Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Geesh. I’ve been sucking water out of our basement for over an hour. Filled one shop vac completely and got the industrial strength one from H office. We’ve had almost 4 inches of rain today and expecting 3-6 more tonight. The river is about 2 feet from the top and full of foam and whole trees. :eek: It’s right on the edge of town. Guessing I’ll be ripping out carpet this weekend. H will be home from his conference around 10:00. “Welcome home, honey” :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Those in the tornado warning, be careful !</p>

<p>Oh, Checkers, I’m so sorry. I hope you don’t endure much damage.</p>

<p>Thinking of West, Tx this morning. </p>

<p>We need some good news.</p>

<p>hope the water situation is better checkers!!</p>

<p>coffee is ready~</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee, P56. I’m packed & ready for vacation! We leave this afternoon. I am sooooo ready!</p>

<p>Checkers: sorry to hear about the flooding & even sorrier that you have to deal with this while your DH is out of town.</p>

<p>ML: thoughts & prayers are with you & your DS.</p>

<p>G#: sending good thoughts for you & your father. I hope this week is better for everyone.</p>

<p>showmom: congratulations to your almost-graduated D1!! She’ll be the first of our 2014ers to graduate.</p>

<p>In COLLEGE news, I received a package from a hotel in the Outer Banks, NC addressed to S2’s roommate. I checked with him before opening it (after this week’s ricin incident). Out fell a woman’s bikini top & bottom. Why is a hotel sending me a woman’s BIKINI??! After last week’s summer sublet incident, where S2 convinced 3 women to let him sublet the 4th room, I sent him a 2nd email asking “Um, is there anything else you want to tell me?” >shaking my head<</p>

<p>Checkers - so sorry to hear about the basement flood!</p>

<p>Good morning! Sorry to hear about the flooding Checkers.</p>

<p>12rmh18: Yikes!</p>

<p>College news: I think S2 won the lottery with this year’s roommate. The roommate’s dad got new furniture prior to them moving into their apartment, so he supplied living room and dining room furniture. Last Spring he took S2 to a taping of the Big Bang Theory, a month or so ago they had box seats at the Clippers game, and last night they were second row at the Lakers game (10 feet from Jack Nicholson).</p>

<p>Sending PVCs to all those who need them. </p>

<p>I’ve got one more week of classes and just a couple more assignments to go. Just need to figure out where I am doing with this final paper and I’ll be good to go. I know I am getting As in at least two of my classes and on the edge for the other two.</p>

<p>Checkers - so sorry about your flooding - hope it has stopped and that things are looking up, or should I say looking dry.</p>

<p>ML - as always I am keeping you, your S, and your family in my thoughts.</p>

<p>G# - sending more good thoughts for your family (and family to be).</p>

<p>showmom - it is hard to believe that one of our 2014’s is actually about to graduate!! Can’t wait for the virtual celebration.</p>

<p>12rmh18 - hmm . . . maybe I’ll just say have a great vacation and leave it at that.</p>

<p>tx5 - so glad your S lucked out with the roommate - nice to hear the antithesis of the roommate from you-know-where story.</p>

<p>mdem - nice to hear from you and to hear that you are doing so well in your classes. Finish strong!</p>

<p>No college news here - spoke to S on Monday and he seemed to be doing well, but not surprisingly no news since then. Wonder when room draw is? YDS?</p>

<p>Hurray for you, mdem.</p>

<p>coffee is ready!! crazy news day…stay safe in boston everyone!!</p>

<p>woohoo to mdem!</p>

<p>The manhunt in Watertown is where DH grew up. He recognized a few scenes in the live coverage. Crazy. Boston is effectively shut down (schools, businesses, public transport, Megabus) until this is over.</p>

<p>Watching the investiture of UC’s new president, Santa Ono, streaming live! Very cool.</p>

<p>It has been a long week and I expect that I will be visiting my dad in the hospital this weekend. There has not been much progress, ergh!</p>

<p>Thoughts and Prayers to the entire Boston community!</p>

<p>ML – Continuing to think of your family! I hope your DS asks for the guitar soon.</p>

<p>DB – How cool is that that D could plan out her sophomore year already! Also glad to hear that Batman has his wag back. ;)</p>

<p>YDS – Treasurer is good!</p>

<p>LAF – Family-friendly is also good! I hope your D has a fun, yet safe, weekend!</p>

<p>Mommusic – 2 jobs for your DILs is double-good!</p>

<p>Tx5 – Roommate lottery is super good!</p>

<p>Mdem – Good for you!</p>

<p>Kinderny – I hope that all is good with your D’s summer plans settled soon!</p>

<p>12rmh18 – Aw, how good of your S2 and his roommate to pick you up a gift and have it shipped from the Outer Banks. ;)</p>

<p>In college news, DW heard from D2 this week. D2 called late one night needing one of mom’s pep talks to help her through a tough week.</p>

<p>A little motivation for Showmom (I hope I remembered this correctly)…

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Checkers, please excuse my indulgence at your expense… I needed a mental diversion.


  \ Checkers!  I’m home from the conference!
      And boy am I tired!  You wouldn’t believe my week.
        Hey! Where are you?!?</p>

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   ||        C<strong>O</strong>O<strong>O</strong>D
   ||       [<strong>SHOP-VAC</strong><em>]
   ||    I’m in the basement with DS.
   ||    Don’t worry about us.  He’s a big help.
   ||    We’re getting along swimmingly!
   ||    That darn internship doesn’t know what it’s missing!<br>
   ||             O
   ||             O
   ||             O     Could you be a good dear and bring the 
   ||            O        Shop-Vac back to that nice Dr. Who next door when I’m done?
   ||             O
   ||             O
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   ||     O
   V      O
   ~      ]                              Aw, Mom!
     ___  ]                               You always know just what to say.
    (o o) ]                                  C’mon, let’s go cheer up D!
                                             o  o
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<p>Hoping today has not been too difficult for our friends in Boston.</p>

<p>I’m going to ditto G#. </p>

<p>Glad the excitment in Boston should be coming to an end soon. So many people too close for comfort.</p>

<p>COLLEGE- D finished her first course in her SA (they do 3 courses in 3 week chunks each, and the language throughout the term.</p>

<p>D2 registered for classes this morning. She didn’t get a writing course, but is taking another required engr dist class she would have to eventually take. Hope the load isn’t too great. She is at her sorority’s formal tonight.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>G#: LOVE LOVE your diagram. Thanks for bringing a laugh to our week ! I especially liked the scuba diver !!</p>

<p>We have a plan & the water is gone. Tomorrow involves a trip to Lowes, ripping out the wet carpet…fixing the bottom portion of the wall…paint or wallpaper…and new tile for the 6x16 damaged portion. The entire basement has the same berber carpet so can’t replace it all right now. :rolleyes: All but the tile has to happen before Monday morning. The concrete will have to dry before we can do that part. Oh well, not like I can do anything OUTSIDE in the near future. It sleeted last night when H was cleaning out the gutter.</p>

<p>So relieved they caught the other Boston Bomber. I have been glued to the TV.</p>

<p>Good morning. Happy Saturday. Coffee’s on. I also have a green smoothie for anyone interested in something different.</p>

<p>Good morning! I trust everyone in the Boston area slept better than they have all week. Wow. DH’s parents’ house in Watertown (which we still own) was in the area searched by police.</p>

<p>Checkers–sorry about your basement water issues. Yuck.</p>

<p>Son has 3 exams, M-T-W, and then he’s DONE for the year. He got out of one exam because he had a lot of extra credit, and two classes just had final projects. I <em>think</em> I’m picking him up Wednesday. :)</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee alice!</p>

<p>good luck to your son mommusic! think he is the first one done for the year? S2 will be done 2nd week of may i think</p>

<p>G# great picture.</p>

<p>S2 was supposed to hear about his summer campus job yesterday, but since it was on lockdown they’ll make decisions on Monday instead.</p>