Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Did WE have any runners or spectators?</p>

<p>Registration is not complete yet, there is one class that nobody can register for, Agh! It should be ok as she had answered back in January when they were trying to determine a priority list. Please keep the pvc pointing her way a bit longer</p>

<p>Sad news in Boston</p>

<p>Keeping ML and her family in my thoughts</p>

<p>We were at the Marathon, but left the finish area about an hour before the explosion. We were out of the city and on our way home when it happened (found out when S texted us from NYC to see if we were ok). It was a beautiful day, so many happy people, exciting and wholesome event. Spectators riding the subway sharing supportive stories about their loved ones running the race. I haven’t really processed it yet, but we walked through that area several times yesterday (when we checked out the finish line after my brother in law, who was running, picked up his bib at the nearby convention center) and a couple of times this morning. So bizarre to see it on the news. We are all fine, as is my brother in law and his friends who were running.</p>

<p>geez laf, that is just way too close. glad you and your family are safe!!!</p>

<p>So happy Laf that you all are okay.</p>

<p>The situation in Boston just makes one sick. LAF, glad to hear that you are safe.</p>

<p>This week just keeps getting better. My father was not feeling well last week, so I called tonight to see how he was doing. Oh, my mother took him to the ER yesterday. “He’s in the hospital, but I didn’t want to bother you.” They are running tests tomorrow to see if they have to do heart surgery. So, I would appreciate it if I can borrow the PVC for a while tomorrow, ugh!</p>

<p>pvc’s directed at you gsharp, hope your dad feels better soon!!</p>

<p>Sorry G#, when it rains it pours</p>

<p>Good Morning. Coffee/tea ready.</p>

<p>GSharp: PVCs headed your way.</p>

<p>Laf: Glad to hear that you are all ok.</p>

<p>Sending prayers out to Boston. I have to admit I watched some of the coverage and then had to turn off the TV. Just too upsetting.</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee, PNJ. </p>

<p>Sending plenty of PVCs to G#. </p>

<p>Laf, glad you’re OK. </p>

<p>I wish I could stop thinking about Boston. :frowning: I’ve asked Son to avoid the crowds along Thatcher’s funeral procession tomorrow. Originally I wanted him to witness history. Now I’m having second thoughts. </p>

<p>In college news, D was able to get every class she wanted for her sophomore year. Yes, the whole year. I don’t know how or why Gettysburg lets them sign-up for 2 semesters. But, we’re not complaining. </p>

<p>Have a good Tuesday.</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee proudnj!! good morning all!</p>

<p>Well today just S****.</p>

<p>S did not get the internship. Told him he was perfect for the job but hired someone else. Turns out they hired all girls, and local ones at that. He has strong swimming skills (lifeguard) and scuba/snorkel experience in multiple depths. He is an Eagle Scout - they asked if he minded sleeping in a tent. Back to the drawing board.</p>

<p>D did not get an office she tried out for last night. She was an officer this year. She’s very disappointed. </p>

<p>Have no idea what went wrong in either case.</p>

<p>Oh, and I’m sick.</p>

<p>It just goes to show that it’s not all roses in College life or life in general.</p>

<p>G#, I’m so sorry about your dad. </p>

<p>PVCs ~~~~~ -----> G#'s family</p>

<p>Well, that stinks, Checkers!</p>

<p>I found out on ds’s radio show that he’s now treasurer for his club team. His co-host asked whether the team had any money, and ds said he didn’t know. I guess figuring that out will be his first task!</p>

<p>YDS - Treasurer is a thankless task that includes reserving motel rooms, renting cars, and miscellaneous other organizing that no one wants do do. How do I know this? You can guess.</p>

<p>Sending PVCs to G#s family, and to anyone else needing them.</p>

<p>Checkers, sure hope you’re feeling better pronto.</p>

<p>G#, I’m sorry your dad isn’t feeling well. You will both be in my thoughts and PVCs are coming your way.</p>

<p>Alice, thankfully, this team doesn’t do much traveling.</p>

<p>Just had a good skype with D. She got a good grade on a test in her hardest class, so she was happy about that. She was about to start a paper that’s due on Thursday, and tomorrow is Greek Week dance - a major competitive event where each sorority performs a 7 minute choreographed routine (think cheerleader-type dance routine). They get scored lower if the costumes or dance moves are too provocative, so the routines are remarkably family-friendly. </p>

<p>She signed up for classes for the fall. Right now she’s got 3 difficult classes and one easy class, but she might drop one class and take it in the spring - she is in good shape with her degree audit and has room to take a lighter load if she needs to in order to preserve/improve her GPA. </p>

<p>Despite being at college in NC, she said yesterday’s Marathon explosions affected her friends at school hard, because so many of them are from MA and all know people who were at the Marathon. She had to explain to her NJ roommate that Marathon Monday is Patriots’ Day, a state and school holiday. Everyone either runs in the marathon or goes to cheer on someone they know (or just to enjoy the block-party atmosphere). It’s a really upbeat, wholesome, family-friendly event. She messaged her ex-BF last night for the first time in a year to be sure he was ok, because he goes to college in Boston. Turns out he had left the marathon before the explosions.</p>

<p>She’s off to Myrtle Beach this weekend for a fraternity weekend. We reminded her to please be smart - we learned yesterday how fragile and precious life is.</p>

<p>I have a lot more stories from people I know who were at the Marathon (one traumatized 24 year old co worker was across the street from the 2nd blast) but I won’t share them here.</p>

<p>Checkers, G# so sorry.</p>

<p>I was treasurer briefly for my art association. It’s a job to which I am not at all suited.</p>

<p>No real college news. Son is looking forward to being home in a month. He’s supposed to hear from a job on Friday. (I think it’s a sure thing, but there’s a promotion involved that is not.)</p>

<p>esobay, thanks for asking about my son. It was a rough weekend. Sunday morning when I went into his room, he was standing like a statue, barely mumbling the words, “I need help.” He couldn’t name any concrete objects in the room, but just said, “I see love - I see comfort - I see hate - I see affliction.” So heartbreaking. I got him into bed when he asked, then he went totally non-responsive. The doctor ended up declaring a psychiatric emergency so that he could give him an injection of a med to bring him out of the catatonia. Yesterday he wasn’t any better, but today when I went into his room, his eyes were open and he talked coherently with me. He could name things in his room with no trouble. He said he is very sad, though, and doesn’t feel that he’s getting any better. We talked to the hospital doctor, who is deciding what to try next. DS’s wonderful regular doctor called me from vacation and said he will be calling the hospital - it’s where he did some of his training so he knows the physicians there.</p>

<p>I’m about at the end of my rope, so I went to see my counselor today. It’s been a full year since I’ve been to see her. She was very helpful, so I’ll continue to see her for awhile.</p>

<p>I think we will just keep praying and have faith that he will get better. Our church is having a time of prayer for him Wednesday night. I thought about fasting, but my pastor said I shouldn’t, because I have to keep up my strength. He said that our friends at church will do the fasting for us! People are so kind.</p>

<p>{Hugs} MaineLonghorn. Your strength amazes me. Good for you seeing your counselor ! My thoughts & prayers go out for your son & all of you.</p>