Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>good morning all. thanks for the coffee proudnj</p>

<p>pvc’s headed to all who need them</p>

<p>hoping not too many left on the ss indecision</p>

<p>Seeing D this weekend- with the grand puppy which will be nice. Her plans for summer are pretty firmed up with an offer of f/t employment at her regular library job and a p/t offer helping out on the campus farm. She is looking forward to it- especially as last summer’s nannying did not really pan out into any real money.</p>

<p>Quiet day in this group today!</p>

<p>P56, what is happening with the mcat?</p>

<p>good morning… had to scroll all the way over to the end of all the pages in order to get a reply box!!</p>

<p>coffee is ready!</p>

<p>munequita… S2 decided on a gap year…so moved the mcat date from march to august…so i am assuming the examkracker books are now in a pile collecting dust.</p>

<p>survived birthday week. S2’s 21st was yesterday</p>

<p>Good morning. Looks like coffee’s on me this morning. I think S arrived in Iowa City last night en route from Georgia to Minnesota, but I sure would have liked some confirmation. </p>

<p>Have a great Friday, all.</p>

<p>Oops. Cross posted with p56. Thanks for the coffee. Glad you survived birthday week.</p>

<p>Looks like DS will come home from the hospital today! This will make a full three weeks he’s been there. He’s not back to normal yet, but doing much better. We’re going to have a lot of structure for him, that’s for sure!</p>

<p>Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers.</p>

<p>Good news, MLH! Hope all goes well.</p>

<p>Anyone else experiencing format issues with some pages? This one looks really WIDE on my computer. Had to scroll all the way to the right to find the post reply box.</p>

<p>Great news, ML! It will great for everyone to be together for Easter, I’m sure. </p>

<p>Is anyone else seeing funky alignment in CC today? No text is wrapping and the page numbers are listed individually, not in batches. </p>

<p>TGIF! Have a great weekend.</p>

<p>Great news ML, hope progress continues, you and your family are in my thoughts</p>

<p>Yes, CC was funky yesterday, i was not able to post from my computer, i had to use my phone</p>

<p>Formatting is crazy on cc today.
To those who celebrate, Happy Easter.
Dd is flying from Hong Kong to Cambodia tomorrow for her spring break. She is spending several days at Angkor Wat and a few days at the beach.I was very hesitant about this one but after doing a lot of reading and watching a Smithsonian special on the Angkor Wat ruins, I’m okay with it all.
ML, great news that your son is coming home. Keeping you all in my prayers.</p>

<p>Good morning! yes, formatting is very strange. I figured it was in response to “Ivy Day” yesterday and I am hoping it goes back to normal.</p>

<p>S2 is enjoying his Spring Break, has been sleeping a lot, has gone to the beach, played golf, played basketball and visited with friends. </p>

<p>The final results are in for S3. He applied to 12 schools, was admitted to 7, WL’d at 2 and “redirected” by 3. He will be attending UC Berkeley (Cal) with a Regents Scholarship, therefore avoiding anytime on the SS Indecision. </p>

<p>Happy Easter to all!</p>

<p>TGIF! What a week! All day meetings all week + 2 D’s in tears = No Sleep! You have no idea how much I am looking forward to just getting home and turning off the Dramatron this weekend!</p>

<p>I’m sure that I will miss something since CC has apparently turned off collapsing page #’s and I now need a laptop with a 300’ screen to read our forum. ;)</p>

<p>Safe travels to what seems like everyone’s kids!</p>

<p>Hoppy Easter to those who celebrate! I’m thinking of stopping at the mall on the way home from the airport to work out a deal again with the Sephora Bunny to fill DW’s basket.</p>


Can I thank you for eventually turning off Cincy’s snow machine? Oh, and I actually went to Graeter’s twice this week… out of town guests.</p>

<p>Checkers – Glad to see that you are having a 42°F heat wave too! Sorry that the youngins’ egg hunt was postponed.</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – Glad to hear that your D made it back safely, despite the delay, ergh!</p>

<p>12rmh18 – Good luck to S2 with “his” housing hunt. BTW, the equivalent phrase with D1 was “I do it self!”</p>


I quickly learned that I needed to make this a business transaction and take the emotion out of it. As I told DW, “I will go, but I don’t have to enjoy it.” ;)</p>


I get this all the time. When I work in Memphis everyone asks about me living “up north” and “Do you get a lot of snow?” When I work in Cincy, every asks about what it is like to live in the south. This week was kinda funny. Our meetings were in Cincy and it snowed the first part of the week. Many of the people in the meeting were from Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and Maine… they complained that they expected it to be warm “down south” in Ohio.</p>

<p>Re: 2013/2017er’s – Is it wrong of me to just wish you the best and live vicariously through you without having to actually participate? ;)</p>

<p>More wedding drama this week, but we are heading toward an April 2014 date. That way April can be D1’s Month and May can be D2’s month. :rolleyes: As DW puts it, “as usual, we don’t get a month.” ;)</p>

<p>In college news, D2 says she has the meanest professor on Earth (mean to everyone in the class) and has no teaching skills. Everyone tells her “I’m sorry” when she tells them who her professor is. I told her that I’m pretty sure that one of my philosophy professors held that title. :wink: She’s still checking summer options. I asked her about one unpaid internship in which I thought she was interested (and to which I had encouraged her to apply). She said that she really wanted it, but did not apply because she didn’t want to “burden” us with that. I told her that if it was still open to just apply for it and we’ll figure it out… we’ll see.</p>

<p>I, too, laughed at jc40’s D’s reference to VA as being in the “north.” </p>

<p>ML, so glad your son is doing well enough to come home.</p>

<p>Yep, the crazy formatting happened here starting last night, still getting it but only on some threads? Bizarre.</p>

<p>Both kids are home. It’s just the 4 of us and I’m really happy!</p>

<p>Watching Les Miserable on On Demand with the kids.</p>

<p>D’s break was earlier so no easter bunny here. She has a friend visiting her. We’ll miss her</p>

<p>Missed the crazy formatting on CC last night, so I have no idea what I missed. Guess that’s not a bad thing. </p>

<p>GSharp - sorry about the tears from both Ds. Eek! </p>

<p>Good luck to your D2 with her search for an internship. My D is searching too. She has one offer for an unpaid internship, but would prefer one that pays. Not sure what she told them, but I think she needed to give them an answer this week.</p>

<p>Bonnie - safe travels to your D! What an exciting trip!</p>

<p>Wishing safe travels to everyone else traveling as well. We won’t be seeing D this year. Too many complications this weekend, and she was just home last week, so she’ll spend the holiday with friends.</p>

<p>The weird formatting scared me and I didn’t come back all day until now. :p</p>

<p>S got a call back today for the internship to study the zebra muscles in the rivers. Apparently, something he put on his resume/application interested them because they asked him specifically for an interview. They said the others would be emailed. :cool: They’re hiring 3 different positions. His interview date isn’t comfirmed yet. YEAH ! Fingers crossed !</p>

<p>Scary day. One of my preschoolers (not here today) was life flighted today. VIP’s our way, please. She’s stable tonight.</p>

<p>S10’ GF will be here within the hour for the weekend. We like her. :slight_smile: Beautiful weekend expected around 70 ! Some rain tomorrow but Sunday is suppose to be nice. I cleaned the deck, hoping we can be outside some. However, they say 33 Monday. Really ?!</p>

<p>Watching Pitch Perfect with D15. :)</p>

<p>Good Morning! Coffee/tea and whatever is in the cupboards ready! I haven’t been on in a few days so I missed the formatting problems. </p>

<p>Good luck to all applying for internships. S2 has decided to work on campus again this summer. He thought about taking a Greek class during the summer, but based on the cost has nixed the idea. Still no idea on if he is considering Grad school. He needs to do the extra semester to get the teaching certification so right now I think he’s only concentrating on getting that and then see what happens. </p>

<p>ML: Yay for the homecoming and for S1’s continued progress. </p>

<p>Went to dermatologist yesterday for the first time. Like everyone else here had some things removed. I have to say the odor of what smelled like burning flesh did not sit well with me! :eek: But I was amazed that I didn’t feel a thing.</p>

<p>We should be having another nice day here. Hopefully will get a walk in later this afternoon. Have a great day!</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee!</p>

<p>fingers crossed for the interview checkers</p>

<p>S2 will be on campus this summer, finishing his research and will be taking classes… i think he knows what he is taking, can register this week so i hope so.</p>

<p>Dropping in to say hello! The weather here finally feels like spring. I’m spending the afternoon doing laundry and reading and then going to a friend’s house nearby for Passover seder.</p>