Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>yep… thought it was a bad idea… main page has slowed way down too…</p>

<p>I’ve been spending more time on the “Health & Wellness Support” thread. Yes, it IS all about me. ;)</p>

<p>S goes to work every day, and tries to tell me what he does, but he really needs someone at home who understands programming. So no news here…</p>

<p>Edit: Hope everyone is having a wonderful, safe, & sunny Memorial Day weekend!</p>

<p>Happy memorial day.</p>

<p>I do not like this location either, it think it is impacting a lot.</p>

<p>Who is the keeper of the Facebook group?</p>

<p>The traffic is lighter here in the ‘burbs, isn’t it? If CC’s goal was to keep me from looking at other threads, they have been successful.</p>

<p>Sending job hunting PVCs to the multitude who need it!</p>

<p>P56 – Glad to hear that your scheduling job was a success.</p>

<p>Mommusic – I hope your DH enjoyed his brief stay in my “home” airport, RIC.</p>

<p>Munequita – Very sorry to hear about your friend!</p>

<p>Colorado_mom – “graduated, landed a job, and found an apartment.” Definitely all good news!</p>

<p>12rmh18 – Score one for Bionic and ancient GPS! It sounds like the internship is keeping S2 busy! Believe it or not, we made it to / from NJ without too much I-95 aggravation. Some heavy traffic Friday night from the north side of DC to about White Marsh, MD, but we still made it to our destination by 7:00PM!</p>

<p>ProudNJMom – Sorry to hear about the work stress! I made a comment to D2 this weekend about being a senior and she said that she is not officially a senior until this year’s seniors graduate.</p>

<p>In college news, D2 and her Yukon-load of stuff are back in the nest. Another Yukon-load is in storage, but includes one of her friend’s stuff too. Her friend was gone, but left everything neatly boxed in her room, so it was very easy to load. She’s the super-organized one who keeps spreadsheets of what is in each box. The girl is very small, looks like she is about 13 YO, but she did manage to pack 2 boxes that I think weighed more than she does. The move-out made me think of a future college selection criterion for CC… “Has dorms built after the invention of the elevator,” as that was not true for D2 or her friend. :eek: Noon Saturday was when everyone had to be out (except graduating seniors) and we made it with an hour to spare. The dorm halls were just littered with trash. Can I just say that college students can eat (and drink) some crap? :wink: Women’s dorm rooms = Kashi Bars, Men’s dorm rooms = don’t ask. :wink: D2’s roommate left her 4 unopened boxes of 50 coffee creamers. What the heck am I supposed to do with 200 coffee creamers? I know… I’ll PM them to P56 to provide with our coffee for the next year. :wink: D2 said that everyone told her that Junior year would be the worst and she concurs that it was awful (keep that in mind for next year VAMom2015). Her largest class this semester had 12 students, smallest was 5, so she got a lot of “individual attention” which meant having to be super-prepared for every class. She also had to be very meticulous with her Junior Paper. When D2 told her advisor who she wanted to write about his response was that that would be great because (unknown to D2) his wife had written a book about her and his daughter was named after her. :eek: On the drive home, we also talked a little about D1’s wedding plans to which D2 responded, “Thank you for providing me with the opportunity to understand what it is like to grow up with a crazy sister.” I can feel the love, can’t you. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>GSharp - hope your father and FIL are both doing better. </p>

<p>Glad your D2 made it home. I know exactly what you mean about dorms without elevators! Luckily, H did most of the carrying during D’s move out - the climb up all those flights of stairs was enough to convince me to put my packing skills to use. D was not completely packed when we arrived, so that gave me a great excuse to avoid carrying stuff down to the car. I’m much better at packing/organizing than I am at carrying and walking up and down stairs. :)</p>

<p>12rmh18 - glad the Bionic Pickup was ok and that those thieves were caught.</p>

<p>Good luck to all those still looking for jobs/internships. D starts her internship this week. :)</p>

<p>I had totally forgotten–I lived for 3 years in an old dorm without elevators. Old and full of charm, but a pain to move in and out of! The tallest or “tower” section only had 4 floors and by my senior year I ranked high enough to get a room on the 2nd floor. :slight_smile: No air conditioning either. As school didn’t end until early June, there were always a few really hot and uncomfortable weeks. But we were young & healthy!</p>

<p>I think my kids have always lived in dorms with elevators. But one S later lived in a 5th floor walkup in NYC. He said he learned never to forget anything upstairs.</p>

<p>Hello to all -
Stopping in after a long hiatus - I do read through the posts once in a while & catch up on news from the ‘oldtimers’ (like me).
It’s hard to believe this journey is in the last lap & I’ll be making hotel reservations soon for graduation week 2014 -Wow!<br>
DGS’s home from Harvard and catching up with dentist, doctor etc. etc. appts. before flying to the ‘left’ coast for an exciting and challenging 10 wk. internship.
I think I’m the only (helicopter) Grandparent posting???.. I’ve had a few bumps along the way (hubby had a stroke almost 2 years ago, but he’s doing OK) but I look forward to keeping in touch and enjoying all your newsy news. Wish all a wonderful Memorial Day.</p>

<p>giving thanks to our military on memorial day!</p>

<p>coffee is ready! and thanks to gsharp, many spoonfuls of coffee creamer</p>

<p>S2 has a 30 page paper due by end of the week which will complete the maymester course, then right into summer session classes, other than that, no college news. so i guess its time for me to renew the mcat study harrassment as he will take it in august</p>

<p>waving at bubbe~~~ good to see you!!</p>

<p>I’ll join p56 in thanking the military and the test study harassment</p>

<p>What munequita said. :)</p>

<p>And hi to bubbe.</p>

<p>Just got back from watching the local parade with DH & S.</p>

<p>Hello all. Echoing the thanks to our military and their families on this Memorial Day.</p>

<p>We have beautiful weather here, and not much in the way of plans. Spent part of yesterday watching the Carleton D-1 teams play ultimate. Men made it to the semis and lost to a very strong UCF team. Women are playing in the finals today. Go Syzygy!!</p>

<p>Thanks for the visit, Bubbe. Time really flies, doesn’t it.</p>

<p>Best to all with exams and papers. Another two weeks till S faces his.</p>

<p>S arrived home from study abroad a couple weeks ago - and has been focused on having some fun and hanging out with his friends since then. Problem is that he leaves for internship in NYC on June 1 and will be in NYC until August 23. He plans to fly straight to my D’s freshman orientation on August 23 and ride home with us in the car on the August 25th. Classes begin on August 27th.</p>

<p>Sounds like a good plan right? Wrong. OK, he is moving out of the dorms this year and into an apt with a friend. Plus, we are moving to a new house on August 31. So, this week I am trying to get him to purge and pack - not only for NYC but also for the new apt at school - AND the move to the new family home. </p>

<p>What are my chances?</p>

<p>Edit: oh, happy Memorial Day everyone!</p>

<p>Happy Memorial Day!!</p>

<p>Yesterday I went to Scotsfest at the fairgrounds. I think it has been there one weekend every year for years and years and years, yet I have never gone. My sister’s interest was peaked after a visit to Scotland last month and also a friend told her about a great Scottish band. So we went and it was great. They have scottish games, marching band (with bagpipes of course) competitions, lots of booths and some Scottish bands. It was really quite fun. I am about an eight Scottish, but look like I am a lot more than that. With all the men in kilts I thought about some of my friends here. </p>

<p>Like Alice S2 still has 3 weeks until he is out of school. He did finally line up an apartment for next year so that is good news.</p>

<p>My S is preparing to take the LSAT in June. Does anyone else have a prospective law school student?</p>

<p>Congrats to your son Sacchi. Sending him good vibes!</p>

<p>Sacchi, No prospective law students here, but GRE prep going on for grad school.</p>

<p>D is finally home!</p>

<p>~~waving at Bubbe</p>

<p>Sacchi - also not a prospective law student (as far as I know), but D has mentioned she’s planning to take the GRE. No sign of prep, though I know she bought the study guide and looked at it over her winter break.</p>

<p>Good to see you, Bubbe! Maybe we’ll finally get to meet at graduation next May! :)</p>

<p>good luck to your son sacchi!!! hope he aces it!.. </p>

<p>isnt it fun? more tests, more applications, more waiting, … it never ends</p>

<p>Some days it is nice to have a “beyond” kid - I haven’t heard a peep about GRE etc :wink: </p>

<p>This has been a busy month for the older kid. Her path through college was not the quickest or the straightest… but she did graduate. A few days later she landed a full time job offer. And this weekend she moved into her first “real apartment”. Lucky for us, she had friends to help with that chore.</p>

<p>Good Morning. Coffee is ready.</p>

<p>Good luck to all the kids still finishing up and to all looking for jobs/internships! </p>

<p>S2 informed me yesterday that he neglected to look into if he has a meal plan for the next week while he’s on campus working reunions/graduation! UGG! What is wrong with him? He said that since he has the meal plan for the summer job he just ASSUMED he would have it for this. He played the “I was so busy with finals” card and didn’t even think about that. </p>

<p>Isn’t it wonderful that today is Tuesday and not Monday? :D</p>