Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>So our boys did not fare so well at Nationals as last year, and today they will be in the matches to try for ninth place. I believe that they had lost a couple of guys to injury before the tournament started, and who knows how they would have done even if they were available. H said that our S seemed to be taking it harder last night than some of the other guys, but I think it’s probably not a bad life lesson to have to bounce back from disappointment. </p>

<p>It is lovely here’re this morning, and I have put lilacs and lilies-of-the-valley from our yard in my kitchen and on our virtual buffet table. Have some coffee, scones, fruit, if you like. Oh yes, and there are green smoothies for me and for the daring. </p>

<p>Happy Sunday.</p>

<p>Good morning all. Heading home today :frowning: thanks for coffee buffet Alice</p>

<p>Definitely in the minority age wise at a music fest . But fun people watching Tom petty was great. Definite advantage to having 21 yo son,he got to stand in line for the margaritas while I just sat on the beach. Don’t think son was impressed with my comments…that is not music that is just annoying…but geez some were just noice and bass</p>

<p>Checking in & happy to see that we are “Beyond” again.</p>

<p>COLLEGE news: Yesterday was a long bizarre day. Someone broke into the Bionic Pickup and removed the dashboard panel beneath the steering column. We think they may have been trying to hotwire & steal Bionic from in front of our house. Unfortunately we did not have time to file a police report or collect fingerprints because yesterday was also Moving Day for S2. We moved him from his off campus house to his summer sublet, which is located in a hip, cool neighborhood near Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). It poured rain so we were unable to move his mattress to the sublet house. Instead we went to Target & bought him an inflatable air bed for the summer. He begins his internship on Monday. The truly bizarre part of the day was that as we were checking into our hotel last night, we ran into the newly nominated Republican Gubernatorial candidate, fresh off the nominating floor. It was surreal.</p>

<p>Was super busy yesterday and didn’t see the changes until just now. I’ll leave my comments at that. Here. :D</p>

<p>12rnh, oh, no, about the Bionic Truck!</p>

<p>alice, I followed along, though I’m getting a little confused. The girls ended up tied for seventh? And I thought the guys were done, but Twitter makes it sound like their still playing … I’ll just ask ds about it later.</p>

<p>p56, ds2’s gf invited me to the Taylor Swift concert with her mom and sisters. But I don’t know that the mom knows she did so it feels totally awkward. I think I’ll just say no. Though I love TSwizzle.</p>

<p>Spent yesterday at a graduation lakehouse party. There were about 20 kids, but only a few parents were invited. I was really surprised how melancholy people were. For five of the eight sets of parents, this means an empty nest. Maybe we should have had less to drink!</p>

<p>Alright, my Spurs start the next round this afternoon. Go, Spurs!</p>

<p>D is studying for her last (and hardest) final tomorrow. Will pack during the week, while waiting for Saturday’s graduation - she’s staying to see a few really close friends graduate. She’ll begin the drive home on Sunday, a friend who lives near us is riding with her. I’m so glad she’s staying in her same apartment next year so she won’t have to move! She did sell her queen bed and is buying a full instead, her room was really too small for the queen. She still has no summer job, but does seem to have some job-shadowing for her chosen career lined up. Several grad schools she’s looked at require a minimum number of hours of job-shadowing before you can be accepted, so I’m glad she’ll be able to do it. She wants to earn at least some money though. I have a few jobs that need doing that I’ve considered paying her to do, but frankly I’m not sure I can afford to pay her (or anyone else) to do them (washing windows, spreading mulch, painting a room or two).</p>

<p>Watching the weather/radar. Nothing here yet, but they’re lined up to the west. My family is on their drive home from Nashville. Should be here about 3:00 am. Should be going through St Louis about 10:00, at least they’ll be back in the state - I may need to stay up & watch the radar for them. The tornado on the ground in Oklahoma now is a half mile wide ! </p>

<p>Hope all my cc peeps stay safe !</p>

<p>p56: Sorry your beach time is coming to an end. Just something so relaxing about listening to those waves lapping up on shore.</p>

<p>12rmh18: Oh no about the bionic truck !!</p>

<p>Good luck for all those last finals !</p>

<p>Stay Safe everyone in the path of the storms!!!</p>

<p>I see that CC caved to the will of the people (sort of)! I like the way that Aliceinw has decorated the place (is that lilac?) and the welcome buffet was “beyond” compare. I do admit that I skipped the smoothie bar when I discovered much to my dismay that they were not made from green M&Ms. ;)</p>

<p>Mommusic – I’ll be celebrating along with you on May 29. I just realized that it will be the 100th Anniversary of the music that literally dragged people kicking and screaming into the 20th century (the original Riot Fest). I use “The Rite of Spring” to describe to people what it is like to go through a new computer system implementation… At first it will be so different and dissonant that your brain will chemically and neurologically hate it. One year later the exact same system will seem normal, pleasant, and consonant. And only a few years after that it will be so mainstream that it will find its way into a Disney movie! :wink: Shameless G# plug for Fantasia! :)</p>

<p>Munequita – I think that you should “surprise” your D by getting an extra ticket so you can join her for Riot Fest. I’m sure that your D is anxiously awaiting my input. :wink: My picks would be Violent Femmes, Black Flag, Dinosaur Jr., Mission of Burma, Peter Hook / Joy Division, Devotchka, and GWAR with the common theme being that they are all a bunch of old men like me :wink: (except Devotchka).</p>


See previous… ;)</p>

<p>12rmh18 – Sorry to hear about the Bionic Pickup! I wish your S much success this summer. Tell him to be hip, trendy and visit Carytown.</p>

<p>LAF – Wishing your D much success with finals this week. Hopefully something will work out for the summer!</p>

<p>Psychmomma – You have my sympathy re: your mother. My dad’s mind comes and goes and it really gets to my mom sometimes. I visited my dad this weekend and it bothers me a lot too when he is out of it and to think that this is a guy who made it through Union College (BS), VPI (aka VA Tech, MS), NC State (PhD), Stanford (Business) and physically hiking the AT trail not too many years ago. It just doesn’t seem fair somehow! I spent Saturday setting up a bed downstairs at my parent’s house for him to use when he gets out of rehab. The irony being that the bed that I put together was the twin that I had when I was little.</p>

<p>DW had a minor melt down on Friday after visiting her dad in rehab and just could not bring herself to go back with me on Saturday. She’s been dealing with this on and off for 7+ years and she just hit a wall this weekend. My FIL and father are directly across from each other in the same rehab facility, so I did double duty. </p>

<p>In more pleasant news (I think), DW and D-zilla went off to a bridal trunk show (not truck show) together today. They were “kind” enough to pix me pictures of D1 in the various dresses. They were all white and poofy, what more can I say? :wink: I know, how about more detailed descriptions based on my text responses…

  • If she wants the sparklers, she’d better not get something flammable.
  • If she gets that one, can I come as Big Bird?
  • It needs a t-shirt.
  • I like whichever is cheapest.
    There, now that was helpful. ;)</p>

<p>D2 called to take a break from her Saturday night studying. She was “going out” later. :wink: Nothing in particular other than to catch us up on which friends are leaving when and try to plan move-out. I’m off to change hotel reservations since we decided to go at least part way home Saturday instead of hanging around NJ for no real reason.</p>

<p>Wonderful to see “beyond” again!</p>

<p>G#, if I follow your recommendations D will “disown” me for sure! I like the idea of a surprise visit from mom for the 21st birthday ;-)</p>

<p>gsharp this was a group there that i liked :)</p>

<p>slightly stoopid: [Kickin</a>? Up Dust Summer Tour | July 10 - August 24 : Slightly Stoopid](<a href=“]Kickin”>Home — Slightly Stoopid)</p>

<p>good thoughts for your father and fil</p>

<p>good luck on finals for laf’s D</p>

<p>stay safe checkers</p>

<p>glad the bionic truck survived</p>

<p>G#- please extend my sympathies to your DW (and yourself). My mother’s recovery from stroke(s), broken hip, cognitive impairment, etc. certainly have taken a toll as I am the only local of her children. Sometimes you do hit the wall and taking a break is necessary for sanity.</p>

<p>Today is D’s first day of FT work- ever. I kinda want to call her up at the end of the day and say welcome to adulthood. At least the job is with people she likes, and the duties for a good part of the day are ones with which she is familiar. I hope she continues to love the chosen career as much as she has up to now.</p>

<p>Cheerts to all!</p>

<p>Happy Monday! DH is in town until Tuesday evening. So strange to have him at home an extra day. :)</p>

<p>I am happy to report it did NOT rain at the outdoor wedding I played at yesterday. I had visions of me & the electronic keyboard going up (down?) in a sudden bolt of lightning. The rehearsal the day before WAS rained out.</p>

<p>No College news cause CollegeBoy is working this semester. He reports he finally has a project at work. I’d tell you what it is but I can’t recall any of the terminology. I know it involves the language Python, which makes him happy. It seems only yesterday his older and wiser brothers were extolling the virtues of Python to him, the CS baby of the family.</p>

<p>Which recalls a funny anecdote. I went with oldest son, who was in HS at the time, to Barnes & Noble to buy a book on Python. It had a b/w drawing of a RAT on the cover (it’s one of a series of computer books that feature, for no good reason other than they are public domain and thus free, drawings of various animals on the cover.) The cashier looked at it and said, “Oh, getting a snake for Christmas?” :D</p>

<p>oops…better late than never with the coffee this morning!</p>

<p>Wow, GSharp, you have your hands full! Life always comes in waves, doesn’t it??</p>

<p>I haven’t posted for a few days. Our 12-year-old collie passed away at the end of last week. DS found him, lying outside in the field. I told the kids it was a blessing that he went like that, instead of suffering for months and needing to be put to sleep. It’s still hard, though. DD was only three years old when we brought the dog home! DH found a beautiful spot by the river to bury him. It’s a tiny clearing in the woods, on a bluff that looks over the river. I was thinking I wouldn’t mind being buried there! We’re going to get a small granite headstone made for him (only $90 from an Amazon vendor who gets lots of good reviews). It will have a black and white photo of him, along with some words. That’s the hard part, deciding what to say!</p>

<p>Otherwise, everything is OK. DS is doing a little more each day. We’ve asked him to write up a brief schedule each morning. He still rests a lot, but we want it planned instead of just taking over his entire day. We’re having 5 cords of wood delivered today, so there will be a lot of stacking for him to do!</p>

<p>MLH–so sorry about your dear collie. </p>

<p>Glad DS is doing better. Stacking cordwood–exercise releases endorphins and makes you feel accomplished! :)</p>

<p>I still haven’t had my coffee yet…we were almost out of milk (without which I don’t drink coffee) so I told the guys to finish it and I would go to the store. Which I am about to do, so we can have dinner and I can have some iced milky coffee. :)</p>

<p>ML sorry about your dear dog but I agree with you what a nice way for him to go. Hope your DS continues to have more good days</p>

<p>I got home from DS grad weekend in Indiana and a day stay in Chicago last night. It was beautiful weather. I’m exhausted but now my nest is full again. DD is home and quite happy as she got all A’s in her 21 credit spring semester despite crying to me how bad she did on her finals. In 2 weeks she begins her 10 week stint at Brookhaven National Labs here on LI. DS continues his country club lifestyle till Sept 9th when he begins his new job. What a life lol</p>

<p>G# wishing healing for the dad’s and strength for you & DW, I know how difficult these things are.</p>

<p>ML so sorry about the dog, but agree that it’s still easier than making the decision to put a dog to sleep oneself.</p>

<p>DS is supposed to come down this weekend, but the CT derailment has made it considerably less clear what mode of transportation to take. Bus arrives at Penn St. at midnight which is a pain in the butt whether we pick him up or he continues with public transportation, so he will probably try Amtrak and hope that even if part of his ride on Friday requires a bus, it will be fixed by Monday. At least then he’ll arrive nearby.</p>

<p>Just checking in. Glad to see we’ve got ‘beyond’ back but it just isn’t the same. </p>

<p>ML - So sorry to hear of the loss of your dog.</p>

<p>ML - so sorry about your collie. I had to put my dog down a couple months ago - and it was hard. Focus on all the joy he brought to your lives and how happy and well-cared for he was…</p>

<p>ML: So sorry about your beloved dog. </p>

<p>GSharp: Sending prayers and good thoughts to you and your family. It’s so hard when our parents get old. </p>

<p>Kinderny: Good luck to your D with her job!</p>

<p>S2 took his last final today! I talked to him before and said, Congrats you are now a senior aren’t you excited? Reply back was, “I STILL NEED TO GET MY GRADES, THEN WE WILL SEE!!”
Geez, can’t this kid just take a few minutes to relax and enjoy the moment? </p>

<p>Sending prayers to all affected by the tornadoes. It’s so sad.</p>