Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>lol mommusic… found its easier to let them think whatever makes them happy!</p>

<p>Hi All! Just checking in. My CC time isn’t what it used to be :(</p>

<p>CM: so sorry about the water. And the snow. Talk about adding insult to injury! What’s the latest snowfall date in your neck of the woods?</p>

<p>ML: Yay for your DS’s improvement!</p>

<p>G#: sorry about your dad’s congestive heart issues. Hopefully this gives some clarity for treatment. </p>

<p>DH is visiting D1 this weekend! They’re both excited. She’s counting down the days till she flies home. It’s been a great experience but she’ll be happy to be home. Of course, she gets home the week before D2’s graduation. OMG there’s not enough time to get everything done! I need a paper bag :)</p>

<p>Rob, ds1 won’t get to be at ds2’s graduation. I’m really sad about that.</p>

<p>In the meantime, I’ve been driving myself nuts trying to figure out how ds2 is supposed to accept his college offer. We’ve logged on to the portal over and over and Googled everything we can think of. Ooooooh. It’s in paper form, in the letter you sent us back in December? Why can’t they do things online like every other college??? ARGH.</p>

<p>Hoping all is well with my iPeeps.</p>

<p>Glad folks are doing well… bump</p>

<p>Good morning. Coffee is ready. </p>

<p>I’m actually in a good mood today. I don’t know why. Work is a disaster. Oh, well. I’ll enjoy it while it lasts.</p>

<p>Good morning. Glad to see you, DB. Thought I might be having my coffee alone again this morning.</p>

<p>S called last night - he was between things so had a few minutes. Not much news. I think they are nervous about regionals this weekend. Normally, their region has 2 or 3 bids to nationals because they are considered one of the strongest regions in the country. Somehow, this year, there is only 1 bid from their region to nationals - so if they don’t win the whole tournament, they don’t go. Historically, they have not focused on winning any tournaments before nationals - just doing well enough to move on. So they had extra “dome” practice last night - they rent out space in some kind of covered dome so they can practice in bad weather. He also has a test on Monday, straight on the heels of travel and play this weekend. Not a great combo. Then again, it’s not the first time it’s happened. There was a funny tweet last weekend about someone having overheard a guy in the lobby of their motel on his phone saying, 'Yeah, there are a bunch of guys hanging out in the lobby doing homework. Yeah, on a Saturday night." A mother has to love that.</p>

<p>Happy Thursday.</p>

<p>Alice, I just wrote to a friend yesterday that I’m worried about how the snow is hampering practice and wondered whether the teams would be ready for nationals.</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee db… glad you are in a good mood…mine sucks…got into work, 1st thing i do, turn on computer…OPERATING SYSTEM NOT FOUND" …going back 20 years to superbills today while we wait for a new hard drive.</p>

<p>Hello, I’m Kennedy. I have been lurking and this seems like a very friendly bunch! I am primarily on the 2013/2017 forum since my D will be starting college this Fall. But I think this would be a better place to share this request for information for my S. My son has landed an internship in NYC with a major TV station and he needs housing for June - August. He is 21, a rising senior at a top university and a very mature, responsible young man. I am concerned because he is searching craigslist - and of course his safety is of utmost importance to me. Please contact me if you have any leads.</p>

<p>Welcome Kennedy2010! I just answered your question in the cafe… My D will graduate next month from a college in NYC (after 3 years!). She used a fb site called gypsy housing NYC to find her current place. Lots of actors post places on there they are subletting when they have out of town jobs. She has also used Craigslist to find places without any problems. First you need to determine how much rent you are willing to pay each month. It is highly unlikely you will find a shared place in Manhattan for under $900 per month. Also depending on where your S is going to work he may be able to live in Brooklyn or Astoria (Queens) and commute. If he is going to use the subway/bus to get to his job you need to factor in another $116 per month for a subway pass. Let me know if you have any questions on areas and what they are like and I will ask my D.</p>

<p><em>waving at Kennedy</em></p>

<p>PM the poster 2education. She said she might be able to help (I posted this on our FB page, and she offered to help).</p>

<p>Thanks Showmom - I saw your caf</p>

<p>The Class of 2010/2014 has its own private FB group, which is one reason this thread now moves so slowly. I knew some people on there never come here anymore so I posted your request there. I’ll PM you some of the other leads that might pop up.</p>

<p>Hi, Kennedy! Glad you found us.</p>

<p>DS got home from the hospital Tuesday evening and is doing well. He let me sit in on his doctor’s appointment yesterday. I really appreciate how open he is about his illness. I had to practically insist on leaving the room so he could talk to the doctor privately for a few minutes! I figure Mom does NOT need to hear everything, ha!</p>

<p>Now younger son is struggling, partly due to his brother coming home. The doctor actually emailed me last night that S2 was in danger of going to the hospital if he didn’t get some sleep! Argh, ack, etc. Fortunately, he slept well and was in better shape this morning. I see my counselor this afternoon, thank goodness. My nerves are frayed and I have to figure out how to get control of them!</p>

<p>D15 (how can she be that old???) has a piano competition in Bethel, Maine on Saturday, so I will attend her track meet Friday afternoon and then drive her to an inn in Bethel. I am really looking forward to our time together. Her performance will be public, and I have to decide if I’m up to the stress of listening to her. I swear I get more nervous listening to her than when I played in piano contests myself! This is the first time she’s played solo in a competition - usually she’s part of a jazz band.</p>

<p>S just called from COLLEGE with a flat tire. Hmmmm. First one in 3 years, not bad. He wanted to know if a couple of specific places were ok to fix it and that he might need money. He thought it might be several hundred dollars. :smiley: He felt much better when I told him we pay $10 at home but might be a little higher there. We have just been fortunate that we don’t have to deal with that very often. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>D15 is on her way to KC for a field trip. I saw on facebook at 9:30 she reported they were at a complete stand still on the interstate. :stuck_out_tongue: This weekend is Prom, so tomorrow starts the countdown. Nails after school… H and I help with the all night after prom party. I never can sleep very well when we get home, so I don’t expect any productivity this weekend.</p>

<p>S10 hasn’t had much luck with a summer job, which surprises me because he’s worked full time for years in the summer, including an assistant manager position. So many places don’t want temporary help. If he doesn’t get a job, then I think summer classes are the obvious. Does anyone know how that works? It’s never listed on our ‘financial aid’ letter that comes in the mail. Can you get a small student loan for that term to cover tuition, or are they only for traditional semesters? We’re paying rent year round, so that won’t change from last year.</p>


<p>just charm in. a flat tire COULD cost several hundred, if the tire has to be replaced or not. His tire guy can tell him that. In some case, like back into a ground auto barrier, it is possible to damage all 4 tires, but we don’t know that.</p>

<p>Nope, just a nail. He can see it. Didn’t drive on it, knows better. Aired it up & headed to a tire place we found on the internet. He tried Wal Mart but they told him the tread was too low & they couldn’t fix it. Um…no. We put all new tires on that car just recently, and they were quite expensive because his car ‘takes’ a special rated tire. I’m guessing they thought he was a college kid & could make him buy new ones thinking he didn’t know the difference.</p>

<p>He’s headed to the next place, with a can of fix a flat in case he doesn’t get quite there. We have emergency roadside with our insurance but hate to use it since he’s in town.</p>

<p>Update: At the new place and they are fixing it. Since it’s an actual tire place, they understand “performance” tires. Does make me think about what we need to ‘educate’ D15 about when she gets her license in June. We need to explain HOW to use the emergency roadside, not to drive it at all flat (or hot), etc. </p>

<p>I remember when I started driving, my dad said if I was going to drive, then I was going to know how to take care of my car. I could check and add my own oil, air up tires, check & add water to the radiator. (Can you tell I had an older car?!), etc. I even know how to pop the clutch to start a stick shift when the battery is too low. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>I’ve never changed a tire though - know how - I’ve just been fortunate enough to be close to a service station whenever I needed it. H says I could never break loose the lug nuts anyway. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Also makes me think maybe S needs his own credit card for such an emergency. What if they really are worn out or destroyed & he would have buy a new one (or a pair) immediately? His run about $250 each ! Do your kids have a credit card?</p>

<p>DS1 has his own credit card off our account. He got it last fall when he did study abroad.</p>

<p>Checkers: Thanks for reminding me that I’ve been meaning to get an oil change. Glad your S was able to get things figured out. RE: Credit card I use is off of my parent’s card. Use it for emergencies/doctor appointments. </p>

<p>ML: Glad to hear your S is back home. Hope everything goes peacefully this week. </p>

<p>I am stuck in exam review for the weekend. I am so close to finishing my review for Human Sexuality class. Only one more section and than I am taking a much needed break.</p>