Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Good morning! </p>

<p>Thanks for checking in, mdem and t_c. YDS, let’s assume no news is good news from applicannot. :)</p>

<p>aliceinw - You’ve inspired me to try a cleanse. I just asked for a juicer for Mother’s Day, bought a book from Amazon, and an app from the app store. Wish me luck. </p>

<p>I’ll be heading to Dulles in a couple hours to fetch DS. Hurray! I can’t believe the semester is over and he’s coming home from London. :D</p>

<p>Have a great Friday and weekend.</p>


<p>Good morning-- and TGIF!</p>

<p>Fingers crossed for munequita’s D.</p>

<p>Welcome back to DougBetsy S.</p>

<p>I skyped with grandson this a.m…partially making up for a really terrible week. You should never have to go to the funeral of a young person. Never.</p>

<p>And now I’m going to Kroger while S paints some of the garage. Seems like a good division of labor to me! :)</p>

<p>Oh, and I might stop by the library book sale. The fact that all my bookshelves are full may not stop me from buying more…</p>

<p><em>sigh</em> 6-8 inches of snow and huge flakes still coming down. Power keeps coming & going. Tree limbs down all over the yard. This is a first.</p>

<p>S had an interview yesterday and applied for several summer jobs. Fingers crossed.</p>

<p>P56: {hugs} Hope your day gets better.</p>

<p>Good morning! TGIF!!</p>

<p>College news: D1 got her grade back on her big 60 page teacher credential project thingy (it has a name maybe SET?) and she did fabulous. Each section is graded 1-4, a 2 is passing and I guess it is almost impossible to get a 4, but D1 got 3 4’s, 3 2’s and the rest 3’s. She was over the moon. She is in the process of applying for jobs (A REAL JOB!!) so PVCs in her direction please! I noticed in her resume she said she likes “yoga, hiking and my black labrador Henry”. I thought it was sweet that she included Henry, but, AHEM, he is MY black labrador!! S2 will move to a new apartment (with the same guys) next year, the bad news is that they are both 12 month leases, the old one ends in August and the new one starts in July. I guess it all ends up the same. </p>

<p>High School news: S3 has been busy. He and his partner won the league doubles championship. APs start next week. He is taking 6 tests! Ouch! I am glad it is his brain and not mine. He got admitted off of UCLA waitlist this morning, but is set on UC Berkeley so will decline. </p>

<p>Juicer: My husband has been “juicing” for a few years and S3 and I have been drinking a glass every morning for about a year. He grows Kale and beets in the garden and adds different things including berries, apples, oranges, cucumber, spinach, etc… It looks disgusting but I have to admit I feel better. I started because my husband’s skin looks so good.</p>

<p>PVC’s to Munequita’s daughter and ((Hugs)) to P56!</p>

<p>Good morning. I’m still in the smoothie stage - I have not sprung for a juicer. Maybe that will be next. Good luck to you, DB. I can’t wait to hear what you think.</p>

<p>Big congrats to tx3athome’s D1!! And to S3 for the doubles championship.</p>

<p>PVCs aimed to munequita’s D today, and to all the others with exams, final projects, APs, etc.</p>

<p>p56 - sure hope your day gets better one way or another.</p>

<p>Thinking of you P56</p>

<p>LGA, here I come…</p>

<p>My harddrive feels so dirty after accessing the infected CC this week. Maybe YDS and Alice can help me cleanse it? ;)</p>

<p>Sending PVCs to Munequita’s D, Checker’s S, tx5’s D1/S3, and p56.</p>

<p>Sending BVDs to Checkers. ;)</p>

<p>DB – I hear there’s a package waiting for you at Dulles. Enjoy. :)</p>

<p>Heroines of the Week – Mdem and T_C for kickin’ another semester’s butt. ;)</p>

<p>TWINMAMA – Look at you all rested, yet well-traveled. Edinburra sounds like no end of fun. ;)</p>

<p>12rmh18 – Sounds like you could use some post-vacation rest… good for you. Happy (belated) Anniversary!</p>

<p>Mathmom – I’m impressed that you graduated HS before you were 5 YO. ;)</p>

<p>Mommusic – Congats to your smart and helpful S!</p>

<p>LAF – Sorry to hear about your step-nephew’s crappy situation.</p>

<p>YDS – Congrats to your D on the internship. It kinda puts that sweater thing on the back burner. I too wonder how applicannot is doing.</p>

<p>P56 – Thanx for asking about my dad. He seems to be doing better, but has up and down days.</p>

<p>In wedding news, D1 has found a photographer under budget. The “Shared Savings” clause claims its first victory. :)</p>

<p>In college news, has anyone heard from D2? I did look at the move-out website. Good thing as she has to be out by noon on the day we were planning to drive up and get her. I guess we’ll be going the day before instead… oops!</p>

<p>aw - The almond milk smoothie sounds interesting. Do you have a link to the recipe? </p>

<p>p56 - I’m hoping the GC can give some helpful guidance. </p>

<p>G# - I think our kids have become FB, plotting ways to avoid parent communication. Just kidding - our DS has gotten lots better recently. That’s probably because there was a while he thought he’d need a parent short term loan to afford summer apartment downpayments.</p>

<p>Semester is over, now the wait starts. One of the finals was “horrible” - who knows what that means</p>

<p>Munequita - hopefully your D was just venting about the final. Yay for being a rising senior!</p>

<p>D’s last class was today (I thought they were over last week, but found out yesterday that I was wrong). I think she said she has one exam, one project and her junior paper all due before she’s truly done.</p>

<p>GSharp - yay for the under-budget photographer! </p>

<p>I checked the move-out page for D’s school before making plans to pick her up, and the day I wanted to pick her up was the last day of move-out and students had to be out by noon. That wasn’t going to happen, so I had to choose a different day. :(</p>

<p>alice and tx5 - I wish those green smoothies/juices appealed to me more…</p>

<p>Forgot to say - S is taking his first SAT tomorrow. Please, please point the PVC in his direction! Thanks!! :)</p>

<p>PVC aimed and set for tomorrow AM, Limom</p>

<p>Thanks, Alice! He needs all the help he can get.</p>

<p>coffee is ready! pvc’s for limom’s S!! good luck</p>

<p>hope she did well munequita!</p>

<p>Quiet day here today. How is S3, p56?</p>

<p>Thanks, P56! S said it went well - now we’ll have to wait and see.</p>

<p>munequita… seems we have a temporary reprieve… has agreed to finish the last 2 weeks of school then we’ll see</p>

<p>G’morning. Coffee’s on. I have to run out, but will check in later.</p>

<p>good morning all, thanks for the coffee alice. heading into finals week for S2, then summer classes start next monday. still a conflict he is trying to resolve with a recitation and a lab he hasnt heard about yet so fingers crossed that gets worked out this week</p>

<p>Good luck in finals P56. D will be home Tuesday</p>