Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>ML, I"m sorry things are so hard right now and I hope that a good turn of events is just around the corner.</p>

<p>ML, sending thoughts and prayers</p>

<p>ML - What time is the vigil? We’ll add some more prayers from our various towns and timezones.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone for thinking of my dad. I sure wish we knew something more today than we did yesterday. Still waiting for lab results, so the gears are turning slowly.</p>

<p>More importantly, I want to continue to extend my thoughts and prayers to ML, her DS, and the rest of her family.</p>

<p>Checking in…Positive thoughts, vibes and prayers for all my friends in need</p>

<p>Oh MLH, so sorry for your son’s illness. Praying he gets better soon.</p>

<p>Sending PVCs toward G#'s dad & ML’s DS. May tomorrow bring answers for your loved ones & you.</p>

<p>My prayers to you ML and your DS, also to you and your dad G#</p>

<p>Good news here…in the past 2 days BOTH of my DILs have gotten jobs! One has a permanent sub job teaching for the rest of the year (in her field!) and the other has a music librarian assistant position for a major orchestra. :slight_smile: :)</p>

<p>So happy for them both.</p>

<p>And I’ll put the coffee on, since it’s time.</p>

<p>mommusic, congrats on your DIL’s jobs! That’s wonderful news! And thanks for reporting the spammer who posted in OUR thread! </p>

<p>Thanks for your thoughts, everyone. The prayer vigil is going to be tonight at 6:30 EDT. I have been telling DS that people all over the world are praying for him. I have running friends in Scotland, England, and New Zealand.</p>

<p>David went to visit him last night and he was MUCH better! Still sad, but communicated well. He ate some Triscuits and cheese that I had brought up earlier. And the hall nurse FINALLY gave David permission to bring in a guitar. The other hall had no problem with it, but we were told he couldn’t on this one. There is no difference in the patient population on the two halls, it’s just that different head nurses have different rules. We complained to everyone we could think of, and they relented at last. David played for him last night and he really liked it. We’ll know he’s improved a lot when he asks to play himself.</p>

<p>Good morning. </p>

<p>ML - You remain in my thoughts and prayers. I’ll participate in the vigil tonight from afar. Thanks for the updates. And, I’m really glad to read about the incremental improvements your DS is making. </p>

<p>Checkers - Sorry you’re not well. And, double sorry about the kids’ bad news. </p>

<p>momusic - congrats to your DILs! :)</p>

<p>Laf - glad your D is happy about her grade. And I’m a big believer in light schedules senior year. </p>

<p>No news here. Except, Batman is all better. Wags and sits and does his business like nothing was ever wrong. :)</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee mommusic. great news about jobs!</p>

<p>hurray for batman</p>

<p>feel better soon checkers! sorry about the internship</p>

<p>pvc’s beaming out to all who need them! </p>

<p>no college news today</p>

<p>ML,glad to hear there is some improvement.</p>

<p>In college news, still waiting for the university to fix a glitch with one class</p>

<p>G# sending PVCs for your Dad. And some to ML and her family too.</p>

<p>D just got the news that her COLLEGE summer library job may be in jeopardy, so she was motivated to drum up another one. It looks like that one will come through, although it is outdoors in the summer which is not ideal for her allergies. But she said it will be fun, if less worthwhile/career oriented than the library one (she wants to be a librarian some day). So just holding the good thought that whatever is best, happens. She also signed up for classes for the fall, and I had to mention that even though she will be meeting all her requirements, she needs to take a few more units so as not to be dropped as a full time student from health insurance. She is not partying, but she is sure enjoying the h*** out of college in terms of taking what she is interested in and nothing else.</p>

<p>ML - sending thoughts and prayers your way for a better day.</p>

<p>D1 will be finished with college in just four weeks. Her graduation is on May 24th. I can’t believe how quickly these 3 years have gone by. She moved into her new apartment with her new roommate last weekend. We had a skype call on Sunday to see the new place and it looks great. I’m so excited for her as she starts the next chapter of her life in New York City!</p>

<p>ML - I’ll be joining the prayer circle tonight from Berlin… and sending a little extra now for you and your family…</p>

<p>G# - Sent thoughts and prayers for your father as well…</p>

<p>Thoughts and prayers to ML and G#.</p>

<p>Congrats to Showmom’s super DD! </p>

<p>College news: No real news.</p>

<p>Showmom, congrats to your D1! Finding housing in NYC is no small feat. </p>

<p>Will join with everyone else in a few minutes for the prayer vigil for ML’s S.</p>

<p>ML - I’m glad I checked in. Just a few minutes to spare before the prayer vigil. Let S know there are prayers coming from CA.</p>

<p>Sending good thoughts your son’s way, ML. Missed the news about the prayer vigil, but please know I’m keeping you and your family in my thoughts.</p>

<p>GSharp - hoping for good news from you. Will keep your family in my thoughts as well.</p>

<p>Showmom - congrats to your D on her new apartment and on her upcoming graduation! That is exciting news! </p>

<p>Wish I had some college news to share, but D’s been quiet this week.</p>