Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>I’ve been a really good mood today so I am trying to be productive by getting a bunch of work done, going through some old clothes, and planning some things out. </p>

<p>Three weeks of classes left for me since the first week of May is exam week. Still looking for a job and I applied to like 5 places this week so I am hoping I get a call back or something.</p>

<p>Coskat: So sorry to hear about your Mom. ((hugs))</p>

<p>Munequita: Congrats to your D. :)</p>

<p>Mdem: Good luck with the job hunt! </p>

<p>Congrats to Momof2 and Esobay! :)</p>

<p>Not much going on here. S2 is busy, busy with school. I do get a phone call everyday but it’s more of I can’t talk too much to do. I’m just happy that he checks in! </p>

<p>S1 and GF are at the Yankees/Red Sox game tonight. They are going to freeze their you know what off! :eek: I was on phone with him this afternoon and my boss heard me tell him to make sure they wear longjohns and gloves. When I got off my boss laughed and said that S1 lives on his own he probably knows how to dress. I told him to mind his own business, that I’m his “MOM” and I’m entitled to still worry about him. That shut him right up!</p>

<p>Mdem, sending PVCs for your job applications!</p>

<p>D will be picking classes soon. She has to take either a senior seminar in her major or senior research. She likes the idea of research but I don’t think she has a topic or an advisor in mind… I’m guessing she’ll go with the seminar. </p>

<p>At work I see kids are making their college choices. It’s exciting to hear what some kids have decided, but I think it’s putting some pressure and anxiety on others who are still on the SS Indecision.</p>

<p>good morning all…coffee is ready</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee, p56. </p>

<p>Looks like the iPeeps much be busy in their “real lives” since we seem to be having a slow news week. I will be sticking with the maxim, “No news is good news” - both here and on the home/COLLEGE front.</p>

<p>mdem, good luck on the job hunt.</p>

<p>Congrats to all who deserve them (as my brain is kind of mushy and I can’t list you out).</p>

<p>Happy Thursday!</p>

<p>Good morning!</p>

<p>I went to my last Open House last night with S3. I almost didn’t go because after a long day at work the couch was calling my name, but I was glad I did. My baby is growing up into such a cool young man, I am bursting with pride. </p>

<p>No real college news. D1 is on Spring Break and turned her 60+ page project in on Tuesday and her mood has improved significantly.</p>

<p>DS has been home since Friday and is doing well. He really likes the partial hospital program that he will be attending Monday through Friday, 9 am to 3 pm, for a few weeks. We’re having to treat him like he’s a younger child, so it’s kind of hard. I’m hoping he will improve quickly so that he can start driving and be more independent. But we are thrilled that he is home and functioning! He still says he wants to continue in at least one of his classes this semester, but we’ll have to see. Since he’s registered with the office that oversees students with disabilities, he doesn’t have a deadline for withdrawal. So there is NO pressure on him, which is nice!</p>

<p>Tomorrow I’m flying to St. Louis to meet up with 15 of my online running friends. I signed up to run a half marathon, but I haven’t trained enough, so I will be a cheerleader, instead! One of my friends is going to give me a ride in her small plane on Saturday! I’m looking forward to having four days to myself! I will get to see MomofWildChild. She is running a marathon in Indiana on Saturday, then doing the St. Louis half marathon on Sunday! She amazes me. Another woman said she wants to do a warmup of “at least 6 or 7 miles)” before the race starts!</p>

<p>5x5athome, I’m starting to appreciate these school events more since my youngest (D who turns 15 on Saturday) is a high school freshman now. I try not to cringe when she tells me there’s yet another track meet, concert, open house, etc. Not too many more years of those!</p>

<p>Glad to hear the good news ML</p>

<p>ML, so glad you got to chime in with some positive news for your DS! And have fun on your road trip. </p>

<p>I have no college news , but only ten more days at the most before DD announces where she is going for grad school. She is rock climbing in Utah to clear her head. I was heard to mutter, just don’t fall on it!</p>

<p>Lol esobay but exciting time </p>

<p>Coffee is ready</p>

<p>S2 is off to new Orleans for a week for a chem meeting</p>

<p>gonna need that coffee today- woke up at 330 and have not been able to get back to sleep :(</p>

<p>In COLLEGE news, wrote the check - DD is officially not coming home this summer, instead spending it in Switzerland. She’ll be completing her Foreign Language requirement. Remember way back in HS when she dropped French in the middle of the year? Yup - taking French again…</p>

<p>I must be punchy - went back and searched for the thread on CC about her dropping the language…</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>A summer in Switzerland sounds wonderful</p>

<p>Wondering about the state of my credit card after the week in NO. (his doesn’t have high enough limit for the hotel). How much are hurricanes at pat o’brien’s now ?</p>

<p>P56 - Good news is that he can’t drink more than 2 of those anyway…</p>

<p>TGIF iPeeps! Coffee tastes great, the sun is shining, and the cherry blossoms are supposed to peak this weekend.</p>

<p>P56: I think Pat O’Brien’s Hurricanes run $9, not that I would have any personal experience with this >cough! cough!< back in October. :-D</p>

<p>scualum: after reading your post about Switzerland, I felt like singing “The Hills Are Alive With the Sound of Music!” Oh wait, that was Austria? I hope your D has a fantastic study abroad.</p>

<p>Munequita: congrats to your D on her scholarship!</p>

<p>ML: thanks for the update. I’m glad to hear that your DS is improving & made a good transition to the partial hospital program. Have a great time in St Louis & enjoy having a few days to yourself!</p>

<p>In COLLEGE news, S2 may have located a sublet for his summer internship. He’s headed up to check it out on Tuesday. He is also taking over rent responsibility for his off-campus house next year, so I’ve been encouraging him to have the utility companies average the bills for a monthly flat rate (no surprises with big bills) and automatic payments from a checking account dedicated exclusively to rent & utilities (accounting transparency).</p>

<p>Good morning!</p>

<p>Switzerland sounds wonderful!!! When I think of Switzerland I think of chocolate because everyone that I know that goes there always brings incredible chocolate home. Of course I also think of Roger Federer because I am a huge fan.</p>

<p>S2 is going to Greece this summer, It is only about 4 weeks, but he will get 8 units. So far we have only paid the deposit.</p>

<p>Although I’ve mostly been lurking on this thread, I did post a few times. Still…I’m a newbie here.</p>

<p>I’m sure we all can’t believe that next year our kids will be graduating already. We will need to make hotel reservations, and I would prefer not to end up staying 20 minutes out of town.</p>

<p>I’m thinking of making reservations one year in advance, so that means I’ll soon be booking. When are you planning to make your hotel reservations?</p>

<p>FMTTM - Made them already for next June.</p>

<p>Happy Friday to all. Looking forward to hearing from my kids over the weekend and getting the scoop on the first week of spring term from S.</p>

<p>Welcome back fmttm. I think most are booking a year ahead. </p>

<p>Tx5 Greece sounds wonderful too </p>

<p>Alice school schedule differences always amaze me. S2 almost finished this year only about 3 weeks til final exams</p>

<p>Are you telling me I need to start booking now? I am not ready!</p>