Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>G# thanks for the picture. I’m still having a hard time believing she will be a college graduate in a month.</p>

<p>Hope everyone has a great weekend!</p>

<p>MaineLonghorn, how is your DS doing? I’ve been keeping you and your family in my thoughts.</p>

<p>psych, thanks for asking. He is doing MUCH better! Friday, I asked him again to try to name objects in his room. At first, he couldn’t do it - saw shadows, reflections, “love, affection, affliction,” etc. He said the reason he’s had trouble walking is because the floor looks “fuzzy.” After ten minutes or so, he said, “Wait, it’s changing! Things are looking more concrete, not as abstract!” He was so excited. It was like a switch was flipped. Just like that, he went from being confused and uncoordinated to lucid and able to walk with no problem. I’ve never seen anything like it. Later, I asked him what made the difference, and he said he thought it was my love, and the way I was trying to understand what he was going through. He went down to a meal for the first time and even played volleyball in the gym! Yesterday, he was fine, too. I would say he’s back to his “baseline.” His regular doctor wants him out of there ASAP. I am still not happy with the hall he is on. The staff on the other hall was wonderful, but these people seem to be just putting in their hours. I will definitely be filling out surveys for both stays!</p>

<p>I got out with some friends Friday night, and DH has gone skiing. He hasn’t had much fun at all lately, so I’m really happy he got away.</p>

<p>good morning is ready!</p>

<p>Good Morning! S3 and I spent the weekend in the Bay Area and it is gorgeous! It is clear, sunny and in the 80s. A sharp contrast to our August tour where we were bundled up in jeans and a sweatshirt. S3 had a great time at the dorm sleepover Friday night and we spent all day yesterday on campus. He is happy with his decision.
The best part of the trip was I got to see my cousin who had 4 brain surgeries in 4 weeks and just got out of the hospital. I had been worried sick, but the problem has been resolved and she looks great. They did have to shave her head, but she is pulling off the look just fine. </p>

<p>ML: so glad to hear that your son is improving.</p>

<p>ML, i am glad your son is improving</p>

<p>ML, thanks for the update! So glad to hear that he’s apparently turned a corner and that he acknowledged your love and empathy as being incredibly helpful to him. It’s been a very long month for you all, I imagine!</p>

<p>I spent my day-off at the hospital visiting my dad and also took my mom to lunch during dad’s “quiet time.” The diagnosis is Congestive Heart Failure, but they have to run more tests to figure out the next steps. Two steps forward, one step back… Odd, the hospital is quite large, but my dad is in the same room that my FIL had been in previously. Odd-ish story, the nurse in the cardiac unit said that they have a patient who drank close to 2 gallons of coffee (not sure of the time frame) which made his heart go bezerk… duh! What goes though some people’s minds? I guess I’d better go easy on the Chocolate-covered Espresso beans that DW packed for me this week. ;)</p>

<p>ML – Glad to hear that there is progress for DS!</p>

<p>Tx5 – Glad to hear that you had a good visit to the Bay Area!</p>

<p>Checkers – Whew! Glad you aren’t too angry with me. :wink: How’s the basement coming along? Are you staying safe?</p>

<p>Mommusic – Hopefully you will have something to do on Wednesday! </p>

<p>I’m not sure why, but Saturday night DW and I cranked up the fire pit and made Smores (yeah, exciting times at our house ;)). This made her a little sad and miss the girls. Do any of you know which one of my kids put an empty graham cracker box back in the pantry? :rolleyes: Luckily we found another box.</p>

<p>In college news, D2 signed up for her housing next year. The novelty of two years of roommates apparently wore off and she and both roommates have singles next year. :wink: I made my hotel and rental truck (“Premium extended capacity SUV”) reservations for D2’s move-out next month. I hope there’s enough room. :wink: We told her to let her friend whose mother passed away know that she can put her stuff in D2’s storage unit for the summer. There is always way more room than we need and if it helps her I’m all for it. I see that D2’s school announced their new President today. Surprise, surprise, it wasn’t Gen. David Petraeus (Ret.) ;)</p>

<p>I am exhausted. We went to Lowes yesterday (1 hour each way) and got supplies then spent the weekend ripping out wet carpet, padding, fixing the wall, painting with Kilz and paint, putting up a wallpaper border (so I didn’t have to paint the whole wall AND then the whole room), reattaching the loose carpet, and laying hardwood across the back 8 feet of the room. (8x20) Afterward, I cleaned & put everything back where it belonged. Done.</p>

<p>S called from COLLEGE and is still applying for summer jobs. I hope he hears something soon.</p>

<p>MaineLonghorn, I’m so glad to hear good news about your son !</p>

<p>GSharp: Sorry to hear about your dad. And I’m glad you found more graham crackers, otherwise those smores would be kind of tough to eat. :)</p>

<p>Coffee’s ready. No COLLEGE news here. Hope everyone has a good Monday.</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee alice!</p>

<p>hope your dad feels better soon gsharp.</p>

<p>checkers… i have some handyman stuff that needs doing at my house if you feel the need to keep going :_</p>

<p>Morning, iPeeps!</p>

<p>Heard from COLLEGE boy yesterday, his 21st birthday. Had a great weekend in the cities with study abroad friends. Got to listen to his radio show last night. Interesting conversation as the past two weekends have been admitted students week, and he and his co-host were questioning whether their school was changing as it’s become more selective. I know ds has spoken before about how he feels like the students are becoming increasingly less “quirky” as the school has become a more difficult “get.”</p>

<p>In other COLLEGE news, ds2 is <em>this close</em> to pulling the trigger on his college choice. If only fun would quit getting in the way …</p>

<p>Morning, everyone! Just checking in to say that I’m taking my Senior Pictures this morning! Where is that shocked smiley? Where on earth did the time go?</p>

<p>I’ve never heard of collegiate senior pictures. Smile!</p>

<p>^I think it’s more common (and more possible!) at the smaller schools. I know my S got notices to have his photo taken for the yearbook (or something similar) at Case Western. I doubt he actually made an appointment and had the photo taken.</p>

<p>Good news from MLH’s son! :)</p>

<p>Saw college boy Sunday evening. Has he registered for Fall semester classes? Or reserved a dorm room? Silly question. I didn’t want to bug him as he needs to concentrate on exams, but it needs to be next on his list.</p>

<p>He did get to climb an inflatable “rock wall” last night. Never too old for silly fun…and I was taking photos like he was a 9-year-old. Sigh.</p>

<p>Yay, S2 has a summer job at Tufts. He’ll be supervising the kids who have the job he had last summer, so a bit of a promotion.</p>

<p>Hello and happy Monday. </p>

<p>{{hugs}} to you, Checkers. So sorry about the damage. :(</p>

<p>G# - I hope your Dad goes home soon. Both my grandmothers had CHF. It was a bother, but not the beginning of the end. </p>

<p>t_c - I’m sure your picture will be beautiful!</p>

<p>ML - I hope the news keeps getting better for your S.</p>

<p>Bumping up our thread as were on the second page.</p>

<p>Happy Monday evening everyone. Let us hope that this week is much better than the last.</p>

<p>^Any week that doesn’t start off with like last week did is already better.</p>

<p>While certainly not in the league of last week, my Monday morning started with the Dentist drilling away a fractured tooth to install a temporary crown. While in the Dentist chair, my wife emails me to inform me that the IRS is auditing our tax return…</p>