Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Been a long week here. Busy, busy, busy at work.</p>

<p>D called this week. The stress was piling up. She had a group presentation worth a lot of points. Her partner didn’t start writing his part of the paper until the night before it was due, finished it 20 minutes before class, then passed out during their presentation. She had a huge blow up with next year’s roommate, and her initial plans for the summer are no longer sounding nearly as appealing as she had thought. I’ve finally learned just to let her vent, say hmmmmm… and “wow that must be frustrating” until she calmed down. Then we discussed possible resolutions to the roommate situation, and how to start looking for some possible alternatives to her original summer plans. She’s got a lot of uncertainty in her life right now, both short and long term, and it’s really weighing on her. I’m trying not to let it weigh on me! It’s easy for us as parents to know that a 21 year old doesn’t have to have it all figured out and planned out yet, but not so easy for them.</p>

<p>Ended the week by attending a wake for a neighbor. Our neighborhood was built 20 years ago and surprisingly there are a lot of us original owners still here, so the wake was kind of a neighborhood reunion. I think this was the first death we’ve had in the neighorhood. Deceased was the parent of college-age kids. So sad.</p>

<p>Laf - sorry about your D’s stress - good that you’re learning the best way to deal with it from your end.</p>

<p>Also about the death of your neighbor. That is so sad. :(</p>

<p>Parent56 - my friend and her siblings go to a place in NJ where they make and bottle their own wine. I’ve received several bottles as hostess gifts over the years.</p>

<p>GSharp - sending healing wishes to both your father and to your FIL. </p>

<p>Nice that your D got her paper handed in and that she shared it with you. D wrote a junior paper for one of her concentrations last semester and never sent it to me, so I’m not expecting to see the one she wrote this semester. She said it’s finished, but as of yesterday afternoon, she hadn’t handed it in. It’s due later this week, so knowing her, she’ll hold onto it until the last minute, just in case.</p>

<p>S said he thought the AP exam went well - but he almost always says that about his exams, and his grades are all over the place. We’ll just have to wait and see.</p>

<p>alice - hope you hear from your college boy soon. </p>

<p>mommusic - I rarely drink coffee, but Godiva Chocolate Truffle Coffee sounds very tempting at the moment (having major chocolate cravings).</p>

<p>Happy Saturday night to all!</p>

<p>S2 arrived safely, ate BBQ, got a hair cut, put the big items in the car, went off to see friends. </p>

<p>You’ll be happy to hear, that I found the missing folder in a drawer that is only supposed to have big drawings. I vaguely remember thinking that would be a clever place to put it…</p>

<p>Happy Mother’s Day!! coffee is ready!</p>

<p>Happy Mothers Day!!</p>

<p>Happy Mother’s Day! Enjoy!</p>

<p>Happy Mother’s Day to the moms & those who have “mothered” others over the years!</p>

<p>Trader Joe’s Almond Croissants for breakfast! As DH is out of town, I had to think ahead to have something special for breakfast. DS is not a cook. :D</p>

<p>Happy mother’s day, i get to spend it with D doing projects</p>

<p>Happy Mother’s Day!!</p>

<p>DH is grilling steaks and even preparing the REST of the lunch!</p>

<p>Have you seen the Dove beauty campaign, where the forensic artist draws photos based on the woman’s answers to his questions? Then he asks someone who met her that same morning to describe her. As you can imagine, the stranger’s description is much more positive (and accurate!) than the woman’s. You can look it up on YouTube. It brought me to tears! Then you can look at the men’s parody, which also made me cry, because I was laughing so hard.</p>

<p>DS is looking better every day. He started studying for the actuarial exam again, and using his speedreading course. This is all totally his idea - we’ve told him he can do whatever he wants, for awhile. He does help around the house cheerfully.</p>

<p>S2 has finished his application for YWAM (Youth with a Mission), a 6-month course that starts in late September. He would be in Orlando for three months of training, and then somewhere out of the country for another three months. They go lots of different places. I would NOT want him going to the other side of the globe, in case he had mental health issues. But someplace like the Dominican Republic would be OK, I think, because we could get him home quickly if we had to.</p>

<p>So I am having a very nice Mother’s Day! All my little chicks are home safe. DD (15) and I just took the dogs for a walk. May in Maine is glorious!</p>

<p>Happy Mother’s Day to a great group of moms!</p>

<p>Happy Mother’s Day! To those who celebrate. ;)</p>

<p>Mommusic – Sorry that I missed the Godiva Truffle Coffee! Oh, do you have someplace that you post your Cincy dining schedule? You know, for safety’s sake. ;)</p>

<p>P56 – One of the places that I ever saw the most alcohol consumed was the Joe Wheeler State Park Golf Course in a dry county in your great state, on a Sunday none-the-less. ;)</p>

<p>LAF – Sending support to you and your D!</p>

<p>Mathmom – Don’t feel bad about the folder. I once lost my truck at the airport. I always park it in basically the same place and could not find it when I got back one week. Airport police even drove me around the lot looking for it. On the way back to the terminal to fill out the stolen vehicle report, I saw it. That week when I got to the airport, the space closest to the terminal was open so I took it. That space is never available. So much for saving time. ;)</p>


I think that it is the thread that never ends, it just goes on and on my friends… I find it fascinating to read those “elite”, “prestigious”, HYPSMABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP threads, mostly because it makes me wonder if the posters have ever actually met any of these “kids” who, as best as I can tell, are just regular “kids” like ones would find on any other campus. They are neither sub, nor super-human, as some would speculate… just driven. The biggest difference is that the “elite” kids’ parents secretly hope that one day they will successfully pass the “Putting the Milk Carton Back in the Refrigerator When They’re Done 101” class. ;)</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – I hope things really “went well” for your S! So, your D doesn’t call you to quiz you about what you thought about sections of her paper? ;)</p>

<p>ML – Wishing your DS and S2 much success in their endeavors!</p>

<p>I’m trying to figure out which of my weekend days was “better.” Friday, I went to my parents’ house to help with some yard work. My mother loves her flowers and plants. She has 1000’s of them, and I’m now pretty sure that I am allergic to every one of them. I think that I have lost my sense of smell for life. :wink: She did make me dinner and is a wonderful cook, but she’s kinda particular about it. One example, don’t suggest that people would eat baked potatoes from a microwave, only an oven will do. I love my mother, but sometimes I’m convinced that she could be the foreman at the OCD Factory. :wink: My dad was doing better until…</p>

<p>Saturday was a nice low key day right up until my Mother called to say that, unknown to her, my Dad took the walker and decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood. They have been walking together, but this time he “snuck out” on his own. Of course, he’s too weak and fell and the neighbors had to carry him back home, bruised and bloody. Of course, Mom didn’t want to “bother” the 911 people yet, ergh! DW and I joked that night that if my Dad goes to the hospital, they could put him in the room next to her Dad, so that DW and I can actually spend some time together. ;)</p>

<p>Sunday… the day begins with a 7:00AM call from FIL’s doctor with a not very positive update including confirmation that he has a DNR order. Later, I landed in Atlanta to “missed calls” from my mother and DW. I called DW back and she said, “I guess you talked to your mother. She finally called 911. Your father is in the hospital with a fractured hip.” My mother never has her cell phone on, so I have yet to speak with her. Oh and coincidentally, they admitted him and he is 2 doors down from my FIL.</p>

<p>In college news, D2 only has 2 weeks left and is super stressed (like LAF’s D). She called DW for one of her famous “pep talks from Mom.” I read the final draft of D2’s paper (better do that as she likes to know impressions and specifics) and in an appendix I received acknowledgement for my assistance with proofreading and editing. :)</p>

<p>Fun updates, G#. Oh, I am always worried that I will loose a car in a parking lot. Glad you found yours! </p>

<p>Laf - I hope things get better for your DD. You are taking a reasonable attitude of letting her vent without going crazy yourself. Ah, there’s a reason my DS doesn’t share many details… he knows I’m a worrier. </p>

<p>ML - Glad to hear your guys are doing better. That makes for a nice Mother’s Day. I hope you got a piano serenade from your musician.</p>

<p>G# so sorry to hear about your father and FIL. At least it’s kind of convenient for you and your DW that they are 2 doors down from each other in the same hospital.</p>

<p>good morning all…coffee is ready…sorry about your dad gsharp!</p>

<p>Parend56 - Thanks for the coffee - greatly needed…</p>

<p>G# - Hope both Dads will be OK.</p>

<p>G#: I’m so sorry to hear about both your Dad & FIL! It’s a blessing they’re down the hall from one another, but goodness when it rains it pours.</p>

<p>Laf: did you say your D’s presentation partner PASSED OUT during the presentation? Wow! Hope that they’re OK and also hope that didn’t affect your D’s part of the assignment. Cray cray.</p>

<p>I’m very happy to hear that YDS hasn’t killed her S2 and that mathmom found her folder. I hate when I put things someplace so safe that I can’t find them again!</p>

<p>Sounds like finals went well for everybody. Woot!</p>

<p>ML: glad that things are looking up in your home. The 6 month program for S2 sounds like a winner!</p>

<p>Getting ready to start a marathon 2 weeks: D2 is taking her 4th of 6 AP exams right now, with graduation less than 2 weeks away. D1 comes home this weekend. Inlaws arrive sometime next week. I’ll see y’all in June LOL.</p>

<p>DD last AP test is today!! Then she can coast for awhile until her summer research begins. YaaY!</p>

<p>Edit: Oops - wrong thread. Usually post on 2013/2017…</p>

<p>well that was a quick summer vacation for S2… last exam last thursday…maymester with biochem lab starts today…9-5 mon-friday!!</p>

<p>Good morning! I hope everyone had a great Mother’s Day. </p>

<p>G#: Hope your dads improve soon. </p>

<p>S2 was home for the weekend. It was nice having him home. While he was home he bought his plane ticket for his Greece Travel Study. The course starts in Greece, so you have to get there on your own.</p>

<p>Nice to hear everyone’s interesting Mother’s Day weekends…tho not so nice when it involves the parental units falling & injuring themselves! (G#)</p>

<p>Son took me out last night to an interesting hole in the wall with terrific food (sandwiches & salads). Then I made him come with me to hear some classical music in a bar. He doesn’t drink, and I had coffee. Regular coffee at 8 pm? I knew it wasn’t a good idea but it was Mother’s Day and I wanted to live it up. :D</p>

<p>Found out my uncle who is almost 100 fell and broke his hip. We’re hoping for the best but surgery at this age is not such a good idea. Even if it is necessary. I’m waiting for news…</p>

<p>Meanwhile life goes on. Tons of rehearsals for the myriad performances I have this month. If I live through May (actually June 2) I’m going to take a nice long vacation!</p>

<p>Good luck to all with exams and marathon graduation events!</p>