Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Morning! Much better today.</p>

<p>Last night, ds1 called about 11:30. That can never be good news, right? In this instance it was! He was excited to share some work-study news that I don’t want to share here, but I’m happy for him.</p>

<p>Only three weeks left this semester. Its gone by so fast</p>

<p>agree munequita, this year has seemed to go very fast!</p>

<p>Hard to believe the semester kids only have a couple of weeks left. My quarter kid just started the third quarter. In college news, S2 is in first place after the first week of MLB baseball in his fantasy league and he picked the championship teams right in his March Madness bracket. Oh, I guess that isn’t college news. In college news he is taking sign language and three history classes this quarter. Since his summer Greece trip will count for 8 units and 2 history classes, he was going to drop one of his history classes, but after the first week, he likes all three so much, he decided to keep all three. I guess that is a good thing! </p>

<p>D1 has been on Spring Break this week. She turned in her ginormous project on Tuesday and has returned to a normal human being from the grumpy Miss McCrankypants she had been for the past few weeks. It is nice to have her back.</p>

<p>S3 has submitted his intent to register at Cal, has signed up for orientation and is figuring out how to rank his choices for housing. A lot of his friends at school are still undecided. I was expecting him to be undecided, but in the end financially and academically there ended up being one clear, obvious choice, and he is happy with his decision. Which makes me happy. </p>

<p>Happy Sunday!</p>

<p>Slow day here. I am so enjoying the Country Music Awards – Blake & Luke doesn’t get much better than this! :wink: Back to the show!</p>

<p>Yes, this year has gone exceptionally fast. I’m not sure I want the undergrad college experience to end. Anyone else feel that way?</p>

<p>FlyMe–the year seems to have gone quickly, but for those in the 5 year program, it’s not <em>that</em> near the end of the UG experience! S has to do Fall semester before he is done with Jr. Year classes.</p>

<p>It’s true, at some point (either grad school or when they get a job) you are not that invested in your child’s daily life and they stop coming to you for so many things. Including $$. :D</p>

<p>Thought I might see S yesterday, as I was playing for a Broadway revue show near him & he <em>could</em> have come. Guess he had better things to do. It was a fun show, however, and the catered reception after would have been worth his while!</p>

<p>good morning all…you mean i missed honey bee?? have to get my fix from the voice</p>

<p>fmttm… S2 has decided to do a gap year so i’m not sure i am looking forward to it… means all kinds of apps for research etc by january…and then in the gap year we crank up for med apps. except for the stressed out phone calls of exam times…i liked his undergrad experience.</p>

<p>My D’s semester ends at the end of May and it can’t come soon enough for her. She has had more than enough of organic chemistry.</p>

<p>She asked me to ask all of you for help with a small task. Where and how does one reference a months’ long research project with a professor on the resume? Thanks!</p>

<p>Zoos, my first instinct is to would put it in the “experience” section. I generally put that section in reverse chronological order, with the most recent experience at the top. But I could also see it going in the “education” section, assuming she has education at the top where most undergrads/recent grads have it.</p>

<p>Thanks, Laf. It’s amazing how one (or two in the case of my D and me) can overthink things to the point of paralysis.</p>

<p>lol zooser…my son loves org chem…but dont give him an english class</p>

<p>My D loved the first semester of organic chem, but the professor seems to be having issues this semester and D is losing her mind. Apparently, on the last test he gave the TAs the wrong answer key and everyone failed the test and it took weeks to figure this out and it still isn’t resolved. Another test coming up this week and no grade on the previous one.</p>

<p>Organic chemistry is inner of those classes that only a few people like. It seems teachers always make it s difficult as possible</p>

<p>I am flying home from St. Louis today. I actually FINISHED the half marathon on Saturday. I am shocked, because I have not been running much at all. This gives me hope for the future! My online running friends are planning to get together again in Toronto for an October race. I think I will plan to join them. Between CC and, I have more friends than in real life!</p>

<p>Congratulations on finishing! Very impressive.</p>

<p>Bumping our thread up from the second page.</p>

<p>No COLLEGE news here. Just counting the days until the end of the semester.</p>

<p>Hi mdem - nice to “see” you.</p>

<p>I spoke to my COLLEGE S yesterday. He had a good first week of spring term. He mentioned that his CS classes are really large for 300 level classes, as the major is growing fast and furious. I hope that Carleton can keep up. He had his first outdoor practice yesterday and was very happy about that. Now if I can just get him to write that thank you note to the parents of the friend he bunked with in Iowa City on the way back from Georgia . . .</p>

<p>Way to go ML!</p>

<p>great job ML</p>