Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Good morning all. I decided to take an early morning drive out here to the ‘burbs. Coffee is on me, but all I can offer is airport Starbucks. I’m hoping that my friends at Delta will let me on the first flight out today as I really want to get back to VA ASAP to meet DW at the airport and head up to NJ to bring our littlest bird back to the nest. If all goes well, my day looks like OH -> GA -> VA -> DC -> MD -> DE -> NJ. All on Memorial Day weekend. I-95, here I come.</p>

<p>ML – Sorry to hear about your collie! Glad to hear there is progress for DS. How did the wood stacking go?… 5 cords! :eek:</p>

<p>Kinderny – So, how did D’s first day go?</p>

<p>Mommusic – Pythons and Rats… O’Reilly? ;)</p>

<p>Coskat – Yay for all A’s and impending employment!</p>

<p>P56 – You seem to be implying that I am slightly stoopid. :wink: How did that schedule refreshing job work out? ;)</p>

<p>Aliceinw – Don’t you just hate trying to keep all the auto logistics straight?</p>

<p>ProudNJMom – Your S2 cracks me up. D2 is going to be one of the last to leave. We’ll turn out the lights.</p>

<p>It has not been a good week for my FIL, hence DW. We are just hoping that he is strong enough today that DW feels that she can leave to get D2. Otherwise I told her that I can manage it on my own. My father is getting physically stronger, but still has his mental issues that are wearing on my mother.</p>

<p>D2 is taking her last exam today, so some PVC toward NJ would be appreciated. Tomorrow we pack her and her stuff and head back to VA… that’s the plan, but if we are tired we’re going to stop and stay somewhere along the way. I suspect that D2 will sleep the whole way home. She is so looking forward to being home and has big plans… sleep, watch TV, and eat pizza from our local pizza joint. (real sweet tea is usually part of the plan too) :wink: She had a tough semester and is ready for a break, but I give it 2 days before she is bored. In case anyone was keeping tabs, the returned library book count was 51. :eek: Please don’t let all of them be overdue. :wink: Internship starts June 10.</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee G#, and the update on the dads.<br>
yeah not liking the suburbs either (what will Munequita do when she doesn’t have to continually bump us to page 1?) but now I come here and don’t read the main parent page as much. As do many of the experienced parents who have the wisdom to share.</p>

<p>At the cape for the weekend, H has our wireless router setup like fort knox, new image on my laptop means I need to wait for him to get up before he can do his magic incantations to allow me access. That along with the wind and rain will keep the cool dudes in bed for another few hours…</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee…glad your dad(s) are doing better gsharp… the job was successful… one spot opened…text sent…and he snagged it!. pvc’s for your D2’s exams</p>

<p>bonnienj… understand that stress…S2 has 2 that he should have taken much earlier, but didnt want to and now looks like they will have to be taken during a pretty rough semester…will end up with 3 lab courses at once. yikes!</p>

<p>never liked the burb idea… just stooopid imo.</p>

<p>Nice surprise this morning–yesterday I decided son’s bed needed changing so I left a sheet set on the bed, intending to get around to it later. This morning I realized son got a clue and changed his own bed! :slight_smile: Will wonders never cease!</p>

<p>G# I don’t envy you your travels. My H was due in last night but Delta cancelled his flight from NYC. He is now due home TONIGHT and (bonus) gets a trip through Richmond Va. :(</p>

<p>Good morning and TGIF. </p>

<p>Not much going on here. Son is enjoying his internship. Daughter is still looking for a job. </p>

<p>Have a great holiday weekend. :)</p>

<p>No college news, D is back at school doing research.</p>

<p>I am going to the funeral of a friend’s husband - he was 49 years old, very active and healthy - had a massive heart attack.</p>

<p>So sad, munequita. Sending thoughts for peace to your friend.</p>

<p>There was a course I didn’t want to take so I put it off to my senior year. Low and behold they only offered a one semester version of it so I didn’t have to take it for the whole year. I know S2 will be scrambling to fit in all the requirements plus what he really wants to take. I really hope he’s got it all figured out!</p>

<p>Good afternoon everyone. Got my haircut this afternoon so feeling a little better since it was a weird week in general. </p>

<p>Like DougBetsy’s D I am also still on the job hunt. I am really hoping that I will be able to find something within the next week or two. </p>

<p>My summer classes continue to roll along. I do have an issue since these classes are online and two of them have everything needing to be submitted by Sunday and another needs to have everything submitted on Friday. Today I scrambling to finish a quiz and participate in a discussion board. It is a really simple complaint and what could be defined as a ‘first world problem’ but there it is.</p>

<p>Well, just got a text from DS that he is flying home for the weekend. Working for the airlines is weird - they just decide to go places on a whim - but I am glad the whim in this case is us!! First time he’s been home as a college grad/working person so that will be fun…</p>

<p>Good Evening! Little late for coffee, so how about some margaritas? ;)</p>

<p>Munequita: So sad about your friend’s husband and way too young. </p>

<p>Scualum: Enjoy the visit with your son! </p>

<p>GSharp: Sending continued prayers/thoughts for your Dads. Yay for D2 finishing. I didn’t even ask S2 how many books he had to return. I tried to stay far away from asking too many questions about the JP. </p>

<p>Mdem: Good luck with the job hunt. </p>

<p>Rainy/cold day here. Also crazy at work. Last Friday my boss and myself had to tell someone at work that after 23 years we need to let him go at the end of the month. It was one of the hardest things that we ever had to do. :(Economy is just not what it used to be and our industry has really taken a hit these past few years. Today I was completely stressed at work. My boss even told me I need to relax. I get home and was just sitting down when he called to say that graphic artist gave notice. We both knew she’s been looking and we both knew that eventually we were going to put her on a consultant/project basis but still not something that I needed to deal with. Thank goodness we have a former part-time employee who is now more than willing to pick up more hours. My boss feels that this is all a good sign and that it’s time for a new beginning so I’m going to go along with his attitude! </p>

<p>S2 is on train now to come home for the night. Then back to campus tomorrow for campus job. </p>

<p>Big 50 party tomorrow night for one of my best friends. I called her on her birthday and asked her “How could this happen?” She just laughed. I’m last one of our friends to turn the big 50 and I constantly remind them all that I’m the baby. I think I’m really in for it in November. :eek:</p>

<p>D will be joining the summer job seekers soon. She’s hanging out on campus to see a lot of friends graduate tomorrow, but should probably be home Monday afternoon. One of her friends got engaged yesterday, this is the first of her friends to be getting married (although she fully expects one of her best friends to be engaged very soon as well). H and I met in college, as did both of H’s brothers and their wives. S is currently dating a girl he met in college. We’ve tried NOT to pass any sort of “you’ll probably meet your spouse in college” expectation on to our kids.</p>

<p>so sorry munequita…!</p>

<p>margaritas sound wonderful proudnj! good luck with the job situtation, hope it works out with the new/old artist</p>

<p>lucky you scualum…S2 wont be home much this summer…i think i will have to just go visit him, but not this weekend…his gf is coming back from a study/volunteer thing tomorrow</p>

<p>tx - loved the tennis ball can centerpiece idea! </p>

<p>DD1 has graduated, landed a job, and found an apartment. This is all good news, right? This is the one that had me worried for years. Still I find myself nostalgic as she digs through the piles of childhood in her room. </p>

<p>DS1 seems to be doing ok with his Boston internship. He does not need us for advise, but we are still needed… for 2 more years of college bills (he is a “beyonder”)</p>

<p>good morning all…coffee is ready!</p>

<p>Good morning iPeeps! Thanks for the coffee, P56. After a week of gray skies & cold rain, it’s nice to see the sun again, even if it is brisk outside.</p>

<p>G#: sending good wishes for both dads & the slog up/down I-95. Having done it last week, you have my deepest sympathies. I’m sure your DW will welcome having your D2 home, even if only for a short time.</p>

<p>PNJ: sending PVCs your way too. It sounds like a rough week at work. Lifting a steaming cup of coffee to new beginnings & future success.</p>

<p>scualum: hooray for a surprise visit from your new COLLEGE graduate aka DS! </p>

<p>mdem: I hope you are able to complete everything for your online courses. You must be very close to being finished with all courses at this point.</p>

<p>Laf: sending PVCs for safe travel for your D this weekend. I’m sure you will be happy to have her home.</p>

<p>S1 submitted his grad school application. He should hear back in several weeks. He will be working full time & going to grad school in the evenings. S2 is coming home from his internship for part of the weekend. I look forward to hearing how his first week has gone. He was still at work when I called him ~9pm on Thursday.</p>

<p>But the best news is about the Bionic Pickup, which someone attempted to hotwire & steal from in front of our house last Fri/Sat night. Yesterday a detective contacted me. The police apprehended a thief with an ancient GPS unit that had our address in it. I identified the GPS which we didn’t even know had been stolen out of Bionic. The police told me that after attempting to hotwire Bionic, the thief went on to steal a different vehicle in which he was caught. Police recovered a number of items -including our ancient GPS -which the thief had stolen from a series of vehicles. Score one for the good guys! Whew about the close call with Bionic!</p>

<p>Watching graduation at D’s college online, to get a feel for what to expect next year. They do such a classy job with these events at Elon. I hope the weather holds and we can have it outside next year - they do it in a beautiful area in the historic part of campus known as “Under the Oaks.” Graduation speaker Brian Williams was fantastic, and stuck to his 10 minute time limit. Even with about 1100 graduates, every one has their name called, walks across the stage and is handed their diploma by the President. Hence, the strict time limit on speeches, and the 9:15 am start time. Last year they finished before noon.</p>

<p>I, too, am still a little lost out here in the suburbs, but thank goodness BEYOND is back! I had to stop in just because.</p>

<p>So we are good. In COLLEGE news DS and a couple of friends are here for a convention for the weekend. Nice to see faces on names I’ve heard for 3 years but not met before.
DS also got a SURF scholarship for his summer research, he is staying at school to do it. No need to look for a job…which is beginning to worry me as he has NEVER had one. When I was his age, I’d already been working for pay for six years at various summer jobs. They are on quarter system so still have weeks of school left.</p>

<p>In exCOLLEGE news, DD is back on her campus a year after grad for her to visit and see kids getting ready to graduate. She says it is so weird to be on campus, but not going to classes…on the other hand, it is still a “home” and like she never left. DD has traveled, worked a little, traveled and made her choice to go to Stanford next year for grad school (I probably bragged about that already, sorry). She’ll be on campus, but SO near home. She can bike to come borrow the car!</p>

<p>YAY bionicpickup recovery.</p>

<p>G#, good luck on the highway. Best of wishes for your Dads, sounds like this Father’s day will be a toughy (new word from the VOICE for me). My Dad was here visiting (4rd time in 35 years of marriage, 3rd time at this house in 28 years so VERY exciting for me). </p>

<p>Everyone have a safe and sane holiday. With the colder weather, maybe there will be less drinking. I miss the days of putting flags out at the national cemetery for this weekend.</p>

<p>good morning all coffee is ready!! i need to find a place to live where the weather is like this all year long…about 72 degrees, nice breeze, no humidity…a perfect day!!</p>

<p>Good morning! </p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee!!</p>

<p>No college news. High School boy arrived safely in DC on a high school trip. They are going to the baseball game today along with a few museums. So far he is having a great time. </p>

<p>So as far as “moving to the suburbs” goes, the HS class of 2013 thread has almost ground to a halt. Very, very little discussion going on over there despite graduations, proms, dorm rooms, etc… It is very disappointing.</p>