Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>A little late with the PVCs for today’s exams, but I’ll send some for anyone in need of them tomorrow.</p>

<p>Congrats on your new senior status, TC! </p>

<p>CalD - congrats to you too! Have a great summer in Texas!</p>

<p>mathmom - yay for your S2 coming home! </p>

<p>Nothing too exciting to report here except that S has his first AP exam tomorrow - and where is he? Not home studying. :(</p>

<p>well he thinks it went well, now to see if it tips into A territory.</p>

<p>hoping the expected rain tomorrow, holds off until i can get out and cut the grass!! was too wet last weekend and i will soon have a jungle.</p>

<p>DD1 has graduation tomorrow morning. We definitely want the rain to hold off! The speaker will be Julie Andrews. “The hills are alive… with the sound of music”. ;)</p>

<p>have a wonderful time coloradomom…congrats to D1!!! jealous as i love julie andrews.</p>

<p>Coffee, tea, Pepsi, and blueberry muffins are on me this Friday.</p>

<p>I’m posting a little early this week because I’m having lunch with my company’s president (figured I’d better show up for that ;)) and then I’m off to try to be a good son and do some yard work at my parents’ house. At least, no airports this week.</p>

<p>The downside to working from home?.. having 3 computers running at the same time provides opportunity to follow / get involved in incredibly pointless threads. All I can say is, some people must have an awful lot of free time. Whose turn was it to smack me if I tried to venture out of this thread? :wink: Am I a bad person for having found this to be one of the oddest threads I have ever read? I think that it should be renamed the “Groundhog Day” thread as I’m sure that if I came back in a year it would still be repeating the same what appears to be nonsense to me. Perhaps it could be renamed the “Pot Meet Kettle” thread. At what point can a thread be declared to be in a death-spiral and put out of its misery? I must live in an alternate universe and am clearly not a good CC citizen. :wink:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Oh well, any week that includes a new release from Joe Satriani can’t be all bad. ;)</p>

<p>DB – Good Luck to your S on the internship and the red tape.</p>

<p>Mommusic – Remind me never to put our kids in a car together or we may never see them again. :wink: And don’t even get me started on bridal magazines. GWAR (God, What a Racket)! :wink: And finally, I do love me some chocolate covered espresso beans on occasion. My dad wanted some specific candy when he was in the hospital and there right next to what he wanted were “the beans.” :slight_smile: I made out better than him though. Someone stole the candy out of his room while he was in surgery. How pathetic is that?</p>

<p>Aliceinw – Congrats to Ultimate Carleton!

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<p>ML – It would appear that you and DH have an Ultimate Team of your own. :)</p>

<p>LAF – Glad that the power outage was not a disaster!</p>

<p>Munequita – Could you have your D put in a good word with the airline gods for me? ;)</p>

<p>CaliD, Mdem, and T_C – Thanx for poppin’ in and givin’ us a “feel good” injection! :)</p>

<p>YDS – So glad to hear that you still have DS2? ;)</p>

<p>Mathmom – Did you lend that folder to YDS’s DS2? :wink: Apologies to both of you… I couldn’t resist.</p>

<p>P56 – Hopefully the grade scales will balance in the right direction!</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – Good Luck to your S today. I’m sure he’s All Prepared!</p>

<p>Colorado_mom – DD1 gets Mary Poppins? How cool is that? Congrats to her!</p>

<p>In wedding news, someone must have gotten our phone # off of something from one of those wedding shows. DW had a voicemail from “Ms. Perky” at “XYZ Horse and Carriage Co.” kindly offering to help her with her alternate transportation needs on her big day.” Check the papers next spring for a picture of DW and me riding up I-95 in a Horse and Carriage. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Y’all will appreciate this. I was talking with a co-worker this week. He travels a lot too, so is not home much either. We were commiserating about how our wives just don’t keep that much food around the house for when we do work from home. He has a son who just finished his freshman year of college and came home this week. My colleague said, “We have food in the house now that ‘the little prince’ is home.” :)</p>

<p>We could use the PVC as we got one of those 4:00AM calls on Monday that my FIL was being taken by ambulance to the hospital. Diagnosis = pneumonia + recent mild heart attack + fluid in lungs + MRSA!!! :eek: When it rains, it pours. I’m not sure who needs the PVC more right now, FIL or DW.</p>

<p>In college news, D2 turned in her Junior Paper!!! (LIMOMOF2, I even received a final copy :)). DW talked to her and said that she sounded really tired and surly. D2 even cussed on the phone at her roommate for forgetting her key. I don’t think I’ve ever heard her cuss, really. The things you learn in college, ‘cuz I’m sure she never cussed in HS. :rolleyes: And I want my money back because I hear that it wasn’t even one of those “elite,” “prestigious,” Ivy, 8-letter cuss words that she could dumb-down for the rest of us that I would expect her to learn. (I really am going to get kicked off of CC, aren’t I) :wink: Oh well, last night DW received a text from D2… “Mommy I Love You” :)</p>

<p>Good morning! And special thanks to G# for, as usual, a “dandy day-brightener” as Dear Abby would have said. Wishing good health to your FIL.</p>

<p>S has been having a trying week of learning what he doesn’t know in the new job. He needs to know a language called “objective C” which apparently is enough unlike C that your prior knowledge is not a help but a hindrance. Additionally, the Visual Basic he learned in HS is not sufficient for the VB he needs now. Sigh.</p>

<p>I told him they hired him cause he has a good brain and can learn anything he needs to know. And think of the immigrants who came years ago with nothing but brains & chutzpah, who assured an employer that they were experts in “whatever” (sewing machine operation for ex.) and then quickly learned or starved!</p>

<p>good morning all…thanks for the coffee gsharp… hope your fil feels better soon, as well as your father! cant believe someone took his candy!!!</p>

<p>no mowing grass today…woke up to pouring rain so hoping it dries out and can cut it sunday. </p>

<p>pvc’s to all with finals, safe travels to all coming home</p>

<p>Good morning and TGIF. :)</p>

<p>G# - I hope your FIL gets better fast. </p>

<p>t_c - enjoy your summer!</p>

<p>colmom - happy graduation day!</p>

<p>Have a great weekend, everyone.</p>

<p>G# - nice summary of that other thread. I think (hope) it is finally done.</p>

<p>Colorado - Happy graduation day! Enjoy!</p>

<p>Pretty quiet on the home front. S arrived home from London study abroad on Saturday (yes G# plenty of food in the house), spent a few days with the family, and then yesterday headed off to his college campus to say participate in senior week (his girlfriend is a senior). So he will be gone for a week - leaving only 2 weeks to prepare for his move to NYC for summer internship - or more importantly spending time with mom (wish I knew how to do one of those smiley face thingys where I am looking sheepish).</p>

<p>Good morning, and Happy Friday. </p>

<p>No college news here, as it’s been a week since I’ve heard from college boy. I hope to hear from him this weekend, but I believe it is frisbee alumni weekend - meaning that alums from the frisbee team come back to college and expect the students to entertain them all day and night with frisbee and liquid refreshments. Hope S’s workload is light.</p>

<p>Happy Graduation Day to coloradomom, and Congratulations to her D!!!</p>

<p>G# - Thanks so much for the CUT logo. My S plays for GoP (D-3), but they don’t really have a logo. I think this year they have Ronald Reagan’s picture on their shorts legs - GoP actually stands for Gods of Plastic, but of course Republican Party references and jokes are standard fare.</p>

<p>Oh yes, and sending well wishes to your FIL, and also your father, G#.</p>

<p>mommusic - good luck to your S on learning new things. LOVE the immigrant reference. My immigrant grandfather started out in this country as a bootlegger - then took his booty and bought a taxi company. Later added hotels, bowling centers, and apartments. My other immigrant grandfather did the sewing machine thing - though ultimately he was a "ladies’ coats and suits designer’. My dad did not follow in his footsteps, but could price women’s coats from across the street with remarkable accuracy.</p>

<p>Good luck to all our exam takers, paper writers, and travelers.</p>

<p>Alice, I never met a challenge I didn’t like :wink:


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<p>So G# is not of the “never take a dare” school. ;)</p>

<p>D is home from COLLEGE for a week and then back to school to work FT in campus library (and an alternate job on the farm, as needed). We figure we’ll actually see her less during the summer as she has to be on campus 5 days a week, unlike term time when often popped in for a day or two. But that’s okay as it gives me an excuse to visit the lovely Pioneer Valley.</p>

<p>big news in our state today :slight_smile: home brewing of wine and beer is now legal… watch out college towns</p>

<p>Good morning! I am off work today so I am going to pick S2 up and bring him home for the weekend. He is on the quarter system so just finished midterms.</p>

<p>Coloradomom: Julie Andrews??? How awesome is that??</p>

<p>We are entertaining my nephew’s Flat Stanley this week. The kids think I am going a little overboard. But with my youngest graduating high school in a few weeks I am feeling very nostalgic.</p>

<p>You had me at Julie Andrews. :)</p>

<p>I’m drying off and sulking with a cup of fresh coffee. Why does no one (DH!) notice the downspouts & gutters need cleaning out until it rains cats & dogs and I’m the only one home? </p>

<p>Fortunately I can get on a stepladder and just barely get at the stuff clogging the downspouts. They’re running fine now. :P</p>

<p>Good morning! Godiva Chocolate Truffle Coffee is on! Maybe too frou-frou for some of you…</p>

<p>Read in the paper that a diner I was at on Thursday caught fire about 15 minutes after we left. Oops!</p>

<p>parent56–S in Brooklyn brews his own beer as a hobby. Apparently it’s a growing thing among the young (he’s well over 21 though!). </p>

<p>College S reports his co-op company has 26 co-ops. Seems like a lot for the size of the company. They are Mech Engs, Business, and CS majors. Edit: He’s not sure if there isn’t some overlap among Winter/Spring/Summer co-ops. He’s never been in “Summer” semester this early before!</p>

<p>Good morning. Thanks for the coffee, but as I’m cleansing, I’ll stick with my lemon water this morning. </p>

<p>Still no news from college boy. Hope he’s still doing well. </p>

<p>Have a great weekend, all. And if I don’t “see” you before tomorrow, Happy Mothers Day!</p>

<p>good morning all…thanks for the coffee!</p>

<p>mommusic i dont like beer but winemaking might be fun!</p>

<p>^My grandfather used to make wine for domestic consumption from chokecherry berries. They had a huge tree. I remember tasting it as a little kid but I have no idea if it was any good. Probably sweet stuff.</p>

<p>my dad makes wine but (in canada) they have wine making stores…you go in and buy your grape/wine type whatever… make your wine but it is stored there, then when ready they supply the bottles, labels etc… wish we had something like that here… </p>

<p>my town only went wet last year… but i’m out in the county which is still dry. havent found out if you can make it in a dry county</p>