Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>good morning all…plants are still in containers this morning!</p>

<p>coffee is ready</p>

<p>hope your D is safe from bird flu bonnienj!</p>

<p>Good morning. Coffee and omelettes are ready. </p>

<p>ML - I hope things are improving with your S this weekend. </p>

<p>~~waving to Cali. Thanks for checking in. I hope you feel good about the GRE. </p>

<p>Have a wonderful Sunday. :)</p>

<p>Good Morning. Getting a little late so might as well start serving Brunch. Waffles and Mimosas ready! :D</p>

<p>P56: I hope Crackhead continues to behave herself! </p>

<p>Twinmama: Have a safe trip to Scotland! Enjoy the Kilts! :smiley: (You all knew I can never resist the chance to post about KILTS!) ;)</p>

<p>12rmh18: S1 shared an apartment with 3 girls for 1 1/2 years. One was the GF but still all of his friends and friend’s fathers were very impressed with his living situation!</p>

<p>GSharp: I looked at the graduation info last week. Time to start figuring out who gets tickets to which day. Good luck to D2 with the interview! </p>

<p>DB: How’s Batman? </p>

<p>ML: Sending continued support and prayers for all of you. </p>

<p>Good luck to all in the process of planning classes for next year. Not sure when S2 needs to do that. I just asked him yesterday when he will be coming home. Well, he said he’ll be home for only a few days, go back to work for Reunions/Graduation, back home again for 2 weeks then back to campus for his summer job. I told him when he goes back to work for the Reunions/Grad weekend he can just bring a duffle with sheets and stuff and suffer with no fan. Remember last year when I complained about all the moving in a out of different rooms? This me complaining again! :mad: If he had his own car that would make life easier. </p>

<p>Enjoy your Sunday. I’m determined to finish the PFAA, since GSharp thinks that I already did!</p>

<p>well i just spent some time on the degree tracker thing…have to say i am impressed with S2… if he gets the lab he wants this summer (the one with only 8 spots total) with the classes he has down for summer and fall, he will have 4 classes left for spring semester next year and will have accomplished what he set out to do! 2 degrees in 4 years both with concentrations.</p>

<p>That is awesome P56 ! He has been very strategic in his planning !</p>

<p>Beautiful 75 this morning ! Storms are suppose to roll in & be here all week. I live in a swamp. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Bon Jovi concert tonight. :D</p>

<p>In college related news…how do you know how many tickets each kid is allotted for graduation? Did you find the dates on the ‘academic calendar’ site for the school? Or under their specific department?</p>

<p>have a great time at the concert checkers! i’m jealous!</p>

<p>great question…i should ask S2 how many tickets he gets…never thought of that… pretty sure dates for his school are online…probably most schools would have it</p>

<p>checkers i just did a general google search with the question for S2’s school…yippee one less thing to figure out</p>

<p>NO TICKETS are required for guests attending Commencement and there is no limit to the number of guests which each student may invite
Seating is first come, first served, and the Arena doors open at 8:00 AM for the 9:30 AM ceremony and at 1:00 p.m. for the 2:00 PM ceremony.</p>

<p>I looked at the information for this year to have an idea for graduation. I have been doing this since D had her mind set on this school back at the end of her junior year in HS. It’s helped a lot for planning</p>

<p>P56, D’s degree tracker shows something similar but there were a couple of program changes that are not reflected. She needs to meet with her advisor to confirm her list of classes but she hates to talk to people</p>

<p>munequita…for his year catalog the tracker shows one course he wont have but he is able to change catalog years and that requirement is gone. of course it is contingent on that one lab for it all to work out on schedule</p>

<p>CaliD – I hope all went well with the GRE! Thanx for checking in on the old folks. ;)</p>

<p>P56 and Munequita – Hopefully your youngin’s will have class registration success!!!</p>

<p>LAF – Good job renewing your helicopter license! ;)</p>

<p>Checkers – I checked the college website for this year’s graduation info. They had a commencement link.</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – Hang in there with the driving lessons! We always started ours with a few trips to the local HS to drive around the parking lots, stadium, pull in and out of parking spaces, etc. For the first trip or two, I always told the girls, “You don’t have a gas pedal.” They had to do everything using only the brake first then they got to use the accelerator as they progressed. Re: Graduation, does D’s school have satellite locations around campus where the ceremony can be viewed remotely? Would the grands be OK with that? BTW, we did not make it to the bridal shop… read on…</p>

<p>ProudNJMom – Glad I could shame you into finishing that FA form. :wink: Feel free to complain away! D2 hasn’t mentioned this year’s Graduation/Reunions yet, but she did go back last year and lived out of a suitcase. I think that she wants to go back, but it is dependent on what her summer plans end up being. Re: Graduation – Did you notice that one of the activities is the Senior Prom to which we are invited? I sure hope DW will go with me. ;)</p>

<p>A cr*ppy weekend on the wedding front. We did not make the trip to the NoVa bridal shop because D1’s fiancée was laid off Friday afternoon. :frowning: Ugh!!! I realize that there are much worse problems, but between that and health problems with my FIL, DW and I decided that our theme for the weekend was, “Will we ever have any peace?”</p>

<p>Some college news via text from D2. To paraphrase:
D2: I am making good progress on my JP (Junior Paper).
Me: Yay! <person who="" is="" the="" subject="" of="" d2’s="" jp=""> would be proud!
D2: Probably not since I am trying to discredit her entire world view, but that is OK.</person></p>

<p>Oh, G#, sorry about the future SIL.</p>

<p>gsharp hope your fil feels better soon. and sorry to hear about your D’s fiancee.</p>

<p>ML, hoping you and your DS are doing OK. Post if you have the strength. Sending a wave of support.</p>

<p>No COLLEGE news to report really. DS did support his school during the accepted student weekend, but it was (oh the horror!) cloudy. So he was sad.
DD has tomorrow to pull the trigger on grad school acceptance. We found out which way she was leaning, but I’d like to know (NOW!) that she has done it for real.</p>

<p>g#M, I hope your DW goes to the prom with you too! and hope your SIL-to-be finds a job that he likes soon.</p>

<p>good morning all…coffee is ready</p>

<p>Good morning, after a late night. :cool: Bon Jovi was awesome as usual. There were a few times he skipped words?! Not sure if he forgot or just had to take a breath. :slight_smile: Living on a Prayer & Bad Medicine are still my favs. What was it People magazine said about his 40th birthday a few years ago?! “Drives carpool, Coaches little league, and still looks good in leather pants”. </p>

<p>D15 was also dragging this morning. H took her to get a Cappacino before school. He is on his way to the lake for a conference. I would not want to make a 4 hour drive today. He’s meeting S10 for lunch on his way through town. I think he is secretly making sure that the visit to the ‘famous burger biker bar’ went ok. :)</p>

<p>Productive weekend. I finished the toddler playground. There’s 60% at least chance of storms everyday this week and water standing. Wonder when we’ll get to use it.</p>

<p>In college news, I have none.</p>

<p>Good (barely) morning, everyone! Just checking in before heading to lunch. This week is really busy - I have a group project to present in class on Friday (and about 300 pages of reading to finish for that project…), I need to have a draft of my thesis proposal (2-4 pages) due to my thesis advisor, and this coming weekend is Open Campus, so I need to clean my room for the prospective student I’m hosting and figure out how to advertise my organizations for the prospective students’ org fair. Yeesh. Plus, of course, my mental health issues have come back with a vengeance this week, so getting out of bed is hard, and starting any given task is ridden with anxiety. Accepting all PVCS and good thoughts.</p>

<p>Good morning! Happy Monday (or “fake it til you make it”). </p>

<p>G#: sorry about the future SIL, definitely unfortunate timing. </p>

<p>Checkers: Bon Jovi sounds great!</p>

<p>P56: Thanks for the coffee!</p>

<p>T-C: PVCs and good thoughts headed in your direction.</p>

<p>College news: Talked to S2 for a while last night. He got a lot of information for his Greece trip in July. The course/trip itself sounds incredible (includes a week on a cruise ship). We are hoping he finds someone at the orientation meeting next week to fly with. They meet in Greece at the hotel at 4:30 PM. Trying to figure out how to get him from LA to Greece at that time. Most of the flights he is looking at arrive at midnight so I’m not sure exactly how that works.</p>

<p>Heart breaking watching the news from Boston.</p>

<p>^Your post made me check the news. Horrible.</p>

<p>My Boston kiddo is safe. So far I have not had the heart to turn on the tv.</p>