Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Thanks for the coffee! I’m trying to hear the waves…</p>

<p>Did you know if you don’t have Nutella you can use almond butter and chocolate chips in the crepe recipe that calls for Nutella? (It’s probably healthier too but that’s not the point.) </p>

<p>S thinks I rock at breakfast and I kind of agree. You all can have a taste! :)</p>

<p>S finally got a project at work. Something to design and write all by himself, in Python. He’s happy to be out of “tutorial” mode.</p>

<p>S10 has his last 2 finals today, back to back. Tomorrow, he was called for an interview for a summer internship at a State Park. He has specific qualifications, so I really have my fingers crossed. He has applied so many places, but so far, they don’t want temporary summer help - don’t want to train someone for 3 months then have to do it all over again.</p>

<p>I will have the entire weekend to my self. :smiley: My family is making the 10 hour drive to Nashville (Hello RobD) to my niece’s graduation. Other family members are meeting here then driving together. They’re leaving at 6:00 am Sat and returning about 4:00 am Monday. D15 has school Monday and H has to go on call at 6:00. </p>

<p>I’m not going, been having trouble with a bleeding ulcer. :frowning: Don’t feel like riding in the car that long. I’m not exactly broken up about it…the ‘family’ has been rediculously rude to me this past year and I’m literally done. </p>

<p>We leave on our cruise next weekend ! I am SO ready for some sand and sun. D15 is out for the summer next Thursday. She is also SO ready. It has been a long year.</p>

<p>Ok…opinions please: Our National Honor society invites specific students (No one knows what the specific criteria is) to join. They fill out an application, then are interviewed. We have 5 members next year. Yes 5. Kids with a perfect 4.0 and very active in school activities were not invited. A girl in Special Ed - who does make good grades WITH daily help - was invited and got in. The advisor talked about what an honor it is, etc. The community thinks its a joke. Really…wouldn’t it be better to have set criteria and have a large well rounded high achieving group than 5? It just makes our school look like we have a bunch of dumb kids. (S10 was in our NHS, D15 isn’t yet - but due to the overall feel, we don’t really care either way). How do your schools do it?</p>

<p>Happy Thursday! Six days until we leave for NYC and 8 days until D graduates!</p>

<p>Praying for those in Texas that were hit by the tornado.</p>

<p>I found the thread in our new home. </p>

<p>Prayers for Texas. </p>

<p>Checkers: I hope you feel better and have fun on the cruise!!</p>

<p>Showmom: Have fun at graduation!</p>

<p>NHS: It only started a few years ago at our school and although they likely would have qualified neither was interested. </p>

<p>S3 is taking his last AP test today. He feels super confident. He still has a month until graduation though.</p>

<p>Ah Home Sweet Home… </p>

<p>We don’t have NHS at our high school - so take the following with a grain of salt - I think any honor society type organization needs to have a set of published formal criteria as a minimal hurdle for entry. </p>

<p>I suppose some subjective criteria would make sense if, and only if, there is some reason why the final numbers need to be restricted - e.g. there is a scholarship associated with it and there is only so much $$ that can be given. I’m not a huge fan of splitting scholarships to the point where they become trivial. There was a local instance where a $1000 scholarship was split evenly 22 ways. I appreciate the idea but think that it would have been better for the committee to figure out how to narrow it to 2 or 3 so that the kids could at least buy a text book with the proceeds.</p>

<p>No NHS scholarships. Only difference I see is a gold cord to wear at graduation. Woopee. I was in the same NHS chapter in high school (an officer too :)) and we had a large group. Back then, it was a written list of criteria and if you qualified, you were in.
Now its all secret.</p>

<p>It only took me a minute to find us in our new spot. Glad MaineLonghorn gave us a heads up though.</p>

<p>CMW - that makes a lot more sense than a secret society approach</p>

<p>There is now an announcement on the Parents forum for everyone to see:</p>

<p>[College</a> Confidential - Announcements in Forum : Parents Forum](<a href=“]College”></p>

<p>Thanks ML for pointing this out… </p>

<p>My understanding is that we can’t comment on the wisdom of this move without violating the terms of service - is this the case? If there is an appropriate spot on CC for commenting, where would it be?</p>

<p>G#, gwar will be at Riot Fest in Chicago in September!!!</p>

<p>Scualum - I think this would be the place: [Community</a> & Forum Issues - College Confidential](<a href=“]Community”></p>

<p>Thanks ML…</p>

<p>Testing to see of our posts still count!
Yes, they do!!</p>

<p>just wanted to pop in after finding this new home!</p>

<p>Me, too. I miss our “and Beyond.” :frowning: I think it’s a nice msg to send to others reading that sometimes the path has come curves. :)</p>

<p>It took a new home to bring me out of hiding :wink: </p>

<p>Sending prayers to all those affected by the storms in Texas.</p>

<p>Both kids came home this weekend after a very successful year :slight_smile: We’re heading off to Mexico for a family vacation this weekend :smiley: </p>

<p>Congratulations to all those with graduating students!</p>

<p>P56 - Enjoy your waves and relaxation!</p>

<p>Checkers- We have the secret vote NHS as well. All kids with a minimum of a 3.6 are invited to apply at the end of their Junior year, but not all get in. D got in her year, but some of her friends in the top 5% of the class did not. The year S was invited they were running late with the process so they had a meeting with everyone that applied to discuss the induction ceremony and then the next day they found out if they got in. It was humiliating for a number of kids that should have been accepted but were not. Apparently even though S was in the top 5% of the class, he did not have the right “pattern of community service” :mad: He had a whole list of service, but it wasn’t the pattern they were looking for. Other kids “created” a community service profile, even though they had no proof of doing any, and were accepted. If you don’t get in Junior year you can reapply after 1st semester Senior year, so S adjusted his community service to fit the profile and got in then - He wanted to wear the Gold cord at graduation. Can you tell I’m still a little bitter over this? :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Checkers, we do NHS much like momof2 does. I have no idea how many kids are asked to apply, how many do and how many get accepted, but it’s a pretty big number. Out of a graduating class of about 225, I’d say about 100 were inducted end of ds2’s sophomore year. I’m going to guess it’s the volunteerism that trips most kids up. I don’t think there is a specific “profile,” but they want some!</p>

<p>Hi All! It’s been a while. Really busy with stuff IRL but I had to stop by and check out our new digs! I do miss the “and Beyond” title. “And Beyond” makes me think of Toy Story. Remember when the 3rd movie came out and our kids were all getting ready to go to college like Andy? We all talked about crying watching it! 3 years later and I still cry when I watch it. :(</p>

<p>S2 still isn’t done, has his last final on Monday so Wednesday is the big move out day for us. </p>

<p>Just in case you all wanted to know I’m going to see our “Honeybee” in September! I’m so excited! It would be really extra special if he wore a KILT! ;)</p>

<p>Sending good thoughts and prayers to everyone that needs it.</p>

<p>Lol proudnj. A honeybee in a kilt… You would be in heaven</p>

<p>I want our “beyond” back too</p>

<p>I’ll be starting a thread in the Community & Forum Issues - College Confidential area (link above in ML post) to discuss the CC changing of the various thread names. Please join me there to avoid violating the TOS.</p>

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