Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>I’ve had quick skypes and texts with DS…but schedules conflicts on both ends are making it hard to arrange a talking time. We are anxious to hear more about his summer internship - we assume he accepted the offer and is working on housing logistics.</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2: “Sad Dads” because they were weary, dealing with overstimulated children & trying to figure out how to make the most of their daily admission when some of the rides were over a 3 hour wait :wink: </p>

<p>G#: Thanks so much for the artwork :slight_smile: As for refined & mortified, not quite sure if that applies to D2 as she is taking great delight in making sure that everyone knows I’m a Cougar Mom. </p>

<p>In COLLEGE news, D1 registers for fall classes on Tuesday. She told us this morning that all was well, she has an 11am registration time & her bus to work doesn’t leave till 11:30. Kewl. Until about 10 minutes later, when I realized that she is on Eastern time and her school is on Central. Ruh roh. She hadn’t figured that into her calculus, so it looks like I may be on board to register her. I haven’t done that since 1986 so wish me luck :)</p>

<p>Deborah T: thanks for the “housewarming” present :)</p>

<p>Coskat: my condolences on your family’s loss. </p>

<p>If anyone needs an example to prove that there is no correlation between prior knowledge & success in March Madness, look no further than me. I am currently in 2nd place in my league & picked 2 of the Final Four teams.</p>

<p>Checking in while Duke gets pummeled by Louisville. </p>

<p>Coskat - I’m sorry about your mother</p>

<p>RobD - College of Charleston is on our radar screen for S2 - 2014. Would very much like your thoughts on the school. </p>

<p>We visited James Madison and William and Mary this past week. S2 felt more at home at Madison was his take away. Can’t get much more out of him at this juncture. :rolleyes: DW will pull it out of him over the coming weeks. </p>

<p>G# - thanks for the suggestions, we had a great dinner at the Trellis. </p>

<p>One thing that both DW and I noticed during the tours - the large number of students who had double majors or a minor, often not connected in any way. We were mulling that over - is it just these schools or is it more simply more prevalent now?</p>

<p>S1 attended his smokers, in sartorial splendor, I’m assuming. He acknowledged the high level of politics in the selection process, so he’s being realistic. </p>

<p>Can someone explain the cafe and who decides who goes in there?</p>

<p>It would appear that we have been kicked out of the Caf</p>

<p>When we went on college tours with s2 double/triple majors were mentioned a lot. Didn’t think s2 was that interested in that idea but turns out he wanted it after all </p>

<p>I always thought the cafe was for non college stuff like gardening, books, tv, weight loss etc not sure how we ended up there for a few hours</p>

<p>S2 registered for his summer classes today and plotted out next year. So looks like he is good to get the 2 degrees</p>

<p>For me my COLLEGE news is that my Spring Break ends tomorrow. Back to classes for me but I only have about a month left so it is okay.</p>

<p>We finally get to declare Florida residency this week (!!!) which means we’ve been here for a year so that is exciting. </p>

<p>I get to register for my summer classes this week also. I think I have like 15 credits and then I’ll hopefully have my AA by summer’s end :)</p>

<p>Woohoo mdem congrats</p>

<p>Good work, mdem!</p>

<p>IL (and others interested in double majors) There’s a new paper out of Vanderbilt this month about the rise of double majors. Here’s a link to the press release about it: [Tepper</a>, Pitt release leading report on double majors | The Curb Center | Vanderbilt University](<a href=“]Tepper”> There’s a link to the whole 90+page paper within that (and yes, I read the whole thing. I found it fascinating, partially because I have 1 kiddo with 2 majors and a minor, and 1 kiddo who’s anticipating at least a double major. And yes, AP credits play into that.)</p>

<p>Good morning! It’s Opening Day in Baseball Land, which in Cincinnati is a big deal. There’s a parade with bands & floats & everything! :smiley: Many people take off work or skip school to attend the parade & afternoon game.</p>

<p>If nothing else, it means it’s spring (but the forecast is for low 40s & overcast.)</p>

<p>Good morning iPeeps! I think our thread’s brief foray into the Parent Cafe was just a premature April Fool’s joke by CC. ;)</p>

<p>Speaking of April Fools, today is S1’s birthday - no joke. He is 1/4 century old.</p>

<p>Coskat: my condolences on the loss of your mother. I hope she is in a more peaceful place.</p>

<p>mdem: good work! You’re in the home stretch with 15 credits. Keep your focus & finish strong. Congratulations!</p>

<p>mommusic: it’s Opening Day here too & boy, is everyone excited! The Boys of Summer have arrived. Sports Illustrated has high hopes for the Nationals, which, of course, is the kiss of death for any team. </p>

<p>IL: in comparing COLLEGES, I think JMU has a more laid back vibe than W&M, which is also half the size of JMU. Do you think your S2 was interested in a larger school? Plus, I think some people gravitate toward the mountains vs. the tidewater coast. The good news is that both JMU & W&M are excellent choices. Good luck with S2’s COLLEGE search!</p>

<p>G# & IL: we had lunch with our S2 at the Trellis yesterday. However, everyone was too full & it truly would have been Death by Chocolate if we had indulged in dessert. This gives us a reason to visit the Trellis again …</p>

<p>Speaking of COLLEGE: we visited S2 for Easter. He is “crushed with group projects” but otherwise seems happy. He registered for his Fall 2013 classes & is on track with his credits to graduate in May 2014. He is also one of those kids with a double major (finance/economics) & minor (entrepreneurship). However at next year’s graduation he must choose between departmental ceremonies since one major will be in the business school while the other major will be in the College of Arts and Sciences.</p>

<p>And never mind the forecast…I just spotted a few snowflakes falling outside. Because it’s Opening Day in Cincinnati. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>A columnist in today’s paper said many people at the parade today will be mourning the death of an aunt. That’s the most common excuse given by people skipping work or school. :D</p>

<p>UC just announced something new–“Maymester,” with a small selection of courses in every college for people who need something to do between the end of school (last day of classes is April 19) and a summer job which may not begin until June (camp counselors, for example.) It’s handy if you need one more course to graduate but don’t want to spend a whole 'nother semester here. </p>

<p>I guess since switching to semesters this year they are still tinkering with the schedule. It’s also a handy source of revenue for the Uni.</p>

<p>S made it back to COLLEGE around 6:00 last night. Classes resumed today. We won’t see him until our vacation the end of May. (hoping he still gets to go AND gets the internship)</p>

<p>It was about 60 yesterday and windy, so quite chilly. Nothing like the beautiful 70 they told us about. Woke up this morning to snow on the ground. :(</p>

<p>Last day of spring break for D15.</p>

<p>coskat- sorry about your Mom.</p>

<p>D left our house for her COLLEGE apartment (about a 90 minute drive away) at 8 pm. She got home at midnight! No accidents that she saw- but it was miserable at the border between NY and MA. She has driven back to COLLEGE many times on Sunday nights- but this was about two hours later than usual (she likes us; she really, really likes us) plus a holiday weekend for many. Poor baby. But I sent her home with enough leftovers that she will not have to cook all week. </p>

<p>I note that she appreciates us even more now that she is living on her own and doing all the cooking/cleaning. She likes not having roommates, but now can’t blame the mess on anyone else, nor is anyone else going to clean it up!</p>

<p>Thanks all for your kind words and support. DD went back to school last night(miss her!) and DS leaves today. They were wonderful supports all weekend, DS cooked the leg of lamb yesterday and he and his GF did all the dishes, DD washed my kitchen floor Sat night(she knew I was going to do it Sun am) and made the Easter baskets for little cousins. I missed my brother & sis & dad who are in Fla but had my niece(and her 3 cuties) and nephews here.</p>

<p>12rmh18 Happy Birthday to your son</p>

<p>Happy Opening Day to all, hope warm spring weather arrives soon</p>

<p>Kinderny that traffic can be horrible, sat in it last summer coming back from Mass to NY on a Sunday, at least you knew she wouldn’t starve if it lasted all night lol</p>

<p>Bumping us back to page 1, and wishing everyone a Happy Opening Day…the real beginning of spring, as far as I’m concerned! (and right now the Red Sox are ahead of the Yankees 4-0, but it’s only the 2nd inning) :)</p>

<p>12 days until we fly to Scotland to visit D1!!!</p>

<p>Happy April, all!</p>

<p>I am figuring out lots of academic logistics for senior year. I more or less have my fall course schedule planned out, and I register for that next week. Housing lottery numbers come out tomorrow so then I’ll have a good sense of what rooms I can reasonably get based on how good my number is. And I’m working on some preliminary research for my honors thesis next year, as well as my application/finding an advisor for my thesis! Plus emailing with professors about my Fulbright application…since I’m applying to get my Master’s abroad, I need to apply with a good idea of my Master’s thesis topic in mind. Yikes!</p>

<p>Coskat, I am so very sorry about the loss of your mom.</p>

<p>t_c, that is a lot of stuff you have going on, but congrats on having a handle on things! My D is thinking of her master’s abroad, when she isn’t hiding her head and pretending that she can stay in college forever. She hasn’t really started to do much research yet, though.</p>

<p>One of my studies hit an unforeseeable and unavoidable roadblock that raised the cost of the study by about $200 dollars! :open_mouth: Luckily, my department head quickly agreed to fund the additional costs–I’m so thankful for my department right now! :D</p>