Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>ML, how are you doing?</p>

<p>Hello. I ran out to synagogue and then yoga this morning. Now I am back home and touching base. </p>

<p>Sure hope that summer schedule gets worked out. We are trying to figure out when we can see S, since he will be staying in MN to do research this summer. Things can get complicated very quickly when four people’s schedules have to be taken into account. </p>

<p>Enjoy the rest of the weekend.</p>

<p>Posting from home ‘cuz I’m working from home this week. :)</p>

<p>I failed to mention Friday that I had posted some new “Threads I’d Like to Read” here…
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>P56 – A temporary reprieve sounds like a good step anyway.</p>

<p>Colorado_mom – I heard from my youngin’ too. Funny how they can be so much more communicative when they need something, huh? ;)</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – I hope things went well with S’s SATs. Fingers crossed. The barter system was in full swing. D1 did some modeling for the photographer’s business to get a discount. She sent us a link to the photos, very well done.</p>

<p>Aliceinw – I hope you get the summer schedule figured out soon. We’re trying to do the same.</p>

<p>In college/wedding news, never, ever, ever let your child major in Marketing/Advertising! Apparently we are going to be emailed a freakin’ “story board” for how the venue should be decorated. :rolleyes: All I know is that it should start with FOB holding a full wallet and end with me digging through the couch cushions in hopes of getting a cup of coffee. ;)</p>

<p>In college news, the letter to renew D2’s scholarship for the last time came this weekend. I reserved storage for D2’s stuff over the summer, made hotel reservations, and reloaded the EZ-Pass, so a couple more things off the move-out list. Also, D2 mailed in some paperwork for her summer employment that could not be done electronically. By “D2 mailed in,” I mean that she found someone to take it for the 10 minute walk to the Post Office for her. She said that she has had no time to do anything but homework and stay buried in her Junior Paper. She has mentioned before how critical a good network of friends is to survival. Whenever one of them needs help with something, no matter how mundane, e.g. bringing them their backpack in the infirmary, they can count on each other to pitch in. </p>

<p>So, do I look any smarter today? :wink: D2 texted me to ask if I was busy or if I would proofread her Junior Paper this weekend. After reading it, I’m not sure if I feel smarter or dumber. :wink: Anyway, I did my best and provided my feedback. Hopefully it was somewhat helpful… I tried.</p>

<p>Good morning. Happy Monday. :frowning: :p</p>

<p>G# - It worked the other way at my house. I wrote a 20 page paper for work and asked Son to proof it. He took points off because I hadn’t attached my addenda yet. :(</p>

<p>Yes, Son is home from London. He landed at Dulles 2:30 Friday afternoon. By 8:30 Sunday morning he was on his way to Wake to visit friends before their semester ends. It’s finals week there, so I warned him to expect a dull time. </p>

<p>One of the reasons he needs to get to campus is internship paperwork. It’s still not a done deal. So, I won’t jinx it by writing more. But, we do have a glimmer of hope. </p>

<p>Have a great week, everyone.</p>

<p>Happy Monday! Espresso is on…</p>

<p>Good luck to DougBetsyson on the internship!</p>

<p>S left for his first day of co-op this morning. It’s a new job, not where he was for the last two sessions, so pretty exciting. He was so cute as he doublechecked with me the way to get there (only about 4 miles away!) Truth is, he knows his way around a computer a lot better than he knows how to navigate while driving.</p>

<p>And G#, I am so glad when my only D got married almost 8 (yikes!) years ago we were oblivious to most aspects of “decorating,” “lighting,” and so forth. We knew we needed flowers but it didn’t occur to us to add fabric, crepe paper, or special lights. Blissfully ignorant, and remained so. Comes from not subscribing to bridal magazines, and also that D was the first of her cohort to marry. So whatever we did was ok. Innovative, even!</p>

<p>good morning all…thanks for the coffee mommusic</p>

<p>it could be worse gsharp… my DIL was a wedding planner herself who worked for one of the tv planners from platinum weddings!!.. all i can say is…i was soooo glad that the groom’s side just does the rehearsal stuff.</p>

<p>Good morning, and Happy Monday. Thanks for the coffee.</p>

<p>My current cleanse seems to have done a great job of breaking my cravings. I still get hungry, and I want food, but I’m happier with healthier food. So far, so good. Green smoothies, anyone?</p>

<p>S is on midterm break today. The first five weeks are done, so they have a Monday off. Then five more weeks till end of term. I think this is a particularly low stress time of term for him, and he is enjoying it. It will all build back up, though.</p>

<p>Just wanted to make sure everyone here knows that Carleton has four teams that made it to Ultimate Frisbee Nationals: mens and womens D-1 teams and mens and womens D-3 teams! We don’t think that’s ever been done before. </p>

<p>OK, that’s my important news of the day. Carry on.</p>

<p>Congrats to Carleton’s Ultimate teams!</p>

<p>A friend went to Carleton years ago, and he never fails to mention it as a GREAT school.</p>

<p>It can stop raining here any time now. If I’d known this was coming I would have cut the grass LAST week. :/</p>

<p>Munequita, thanks for asking.</p>

<p>DS seems a little worse. I emailed the doctor and he upped his med dosage a little. DS sees the counselor two times this week and the doctor once. I’m hoping to get a better feel for how he’s doing after that.</p>

<p>S2 seems to be ignoring school and us for the most part. Just praying that he does enough to graduate in June!</p>

<p>I literally thank God every day that DH and I are staying strong and united. I don’t know what I would do without him! He is a rock.</p>

<p>ML - I bet your H says the same about you. :)</p>

<p>Amen to what DougBetsy said!</p>

<p>Thirds on DB’s quote from here. ML, thank heavens the your family has you, and you and your H are on the same page!</p>

<p>DB, my S did the same thing after he came home from his semester in Spain. Spent 2 or 3 days with us before heading to campus for the annual spring festival AND his 21st birthday (which was probably a bit less of a thrill after a semester in Europe, where the drinking age was mostly 18). </p>

<p>D texted this afternoon: “Campus just lost power and I was in the middle of a paper on the library computer.” :frowning: She later clarified that she had saved the intro and hadn’t gotten too far beyond that, so it wasn’t a huge disaster.</p>

<p>GSharp - thanks! I’m keeping my fingers crossed for S, but I won’t get my hopes up when it comes to his scores. </p>

<p>That’s great about your D1 getting a discount on the photography package in exchange for modeling! :)</p>

<p>Yay for your D2 letting you read her Junior paper! I’m sure it was very impressive. D finished hers this week as well, but so far I haven’t received my copy…</p>

<p>Laf - whew about your D’s paper! That could have been so much worse!</p>

<p>ML - also echoing DB. Hugs!</p>

<p>Good morning all! </p>

<p>It’s weird having S “home for the summer” this early in the year, but I’m getting used to it. Last night he primed some drywall in the garage that had been rehabbed 2 years ago and never painted. :slight_smile: :)</p>

<p>Tonight he can cut some grass as it is supposed to not rain.</p>


<p>good morning all…coffee is ready!</p>

<p>send your son my way mommusic…i have lots of painting that needs doing!</p>

<p>whew laf…glad it wasnt worse!</p>

<p>S2 has a final today i think and then one more sometime this week.</p>

<p>Good morning, D is getting rest to leave for the airport! Please sun the pvc to the air traffic and no delays</p>

<p>Good morning.</p>

<p>Sending PVCs for Munequita’s D (no delays!!), and to those still taking exams.</p>

<p>We sent S a package (a “B” strong hat - fundraiser for the Boston One Fund). Any chance he’ll go to the post office? Or remember to say thank you once he gets it? Stay tuned. . .</p>

<p>Happy Tuesday. :cool: :cool: (Haven’t seen the cool dudes in a while - almost forgot how to do them).</p>

<p>Hi, everyone - just dropping by to wish good luck to all of the students going into finals :slight_smile: </p>

<p>I actually only have one sit-down final exam this semester (perks of being a junior), but I do have 3 very large projects due as well, and I have to present at the student research conference on campus tomorrow, so I still have plenty to work on! The first project was due yesterday (an engineering design project - ended up having to pull an all-nighter :o, which I don’t think I’ve ever done before, but it did well in testing yesterday afternoon), and then I have one due Thursday and one Friday, followed by a final on Monday.</p>

<p>After that, my aunt is coming to Pittsburgh on Tuesday and we’ll be driving down to Texas the rest of the week so that I can start my internship at Texas Instruments the next Monday! </p>

<p>I also got approval for college of engineering honors research for next year (long, complicated situation since I am funded for my research, but the honors research program requires doing research for course credit), which is nice because that’s the only way to graduate with any kind of honors from CMU, at least for engineering…so, I’m glad I dealt with the bureaucracy (wasn’t too bad, actually).</p>

<p>Yeehaw! Welcome to Texas, CaliD!</p>

<p>CD, let us know how your internship goes! I will be very interested to hear.</p>