Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Home sweet home! I wanted to pop in to the new home of '14 and Beyond and say HI! I may not make it here to post, but I do stop in and read sometimes. And I always remember how appreciative I was of this group “back in the day.”</p>

<p>Stopping by to support our “Beyond” title. I added my opinion to scualam’s thread in Community and Forum Issues. Even though I don’t get to post here very often, it is still my CC home. </p>

<p>I’m waving ~~~ hello to all to the parents and kids of the “Class of 2014 and Beyond”!</p>

<p>Stopping by to add my support for our thread. I added my thoughts to scualum’s thread in Community & Forum Issues.</p>

<p>No more beyond? LOL, but that also means no more “awesome”.</p>

<p>SLUMOM-- We’re ALL above average! ;)</p>

<p>Good morning and TGIF. :)</p>

<p>Checkers - NHS at my kids’ school requires a 3.75 uw GPA, 2 teacher recs, 1 outside-of-school rec, an essay, and evidence of active participation in the 4 pillars of NHS: service, leadership, scholarship, and character. Then, after a student has submitted all of that, a 5-member panel of school faculty and administrators decide who’s in. It’s pretty much a rubber stamp for kids who invest the time to complete the exhaustive application. But, there are some cases of kids being denied for unknown reasons. Speculation says there are usually behavior issues.</p>

<p>I added my support too</p>

<p>Good morning 2014’ers. Just stopping by to say hello, that I miss your ‘and beyond’, and since I normally look for 2014 for my current hs Jr (which now has 2018 tagged at the end), I may erroneously post here on occasion… :o Y’all are such a lovely bunch, hope you don’t mind the visits. I lodged my vote against the uniform name changes. It feels Orwellian to me.</p>

<p>Good morning all coffee is ready!</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee P56 - definitely needed today as I didn’t sleep at all last night - jet lag killing me this trip…</p>

<p>So it looks like my “subscribed threads” still brings me here. (You can run, but you can’t hide. ) Glad that is so because not sure I would have the patience to recreate my shortcuts. </p>

<p>D starts her first ever FT job on Monday (at the COLLEGE library). Hoping it goes well, but it is a nice reality check for whether she wants to pursue this as a career as she currently things. Cheers all.</p>

<p>Today my D sent me the following quote on millenials and careers:</p>

<p>“From our perspective, a traditional career path looks like an endless ladder constantly sprouting new steps, while we’re all still on the ground, jumping for the first rung. So we’re looking for ways to avoid that ladder altogether — maybe by climbing a tree instead.”</p>

<p>So here’s hoping all our kids (and our cyber-kids) find their tree to climb.</p>

<p>I posted this on the 2008/2012 thread as well (since it was so easy to find, and was essentially resurrected by having been moved) and was reminded that the granddaddy of all these parent threads had a completely different name: Seeking Companions for the Vigil. I would link it, but my cc technology skills are a little weak.</p>

<p>GOod morning! </p>

<p>Started this morning bright and early at a scholarship breakfast honoring the top 5% including my S3. It must have been too early (7 AM) because somehow I locked the keys in the car with the car running. Luckily DH came to the rescue with the spare keys. I feel that the final “senior” moments for S3 are causing “senior moments” for me.</p>

<p>S called and feels like the interview went well. The criteria of the job certainly meet with what he’s studied so far in COLLEGE and he’s had manager experience. Fingers crossed. He will know next week. :)</p>

<p>Finals are done. One more year down. :)</p>

<p>I am on vacation one week from today. :D</p>

<p>P56: How are the waves today?</p>

<p>S said there’s a co-op outing today…they get off work at 3:30 and are going to see the new Star Trek movie! </p>

<p>Cool place to work, is all I can say.</p>

<p>I see how it is. You thought you could get rid of me by moving to a better neighborhood while I was away. The neighbors ratted you out. ;)</p>

<p>It looked like a bunch of cookie cutter McMansions in the new neighborhood, so I posted my obfuscated “and Beyond” support. Let’em figure this one out. :wink:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>What’s that swishin’ sound? It sounds like its either cicadas or waves lappin’ up on P56’s toes or possibly waves of jealousy lappin’ on the toes of the rest of us. ;)</p>

<p>Thanx everyone for thinking of my father and FIL. I didn’t have to fly back and wander the halls of the hospital asking, “Are you my mother?” :wink: I eventually contacted her about 10:00PM that night. My father came through the hip surgery fine and is in a rehab facility which I hope will be good for him and my mother. On the FIL front, he was sent to a rehab facility today… guess which one. Oh well, at least DW and I will have some “quality” time together.</p>

<p>Scualum – You know, you might sleep better if you didn’t stay up starting trouble. ;)</p>

<p>Mommusic – Glad to hear that your uncle also came through his surgery successfully. We have the hippest relatives. :wink: Glad you were able to live it up for Mother’s Day! :wink: And have DH stop in the Delta Sky Club, all the Nutella you can eat. ;)</p>

<p>LAF – D2 had senior friends graduate last year and this year and it makes her really sad. She does not want to think about ever leaving. :rolleyes: My wallet has other plans. ;)</p>

<p>AliceinW – Sounds like you belong to the ultimate family. ;)</p>

<p>12rmh18 – I guess by “ubiquitous” you mean something a little more porcelain than Lake Matoka? :wink: Good Luck to S2 with his summer employment!!! So…… how did the great-nieces enjoy the fruit of BIL’s labor? :wink: </p>

<p>Checkers – Good Luck to your S on the internship!!! The waiting is the hardest part. OK, you win. Your cruise beats my drive to NJ next weekend. :wink: re: NHS – They had it at D2’s HS and she was a member, but I have no clue what the criteria were… maybe if you showed up for school that day? ;)</p>

<p>Kinderny – Congrats to your fully employed D!</p>

<p>Munequita – I guess I’d better pack my earplugs for a road trip to Chicago. ;)</p>

<p>ProudNJMom – Good Luck to S2 with his finals. I don’t think that D2 is done until next Friday. I did remember to send D2 a “Happy Dean’s Date!” text on Tuesday. Are you sure you wouldn’t like to skip the “honeybee” and go to Riot Fest instead? Munequita will be there. :wink: DW is going to see her “honeybee” in a couple of weeks… Luke Bryan (maybe… I think is the name? or I could have completely made that up). She said she’s wearin’ her “Daisy Dukes.” :rolleyes: Oh darn, I’ll be travelling and will miss the festivities. ;)</p>

<p>In college news, I got D2’s flights booked to return to school for help with “Reunions” (pre-graduation events). She sent me a pix message this week of a stack of books in her dorm that starts on the floor and goes up over the top of her bed (which sits up fairly high). The caption, “How many trips to the library do you think this will take?” My reply was for her to find a move-out cart next week and haul them over in that. Now, I wonder how many of them are overdue and will be on this month’s bill? ;)</p>

<p>G#–I bet the library at D2’s school will be happy to get its collection back! ;)</p>

<p>Just marked May 29 on my calendar. Auspicious day! :smiley: </p>

<p>Nutella–another reason to try to keep DH out of the Sky Club. </p>

<p>Happy Graduation to all who are getting out this weekend! It’s delightful to see the celebratory photos on Facebook.</p>

<p>This is very confusing to me. I may need to take a nap. So are we not “beyond” anymore? Honorarily beyond?</p>

<p>G#, I love Luke Bryan, too. I wish I could accompany your dw, though my Daisy Dukes have long been retired. You’re welcome.</p>

<p>alice, I used to have a female supervisor who defended me to a boss trying to make me take a promotion. She told him that men see a career ladder; some working moms see a jungle gym. Sometimes they climb the ladder. Sometimes they slide down. Sometimes they take that yellow tube to a different part of the jungle gym. I really like that imagery. Kind of like our “and Beyond” thinking. And hey, good luck to your ds in the tournament this weekend. I’ll be following along on Twitter!</p>

<p>Meanwhile, ds still has not told me when to fly him home, so I’m going to let him do it himself! Grrrrr …</p>

<p>And, three weeks from RIGHT NOW I’ll no longer have a HS’er. Part of me is ecstatic about that. Another part, no so much.</p>

<p>Just dropping in to say forever “BEYOND”!</p>