Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Have coffee and french toast on me today, it’s my B day and like mommusic says I have a different perspective on age too working with many in their 80 & 90s so I try to enjoy each day even though each year I "feel"my age a little more.</p>

<p>Today is bittersweet, tonight my DD receives the AIChE Outstanding Junior Award at Buffalo’s school of Engineering but I can’t be there, still here in Fla where my mom is suddenly terminally ill. When I woke up I was thinking of her and how she was 23 when she had me, she’s now 76 (you can do the math lol) and I wonder if I’ll be around when my DD is my age. Yet there is a friend of my parents I met the other day, he is 94 and physically and mentally great, planning a fishing trip, running to meetings, exercising every day ect, very inspiring.</p>

<p>coskat–Happy Birthday and congrats to your D! It is tough to miss her award when you are with your mom. {{{hugs}}} to you.</p>

<p>Good morning!</p>

<p>Happy Birthday coskat!!! So sorry about your mom! Congrats to your DD.</p>

<p>Thank you for all the birthday wishes. 50 isn’t so bad.</p>

<p>Grabbing the early flight home. :)</p>

<p>To start, I am so jealous of our NYC contingent! Run, don’t walk, for tickets to one of 6 nights of Al DiMeola & Gonzalo Rubalcaba Duo shows…
[Blue</a> Note New York Performance Schedule](<a href=“Blue Note Jazz | Clubs & Restaurants”>Blue Note Jazz | Clubs & Restaurants)</p>

<p>So many Birthdays! Remember, it has been statistically shown that those who have birthdays tend to live longer than those who do not. ;)</p>

<p>Hero of the Week – Mommusic’s S for volunteering… required or not and flying a kite with Mom!</p>

<p>Mommusic – Who is in charge of Cincy’s weather? ;)</p>

<p>Aliceinw – Hope you survived LA! Hope S survived GA!</p>

<p>T_C – Hope you enjoyed reading, knitting, and playing tour guide.</p>

<p>IL – We have to plan our trips better. :wink: BTW, I’ll trade you one wedding for one research trip to England. ;)</p>

<p>BonnieNJ – Congrats to your DD on the qualitative quantitative internship!</p>

<p>DB – Welcome Back! Next time, Siberia? :wink: Boot Camp for your super-smart S could be interesting… almost as interesting as an impromptu track coach meeting… very cool and congratulations!</p>

<p>Coskat – Sending thoughts and prayers your way. DW had to deal with my FIL going to the ER this week and heading to “Assisted Living” today. Many congrats to your DD though!!!</p>

<p>Psych_ - Add me to the list of people keeping the ML family in my thoughts and prayers.</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – Glad that your B-Day present arrived even if you haven’t gotten to play with it as much as you would like. :wink: Oh, and Congratulations to The Crimson! Clearly it is because they have such good moms. ;)</p>


Same here. We’re right behind you on the travel short bus. D2 wants to talk with us about possible summer in Israel… give me strength!</p>

<p>In wedding planning news, DW and I both got apology phone calls from D-zilla, which I guess is the good news. The bad news is that we now have to be involved in the planning again. :wink: I have created a spreadsheet that does an apples-to-apples comparison of the options. They each “hide” the costs in different ways to make it hard to make a fair comparison. The goal is to have it figured out this weekend… give me strength!</p>

<p>In college news, I got a Cupcake “Thank You” call from my now 21 YO D2. :eek: She also gave me an update on possible summer employment opportunities, but nothing firm yet. Our Texas contingent may want to request extra State Troopers this weekend as D2 and her roving band of cheerleaders are on their way to Waco (Baylor) to support the Women’s Basketball Team in the NCAA tournament. Hopefully they won’t do too much damage to your state. :wink: She is glad to get out of NJ and someplace hopefully warmer, but not real thrilled with the Sunday evening game and a possible late flight back Sunday night (They have a chartered plane, not commercial). She has been working extra hard over her spring / birthday “break” to prepare for this eventuality, but is really concerned if they win Sunday and have to stay until Tuesday. She is stressed about missing that much class and getting that far behind. Also it will be difficult for her to pack all the books that she needs to get through Tuesday. I did see on her itinerary from the coach that they are excused from class, but to bring their class work with them. I just told her to prioritize what she packs, turn down the stress, and try to enjoy her trip because not every college student gets the opportunity to attend an NCAA Tournament. This will be her 3rd. DW and I were hoping that they would play Saturday at University of Maryland so we could go see her… oh well. I’m not flying to Waco for a day. The game is supposed to be on ESPN2, so I’ll probably watch if I can switch my Sunday flights.</p>

<p>G#, I’d be stressed, too, if I had to spend three days in Waco! :wink: She could always come down to Austin and have some fun.</p>

<p>HB, coskat. I hope your mom is comfortable. And, congrats to your D. :)</p>

<p>checking in from ATL skyclub, courtesy of The Greek Alphabet airline. </p>

<p>coskat, kudos and condoleances. Fels like some PVC is needed in FL.</p>

<p>aliceinw - what is this “direct flight” of which you speak? A foreign concept, but sounds interesting. </p>

<p>G# - not for all the tea in England ;)</p>

<p>So just had the flight pushed back again, but snagged a “hold” on the next (last) flight, just in case. </p>

<p>Adult Beverages all around on me - sans cupcakes ;), and pass the Nutella. </p>

<p>There is a recently started thread, aptly named “is this the longest week ever?” I feel their angst. Three years later, and I still tense up at the memory. I still wonder how we missed the “you may love them but they might not like you” epiphany. But S1 ended up in a good place and all is well. I think it was said here many times in many ways, they end up where they are meant to be. If you get a chance, ease their angst. Show them how the PVC works. :cool::cool:</p>

<p>Thinking of ML and her family, hope her son is making progress</p>

<p>^^^ Also sending positive thoughts ML’s way. Thanks all for your good wishes and virtual support, it is much appreciated.</p>

<p>Where was p56 today? Did she take the day off?</p>

<p>coffee is ready!</p>

<p>Coskat, I have been in your shoes, missing family stuff while sitting at the bedside of my terminally ill mother. It is not a pleasant place to be. Sending you hugs and hopes for brighter days ahead, and hoping your mom is comfortable.</p>

<p>D and friends arrived at their spring break location last night. She’s staying with 3 girlfriends in one girl’s parents’ oceanfront condo near the Alabama/Florida state line. I texted her at 4:30 yesterday afternoon: “When are you leaving?” She replied, “We’re already driving through Atlanta!” They left after her first morning class, supposedly her 2nd morning class was cancelled. She’s flying home Thursday to be with us for Easter. IL and G#, she’ll briefly be in your “favorite” place - changing planes in ATL.</p>

<p>S and a friend went to Oregon last weekend to visit his college roommate. They went skiing, hiking, and went to see the redwoods. Of course his pictures were pretty much all scenery, just a couple with his 2 friends in them, and none with him in the picture. In our very large scientific sample of <em>2</em>, H and I have determined that boys tend to take pictures of stuff and girls tend to take pictures of people. Probably 50% of D’s study abroad pics had her or her friends in them.</p>

<p>Laf - make sure your D visits the Florabama! </p>

<p>S2 has his first baseball scrimmage to day - the weather has been so crappy no local teams have been able to get outside. Its only in the upper 30’s but no precip so they’re going for it!:rolleyes:</p>

<p>Who’s in charge of Cinti’s weather? I don’t know but we are forming a committee to go after Punxsatawny Phil with pitchforks.</p>

<p>It’s nice today and sunny but the forecast is for 3-6" of snow Sunday night and Monday. :eek: First day back from spring break for UC…maybe they’ll have a snow day!</p>

<p>IL, Laf is staying less than 1/4 mile from Florabama. The weather is only supposed to be in the 60’s this week. I suspect she’ll spend so much time at Florabama that by the end of the week they’ll be regulars with their own table and a waitress who knows them by name, especially as D is newly 21. I’m trying to stay :cool: about it.</p>

<p>P56: Good to hear from you ! :)</p>

<p>S went to GF family’ this weekend to celebrate her birthday. It is in the boot heel of MO. I am sure he didn’t think about the snow now coming down across most of the state. They had planned their 4 hour drive back to MU tomorrow. He may be there a bit longer. Tonight , they went into Tennessee for Mexican food. :slight_smile: He SHOULD be home for spring break Monday or Tuesday. </p>

<p>Picked up D15’ prom dress today. We ordered in mid January. I had no idea it could take so long. I’ll have to remember that next year. Prom is the end of April, so plenty of time. It is beautiful. :)</p>

<p>Snowflakes are huge. <em>sigh</em></p>

<p>Laf - DH takes MANY digital pictures of scenery (thousands on our Western Med cruise trip). I’m mostly interested in family photos. If it were up to me, I’d make a photo album of postcards interspersed with our people pictures. But taking pictures is his way of interacting with the setting.</p>

<p>Laf, she’ll be tossing mullets across the state line before she knows it. </p>

<p>Checkers, how did the cupcakes turn out? Any rum left? ;)</p>

<p>In COLLEGE news, S1 sent mom a text today: “Can I get a new blazer? I got tapped for the two most prestigious senior societies and I want to look good at their smokers this week.” </p>

<p>Somehow I feel like I’m the one getting “tapped”:rolleyes:</p>

<p>S2’s team actually played a game today and looked pretty good, winning 10-3. he was 2-5 with 3 RBI’s. He’s feeling pretty pleased.</p>

<p>good morning, coffee is ready</p>

<p>laf tell her to try the frickles at the hangout too</p>

<p>checkers, glad the prom dress is ready…sure your D will be so beautiful</p>

<p>il, congrats on the senior societies… sorry about the tab for a blazer</p>