Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>CaliforniaDancer nice to hear from you! Good luck on the internship.</p>

<p>S2 is coming home Saturday, can’t wait. Then we’re taking him up to Boston Sunday, sigh. He’s already got BBQ plans for us on both Saturday and Sunday, plus pizza plans. I’m surprised he hasn’t figured out a way to squeeze in hotdogs from Walters.</p>

<p>At the airport, the plane arrived thirty minutes early. Just catching up while she gets out of the plane</p>

<p>~~Waving to CaliD - so nice to hear from you. Best of luck with the internship. And with Texas!</p>

<p>Munequita - Hurray for early planes. Enjoy your time with your D.</p>

<p>yay for no travel delays this time munequita!!!</p>

<p>hope your internship is wonderful calid!!</p>

<p>yay for son coming home mathmom!</p>

<p>S2 had a final today, and thinks it went well. he is taking classes and doing research all summer, so wont be home…but i may go visit a few times.</p>

<p>Note to self… don’t eat chocolate covered espresso beans when working late. I wonder if my eyes will ever shut again? :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:</p>

<p>G#–I hear ya’…I don’t allow those things in the house. Just a few late at night and I’m doomed.</p>

<p>I would offer coffee to the rest of you, but it’s too early, don’t you think? Unless anyone has plans to go fishing before dawn? :D</p>

<p>good morning all…coffee is ready!!!</p>

<p>CA dancer - sounds like things are going very well for you. Enjoy your summer internship!</p>

<p>Good morning. </p>

<p>Hi CD! Thanks for the update. Have a great summer. :)</p>

<p>PVC Request… Son’s internship app has hit a snag. The employer needs Wake to sign a form and Wake needs the employer to sign a form. Each one says the other has to sign first. Please send your PVCs to the employer so she’ll take pity on Son, bypass the bureaucracy, and just sign the dang form…</p>


<p>DougBetsy - sending PVC, PVc, Pvc, pvc…</p>

<p>You got 'em, DB.</p>

<p>And maybe someone should send PVCs to ds2 so that I don’t kill him.</p>

<p>pvc’s on their way DB! i’ll take a few for S2’s final today…he is sitting at an 89.2 currently… if he does great on the exam maybe it will push it into A territory… his school doesnt have plus minus so an 89 is 3.0 and a 90 is 4.0</p>

<p>no pvc’s for you yds… we have to let that boy foul the nest so it wont be as bad when he heads off in the fall!! :P</p>

<p>coffee is ready</p>

<p>PVC’s coming from the west for all that need them today.</p>

<p>Happy Friday eve!</p>

<p>You’re probably right, p56. I just wish he wasn’t so careless with his things. How much can one kid lose in the span of two weeks???</p>

<p>Sending PVCs to all who need them. </p>

<p>My dad and I are headed (a little late) to watch some golf. It is once again The Players at Sawgrass. We had a ton if rain this week so hopefully the 17th hole is under a bunch of water. They posted a picture earlier in the week of the walkway completely under water.</p>

<p>DB - good grief just sign it already! Too bad you can’t get both parties in a room together to sign it simultaneously!</p>

<p>parent56, best wishes on that 89.9. My son had some 80.1’s that I am pretty sure were a gift from our Latin teacher. </p>

<p>I’ve lost an entire folder for a project. I will be really, really cross if I have to measure the darn house again on my own dime.</p>

<p>Good morning!</p>

<p>PVCs: To DB’s son and YDS! Don’t kill him YDS he is SO CUTE! </p>

<p>S2 is coming home for the weekend! I think it is less for Mother’s Day and more because he needs a haircut and only trusts the local Super Cuts (silly kid!). He had 3 midterms this week.</p>

<p>S3 is taking #3 of 6 AP tests today. Most don’t matter and he is definitely not sweating them. His tennis team lost their first round playoff match to a “freelance” team, that was very good and should have probably been in a different division. I guess that is where the term “luck of the draw” comes in. So team tennis is over but he and his partner won league in doubles so they will be playing in the “individuals” in a couple of weeks. So it isn’t over yet.</p>

<p>Hi, everyone! I’m finishing up my final paper today, and then packing and heading back to my parents’ tomorrow. I had to say a quick goodbye to my girlfriend this morning :(. The 4th of July isn’t that far away, right?</p>

<p>Thought I would update: I didn’t kill ds2. The PVC works again. :D</p>

<p>TC - hugs to you! The two months will go by fast. And now you are a college senior.</p>

<p>YDS - glad to hear S2 is still among the living.</p>