Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Afternoon all! Wishing all of those who’ve been celebrating Passover, and those who will be celebrating Easter wonderful holidays. </p>

<p>Had a crazy week; visited D1. Anything you’ve ever heard about the madness of Disney during the week before & after Easter is true! We spent a good amount of time pointing out the “sad dads.” </p>

<p>D2’s college process is done! Woot :slight_smile: She went 5-2 and made a swift decision. So no SS Indecision for us either. She’ll be at College of Charleston & is quite tickled that it makes me a Cougar Mom (srsly. There’s a tee shirt.)</p>

<p>Who on here has HS Class of 2014’ers? Your turn!</p>

<p>RobD! My BIL, SIL and niece were down there this week – wonder if he was a Sad Dad by that point?!? :)</p>

<p>RobD - my S is HS Class of 2014, and I am NOT ready!</p>

<p>Congrats to your D and to her Cougar Mom!</p>

<p>Why “sad dads” at Disney? </p>

<p>T_C - enjoy the seder!</p>

<p>Checkers - D and I watched Pitch Perfect together over her winter break - fun!</p>

<p>PVCs to your preschool student. Hope she’s doing better!</p>

<p>Good luck to your S with his interview.</p>

<p>Does anyone know why this thread has been moved to the cafe? It just seems strange that it’s been moved, suddenly, when I haven’t noticed any changes in the content of the postings.</p>

<p>There was some discussion on another thread that perhaps the “Class of…” threads should move to the cafe, since they aren’t necessarily specifically about college. Makes sense to me.</p>

<p>Welcome to your new home.</p>

<p>Stopping by to deliver freshly brewed Peet’s coffee and jasmine tea. I think you guys should have a housewarming party. :)</p>

<p>I think this is a more proper place to live although MANY posters were good about sending some COLLEGE news every post.</p>

<p>In COLLEGE news… DS is heading back to school tomorrow after spring break (quarter system). We just had Easter dinner since he leaves at 10 tomorrow. DD is off with BF and is NOT telling me where she is going to grad school next year. She has options, all good. But is NOT choosing until the very last day (She is nothing if not her father’s child!).</p>

<p>Anyone know when the Putnam scores are due out? DS may also have an opportunity to go back to Budapest to compete in an international math competition, depending on his Putnam scores.</p>

<p>Moving us might make sense except that the other parents threads were not moved???</p>

<p>OK, Caf</p>

<p>Hey! We’re back in the Parent’s Forum. It’s kind of like being put in Time Out and then returning to the Grownups’ table.</p>

<p>I like staying here. I know that one poster, who hadn’t posted in years, complained, but we’ve been faithful posters who didn’t leave. I thnk we should have some say.</p>

<p>In COLLEGE news, ds is back on campus. For some reason, it was hard to let him go this time. Maybe it’s knowing that next year both of mine will be gone.</p>

<p>I haven’t been showing up at this party, but I heard it moved over to the Cafe. I suppose it makes sense, but …… that takes a touch more effort. I can’t get into the Cafe by using the quick list on the left hand side. AND, my posts don’t add to my count. While that second reason doesn’t really affect me, but I always loved seeing who had the highest post counts. Laf, looks like you’re winning. Besides, where are the other “Class of…” threads?</p>

<p>In college news, BB3 is studying for the MCATs and BB2 is close to graduating. That should please him, except he fretting about not having a job lined up. BB1 continues to be underemployed. He’s busy working, but he’s still not at a career job.</p>

<h1>G7, obviously I haven’t been here since forever, but are your DDs really both planning weddings, or are they just practicing the angst and drama for you now so when the big day arrives, you’ll be a pro in bridal-trauma?</h1>

<p>ETA: did we get moved back to the Parents forum? Hummm I’m getting dizzy. Oh wait, I am always dizzy.</p>

<p>I didn’t know you all had been playing musical forums over the weekend! I’d been lurking for a while because I didn’t have much college news to report. Then, S came home for a few days and updated me. </p>

<p>So, COLLEGE news. S is officially behind in classes because he didn’t get into a class early in the rotation. Fortunately, a class he desperately needs will be offered in the summer and graduation will be delayed by one quarter and not two. He has the opportunity to work more hours in his on campus job in the summer, as well, and that will help cover some of his bills. </p>

<p>MaineLonghorn, I’ve been following your posts and I hope for the best for your S and your whole family.</p>

<p>Now, to catch up with all of the COLLEGE news on this thread!</p>

<p>Wishing all a Happy Passover and Easter.</p>

<p>I returned from Fla yesterday after an extended stay due to my mom’s illness. Sad to say she moved on to what I hope and believe is a more peaceful place. I arrived back from Fla within mins of my dtr’s flt from school in the airport and also met my brother who was flying down to be with our dad, it was like a tag team of support. My son was there to pick us up so I am very comforted to be home with them and my DH now.</p>

<p>ML glad to hear your son is home and improving</p>

<p>College News: DD schedule is set and grad requirements ahead of schedule, DS has a few weeks left and will be graduating May 18th with his Master in Accounting, then it is off to work for him</p>

<p>Loving March Madness and underdogs winning, was sorry to see FGCU’s run come to an end as I was down near “Dunk City” these past 2 weeks as an honorary Floridian</p>



<p>Exactly! This is too funny! I wonder where we will be by noon time today…</p>

<p>I’ll bring coffee no matter where we end up good morning all</p>

<p>Coskat so sorry about your mother</p>

<p>S2 will be off to new Orleans presenting something this week…good timing turn 21 and a week in NEw Orleans :)</p>

<p>I missed the short relocation to the cafe, I would have liked to have seen what my post count dropped to. And if both Class threads that I frequent move, I fear I will be a new member again.</p>

<p>coskat - sorry about your mom.</p>

<p>We skyped with D in her COLLEGE study abroad location yesterday. I sensed she is a bit out of her comfort zone, but that will come as she gets acclimated to living in a different country for ten weeks. She read off some of the field trips which are in conjunction with the classes, and it sounds like a very enriching experience. Will be interesting to see how the classes compare to those at the main campus.</p>

<p>Talked with D2 yesterday also. She is has her COLLEGE housing set for next year, and said her recent tests have been “fine.” Her COLLEGE did an Easter Egg hunt through the quads. She and her boyfriend found 3 out of 200, not bad!</p>

<p>Happy Easter, and happy sunny days everyone!
:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Coskat - so sorry to hear about your mother. I hope your memories of her will always be a blessing and comfort to you. </p>

<p>In COLLEGE news, S has returned safely to campus after the drive from Georgia and a stopover in Iowa City. He managed to forget that we are an hour ahead of him, so when he called to chat at 11:48 PM and then got interrupted, he said, “I’ll call back later.” I asked him to call back today instead. I think he is happy to be back and gearing up for the new term that starts tomorrow. </p>

<p>Happy Easter to all who celebrate.</p>

<p>Happy Easter!</p>

<p>D1 is finishing up her 60+ page project for her teaching credential. It is due Tuesday, and I am hoping the cranky mood disappears after she turns it in. Luckily S2 is home on Spring Break and is helping her edit. </p>

<p>S2 ended up with 2 A- and a B+ for the quarter. He says the A-'s were a disappointment, but the B+ was a pleasant surprise. 3rd quarter starts tomorrow. </p>

<p>We debated yesterday whether or not they wanted to do an egg hunt. Last year there were some complaints from the 2 that didn’t get the $20 .</p>

<p>Happy Easter everyone! </p>

<p>Off to go help prepare for brunch with the whole family. We are the heathens skipping mass this morning to go help my Aunt. Still a pain to wake up early :wink: </p>

<p>Florida plays Michigan this afternoon and hopefully kicks them out to head to the Final Four!</p>