Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>waving a sacchi, esobay, Bubbe, and others popping in.</p>

<p>PNJM- yes I am looking forward to the short week, and thanks for the coffee!</p>

<p>Getting closer to our trip to see D, looking forward to it, just a few things to take care of before we go. Had a 3 way google hangout with both Ds on Friday, D2’s day off from work, that was nice.</p>

<p>My D will take the GRE. She will look at study materials her two weeks home in Aug and in Sept when all your kiddos are back in school and she has a month of preseason before classes start. She will also maybe focus on the many programs she is thinking of- grad school (prob funded masters), fullbright teaching thing, or other teaching things. Big constraint is that it needs to be self supporting as the college fund has run dry. </p>

<p>:cool: :cool: the cool dudes are ready for summer!</p>

<p>Good morning and Happy Tuesday. </p>

<p>Spoke to both my kiddos yesterday. S is getting his act together for his summer of research at his college, and D is looking for a new job to begin when her Americorps year ends July 31. She has some ideas and is moving ahead on them, and luckily does not seem too stressed. She is also looking for a new roommate for her apartment, as her current roommate is off to grad school. </p>

<p>No LSAT here, though personally I remember the experience pretty vividly. D took the GRE with very little, if any, prep during the summer between junior and senior year and met her personal goals, though I’m sure she could have done better, especially with the math which she hadn’t touched since HS. S may need to take the MTEL - the pre-licensing tests for MA teaching. I by he doesn’t know that yet. On the other hand, it doesn’t look too tough, and if you pass you do 't even get an actual score so it isn’t competitive. We shall see. I’m saving that conversation till summer when hopefully his stress level is lower. </p>

<p>Gotta run. ~~~ waving to all.</p>

<p>tx5athome–Scotsfest sounds like great fun!</p>

<p>ProudNJMom–don’t worry, no teenager ever starved on a college campus!</p>

<p>Good morning. Thanks for the coffee. </p>

<p>Not much going on with us. Had a nice, restful Memorial Weekend. </p>

<p>Wish me luck. I have 3 job interviews (one company) on Thursday. </p>

<p>Have a great week!</p>

<p>Good luck, DB!
So here is everyone. I keep forgetting where the thread has moved to.</p>

<p>My student is theoretically studying for the GRE, too. THeoretically. Mostly she is stalking her grades and annoying everyone else. She still has a paper due because the professor had to go away for the end of the semester and asked everyone to email the paper by this Friday. I’m guessing she is planning to wait until the last minute.</p>

<p>Waving to everyone!</p>

<p>Good morning everyone. </p>

<p>Will spend this week thinking it is a different day than it really is. Joys of a three day weekend. </p>

<p>I do know that I have class in an hour so that makes things a little bit easier ;)</p>

<p>I’m annoyed that I think I’ve been posting but none of them has shown up. I think my iPad has started doing something weird where it deletes my writing if I click on another tab. I don’t know what other explanation there could be. Trust me when I tell you that all these posts read like poetry and were witty and empathetic and heartfelt. ;)</p>

<p>Spoke to ds briefly last night. Doesn’t he know not to call me during The Bachelorette??? We agreed to talk later in the week. I did get in a reminder to be thinking about his senior comps. He seems to have a plan, but that post about the girl who can’t graduate because her senior thesis was rejected got me worrying!</p>

<p>I remember taking the GRE forever ago, plus the GRE subject test in Engineering. I don’t recall preparing for the regular GRE, but I do remember a small amount of prep for the Engineering subject test, to review the material from the few non-EE engineering classes I had taken. I wonder if engineering grad schools still require it. My recollection is that it was such a worthless test, since all it really measured was engineering breadth - almost nobody had taken classes across the engineering disciplines. </p>

<p>I recall the regular GRE as being very similar to the SAT, and being surprised that the math level required was no higher, especially that no calculus was required. </p>

<p>Good luck to all the upcoming test takers.</p>

<p>YDS - That post could not have been about your favorite small LAC. I have been through comps. A solo comps project/paper (like D did) starts with a proposal/topic being chosen. In D’s department, this was done in a 3 credit fall term course that all the seniors took together. At the beginning of winter term she and her advisor worked out a schedule for weekly meetings, and what she would have ready for each of those meetings - from research summaries, through outline, first draft, final draft, etc. I’m pretty sure if she had failed to show up for more than one of those meetings, someone would have come looking for her. S will be “double compsing.” He will do a 3 credit comps paper for Math, meeting with an advisor through the process, and a group project for CS. The group has already been put together along with a topic, and they will work on it during fall and winter term. I also have some familiarity with how it is done in the History Department - which involves some groups, and students checking on one another, on the way to the final product even though the products are solo. Not sure about your S’s department, but I’m pretty sure they have a set methodology of which everyone is well aware. There is something amiss with that story of just falling through the cracks or being surprised by the outcome - or else it was a very different kind of school.</p>

<p>alice, you’re going to be my senior-year mom buddy and explain the ways of the world.</p>

<p>So when ds says he’s compsing in winter term, does that mean that’s when he’s taking the class or presenting, or could it be both? When I mentioned it last night, he seemed to have a decent handle on it. He wants to piggyback some of what he did in his study abroad. And on his radio show this weekend, he and the co-host chatted about it. They’re in the same dept so I feel like ds has plenty of support.</p>

<p>I don’t know whether you read that whole thread, but people speculated that the LAC is Reed.</p>

<p>alice… i read that thread too…did sound a little weird to me too</p>

<p>I read most of the thread, and I thought the OP indicated somewhere in the middle that it was not Reed.</p>

<p>I would love to be your senior year mom buddy. If your S is compsing winter term, that means that there will likely be a bit of run-up in the fall term, and most of the work in the winter term. Some of them finish enough to actually present in the winter term, and some drag on and present in the spring term. They won’t actually be allowed to present unless they’ve essentially already passed, because the presentation is to get them used to the idea, and is required, but is not actually the work on which they are graded. Another way you would know that you hadn’t finished - they wouldn’t give you a date to present! I forget which department your S is in, and I probably wouldn’t know anything specific about it anyway. I can recommend that if your S has any extra credits (from APs, from study abroad, or whatever) that winter term is the term to think about underloading. And definitely to identify an interesting but entry level course to take. For example, S is taking Astronomy 101 (I know that’s not really what it’s called) in the fall term when he’s doing his double. He is hoping to be done with Math comps by winter term when CS really kicks into gear.</p>

<p>Also, I know that visiting is not always easy, and I’m pretty sure you will be planning a trip for graduation, but consider whether you can swing a trip for the comps presentation. We did for D and it was a fun thing to do.</p>

<p>Two more weeks and then, senior year here we come!</p>

<p>That’s the kind of thing he talked about … taking a lighter load in winter term. He seems to have the entire year planned out. He talked about taking in the fall a 300-level course, a 200-level course and some class I think he either wants to take or has to take that gives preference to sophomores, but he seemed confident about getting it.</p>

<p>I was curious about the actual compsing because if it’s during winter term I might make the trip. If it’s too close to graduation, I likely wouldn’t, though it could be strategic. I’d pack light and then start bringing ds’s extra luggage back.</p>

<p>coffee is ready!!!</p>

<p>Speaking of coffee…since DH is in town I made the special coffee-infused crepes filled with almond butter & chocolate chips, and topped with bananas. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: It was a newspaper recipe that actually turned out well! DH & son went happily off to work with full stomachs.</p>

<p>I <em>think</em> S registered for fall courses, but I am not sure. Usually he prints out his schedule for me to have. Maybe it’s “too far away to think about” (though not too early to register!)</p>

<p>sounds wonderful mommusic… its my 31st anniversary today… there was a bottle of champagne, some orange juice and some grand marnier sitting on the kitchen counter this am (H had already left)… staying home and just drinking it was reallllllly tempting :)</p>

<p>Happy Anniversary, p56. And thanks for the coffee. I’d like some of that grand marnier in mine, if you’re sharing.</p>

<p>The crepes recipe sounds divine, mommusic. I have recently started using a lot of almond butter, and I love it.</p>

<p>No news here - I think I occupied enough territory yesterday, and haven’t spoken to COLLEGE S since.</p>

<p>I would love to have that recipe too</p>

<p>Happy anniversary P56!!</p>

<p>Happy Anniversary P56! </p>

<p>Mommusic: I am on my way over for some crepes!! </p>

<p>I am getting all of my college info via social media. Evidently DS was at the Dodger game last night. </p>

<p>I think S3 is having a fabulous time in DC. I am only getting one word text messages, but I am friends with a couple of his friends on Instagram and they are posting fun pictures.</p>

<p>I’m going to my college reunion later today and bringing S2 a bunch of his stuff. He actually will be able to move into his permanent room later this summer so it’s all going up in multiple trips. I suspect he’ll need to take the GRE eventually, but I believe the plan is to work a few years before grad school. Fine with me!</p>

<p>I love crepes, but since we are a low carb household I never cook them.</p>