Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>I’ll wave to our NYC contingent as I fly into LGA in a couple of hours.</p>

<p>(Anti) Hero of the Week – ProudNJMom’s Boss for getting between mama and her cub and living to tell about it. ;)</p>

<p>ML – It is always good to hear progress for DS! Enjoy your 4 days and don’t forget to pack your cheerleader uniform. ;)</p>

<p>Mdem – Congrats on officially becoming flem :wink: and being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Good Luck! On the job front.</p>

<p>Momof2inma – Congrats to your meritorious D!</p>


As if my vote counted, I’d go with Miller Hall. Good to hear that your S may have summer housing figured out.</p>

<p>LAF – Just crap about the interview. I guess those of us who live it get used to always confirming the time zone for all communications.</p>


Good point. Maybe I should keep the D’s separated. :wink: If I plan it just right, we may be able to get through the next year on actual Kraft mac-and-cheese. Another wedding would put us in generic territory. ;)</p>


I muttered those same words when D2 decided to go zip lining last fall and skiing this winter.</p>


Moral dilemma… care package or personal consumption? I’m guessin’ by now that “Ole Hoppy” is missing an ear or two. ;)</p>


It’s funny you should mention that. I said the same thing this week after I was done talking with D2 about some “business”… some good, some bad. I thought, “That sure was a really good conversation. She totally gets it and did a great job communicating her side of things. I am proud of her.” :)</p>

<p>Munequita – Congrats to your D on the fellowship!</p>

<p>P56 – I sure do hope that S2’s chemistry is working for him in New Orleans. ;)</p>

<p>Zoosermom – Sorry that your D is dealing with professor aggravation. D2 is dealing with a little of that too which when added to her workload is a volatile combination.</p>

<p>FMTTM – Sssshhh! D2 really hates any discussion about graduation next year. I think she wants to stay in college forever. I haven’t made my reservations yet, but probably will when it gets closer to 1 year out which is June for us. </p>


Such a wild bunch indeed… I don’t understand why you feel the need to gloat about your exciting lives just to one-up ML and her small plane ride thingy. :wink: </p>

<p>ProudNJMom – We get the brief “check in” calls too that always end with “OK, I have to go do homework now.”</p>

<p>In wedding news, the ceremony/reception venue contract is signed and payment #1 made. :eek: The dates for next April were already filling up. No backing out now or I will have to come up with a symbol to represent “The Child Formerly Known as D1.” ;)</p>

<p>In college news, the concrete that is D2’s summer plans is starting to set up. She contacted the place where she really wanted to work and they had an opening, but she has a couple of other interesting possibilities too inc. interviews this week. So if it isn’t in use for something important, a little PVC aimed to NJ for a few days would be helpful.</p>

<p>G#, D1 will always be D1, she will just be married. You don’t need to find a new symbol :-)</p>

<p>GSharp - your D1 works quickly! My niece got engaged before Christmas, and she is in no rush to make wedding plans. Something tells me your D1 will be going through with the wedding, so no worries!</p>

<p>Scualum - yay for your D spending her summer in Switzerland! What a great experience for her!</p>

<p>P56 - hope your S in enjoying his time in NO and not doing too much damage to your credit card.</p>

<p>12rmh18 - crossing my fingers for your S2’s summer sublet. And wow about him taking over rent responsibility for his apt next semester! How’d you manage that one? ;)</p>

<p>Eso - :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Tx5athome - cool about your S2 heading to Greece for 4 weeks this summer. </p>

<p>I got back from taking S out to practice driving. He’s getting better, but I am not good at being a passenger while either of my kids is driving.</p>

<p>The hotel I want to stay at for graduation will only allow you to book 365 days in advance. I’ll probably set my alarm for midnight later this May so I can book 4 rooms!</p>

<p>You guys made me check the hotel - no reservations for May 2014 yet - graduation weekend is May 8 -10, D’s ceremony will probably be Friday afternoon. I am not ready for this!</p>

<p>The motel I wanted theoretically won’t book more than 365 days in advance, and if you try to do tiny phone they follow that. But somehow the online booking let me do it anyhow.</p>

<p>good morning all, coffee is ready!</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee P56! Its warming up in BHM - Let’s plan our lunch at Dream land.:)</p>

<p>Loading positive vibes into the PVC for any in need but seems like lots of good news on here. </p>

<p>12rmh18 - please come clean on you S stepping up for his rent - How did that happen?
Inquiring(and envious) minds want to know!;)</p>

<p>Re the hotel room, DW checked on that over a year ago. The hotel does the 365 days in advance thingy. But they charge your credit card immediately. And two night minimum, at a rate approaching a semester of tuition. Like Laf, She’s going to call at midnight the day of this years graduation and try to get a room. There is also a new hotel that opened up this year at the other end of campus. She’s going to call them earlier and try to compare. </p>

<p>S2 and his team are having a good year in baseball so far. He went 4 for 5 yesterday, and they are 3-1. Their only loss was a 2-1 nailbiter to the defending state champs.</p>

<p>Good morning? If you say so. Massive headache and horrible night’s sleep. Ds2 is determined to kill me.</p>

<p>Graduation hotels? Argh. I need to, hopefully, get through ds2’s HS graduation first. My plan is to stay out of town anyway, so I don’t think there will be a big rush where I want to stay.</p>

<p>PVCs to all who need them. (((hugs)))</p>

<p>IL, i will probably be going down sometime this month… sounds wonderful to meet for lunch…any friday that you will be in town and not at the airport LOL. i know he’s too busy for a mom visit next weekend. pm me your best dates and i’ll see if S2 will be around so i can also do some work at his house…i’m betting it needs some</p>

<p>S3 finally got his drivers license yesterday…and the problems have started already… why are kids so different?</p>

<p>yds, hope S2 and headache get better soon…or are they one and the same?</p>

<p>p56, you’ve hit the nail on the head.</p>

<p>lol yds… fouling the nest starting already??</p>

<p>Failing a class but is sure he can pull it out “like I always do.” His arrogance disturbs me. Always has. This is not a difficult class, just one he doesn’t care about filled with his slacker friends instead of his high-achieving friends.</p>

<p>YDS - I’m trying to recall - have we ever brought out the pitchforks for use on our own kids? If you would like to try that approach, mine is nicely sharpened…</p>

<p>Excellent idea. Thankfully for him, he’s working all day and can avoid my ire.</p>

<p>i’ll take some of the pitchfork brigade…S3 got license yesterday and told to be home by 11pm last night, called at midnight to say he was heading to another town to go bowling??? finally got home at 2:30!! H’s response… well he did call! WTH</p>

<p>P56, in or state, new drivers under 18 have all kind of restrictions like curfews, driving with other kids, etc. It seems to help somewhat</p>

<p>munequita same here, but S3 is 18, he just didnt get his license until yesterday</p>

<p>parent56–you might want to try to put restrictions on S anyway, until he has some more experience. New drivers have a poor track record, and we wouldn’t want your S to be a statistic! (I know it’s hard to put restrictions on 18 year olds…)</p>

<p>S did volunteer hours today for the annual spring Roadway Cleanup. He & some others cleaned up trash at an intersection for 4 hours. :)</p>

<p>good morning all, coffee is ready.</p>