Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Thanks for the congratulations, GSharp and others! I have stuck to my training plan for a whole week, whoo hoo! Now only six months to go. I am going to sign up for a half marathon out in Michigan, where on my online running friends is getting married. She and her fiance are going to run the day of their wedding!</p>

<p>DS is not doing so well - the doctor is going to try a new medication. It’s hard not to get discouraged. Interestingly, if we can get him talking about MATH, he’s clear as a bell! I think we’re going to encourage him to study statistics, not for the class credit but for the way it helps him focus.</p>

<p>MLH–running a half marathon on the day of their wedding? I predict they will be too pooped to dance at the reception!</p>

<p>Sorry to hear your S is not doing so well. Hope the new med works better!</p>

<p>Batman’s wag made me think of a pekingnese we use to have. (He lived to be 17 !). He couldn’t wag very well either. I got a little close with the vacuum cleaner. :eek: True story.</p>

<p>In college news , S and his 3 roommates are headed to St Louis for the weekend. The other 3 are from near there and one of them is turning 21. I heard “famous burger biker bar” and “casino” then chose to go blah blah blah for my own sake. :rolleyes: Oh well, he rarely goes out and never on ‘trips’ so I am convinced this is a good thing !</p>

<p>Happy Friday!</p>

<p>ML: sorry about your DS! I imagine it is very frustrating for you.</p>

<p>S2 is working the admitted students day tomorrow (giving tours of the Hall of Fame). I had hoped to be attending with S3, but he was waitlisted and has chosen to go to another school, and I know things happen for a reason, but for some reason I am a little sad about it.</p>

<p>Hi, everyone…checking in since it’s been a while since I posted here, but I have been reading along. I’m taking the GRE tomorrow, so we’ll see how that goes! The plan is to see how well I score, and then study over the summer and retake in the fall if necessary.</p>

<p>ML - I’ve heard good things about the free online Khan lectures (MANY subjects)
[Khan</a> Academy](<a href=“]Khan”></p>

<p>That’s a good idea, c_m! We will look into those.</p>

<p>DS is doing very poorly tonight - he won’t respond at all. We’re taking him to the ER to see if they can snap him out of it. We’re just hoping he doesn’t have to be hospitalized again.</p>

<p>ML – Checked in here now that I am home and want to send my thoughts and prayers to you and your entire family tonight.</p>

<p>ML - sorry to hear that your DS isn’t doing as well. Interesting that math helps him focus. </p>

<p>I think it’s great that training for the half marathon will give you something fun to do for yourself while you’re helping your DS and DS2.</p>

<p>Checkers - eek on the ‘famous burger biker bar!’ The casino sounds fine.</p>

<p>Have fun in Scotland, Twinmama.</p>

<p>12rmh18 - I can picture my S finding a similar roommate situation when he’s in college. :D</p>

<p>GSharp - I think I need you to come here and give S driving lessons. Thanks for the GL wishes, but I’m going to need more than that to get through this. I feel the same way about driving as your D2 - definitely a necessary evil!</p>

<p>Graduation is similar at D’s school - events start Tues. and end Thurs. D’s school posts Commencement dates 4 years in advance, so I’ve known the date(s) for a long time. I recently checked the website to see about the need for tickets and found out that each student gets 4, and that even with tickets, you’re not guaranteed seats. The grandparents will be sad to not attend, but how do we choose which grandparent since we’ll only have one extra ticket?</p>

<p>Have fun at the bridal shop!</p>

<p>Prayers for the ML family</p>

<p>Just checked in before turning in. Sending more prayers for ML’s S1 and her whole family.</p>

<p>Likewise. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers, ML.</p>

<p>good morning (well maybe good) coffee is ready. went out yesterday and bought plants for container gardens for herbs, lettuce, tomatoes. planted them. woke up this morning and oops where are the plants,?..apparently crackhead had a great time last night, dug them out of the containers… anyone want a dog?</p>

<p>ML thoughts and prayer sent your way</p>

<p>P56 sorry to laugh picturing the sight, sounds like a good dog shaming picture/video lol</p>

<p>Hope the sunshines and warm spring weather comes too all this weekend</p>

<p>parent56–we have problems with deer here. A herd of 5 roams the neighborhood (this year it will probably be up to 8) and before I plant ANYTHING I have to think, “Will the deer like this?” Usually the answer is yes. :(</p>

<p>Keeping MLH son in mind.</p>

<p>P56, that’s funny!</p>

<p>In college news, D registers for classes Monday, I hope she does not have any problems, at this moment she does not have too many choices as some classes are offered only fall or spring . Maybe a little PVC can help</p>

<p>just rescued as many as i could find and replanted, and crackhead had the audacity, to go straight behind me and try again!! caught her this time.</p>

<p>S2 has registered for summer and fall…one class he needs approval for, its a lab that only has 8 spots and he really needs to get it this summer, to have the prereq for another in the fall. we’ll split the pvc for registering classes munequita! hope your D gets what she needs</p>

<p>got the update on the nola trip…great meeting… apparently S2 was in a video… but of course he doesnt know if its online. came home with 2 hurricane glasses, and apparently enjoyed pat obriens. cant believe he didnt do a palm reading or tarot card reading though…that’s what nola is for LOL</p>

<p>D should be registering for fall courses soon. I was in an inquisitive/nervous mom mood the other day and started looking at pre-reqs for her hoped-for grad school programs. A few of the schools I looked at mentioned Intro to Sociology as a pre-req, so I texted that suggestion to her. She replied, “Not a bad idea.” I thought I would get my hand slapped for looking at the pre-reqs (“Mom, I can handle it!”) but she was ok with it. (Her top choice schools don’t require Sociology). I think she’s getting nervous, too. </p>

<p>A friend at work has a daughter whose undergrad major was speech pathology. She needs a masters to actually work as a speech pathologist, and apparently only 20% of those who apply to speech pathology masters programs get an acceptance. Her daughter didn’t get in anywhere and is now trying to figure out a backup plan. The mom is trying to be supportive and has suggested some volunteer ideas (Americorps) and such. It’s hard for the kids to understand that they’re only 22 and they still have a world of good choices open to them when the door to their dream slams shut, especially when they see their friends with job offers and heading to grad school. The idea of coming home to mom and dad with no job and no grad school offer is humbling.</p>

<p>Good afternoon! Happy Saturday!</p>

<p>ML: my thought are with you and your DS. </p>

<p>P56: Henry will occasionally try to “help” DH in the garden. We bought a giant jar of red pepper flakes at Costco and shook a bunch in the dirt and it seems to keep him away.</p>

<p>ML, hugs to you and your family. Hope some sun is shining through.
Slogging through FAFSA et al - for the last time, which does not seem possible.
Getting very worried about the whole bird flu thing in China. I did read somewhere that CDC believes Tamiflu would help and I made sure DD had a prescription before she went to Hong Kong. Then read somewhere else that CDC did not believe Tamiflu would be effective. Dd is being very careful and is, of course not, in live chicken markets. Still, a worry.</p>