Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Good morning. </p>

<p>Very sad news out of OKC. My heart goes out to everyone there. </p>

<p>On the good news front, Son started his internship yesterday. He’s supporting the Assignment Desk Editor in the newsroom at our local NBC affiliate. It’s only 2 days per week. But, he’ll be able to get the 120 hours he needs for 3 credits, which is great. Whew! What a relief. Oh, and he has to wear a tie and sport coat. It makes him look so grown up. :eek:</p>

<p>Very sorry to read about Ranger, ML. :(</p>

<p>G# - I hope the Dads recover quickly. And, I hope your DW got the break she needed.</p>

<p>good morning all…coffee is ready!</p>

<p>so sorry ML…so very sad</p>

<p>woohoo DB for internships</p>

<p>woohoo coskat…sounds like all going well</p>

<p>waving to all ~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p>

<p>I hope I will soon have more time slices than my insufficient drive by posts. I will say I did throw my 2c in on scualum’s beyond thread, and although weird I am ok with the current title.</p>

<p>Our frequent travelers will probably chuckle at this- but I am shifting my waking hours in preparation for my trip to Europe in 2 weeks. I am getting up one hour earlier this week, then two hours next week, then maybe 3hours the days before I leave. I liken this to a crash diet and hope I can keep it up until we leave, especially over the long weekend. the biggest news however is that we should be able to see D actually travel to her summer destination, as her visa finally arrived yesterday after working on this since the beginning of the year.</p>

<p>How exciting about showmom’s D graduating, can’t believe it. Just like I waited to hear how all the freshman move in stories went taking notes for my D who was a month behind most of the rest, I am looking forward to grad experiences. Same with finishing for the year, D just started her last class in her SA courses taken in series.</p>

<p>D2 has finished a first week of work at her summer job. Worked 10 hours yesterday. She worked at a resident camp last year so at least knows what a long work day is, at least she is really off the clock when she is done working. </p>

<p>dusting off the cool dudes for the summer
:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Good morning! Checking in.</p>

<p>My heart goes out to Oklahoma! </p>

<p>ML sorry for the loss of Ranger.</p>

<p>G# you and your wife certainly have your hands full! I will send extra PVCs your way!</p>

<p>Sorry for the bionic pickup trauma and all other mishaps.</p>

<p>Good luck to all with new jobs and internships. A big Congratulations to Showmom! How exciting!!</p>

<p>I have not heard a lot from college boy. High school senior is on cruise-control. He presents his senior project today and has likely his last tennis match Thursday. Saturday he goes to Washington DC for a week and then we still have 3 more weeks until graduation.</p>

<p>Wow, go away for a few days and everything is changed. Took me a while to find the renamed and relocated thread.
In college news DS finished junior year a week ago (where has the time gone?)</p>

<p>Previously requested PVCs (for next year’s housing) were effective- he and 2 friends are moving into a great off campus apt for the next 12 months. </p>

<p>Final details for this summer’s study abroad are falling into place. He has a flight itinerary

  • it is getting real now. I know so many of you have already navigated having a child
    abroad in challenging locations. I will take a cue and try not to fret. </p>

<p>Best wishes for so many of you dealing with illnesses and other trying circumstances.</p>

<p>Where is coffee?</p>

<p>I got up early for a change. I’ll start the pot.</p>

<p>I was wondering the same thing!</p>

<p>I’ll make some…but I may let mine cool and have it iced, with milk. Yum. :)</p>

<p>We’re making plans for our Israel trip in June to see the kids and the GRANDKID. Too bad the college boy has to work…</p>

<p>can you make it an extra strong pot? Need a little kick this morning…</p>

<p>I’ll take some of that extra strong coffee. I should get in the habit of taking on the coffee job. I am shifting my hours earlier in anticipation of the trip to Europe WHERE I WILL BE TWO WEEKS FROM NOW (not excited lol) </p>

<p>How exciting for your trip mommusic!
and musicmomz- I know the “getting real” feeling as I feel that way about D’s summer now also.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>oops, totally forgot coffee this am! thanks for filling in yds!</p>

<p>nothing exciting in college news…i have the job of refreshing the schedule page to see if a seat opens in a class S2 wants to add to summer…such fun</p>

<p>S3 is driving me crazy… school is over and he wont get off his butt and look for a job!</p>

<p>P56- I’m afraid I’ve started the nagging for D to find a job too. Pretty soon here she’ll get off the couch since she has no money but many wants.</p>

<p>Only two posts in one day? Wow</p>

<p>Munequita, I have noticed the much lower traffic here also… :-(</p>

<p>Have some coffee everyone and wake up!</p>

<p>Good luck on the nagging of the younger sibs. D2 has been working > 40hrs/week at her summer job, I hope she appreciates the money, but also how much more she can make once she starts to work in her major area (engineering)</p>

<p>:cool: :cool: (although it is raining here)</p>

<p>Good morning! It seems the traffic is much slower “out here in the suburbs”. </p>

<p>My seniors last tennis banquet was last night. Between S2 and S3 that makes 7 years in a row. For 7 years I have been in charge of decorations. for center pieces I put flowers in tennis ball cans with a little ribbon tied resound the can. </p>

<p>No college news.</p>

<p>coffee is ready! </p>

<p>cute idea for the flowers tx5!</p>

<p>no college news here either…</p>

<p>Good morning, iPeeps. It does seem a bit sleepier here “in the suburbs.”</p>

<p>I talked briefly to S last night. He sounds a bit stressed, but isn’t really owning up to it. I think he had just turned in one big project and had another to finish. It is not even end of year/finals time yet. I hope he gets a little lull before he has to ramp up into that. He did talk long enough to get plans made for when the term ends. He is flying home right after exams, and then driving back out in time to see some of his senior friends graduate. D, who is “graduating” from her year-long Americorps program on June 7 (though she still has to complete her required hours by working in summer school through July) will fly home to visit us a few days earlier, and will share the driving back to MN with him. Imagine that - they get a road trip courtesy of mom and dad.</p>

<p>Not sure exactly why we decided to let him have our second car, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. It started because we need to replace our most ancient car - and we are buying a new car to accomplish that. S wanted the old car, but it is not reliable enough for us to feel comfortable about his driving it to MN, and since it is a stick shift, we are concerned about what would happen to it when he lends it to friends who are not experienced manual drivers. So we decided to let him have our non-ancient car instead. Hmm . . . so we will have our ancient car and our new car. Hmm . . . I don’t think it sounds any more logical when I put it in writing. But he’s happy he’ll have a car. It will help with the Ultimate frisbee tournaments.</p>

<p>Happy Thursday, everyone.</p>

<p>I wonder if anyone from CC is monitoring the traffic to these groups now they are out in the burbs - and doing some year over year analytics. I think it would be quite interesting.</p>

<p>In College news, DD is wrapping up her first summer class. She says that studying a foreign language 6 hours a day 4 days a week while living in a foreign country is definitely a rocket ship ride. Not for the faint of heart. Fortunately for her, some of this first class has been a review for her whereas for some of her classmates they are really struggling. </p>

<p>Definitely something to keep in mind with the placement tests they give to determine where you start in the sequence. You really don’t want to stretch to reach the maximum possible class as inevitably there will be gaps in your knowledge that come back to bite you.</p>

<p>Dd will be home from Hong Kong two weeks from today. She has spent the last 6 weeks doing an exciting internship. Apparently, they really liked her and want to know when she graduates…
She says she is ready to be done, has been in school for too long and wants to get going with her career. All good things, but I worry that her senior year might be rough going. She has 2 required classes for her math major that had she not gone abroad, she would have completed this semester. The courses are not offered in the fall - so I’m thinking second semester senior year might be very stressful.
Hope all is well with you all. Hate the 'burbs location for this thread!</p>

<p>scualum - intensive language studies are exhausting, but a really efficient way to get up to speed. I went from basically first year German to working in an office after three months at a Goethe Institute. S2 is coming home for a weekend, as is a college friend who I had my great fire station adventure. (The US government paid us to drive around the country photographing firestations for a year.) Haven’t seen her in ten years. It should be fun. She’s an art historian so it’s fun to go to museums with her and she loves food - the more weird and local the better. (Calvin Trillin - Alice Let’s Eat - and Road Food were our food guides that year.)</p>

<p>Yeah, I really don’t like the extra clicks either - I find I’m not checking up here in suburbia as often.</p>