We ordered it mid January. I hope it fits. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>She has decided not to do cheerleading next year. I wish she would, but it is her decision. She has cheered for 6 years.(Since elementary football/cheer). She has mixed feelings. They practice 3x a week all summer and have 1 session of strengthing on Fridays. When school starts, practice is every day after school. She has about a 2 week break before basketball starts. She wants to have her summer free. Can’t say as I blame her. Another issue is the week of tryouts, they will learn the new material on Mon, Tues, review Thursday & try out Friday. She will be gone to FCCLA state convention Mon & Tues, so will only have Thursday to learn & perfect it all, while everyone else is basically ready. I know the coaches personally, and they’re great people, but I am SURE they didn’t think to check the school calendar. March is pretty open & that’s when they use to do it. Some of the other girls will miss for track meets. I just hope she isn’t sorry once the season starts & she’s not out there.</p>

<p>checkers - deciding what to give up to balance your time/life is a wonderful life skill for your D to learn, even if there are some pangs when the activity goes on without you.</p>

<p>For those of you who asked, my S did, in fact, make it to Georgia without incident. I cannot vouch for the lack of incidents now that he is there. Somehow living in a beach house with a bunch of frisbee team members and nothing to do but “hang out” and throw a disc does not really warm a mother’s heart. Tournament starts Saturday, so I will have a sense of how they are doing then by watching their twitter feed.</p>

<p>As for me - there might as well be no weather in LA. I think I logged 14 hours yesterday, and today will likely be worse. But it’s temporary. And at least there’s no sleet.</p>

<p>Happy Birthday to our birthday moms and to G#'s D.</p>

<p>And Happy First Day of Spring to all (weather notwithstanding).</p>

<p>Happy Spring and Happy Birthday to the lovely ladies here and GSharp’s D2!! </p>

<p>I don’t know what it is but I still can’t seem to get used to the time change. By 2 o’clock every day I feel like I need to go take a nice long nap. At first I thought I was coming down with something but since it’s been happening everyday I’m assuming it’s still time change hangover. Maybe some cookies or a piece of chocolate will help. ;)</p>

<p>Good morning!</p>

<p>Today is my 50th birthday. I am handling it better than expected. I took the day off work, I went to yoga this morning and then coffee. Plans for later include S3’s tennis match and dinner out. The way my family ages, likely I have about 50 years left, so it could be worse.</p>

<p>Happy Birthday to my fellow March birthday peeps!</p>

<p>We are still knee-deep in college admissions. So far S3 has heard from 6 California public schools and is 6 for 6. Just waiting on UCLA and 5 private/lottery schools. So far the front-runner is Cal, but we will see what the next 8 days brings. </p>

<p>College news: S2 has finished 2 finals and has one to go. I am hoping he comes home Friday or Saturday, but no confirmation yet. </p>

<p>Happy First Day of Spring!!</p>