Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>coskat, I’m so sorry.</p>

<p>Ds is making up for the 8:15 class last semester; this semester his earlier class if 10:10.</p>

<p>In exciting COLLEGE news, ds2 is sooooo close to pulling the trigger. Some financial loose ends to tie up.</p>

<p>Coskat, I’m so sorry for the loss of your mother.</p>

<p>I’d like to share a precautionary tale about technology. Sometimes it’s too smart for our own good. D’s roommate is a senior, and has been desperately seeking a job. Roommate had a phone interview scheduled for 9:30 am Monday, two days day after she arrived at their spring break location on the gulf coast in Alabama. Roommate set her alarm for 9 am to be sure she’d be awake and have time to prepare. What she didn’t realize was that Alabama is in the next time zone, one hour behind the East Coast time zone she normally live in, and the time zone her NYC interviewer was calling from. She hadn’t had to change any watches or clocks, because her cell phone automatically figured out the new time when she crossed the time zone line, so she hadn’t noticed the change in time zones. At 8:30 am Monday (Alabama time), when her cell phone rang and woke her up, she groggily answered it to find it was her phone interview from the job, and it was VERY obvious that she wasn’t awake or prepared - because her phone alarm was set for 9am - Alabama time. She is really upset because it was a job she really wanted!</p>

<p>Coskat - I am so sorry for your loss. Hugs!!</p>

<p>Laf - thanks for that reminder! I hope she was able to explain what happened so that the interviewer didn’t automatically put her in the “no” pile.</p>

<p>YDS - looking forward to hearing the final decision! </p>

<p>Psych - whew! Glad things worked out for you!</p>

<p>RobD - thanks for explaining about “sad dads.” </p>

<p>In college news, I just submitted our IDOC stuff to College Board. Glad to have that all done.</p>

<p>Coskat , cyber hugs sent. </p>

<p>twinmama, do you stalk the scottish pics posted on BBC? I do every week. Enjoy! (and take warm clothes).</p>

<p>YDS, hope the trigger goes off with a very happy BANG.</p>

<p>limom, good job! always good to send stuff off.</p>

<p>G#M I have a niece getting married this summer that is the same age as my D. I am hoping to keep them pretty far apart incase it is contagious.</p>

<p>Hi all.</p>

<p>And in COLLEGE news, UCSB ranked 69th out of 578 colleges in the Putnam Math competition, partly due to my DS’s score. He was on the team. YAY</p>

<p>Good evening!</p>

<p>S2 is back at school, started his 3rd quarter classes today. He loves his new professors. But he forgot his chocolate Easter Bunny at home. </p>

<p>esobay: Congrats to your son’s math team! Go Gauchos! (my alma mater)</p>

<p>Good luck with the trigger YDS!</p>

<p>Coskat: So sorry! Thoughts and prayers with your family.</p>

<p>In college news, D got a small fellowship for summer research! Proud parents</p>

<p>Good morning. Coffee’s ready. I had an early call for work today, and now I’ll be off for a bone density scan. Fun, fun, fun. </p>

<p>On the COLLEGE front, S started classes yesterday but I don’t have a report yet. I know that he is TA’ing an intro CS class, so that should be interesting.</p>

<p>Coffee’s ready. I had an early call for work today and now I’m off for a bone density scan. Fun times!</p>

<p>On the COLLEGE front, S started his new term yesterday but I haven’t had any report yet. He will be TA’ing an intro CS course, so that should be interesting. </p>

<p>Happy Tuesday.</p>

<p>Oops. It told me it had rejected my first post, so I tried again and doubled up.</p>

<p>good morning all…thanks for the coffee alice! hope your son enjoys TAing… S2 loves it</p>

<p>woohoo munequita, congrats to your D!!!</p>

<p>Coskat, I am so sorry about your Mom. </p>

<p>MDem, Munequita and anyone else I missed - congrats!</p>

<p>In our own college news, we got to read the first draft of an article ds is writing for his internship. Since he thinks his boss is dead wrong on this particular issue it’s been … challenging.</p>

<p>Coskat: I’m sorry to hear about your mother.</p>

<p>Alice: I figure when I double my posts, it just means that I REALLY mean it. :)</p>

<p>S10 has to buy a new meal plan today at COLLEGE. This is the time of year he has to start planning and rationing. The meals don’t carry over. His last class day is May 10 with finals the next week. He’s out about a week later than last year. </p>

<p>Hard freeze last night and there’s still frost. D15 and I have decided we’re giving it until Thursday, then we’re declaring spring one way or another. We’re breaking out the flip flops and putting away the winter coat.</p>

<p>Trying to figure out when S10 moves into his new apartment late July this year if we’ll have to pay rent at BOTH places. Maybe they’ll prorate it?!</p>

<p>Coskat - so sorry for your loss</p>

<p>Congrats to all the 2013ers that have made their decisions (or are just about to)!</p>

<p>In COLLEGE news, both D and S are trying to plot out their fall courses. D has picked her room for next year and S should be picking his this week. Summer jobs are still up in the air. D needs to decide about applying to Grad school or not. D was notified that she will be receiving a scholarship. We don’t know the details, but there are very few merit scholarships given out at Tufts - so we’re very proud :)</p>

<p>Esobay - congrats to your S, his math team, and UCSB! Excellent job!</p>

<p>Momof2inma - congrats to your D as well! What an honor!</p>

<p>Thinking about ML and her sons. I hope Easter was peaceful for them</p>

<p>Likewise, Munequita.</p>

<p>congrats to esobay, momof2!!!</p>

<p>coffee is ready!</p>

<p>Good morning! Another sunny day! We sort of don’t see the sun around her all winter so this is nice.</p>

<p>Got to see S last night as he joined us for post-Passover pizza. :slight_smile: He has 2 1/2 weeks of class left before exams. Then he can stop saying he’s a “pre-Junior” :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Our friends’ kids are making their college choices. They run the gamut from “decided months ago” to “Ai-yi-yi-yi!” :D</p>


This is awesome!</p>

<p>My D is having all sorts of aggravation with her professors and has is now thinking that she wants to pursue a totally different career because she is so fed up with them. I told her it’s not unusual at the second half of junior year with a very heavy workload to hate everyone and anyone, so major life decisions shouldn’t be made. I hope she listens.</p>

<p>zmom - Wise advice. I hope she listens too.</p>

<p>Still no update from S on how he likes his spring term courses, etc. I guess he’s waiting for the weekend.</p>