Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Ah. Private FB page. I was wondering why the posts had slowed down so much</p>

<p>who is in charge of the fb page?</p>

<p>D and S each have a credit card that enables them to charge to my account - they use it for books, medical stuff, travel home, and emergencies. They are each very good at letting me know when they’ve used it so I don’t get any surprises. D has occasionally had to use it for things she knows she should be paying for, so she lets me know that she used it and will be sending me a check, which always arrives promptly. She has now managed to get her own credit card, too, so that shouldn’t happen any more. Then again, she’s a working woman rather than a student (how did that happen?).</p>

<p>Haven’t been online much anywhere lately. Am busy with S1’s upcoming wedding celebration. I am having a blast doing all kinds of crafty stuff, but it would be nice if he and DIL spent more than 10 minutes a week on the planning! They pretty much have turned things over to me. They are cool with just about anything. It promises to be a geek event with shades of Doctor Who, Terry Pratchett, Battlestar Galactica, etc. I am close to picking a MOG dress.</p>

<p>S2 (my '14er) has his language final at the flagship in two weeks and plans to return to school in Boston in the fall. Would like to see a plan for how he intends to manage his life… He is working 35-40 hours a week as a sous chef at a local restaurant, which he enjoys, though is finding that the lifestyle is pretty exhausting.</p>

<p>Hmmm…I need to find this mythical FB page.</p>

<p>It’s great having S at home. He just manhandled the extension ladder to clean out a gutter that was clogged. :)</p>

<p>Both my kids have credit cards on my accounts for incidentals and emergencies only. And it has worked out very well. This helps them build their own credit history since we share my payment history. Eventually, I look forward to them getting their own cards.</p>

<p>S2 has a low credit amount card that i had to cosign but it does go to his credit report. that worked fine until this past year or so…but as he has had to travel to present posters etc and for research (getting reimbursed after), i added him to my am ex… . now that he is over 21, i may come off his card and we can get the limit increased</p>

<p>So, do you just ‘add a user/card’ on one of your existing? I didn’t realize that would help build their credit too, great idea.</p>

<p>i was told it would help their credit when you just add them to your account. The question is if it also count against them as “too much” debt - no idea, just thinking out loud</p>

<p>i was told that the one we opened for him (with me as cosigner) went to his credit , but amex said the additional card didnt go to his credit rating as it is billed to me with account in my name, not his</p>

<p>Good morning. And, TGIF. </p>

<p>Son gets home one week from today. Other than that, no real news. </p>

<p>Have a great Friday, and a great weekend. </p>

<p>Oh, and I just set a pot of coffee on. It should be ready any minute. :)</p>

<p>The card issued against my account does show up on their credit report - I have reviewed. I try to keep balances low on these cards because - to your point Mune - it would not help their credit to have high balances.</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee db. S2 is presenting a poster today and i think tomorrow, then a final week of classes then finals. has a few days off and then right back into a full semester of classes and research for the summer.</p>

<p>welcome to kennedy!!! my S1 lived in nyc while he went to college…found his first apartment through craigslist. really expensive even then…the next year he moved out to greenpoint in brooklyn, a lot more apartment for the money, and the subway wasnt that bad.</p>

<p>in S3 news… had his first accident (got his license about 3 weeks ago) backed out of a parking space and right into the front of a truck. all 3 of my boys managed to do major car damage really quickly after getting their licenses… S1 holds the record… 1st day!</p>

<p>Good morning! Happy Friday!</p>

<p>Sorry about the accident P56! D1 has crashed our car twice, once at 16 and once at 19. But the boys have not had an accident (knock on wood!). </p>

<p>DH has had a childhood friend visiting the last few days. I really don’t care for the guy, but luckily he only comes around every 10 years or so. So today, I am happy to be at work and I am hoping he leaves today, but he might be around until tomorrow. </p>

<p>S3 (HS13) decided a few weeks ago, but it is fun to see where all the rest of the 13ers are ending up.</p>

<p>Scualum – Ergh about the Audit!</p>

<p>ML – I am glad to hear that DS is home. Try to enjoy D15’s performance!</p>

<p>Tx5 – I hope S2 and his 2 buddies don’t get too lonely in Greece. The sacrifices that our kids must make. ;)</p>

<p>Aliceinw – I hope the extra “dome” practice pays off for your S!!!</p>

<p>Kennedy – Greetings! I know it’s kinda late, but D1 did an internship in NYC and stayed in the New School dorms. I have a friend whose daughter is staying in the FIT dorms this summer. Other colleges also used their dorms for summer intern housing.</p>

<p>Checkers – Glad that the tire didn’t leave your S flat broke. :wink: (Yes, I know that was awful)</p>

<p>CD – You are a better person than I am for helping with the wedding planning. I am OK just being the Financer of the Bride. ;)</p>

<p>P56 – Sorry that S3 felt the need to keep up the family tradition. ;)</p>

<p>Re: Credit Cards – D2 has one on our account for emergencies. You know, like needing to get her roots done. :wink: OK, she hasn’t actually used it.</p>

<p>Re: College Pictures – We received Junior picture proofs this year for D2. They were very well done. However, we aren’t good parents and are going to wait for next year. ;)</p>

<p>I spent a lot of time on the phone with my parents this week. On Wednesday, my father was released from the hospital and went home. He and my mother sounded absolutely beat and I wasn’t sure that he should be home. However, when I called last night, they both sounded much better…whew! The doctors are keeping an eye on my dad to determine if his health can be controlled with meds or if surgery is needed.</p>

<p>In college news, D2 called me in tears on Wednesday totally stressed out. She had been running for days on little to no sleep and reeled off a litany of papers, projects, etc. on which she is working. She sounded awful, so I just talked her through some options to help prioritize her workload. So, I spent the rest of Wednesday and Thursday worried about her. She called me Thursday night and sounded much better. She was very worried about a project with which she was meeting with a professor today. Her Department Head met with her to talk about the project and she said that he really liked it and was supportive and helped with ideas for the proposal, so that made D2 feel better about the impending meeting with the professor. She also figured out that she would do better work with some rest, so she took some downtime last night. Of course, by downtime she meant participated in a 2 hour panel discussion instead of working on a paper. :rolleyes: FWIW, she said that the other people on the panel said that she asked really good questions, so that improved her mood too. Summer plans are mostly resolved. She has let an agency in DC know that she will work for them. Yesterday, she was called for an interview for another agency. She is going to go ahead and do that interview in case she wants to figure out how to do both. :eek:</p>

<p>YDS – I hope you found that paperwork because… “DS2 Rocks!” (or as kinderny put it, “DS2 Saxa!”)

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<p>G# - Ya need a college kid like mine… he rarely communicates with us unless we chase him down. We rarely have enough details to have specific worries. </p>

<p>CM - Glad the tire is fixed. I once drove on a semi-flat tire 1 mile to Sears. But I knew it was shot, since I could see a SCREWDRIVER (missing some of the handle by then) in the sidewall. </p>

<p>ML - I hope the piano event goes well!</p>

<p>GSharp - congrats to your D2 on having her summer plans somewhat in order. Wishing her luck with her interview and if she really wants to work at both places, I’m sure she’ll work it all out. </p>

<p>Checkers - wishing your D a wonderful prom weekend!</p>

<p>Welcome, Kennedy! I’ll ask around to see if anyone I know has info about summer sublets or NYC summer housing. Good luck to your S! </p>

<p>P56 - I lived in Greenpoint until I was 7 years old! :)</p>

<p>Good morning, everyone! Might seem stupidly early but I went to bed (slash passed out from sheer exhaustion of this week) around 8 pm, so 3 am is a perfectly good time to put on some coffee and get to work!</p>

<p>TC: Thanks for the coffee!! </p>

<p>I’ve been MIA for a little bit. Will try to catch up will you all this weekend. My best friend’s daughter is getting married tonight, so I’m on dog sitting patrol before and after the wedding and tomorrow morning. I really can’t wait for this wedding. I’m so close with them and seeing one of our kids gets married is really exciting. Although it does make me feel a bit old, but I keep thinking that when I was her age I was married with 2 kids! Have a great weekend everyone!</p>

<p>good morning thanks for the coffee tc!!</p>

<p>limom…i loved greenpoint when i went to visit.</p>

<p>congrats to all those with good news…re proms, summer work, finishing the year…boo to flat tires!</p>

<p>have fun at the wedding proudnj!</p>