Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Good morning, all. And Happy Passover to all who celebrate.</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee DB</p>

<p>hope all with final decisions to make are surviving</p>

<p>Morning all. Hope the snow is going away!</p>

<p>D1 arrives today for spring break here in SoCal. We only have her for 5 days which is going to go by quickly. We will spend Easter at my parent’s house so she can see family that won’t be able to come to graduation in May.</p>

<p>I made a snowman this morning, while the kids stayed inside and laughed at me. We took photos of our Passover snowman. :)</p>

<p>I bought tickets for D summer visit, thanks Southwest for the coupon. She will be home for about 10 days</p>

<p>S10 is officially home on spring break. :smiley: For the next few days I’ll have all of us under one roof. Love it.</p>

<p>Snow is melting as it is a sweltering 42 today. Hey, beats 15. </p>

<p>Had to postpone this year’s preschool Easter egg hunt for the first time EVER. We’ll try next week. I am hoping it will be warmer and we won’t need a shovel.</p>

<p>Bon Jovi tickets came in the mail. :cool:</p>

<p>I ordered H and me Brad Paisley tix for later this spring! D can’t go, she’ll be in the middle of finals.</p>

<p>H told my MIL last night that we aren’t going to her house for Easter, we’re staying here. She took it pretty well. She & FIL will be coming to our house in a couple weeks to see my BIL run in the Boston marathon.</p>

<p>No COLLEGE news except that my niece has gotten into all of her colleges that she has heard from, still waiting to hear from her ED college that deferred her. Money is not an issue for her family, so she will be able to choose whichever one she likes best. Also my nephew got in everywhere except for a waitlist at his reach, and all of his acceptances came with some merit money, so he’s happy. He will have to follow the money so they’re still waiting for FA packages, but he has some good options.</p>

<p>In Spring Break news, D just posted a picture of herself and her friends at Florabama. No mullets in sight.</p>

<p>GSharp - lol at the truck/trunk show. Your D is moving a lot more quickly than my niece who got engaged a few months ago. I don’t think she’s in any rush to get married, and I’m sure my brother is thrilled about that.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, I did not get to play with my birthday present too much. She was too busy writing papers, sending out resumes, studying for exams - but it was nice to know she was here. :slight_smile: We did manage one dinner out together, and she and S got to spend some quality time together. </p>

<p>JC - thanks for the safe travel wishes for D. She got back safely, but her bus broke down and there was a three-hour wait for a replacement bus. Annoying, but it could have been worse.</p>

<p>LOL at your D not knowing that thing in the glove compartment was an ice scraper. I think she needs one of those combination brush/ice scraper things to keep in her trunk. I’ve actually had to remove snow with my hand/arm before - my winter stuff was stored away in my garage when I was surprised by an October snowstorm. </p>

<p>Laf - congrats to both your niece and your nephew! Glad your nephew has some good options - waiting for those FA packages can be very stressful. Nice that your niece can choose whichever school she likes best. </p>

<p>Checkers and tx5 - enjoy having your kids home!</p>

<p>Good morning. Coffee is on. </p>

<p>Drove to ATL yesterday for a meeting. On the way back we ran into some brief snow showers. :frowning: I’m pointing the PVC at the sun and cranking it up. </p>

<p>Watching The Weather Channel. Apparently Phil is catching some flak. :p</p>

<p>good morning, thanks for the coffee.</p>

<p>Good morning!</p>

<p>initiate: Thanks for the PVC, it may be working. It’s been so cold and gray around here we’ve been calling it February 53rd and so forth. But today…</p>

<p>The snow has melted, the sky is blue, and what is that bright light shining? :D</p>

<p>D1 arrived home safely last evening. We had dinner at one of her favorite restaurants last night.</p>

<p>I’m only working half a day today then will be off the rest of the week. We are heading for a hike this afternoon at Torrey Pines which is a beautiful place above the beach. D1 is out tonight with her best friend who just turned 21. They are hitting the college bars by the beach. I am dropping them off and they will take a cab back to her friend’s house (since it is closer) and stay the night. </p>

<p>D2 is off to the beach today with her bf. She said last night that even though it’s only in the mid 60’s the sun is out so she wants to hit the beach since it is spring break!</p>

<p>Just stopping in to say hi! and to bump us up the page.</p>

<p>H talked to my S this morning, and it appears that he was pressed into leading a seder on the first night of Passover at his beach house in Georgia. Sounds like some things we taught him must have stuck. D signed up for an online “seder match” and went to someone’s home - haven’t heard how that turned out yet.</p>

<p>Hope everyone is enjoying their Wednesday.</p>

<p>we will be leaving soon to take D to the airport! Last time on US soil until mid-Aug. I told her last night that if I knew then what I know now, I wouldn’t have been so encouraging on this back-to-back study abroads. She doesn’t understand why I said this. I guess I have done too much of the behind the scenes stuff. We still don’t have all the info we need for the visa, so that would have been a total fail…</p>

<p>waving at all. Wishing for the best progress for ML’s S. lol on the ice scraper :D</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>S2 is giving us one word facebook updates every few days. Sigh! (He’s on break in Egypt.)</p>

<p>Jackie, bon voyage to your D!</p>

<p>alice, glad your kids have found places and people to share the holiday.</p>

<p>Both my kids will be home tomorrow night! Just realized we have no real plans for the weekend except reservations for brunch on Sunday. Frantically trying to think of something FUN to do with just the 4 of us on Saturday so the kids don’t get bored. We never have just the 4 of us, so I need to take advantage of this.</p>

<p>Good thoughts for our traveling kids.</p>

<p>Had a talk with ds today about summer plans. As I suspected he was narrowing his search to paying jobs and internships because of the need for cash. But I told him that if he lives here over the summer and doesn’t cost us money, then I’d be fine with an internship that wasn’t paid as long as it’s in his area of study. He was excited about that. And he confirmed the paid house-sitting gig he had last summer for this summer, so that’s some money. And he said that he’d pick up other odd jobs. He wrote his usual employer to see what the drop-dead date is for letting them know whether he’ll be back. So some progress is being made.</p>

<p>Good Morning. Coffee is on.
Lots going on IRL this week, so sending good thoughts to all those that need them. (I’ll take a few for today as well). Also wishing all those still waiting to hear or making decisions on college good luck!</p>

<p>Good morning iPeeps! I’m also sending good wishes to all those awaiting COLLEGE decisions in the next few days. </p>

<p>PNJ: thanks for the coffee. Sending (hugs) and PVCs to you for the IRL things.

Sounds like some things we taught him must have stuck.

You taught him well. It always amazes me that some things actually get absorbed, even when you are getting the eye rolls & assuming that things are going in one ear and out the other.</p>

<p>GSharp: LOL on the trunk/truck show. If your D1 is coming to NoVa, I could always show her the Bionic Pickup and I also have an old trunk that belonged to my great grandfather. Your comment about FOB = Financier of the Bride actually made me spit coffee.</p>

<p>I’m looking forward to visiting S2 on Sunday. We’re going to visit for the day, take him out to Easter lunch, and see the grandpuppy. He’s got work dates for his internship, the contract is signed, now he’s looking for housing, probably a summer sublet. But he is refusing any parental assistance in his housing hunt. It reminds me of when he was a toddler and would say, “No, Mommy, ME do it!”</p>

<p>The COLLEGE process is starting all over again: S1 went to an Open House to compare grad school programs. The nice thing is that this time around, I don’t have to flog him - he’s doing all the legwork himself, with just a touch of solicited parental guidance. :slight_smile: He’s also very cost-conscious since he will be paying for grad school himself. (We might help fill in any gaps, but shhhh!)</p>

<p>Good morning. </p>

<p>Safe travels to all “our” kids heading abroad or enjoying spring break. And, may everyone enjoy their holidays this week, if you’re celebrating. </p>

<p>Laf - good luck finding a Saturday activity for your fam. If my kids were home, the activity might be yard work. Do you think your kids would go for that?</p>