Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>psych and others, thanks for thinking of us! DS is still in the hospital. It’s his 16th day. Last weekend was very scary - he was catatonic (nurse’s word) a good bit of the time. He pulled out of that and has slowly been getting better. The nurses can’t believe the difference in him! He is going to the cafeteria, gym, and support groups. He focuses pretty well and can converse normally. The bad news is that he is still delusional and is still hearing a voice he thinks is God. His regular doctor said it can take quite awhile for a delusion to melt. I think he will still be delusional when they release him from the hospital within a few days. </p>

<p>Everyone has been SO kind - cards, food, gifts - it’s been incredible! We are thankful for all of the support. And we keep reminding ourselves that he IS much better. One day at a time!</p>

<p>ML, I am really glad there is progress</p>

<p>ML - I am so glad that your S is improving. Sending more hugs and good thoughts your way.</p>

<p>Checkers - yay for your D’s prom dress being ready! </p>

<p>IL - congrats to your S on being “tapped” by the two prestigious senior societies, and condolences to you on getting “tapped” for the new blazer. Good luck to him!</p>

<p>Laf - hope your D enjoys her spring break. </p>

<p>D’s break is over and she’s on her way back to school right now.</p>

<p>ML - Great progress - hope it continues. Your family remains in our thoughts and prayers.</p>

<p>il… i am always surprised that peta isnt at the mullet toss.</p>

<p>ML: SO relieved to see your post. I know I am not the only one here who has been deeply concerned about your situation. Please keep the faith, and pace yourself for the long haul. We are all pulling for you.</p>

<p>Seems like there has been quite a run of birthdays in Feb and March. Happy Birthday to all!</p>

<p>I’ve been immersed in the various silly details that need to be considered for study abroad. I’m glad we have such a cohort of experienced people on this thread. I had no idea that it is possible to obtain a second passport. S’s upcoming summer study abroad requires that he turn in his passport 6 weeks before they leave and I was wondering how that is accomplished if you are already abroad or traveling (not his problem, but could be for many)</p>

<p>I was so confused about the mullet toss that I decided to google it. Then I realized…you are talking about a FISH, not a haircut…</p>

<p>ML – Glad to hear that there is some progress for DS!!! Continued thoughts and prayers from here too.</p>


I’ve never been to Waco, but now I have a mental picture. :wink: Actually, I have some actual pictures now too.</p>

<p>IL – Congrats for getting “tapped.” I know the feeling. ;)</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – I hope you got to play with your B-Day present a little more before she left. ;)</p>

<p>Re: Florabama – I worked in Pensacola for a while and it is a point of personal pride that I never “caved” and went to Florabama with “the guys.” It just seemed that nothing good could come of that. ;)</p>

<p>In wedding planning news, I finished calculating what I felt was “reasonable” (based on actual quotes) and passed that on to D1. She seems quite happy with the results and it has a “Shared Savings” clause where we split any savings to give her some incentive to stay under our figure. OK, what is a “Trunk Show” and is it a good thing that D1 and DW are planning to go to one in NoVa in a few weeks? (Actually, at first I thought they said “Truck Show” and I said I might want to go which led to some :confused:). Her budget will not be anything like some people we know who spent $250,000+ on their daughter’s wedding :eek: (luckily I don’t have that particular problem), but will be a nice event. DW got a laugh out of me telling her … “This wedding is the functional equivalent of us buying D1 a car to drive into a lake. It’s a total waste of money, but she’ll have some memories.” :wink: Oh well, it’s all part of my job as FOB (Financer of the Bride). :wink: The only point of contention right now is D1’s hair color. It is currently red (a normal red that could be natural), but is naturally blonde. DW would like her to change it back to “the color that it was when you were still mine” :frowning: for the wedding… Good Grief! I’ll let them figure that out. ;)</p>

<p>In college and photo news, we have checked out pictures from D2 in Waco. A couple of “scenery” sans people, most with friends, some “team” pix, one in the Baylor arena with lots of people, and one of a waffle shaped like Texas. :rolleyes: At Christmas, D2 FB “Friended” DW so we can see her pictures and DW won’t get “Unfriended” as long as she is “unobtrusive.” :rolleyes: I got to see D2 a couple of times on ESPN3 during tonight’s game. It was not a good night for the Tigers, but at least D2 should be back in time for class tomorrow.</p>

<p>G#, I love the idea of getting quotes, creating a budget and letting your D1 work within that - and the “shared savings” clause is genius. Will remember that when my D becomes a bridezilla. </p>

<p>I should add a corollary to my “girls photograph people, boys photograph stuff” theory. Like your D2, my D also took pictures of her food. S, on the other hand, takes pictures of beers and martinis. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>G# I’ve never been to a Trunk Show but I understand they are shows of designer fashions. Hold on to your wallet!</p>

<p>We’re finally getting snow from that winter storm (spring storm? It’s still a “winter snow warning”). S decided to drive back to campus tonight. They may have a snow day tomorrow based on the snowfall and the fact that many kids can’t GET back to campus from spring break locations. Or they may not…but he has an 8 a.m. class and figured he should be there just in case.</p>

<p>MaineLonghorn–Thanks for the update! Glad to hear that your son is making progress!</p>

<p>Ditto what psych_ said!</p>

<p>No snow day today…we got more rain than snow, thankfully. </p>

<p>S at least did his taxes when he was home. With TurboTax, it took about 10 minutes. Wish ours were that easy! He had to pay a little Fed tax but got it back and more from the State. :)</p>

<p>ML…So glad to hear about the improvement! Continued prayers going your way!</p>

<p>IL…Great news about the senior societies!</p>

<p>LAF…Glad your D is having a good spring break!</p>

<p>Limo…Safe travels for your D as she heads back to school!</p>

<p>G#…Laughing hysterically at the truck/trunk show comment! :smiley: I haven’t even tried to friend our D on FB. I only got my account last year, and D was less than pleased. Apparently I’m too old and uncool to have a FB acct. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>D texted a picture yesterday of her small coupe covered in snow. Apparently she had camped out at Panera to study for her MCAT and came out to a winter wonderland. She explained, “It’s spring for goodness sake! I HATE the north. I had to use my sleeve to get all this stuff off, my clothes are soaking wet, and I’m cold!” Her father (originally from Boston) asked why she didn’t use the ice scraper he put in her glove compartment. She responded, “Oh, that was an ice scraper (not much need for them down here)? I took it out because it took up too much room.” :wink: As a geography teacher I was amused at her reference to VA as being “north”. Last time I checked, I believe it VA is still south of the Mason Dixon and still considered to be the capital of the Confederacy. LOL.</p>

<p>Good morning! Sorry about all of the snow! </p>

<p>S2 is home for Spring Break, which means of course going to bed at ridiculous hours and sleeping until after noon. He seems quite happy and I am happy to have him home. D1 on the other hand is VERY cranky. She has a 60 page report of some sort due for her credential program on April 2nd which is stressing her out and making her hard to live with. She claims it is so much easier for the English or History teachers than math girls like her to do these reports since they are used to writing. She took last nights SDSU loss to FGCU very hard.</p>

<p>We are finally to the last week of admissions decisions for S3. So far he is 7/7 + two wait-lists. Waiting on 3 “lottery” schools that I expect no’s from on Wednesday and Thursday. If in fact they are no’s I am pretty he will attend Cal and we will not be cruising on the SS Indecision. </p>

<p>Happy Monday! I am furloughing today, which is a good thing because I celebrated my 50th birthday for 5 days straight and the house is a disaster.</p>

<p>Been remiss in not posting. Super busy.</p>

<p>Ds1 is starting second week of his break. He had a fun weekend attending an ultimate frisbee tournament to watch a friend from his time studying abroad. The second day I went for most of the day with him. Really fun. This week, he’ll see his friends from other schools on the quarter system. :)</p>

<p>Like tx5, admissions season is winding down for ds2. He’s five for five with a WL. Two coming this week. I won’t be surprised regardless of how it turns out. One of the schools called his GC to ask about a grade on the midyear report. :frowning: The good news is she told him he was higher than the class average!</p>

<p>Happy Monday. Snow is coming down here. Bah, humbug!</p>

<p>Thanks for the update, ML. We continue to keep you all in our thoughts. </p>

<p>Sending positive vibes to everyone awaiting those final admissions decisions. I hope you don’t sail too long aboard the SS Indecision. </p>


<p>Thanks, DB. Oh, and like tx5, if this week we get no’s, then SS Indecision will leave the dock without us.</p>

<p>Here’s hoping for the right outcomes for all of “our” 2013/2017’s, whether or not they involve cruises on the SS Indecision.</p>

<p>Checking in on Spring Break here. Not really Spring Break weather here in Florida as its in the 60s this week…</p>

<p>Sending positive vibes toward anyone waiting on decisions. My cousin is part of the class and I think is heading to WVU in the fall. </p>

<p>ML - Thanks for the update on your S. Your family is in my thoughts.</p>

<p>Good evening folks. What IS it with this weather? Stupid, stupid groundhog. Freeze warning here in BHM. </p>

<p>P56, I’m guessing PETA is indifferent to bait fish. </p>



<p>Except you’re not getting tapped you’re getting hammered. ;)</p>

<p>Shared Savings - most excellent idea. You’ve written a few contracts, eh? </p>

<p>TX5 - we blame the late hours on a different time zone - like across the international date line! ;)</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone making the Big D. The best you can say about the SS Indecision is that its not a Carnival cruise. You can’t get stuck out there. :D</p>

<p>Good morning. Coffee’s ready. </p>

<p>Not much happening here. I hope everyone has a great Tuesday. </p>
