Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Good morning. Thanks for the coffee, t_c. I hope you got enough rest.</p>

<p>Have fun at the wedding, proudnj. </p>

<p>Great news about the summer plan(s), G#. And, that’s a great hoya.</p>

<p>Sorry about the accident, p56. :(</p>

<p>Good morning - and the coffee is yummy TC, thanks.</p>

<p>Also, thank you everyone for the warm welcome and leads/advice on housing in NYC. My son is following up on each one and closing in on some viable options.</p>

<p>The weather is absolutely gorgeous here (first time this season) and I am going out to play in the sun. Will check in with you all later…</p>

<p>Kennedy, my S lives just outside NYC in Jersey City, across the street from the PATH station, and MAY need a roommate in July and August (it’s a long story). But he wouldn’t be able to help out in June.</p>

<p>No major COLLEGE news here. D seems happy, I think she’s doing Relay for Life this weekend. We both bought luminaries in memory of my mom. She doesn’t start finals until mid-May (their semester didn’t start until early Feb because they have January term).</p>

<p>I am waiting for DD to play in a piano competition. We heard one girl play. Wow! The level of competition is high. DD does several ECs and thinks of jazz band as her main one. Classical piano is not her favorite, so I told her just to have fun and not worry about how she does.</p>

<p>Good morning, iPeeps!</p>

<p>Recovering from ds2’s HS talent show last night. This is one of those “lasts” that actually does make me sad. I wish every kid could go to a school as wonderful and accepting as his. This event really brings all the good things home.</p>

<p>Thanks for the Georgetown bulldog, G#. We’re getting so excited. Just found out four kids from his class will be in D.C. next year. Your dd, as usual, seems to have it all together!</p>

<p>Have fun at the wedding, PNJ. I’m looking forward to the days my kids’ friends start getting married.</p>

<p>t_c, I had a bad dream and was up early, too. I wish I had gone to sleep at 8!!!</p>

<p>alice, I’m following CUT on Twitter. They won their first game, about to start second. I’m also following a few HS and middle school academic teams on Twitter. I live such a rich life! lol</p>

<p>ML, I always wished I could play the piano. I bet she’s fabulous.</p>

<p>Have a great weekend, everyone.</p>

<p>YDS - I was mostly following GOP on twitter today (for obvious reasons). They won all three for to place first in their pool. On to tomorrow. They either take the tournament and head to Nationals or hang up their cleats for the season since their region only got one bid to Nats. I think they got so few bids because one of their tournaments (the one that was to be held at Mizzou, checkers) was cancelled. Their region is really strong and sent three teams last year. </p>

<p>Hope everyone is having a good weekend. It feels like spring might really be here. We had our snow tires taken off today.</p>

<p>good morning all…coffee is ready! rainy day here</p>

<p>so surfing around…and see that UNC now wont use the word freshman as it considers it sexist?? are we now fepersons?? rather than females?</p>

<p>Good morning. It’s a beautiful Sunday here. I’m going to try to get all my dreadful work homework done early so I can enjoy the afternoon. </p>

<p>p56 - Both my kids’ schools say “first years” instead of freshmen. I think it’s silly. Especially when we listen closely and hear the students refer to themselves as freshmen, women included.</p>

<p>I had asked a while back when to make reservations for graduation…and I just did! My daughter will graduate one year from today. :(</p>

<p>The bonus is, they will allow us to park two cars at the hotel. We’ll need two cars because both our girls will be attending the same school and we need to move them out that weekend. I don’t want to think about that part, but the preliminaries are done.</p>

<p>Now, do I feel good about this, or sad? I just can’t believe how fast her college life has been going.</p>

<p>woohoo flyme!! think S2’s grad will be may 11 of next year. </p>

<p>db… S2’s school still uses freshman.</p>

<p>For us it will be may 8 through 10! I don’t want to think about it</p>

<p>it’s ok munequita… after that comes grad school… just think another 2 to 8 to 12 years to go… we’ll soon be saying…geez will you ever get out of school!! :)</p>

<p>I always thought college is an extension of hs. The real deal is the grad school. :)</p>

<p>Slightly jealous of those thinking happy thoughts about graduation in a year! :D</p>

<p>That’s ok. We’re happy here b/c H just ended his term as a volunteer treasurer. After 6 years, his Sunday mornings (and/or sometimes afternoons) are back! Hurray! And the boxes of files are OUT of the back bedroom. :)</p>

<p>S has been checking his grades. So far, all As. Still haven’t heard from the hardest course, the Abstract Math.</p>

<p>Hooray! Nationals here they come. Looks like one bid was enough for our heroes, though there was some stiff competition - primarily from the other school in the same town. Go figure.</p>

<p>Whirlwind weekend. Recovering from D15 prom. It was so fun. H & I help with the all night After Prom party every year. We got home at 6:30 this morning. I have accomplished nothing today.</p>

<p>TJ Moe - our fav Mizzou football player - signed with the New England Patriots. They are suddenly our fav NFL team. :slight_smile: Brad Maddison , which is also a Mizzou player and from the next town over, signed as a free agent with the KC Chiefs. Both of my kids are friends with both of them on facebook. (S10 in real world too). I feel so important. :)</p>

<p>S10 has a big Ithycology Lab test on Tuesday, then just one more week of class before finals. Still no summer job. He’s going to be eating nothing but Ramen noodles. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Yea! Remind me … Do they play DI or DIII? I’m guessing DII because CUT is just to regionals, right?</p>

<p>YDS - CUT plays D-I, and they’re through to regionals. GOP plays D-III, and regionals were today. GOP is not used to playing to win until nationals. They usually play with a mindset of experimenting, using newer players, etc., and doing well enough to get through to the next level. This time they had to win to get to the next level, and they did.</p>

<p>Hope everyone had a great weekend.</p>


I don’t know. That seems like major college news to me. ;)</p>

<p>YDS – Let the excitement begin! D2 put Georgetown on her potential grad / law school list (if she goes those routes) after visiting it last summer. As far as D2 “having it all together!” I wouldn’t go that far. ;)</p>


Imagine what it will be like when beings from other planets with alternate calendars start sending their kids to Earth colleges. ;)</p>

<p>FMTTM – What’s your secret? Two kids = Two Cars? My One Kid = 1 Suburban + 1 Storage Unit. Can you tell that she doesn’t like to be separated from her stuff? ;)</p>

<p>Aliceinw – Whew! And Congrats!</p>

<p>Checkers (or is that Lady Checkers, Queen of the NFL?) – GL to S10 on the fishy lab test and finding summer employment!</p>

<p>ProudNJMom – I hope you enjoyed the wedding. Don’t tell me all about it. :wink: I’m thinking that dog sitter sounds like a good role for me next year. ;)</p>

<p>Re: Graduation – D2’s will be in June next year. Funny thing, the registration stickers for the car she normally drives came this weekend. I didn’t think about it until I put them on, but the license plates now have “JUN” “14” on them. :slight_smile: I knew it was coming, she plans to stay and help with Reunions / Graduation before heading off to her internship again this year.</p>

<p>Inspiring “graduation” story… I visited my parents this weekend and met their next-door neighbors. Their daughter was born 2 months pre-mature, ½ of her body weight was a tumor, and was given little chance of survival. She is 6 YO and graduating from kindergarten next month! She’s super active and a smart little thing… they figured out that when she got in trouble and had her TV privileges taken away, she was just heading over to my parent’s house to watch with them. :)</p>

<p>College news… things seem to be calming down a little in D2’s world. Text from D2 to me, “I survived my meeting with the professor.” :slight_smile: Text from D2 to DW, “Are you going to the J Crew sale?” :rolleyes:</p>