Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Way to go ML! Sending good thoughts to everyone.</p>

<p>I signed up for fall classes this morning! And room draw for next year is tomorrow night. I have a pretty good number and an ordered list of rooms in my house I’d like, so I am ready :)</p>

<p>ML - We are proud of you! Good to hear updates from our student mascots too :wink: </p>

<p>“but for those in the 5 year program, it’s not <em>that</em> near the end of the UG experience!” - True. But that’s ok by me.</p>

<p>good morning all…coffee is ready!</p>

<p>hmmmm only text so far from new orleans meeting…wow those hurricanes have A LOT of booze in them</p>

<p>P56, that’s good. At least the text still made sense. :D</p>

<p>Good morning. Long time no post. Real life has taken over and I feel like there are not enough hours in the day to keep up with CC. :(</p>

<p>I agree. The year is flying by. S will be home from London in 25 days. Then D a week after that. I sure wish we knew their summer plans.</p>

<p>Congrats on your half, ML! Half marathons are my favorite. Short enough that training won’t overtake your life. But long enough to be impressive. Well done. </p>

<p>Good luck with room draw, t_c. </p>

<p>And, thanks for checking-in mdem. Good luck with finals.</p>

<p>Just dropping by to say good morning. Nothing new on the college front to report. I can report that I purchased a fabulous hat yesterday at a very off-price place. The brim has a diameter that’s at least 18" - no one will be able to sit next to me unless they are quite short. Now all I need is a place to wear it. Garden party, anyone?</p>

<p>Graduation, alice? I’ll sit in front of you! ;)</p>

<p>ML: Congrats on the 1/2 marathon! </p>

<p>Submitted FAFSA during lunchtime. :smiley: Next up is Princeton’s financial aid application. S2 is not sure what happens for the 9th semester. He will graduate next year with everyone else but needs to go back for the extra semester for student teaching and 2 classes. I told him that he really needs to find out where the aid comes from for that semester. The department or the school. I will be so happy if this is my last FAFSA!! </p>

<p>From what everyone is saying it’s another beautiful day out there, but I’m stuck in work. Went for walk after work yesterday and planning on doing the same today. The pollen count is high, and my allergies are acting up but I’m taking advantage of this beautiful spring weather!</p>

<p>YDS - that would NOT be a good idea. But it would likely be a spectacle.</p>

<p>Ah yes, the old “vision or spectacle” dilemma… ;)</p>

<p>whiat are we doing back on page 2? </p>

<p>YDS - did I miss an announcement or is the USS Indecision still at sea?;)</p>

<p>ML - well done indeed. I’m curious how you would do if you had trained? Wow!</p>

<p>We have no COLLEGE news, S1 seems to have gone radio silent. I’ve pinged him several times around funding for his research trip to the UK. :rolleyes: If he doesn’t get college funding, it falls on us. Somehow, I don’t think S1 sees and issue with that. Either way, he’s not paying. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Checkers - feeling for you with Wanda on the way. But please, please don’t send it our way. :eek:</p>

<p>good morning all…coffee is ready. S2 update… so what was your drink of choice today? answer: “anything free”. guess we have moved on from hurricanes.</p>

<p>strong storms predicted here for tomorrow…they are saying no tornado though.</p>

<p>eta oops change that…james spann isnt ruling out an isolated tornado</p>

<p>Good morning. Happy Hump Day. </p>

<p>Nothing to report, unless you count Batman’s injury. He went swimming in a cold reservoir on Sunday and developed a condition called “cold tail.” a.k.a., Limp tail, limber tail, and broken wag. </p>

<p>Apparently the cold water did something to muscles at the base of his tail. He can’t lift his tail, sit, or wag. Prognosis is excellent, but it will take up to 2 weeks for him to heal. Poor guy. It’s kinda pitiful to see a dog in pain, and unable to wag. :(</p>

<p>I’m sorry I don’t post nearly often enough, but I always say take no news as good news! I’ll also be posting on Facebook to give all your wonderful virtual moms and dads an update</p>

<p>So, I’ll be a senior at Smith this fall (which is CRAZY) and just registered for fall semester. I have an amazing summer lined up (7 week paid internship doing research for progressive causes in Wisconsin followed by 7 weeks au pairing in Turkey). and really can’t believe how fast everything is going. </p>

<p>I hope to be posting more often because I think I’ll be applying to GRADUATE SCHOOL (can you believe we’re here already) come fall. I have no idea basically anything about grad school, but I sure you all are full of great advice. At the moment, I’m thinking about both Math PhD programs and more policy-ish programs like Political Economy or even Public Policy. Like I said, I hope to be back on CC, so I might be soliciting advice because I have no idea.</p>

<p>No bad weather here. Massive ice storm in northern Iowa. News said it was the worst ice storm EVER. Ever is a long time. :)</p>

<p>S10 has the internship interview today. PVC’s his way, please.</p>

<p>I was suppose to put in a toddler specific playground today. Water standing ALL over, looks like it’ll have to wait a few days.</p>

<p>MaineLonghorn: Too bad St Louis was still 6 hours away for me or I would have watched you run the marathon. Great job !</p>

<p>:rolleyes: SIL drama. She doesn’t like a taste of her own medicine. Off to the Say it here thread…</p>

<p>ok, i’m bad… wont post what my original reply to batman’s injury was…but i dont think my H was in any cold water</p>

<p>Way to go ML on finishing the half!</p>

<p>P56: your DS is right. Hurricane’s do have a lot of alcohol in them. I love them :slight_smile: Did he imbibe at Pat O’Brien’s?</p>

<p>DB: I’m in the same boat. I’m only able to check in on CC about 1/week right now, even with a HS senior and I’m so far behind. And poor Batman! I never heard of cold tail. Can you put a heating pad on it?</p>

<p>I feel behind on the grad school front. Pretty sure D1 won’t go directly into that path. Right now she’s just happy she’s got her first 2 days off in a row in almost a month. She’s pretty stoked about her fall classes, so I think she’s looking forward to being a student again.</p>

<p>apparently so robd! wonder how many glasses he’ll bring home. you cant go to NO and not have a hurricane</p>

<p>DB: Poor Batman!! I can’t imagine how distraught Henry would be if he couldn’t wag his tail. Although out here in Southern California I guess that sort of injury wouldn’t be too common.</p>

<p>Poor Batman :frowning: </p>

<p>I think I forgot to mention that my family got a new puppy a couple weeks ago :slight_smile: His name is Milo, he’s 15 weeks old, and a chiweenie (a Chihuahua/Dachshund mix). Had to go buy puppy chow this afternoon so I thought I would mention it. Our other dog, Skeeter, is not a fan.</p>