Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Good morning. </p>

<p>Laf - I’m so sorry to read about your D’s troubles. I hope things sort out easily. </p>

<p>G# - Sorry about your Dad and FIL. I hope they recovery fully. </p>

<p>ML - Glad you had a nice Mother’s Day. If anyone deserves one, you do. </p>

<p>Have a great Monday, everyone.</p>

<p>Haven’t posted in a while. Sounds like people need some PVCs and (((hugs))).</p>

<p>Laf, how is dd doing?</p>

<p>G#, you have to laugh to keep from crying, right? At least the dads are close to each other. </p>

<p>mommusic, I’m sorry to hear about your uncle. My “aunt” had two strokes last week but is home now. She was like a second mom to me – often like a first mom, really. I would love to get up to see her, but with ds2 graduating in less than a month and all the EOY events, there’s no way that we can get away.</p>

<p>I had the nicest mother’s day, considering I only had one son with me. Ds2 and dh did a great job, and we got to hear ds1 on the radio last night.</p>

<p>After my nephew’s graduation from Rice we spent about 45 minutes look for his mother’s car. In fairness to her it was a rental, and there were a million identical looking parking lots. We eventually thought to get in *our *rental car and drive her around pushing the alarm thing on the keys and the car told us where it was.</p>

<p>Have any of y’all seen my mother? They took my father down to surgery an hour ago and DW (who is at the hospital visiting her father) can’t find my mother, but saw her earlier. And God forbid that my mother should actually turn on her cell phone so someone could contact her. :rolleyes: Welcome to my world. ;)</p>

<p>Mathmom – I guess this puts me one up on your nephew. He just lost his mother’s car. I lost my whole mother. :slight_smile: BTW, the pushing the alarm trick is what I would do now. At the time, I had my prehistoric truck w/o a remote.</p>

<p>Summer classes started today like p56’s S. I am taking two on campus and 3 online. One at night and one in the morning on opposite days. Officially been doing the community collee thing for a year and almost done. </p>

<p>((Hugs)) and PVCs to all those who need them.</p>

<p>D is doing better, thanks for asking. Yes, her partner passed out - I guess he’d had an even more stressful week than D! Kinda puts giving a presentation in perspective… he’s fine though.</p>

<p>Are any of your friends really close friends with seniors who are graduating? I think when the kids see their good friends graduate and leave, the reality of their own time at college coming to an end in one short year becomes more real.</p>

<p>good morning all! coffee is ready</p>

<p>Good morning! I’ll need extra coffee today…and probably a good stiff something at happy hour. Nothing I want to share here, but… <em>rolleyes</em></p>

<p>Yes, we’re seeing the kids who were just above ours in school GRADUATING (what, already?) and S still has 2 years to go because of the 5-year plan. But it does give one pause.</p>

<p>A young friend of ours just got her Master’s after a struggle with sad family issues and finances. So happy to see her succeed against the odds!</p>

<p>G# hope you found your mother and the fathers are doing fine!</p>

<p>I have an uncle, age 99, who broke his hip and had the surgery yesterday. He came through ok but at this age…have to wait and see…</p>

<p>Good morning.</p>

<p>G# - hope things are going better for your family.</p>

<p>Laf - Glad to hear your D is doing better with the stress, etc. She’ll be done soon.</p>

<p>We just learned that one of S’s cousins will also be at the ultimate frisbee national championship - for a different school, of course (actually, my alma mater - does that mean I have to root for him?). That should be kind of fun for them - they haven’t seen each other in a while but our families used to ski together a bit.</p>

<p>Best to all still finishing up, and to those starting summer terms.</p>

<p>Happy Tuesday.</p>

<p>Stopping by to say hello to the iPeeps.</p>

<p>Sending PVCs & healing wishes for GSharp’s family. Are you long-distance right now? I’m really sorry to hear about all the challenges with your father, your cell-phone-averse mother, and your FIL. I hope things calm down for everyone. </p>

<p>Sending PVCs & healing wishes to musicmom’s uncle & anyone else who needs them.</p>

<p>Laf: I’m glad things have improved for your Dd. So where do things stand with next year’s roommate?</p>

<p>Winemaking: I spent part of Mother’s Day with my inlaws celebrating my MIL’s birthday. One of my BILs is an award-winning winemaker who let us sample the “fruits of his labors.” His port wine is excellent! We only had half the extended family, but that included 5 adorable great-nieces aged 5 & under. The little ones helped their great grandmother blow out the candles on her birthday cake.</p>

<p>S2 is home from COLLEGE this week. He finished the semester with a 3.8, which places him on Dean’s List! We were able to replace his iPhone, which took an accidental dive into a “ubiquitous” body of water and was totally fried. :eek: Thank heavens for AppleCare Plus. This weekend he will take the Bionic Pickup, move into his summer sublet, & start his internship/job next Monday. </p>

<p>In local news, the cicadas have started to emerge [They’re</a> here: Cicadas are emerging!](<a href=“]They’re”> I am so NOT looking forward to Swarmaggedon. In 2004 a different BIL was visiting & wearing a green Hawaiian leaf print shirt. The cicadas swarmed him because they thought he was a shrub. :eek: :eek:</p>

<p>lol rmh! image of being swarmed by cicada! yikes</p>

<p>the pvc’s helped, and the 89.2 made it into 90’s somewhere…so semester finished with 4.0. </p>

<p>heading to the beach tomorrow…S2 may join me for a few days. so from thursday to sunday coffee will be served with the sound of gulf waves!!</p>

<p>mommusic hope your uncle feels well soon, and good thoughts for gsharps father and fil… good thoughts for all who need them</p>

<p>Hi All just stopping by to say hi, get wells, congrats and positive thoughts to all who need them. P56 so jealous re: gulf waves. I head to Chicago Thurs am with sis to meet DD in Chicago who is flying in to meet us. We will spend the day & night there before heading off to DS graduation at Notre Dame I just can’t believe this is it. He will be joining the “real” world lol. We all come home Sun. It will be so good to have them home, DD for summer, DS till he gets tired of commuting and moves out.</p>

<p>Funny story about DD, We always give her a hard time about going to profs to check tests, argue pts ect. Well she gets a final back with a 77 giving her an B+ in transport so she goes to review the test and thinks she is seeing things because after she adds up the missed points it seems the TA made a mistake and gave her the 77 when it should have been 87 yikes! The prof apologizes and correct her grade to A. Needless to say I will never give her a hard time about being a points bulldog and never trusting a grade lol</p>

<p>Yay coskatdaughter for counting points! :slight_smile:
And 12rmh18son for the Dean’s List!</p>

<p>Cicadas. I remember when they hit here and the kids were in elementary school. Some kids were truly freaked out by the large insects. The collective sound was unearthly! :eek:</p>

<p>Is anyone else having trouble with your screen being “off”? I have a blank blue strip to the left, and CC is falling off the screen on the right! It’s like it’s designed for one of those fancy new wide monitors. Which I do not happen to have…</p>

<p>Up too early for no good reason. Guess I’ll go make the coffee!</p>

<p>good morning all…i’ll start a 2nd pot!</p>

<p>woohoo for the A coskat!!</p>

<p>mommusic… my screen is only “off” due to new glasses :)</p>

<p>Morning, D leaves in a few hours and i go back to work tomorrow :-(</p>

<p>exact opposite here munequita…leaving for beach in few hours and S2 will join me on the weekend…</p>

<p>I am jealous p56</p>

<p>P56: have a great time !</p>

<p>Good morning all. Can you hear the waves? Coffee is ready</p>

<p>Thanks checkers! I need to retire and just stay here</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee. I could use some waves right about now. Enjoy them for us, p56. </p>

<p>Operating on the “no news is good news” theory, COLLEGE S must be doing very well. I’m sure he’s trying to get things done before hitting the road tomorrow for Nationals. </p>

<p>Hope everyone is doing well today. It is a lovely morning here, but sending prayers to those in Texas, and others who need them.</p>