Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Hi R6L! Long time no hear! Glad all seems to be going well for you.</p>

<p>Tomorrow morning my boss has a majorly important meeting, so I spent 4 hours today working on her powerpoint. Apparently I should have hit the save button occasionally, because when powerpoint crashed, I had to start over from scratch. :mad:</p>

<p>I saw on D’s college’s FB page that they had puppies, cats and rabbits on the commons available for petting. The weather looks gorgeous and the pictures are adorable. I texted D to ask if she went, and she said, “No, I’m too busy.” </p>

<p>Meanwhile, my alma mater had Tony Blair on campus to speak yesterday. Conveniently for them, Margaret Thatcher died that morning, so a zillion news outlets were looking for quotes from Tony Blair and all reported that he was at alma mater to give a speech and paid tribute to her. So alma mater got their money’s worth in PR from that speech!</p>

<p>Laf - Bummer on loosing all your work. Interesting timing on the Tony Blair speech - glad your alma mater got the free press.</p>

<p>coffee is ready!!</p>

<p>Laf- I’m so sorry that happened to you! But- it will never happen again! After I experienced that, I made it a habit to save frequently. It seems we all need to go through that once.</p>

<p>Do any of you have trouble finding this thread? It might be my old eyes, but I see HS class of 2014, 3.0-3.4 HS class of 2014, and this one. Even though this is the only one with a red star, I still seem to take along time to find it.</p>

<p>Any tips?</p>

<p>rocket6louise, thanks for posting an update. Glad to hear things are going well for you.</p>

<p>I guess the key thing for grad school is to take the GRE. But Public Policy programs might accept the GMAT instead. What is your undergrad major?</p>

<p>FlyMeTTM- I think if you click on “thread tools” just at the top of the thread, you can subscribe to this thread. Then you can access it and any other threads you subscribe to by clicking on the “quick links” along the tool bar off to the right towards the top of the screen.</p>

<p>Happy Thursday, iPeeps!</p>

<p>I can’t believe they are getting serious snow where S is in COLLEGE. What’s up with that in the middle of April?</p>

<p>Hope those of you in the path of tornados are staying safe!</p>

<p>Hello Everybody! Great to hear from you, R6L- you seem to be doing very well :). It is crazy how the time has flown…many of us on this thread now have kiddos who are signing up for senior classes…wow!</p>

<p>We’re off to Scotland tomorrow night to see D1…beyond excited!! :slight_smile: :)</p>

<p>Wow…I am grouchy today. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>S said the Internship interview went very well. Remember us visiting the Gulf Coast Research Lab in Mississippi in 2011 while we vacationed in Gulf Shores? He mentioned it and turns out the girl interviewing also knew all about it. Lots of conversation then more questions. I don’t know how quickly he’ll know if he has the position but sounds promising. Fingers crossed.</p>

<p>Cold, rainy & windy here today. Rumor has it we had a few snow flurries this morning but I refuse to acknowledge it.</p>

<p>Remember awful coach stories? Well, he is the golf coach too. They had team pictures yesterday and as he passed through, the kids were all lined up & the photographer asked him if he wanted in the picture with his team and he just said “No Thanks” and walked on. He could at least ‘finish’ the year. Too bad he can’t just leave now. Might as well. :mad:</p>

<p>Bon Jovi concert on Sunday. :D</p>

<p>Back to COLLEGE news…</p>

<p>Happy Thursday to the iPeeps!</p>

<p>Bon Voyage to TWINMAMA! Have a great trip & wonderful time with your D1!</p>

<p>Checkers & alicew: So part of the country is getting serious snow while those of us in the DC area are sweltering in 90+ degrees? That’s just crazy. We went straight from winter to summer & bypassed the spring.</p>

<p>DB: I’m sorry to hear that Batman lost his “wag” but glad to hear that it should be back before too long. He is the 2nd dog I’ve heard about with that problem.</p>

<p>ML: Congrats on your half marathon! That’s really impressive, with or without training.</p>

<p>R6L: thanks for the update. It sounds like you are doing great. You know that we always love to hear from our cyberkids. :)</p>

<p>IL: just to clarify - unfortunately S2 is not taking over his rent payment :(; he’s taking over the administration of rent & utility payments for everyone living in his house. Now there are actually 2 rents: one for the off-campus house near his COLLEGE & a 2nd rent for the sublet near his summer internship. We pay for the 1st, he pays for the 2nd. Food stipend is under negotiation.</p>

<p>And speaking of S2, he signed a 3-mo contract on his summer sublet. It was vintage S2: he replied to a Craigslist ad for 3 female COLLEGE students looking for a 4th female to sublet.
I emailed him, “Ahem, is there something you want to tell me??”
His reply, “Yes, I have incredible persuasive abilities for them to allow a male into the house. Any more questions?” :eek:</p>

<p>^^^Bringing the granddog to meet the roommates worked? He acquired the requisite social skills from that ^%$# 250 lb TV? :)</p>

<p>FlyMeToTheMoon, once you post on a thread I think you’re automatically subscribed to it. Just click on My Control Panel on the top left and it will list any threads you are subscribed to that have had updates since the last time you were at CC.</p>

<p>You aren’t subscribed to threads unless you want to be. I hate getting emails and updates. I just go to the main pages and there are bright red stars telling me what I’ve posted on. I scan the thread titles to see if there are any new threads that look interesting. But My Control Panel is indeed where you go to set things up the way you want it.</p>

<p>DB - poor Batman! I hope he recover his “wag” soon.</p>

<p>R6L - thanks for the update! Sounds like you have a fabulous summer planned, and I’ll look forward to hearing all about it! Looking forward to hearing about your grad plans as well!</p>

<p>12rmh18 - lol at how your S ended up with those living arrangements for the summer.</p>

<p>Oops! I’ve got to run, but just wanted to catch up and say hi.</p>

<p>I use the subscription too. Sometimes it is faster to catch up by reading an email than scrolling to the pages on CC</p>

<p>good morning all…coffee is ready.</p>

<p>seeing the reference to the 250 lb tv reminded me… another year, no broken retainers!</p>

<p>I just read that Caribou Coffee is closing its stores in our state. Maybe I should go get my coffee there today for one last time!</p>

<p>No college news…I can’t believe there’s only one more week of class after today, then exams. Reminds me, I need to find out when he’s done so I can plan to pick him up (and his mountain of stuff). It will be nice having another person in the house again, though DH plans to be travelng less in the upcoming months, so he will be around too. My nest has been a little TOO empty. </p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Good morning, everyone, and TGIF! It’s a little cold and rainy here this morning, but my girlfriend and I have made a habit of Friday morning coffee dates this semester (neither of us have Friday morning classes), so I am off to brave the weather for Starbucks!</p>

<p>College news…hm…we had room draw this week, and I got one of my top 3 rooms, so I’m happy :slight_smile: It only has one window, but it’s really big and has a lovely view!</p>

<p>Another long week. I tried to stay caught up, but someone in an 18” hat kept blocking my view. ;)</p>

<p>Aliceinw – Nice hat! :wink: Much nicer than my baseball cap from D2’s college that I lovingly refer to as “The World’s Most Expensive Hat.” ;)</p>

<p>Hero(ine) of the Week – ML for finishing strong! 13.1 :)’s for you!</p>


D2 feels that way! ;)</p>

<p>P56 – Glad to hear that your S2 made it through the weather OK. Those Hurricanes can be rough. ;)</p>

<p>DB – Poor Batman. ♫♪It must be a drag… if you ain’t got that wag…♫♪ ;)</p>

<p>Checkers – You totally missed one of the great opportunities of all time… Toddler Water Park! :wink: I hope your S gets good internship news!</p>

<p>TWINMAMA – Enjoy your trip and don’t worry about us. We’re not jealous at all. ;)</p>

<p>12rmh18 – I’m not sure whether to offer your S congratulations or condolences on being the fourth female? ;)</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – GL with the driving lessons. I had a blast with D1’s. A hurricane had just destroyed our deck and part of the house, so I used the broken lumber to build obstacles and hauled them to the HS parking lot in my pickup truck for her to drive around. She was not amused, but I was. D2 didn’t get that level of “attention” as she basically sees driving as a necessary evil not to be engaged in unless absolutely necessary. I see her looking for employment somewhere with good public transportation. ;)</p>

<p>ProudNJMom – Happy FAFSA and PFAA Day! I am so glad that mine are done.</p>

<p>Would anyone like to take my place tomorrow? I am chauffeuring DW and D1 to NoVa to go to a bridal shop. One of D1’s friends works in the shop and can supposedly get us a discount… judging by their website, it better be a substantial one. :wink: I actually don’t mind because the friend is the one that stayed with D1 after her New Year’s Eve accident a few years ago, so I see it as a chance to do something in return for her.</p>

<p>It was young folks hanging with the old folks weekend for us last weekend. In this case, DW and I were the young folks hanging out with our parents. My mother must have overheard y’all talking as she asked, “If I’m still alive next year, do I get to come to the graduation?” Thanx! :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Re: Graduation – OK, you made me look at this year’s and previous year’s events. D2’s school (in typical, “Why do they do that?” fashion) has the actual commencement ceremony on Tuesday. But, there are events for ticketed “guests” on Sunday and Monday, so it looks like a 3-day ordeal for us. Most events require tickets, but there are satellite locations for non-ticketed guests.</p>

<p>In college news, D2 is still finalizing summer plans and had an interview this week. All she knows is that she wants at least a week of downtime before starting summer work… I think she’s whipped.</p>

<p>Hello and happy Friday. :)</p>

<p>No news here. </p>

<p>Great recap, G#. Can I just ditto?</p>

<p>~~ waving to R6L. :)</p>