Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>No GREs here – S2 seems to be on the “Beyond” plan. Not sure what is happening this fall. It’s hard to stand by and watch this.</p>

<p>Happy Anniversary P56!</p>

<p>thanks for the anniversary wishes… based on today…i definitely should have stayed home with my mimosas!! :)</p>

<p>Happy anniversary!!!</p>

<p>Just talked to ds. What a Grumpy Gus! I’m sorry I called,</p>

<p>argh, I hit a key on my browser and lost my post! Just when I was making some coffee! Here it is again, hope it didn’t spill the first time:</p>


<p>Sorry about the grumpy call last night YDS. Is he tired from finals and studying? </p>

<p>I read that thesis thread also. D has to write one next year and hopefully won’t be at the last minute. She plans to take the winter quarter off which should give her plenty of time to work on this.</p>

<p>Good morning. Thanks for the coffee, jackie. </p>

<p>This might be a good day… </p>

<p>Last night one of the interviews Son did during his internship made the news. (He wasn’t on the news, but a sound bite from the person he interviewed was.)</p>

<p>D has 2 job interviews today: McD’s and Aflac. Guess which one I’m pulling for.</p>

<p>And, I have 5 job interviews today. All at the same company. 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 3:30, and 4:00. Wish me luck!</p>

<p>Morning everyone. </p>

<p>PVCs needed as my family is moving today hopefully for the last time. We are ready to be out of our dingy apartment and into a new house :D</p>

<p>good morning all…thanks for the coffee!! </p>

<p>S2 has written paper and oral presentation today, and maymester over!! than starts again monday for a summer semester of classes. </p>

<p>pvc’s on their way mdem!</p>

<p>and pvc’s to DB and your D!</p>

<p>Hey, all.</p>

<p>Yeah, Jackie, he was working on a major project. You’d think he’d welcome a break in the form of a call from the person who loves him more than anyone else in the world, but noooooooooooo. J/K. :)</p>

<p>Good morning and TGIF! </p>

<p>Why do the short weeks feel so long? Have a great weekend, everyone. :)</p>

<p>good morning all…coffee is ready!</p>

<p>spoke with S2 briefly yesterday… he sounded like he pulled an all nighter to complete the paper and oral presentation… i did manage to get “i think it was ok” out of him. so he is off to the beach for the weekend</p>

<p>yds usually if S2 has a major thing to do, i WILL get a call…but its just another of the many procrastination techniques he has finely honed during college.</p>

<p>Anyone follow the National Spelling Bee? We had a local kid who got pretty far.</p>

<p>The winning word was knaidel, which is Yiddish for dumpling. I think if he had spelled it kneidel you could have argued it was correct. Transliteration of a Yiddish word…I don’t think there is a central authority for that! (See Chanukah, Chanukkah, Hanukkah, Hanuka, etc.)</p>

<p>And I felt sorry for the 2nd place winner, who had an awful word by comparison: cyanophycean. Though if you break it down, it’s understandable. :)</p>

<p>All is forgiven with ds. Last night on his radio show, he said the thing he’s most grateful for is his parents, who’ve helped him achieve all he has and opened the door to all the opportunities he’s had. :heart: He also said he’s been sick for several days, which he didn’t mention to me.</p>

<p>mommusic, I think I’d have had a better shot spelling the second-place word rather than the Yiddish!</p>

<p>mdem, how’d the move go?</p>

<p>Things are ramping up with EOY activities for ds2. One more week and it’ll all be over. I’m a little sad about it.</p>

<p>Sending PVCs to all who need them! I’m moving into my summer apartment tomorrow so my room is packing central today.</p>

<p>Just stopping by to wish everyone a Happy Friday. No real news here. Looking forward to the weekend - it will be a hot one. Planned activities include picking up our new car, getting a new battery for my watch, and some yoga. And hoping to hear from my kids, but not holding my breath.</p>

<p>happy Friday everyone!</p>

<p>Back to the friendly skies. Anyone want to meet me at the LGA Sky Club? Drinks and Nutella are on me.</p>

<p>Dang, I missed a visit from Bubbe, mdem, t_c, and zoosermom.</p>

<p>Apparently I missed the senior year mom buddy pairing up party too and the cool kid with the new car is already taken. ;)</p>

<p>And I missed P56’s anniversary… she was last heard explaining during morning rush hour, “But officer, after 31 years you’d need the occasional nip at breakfast too.” To which the officer replied, “Ma’am, I think I met your husband earlier.” :wink: Happy Belated Anniversary to the P56s!</p>

<p>Did anyone find DB something to do between interviews?</p>

<p>Has anyone else noticed how witty, empathetic, and heartfelt YDS’s posts have been lately (except those hastily constructed ones she makes during The Bachelorette)?</p>

<p>YDS – So you don’t feel left out, we have Grumpy Gusette!</p>

<p>Hero of the Week – YDS’s S for being eternally grateful on the air! </p>

<p>D2 was interviewed by a magazine earlier this year and her answer to the generic “What would you do if she won the lottery?” was all the things that she would do for her parents because of the opportunities that we have provided and sacrifices we’ve made. :)</p>

<p>Heroine of the Week – Colorado_mom’s D. Graduation, fulltime job, and “real” apartment. I know that you are one proud mom. :slight_smile: As I’ve said here before, it doesn’t matter which path you take up the mountain, the view at the top is the same.</p>

<p>Jackief – Thanx for the coffee mug. It’s so nice to have something that doesn’t say “Marriott” on it. ;)</p>

<p>Kennedy2010 – Good luck getting the moving planets to align!</p>

<p>Tx5 – Again with the kilts? ;)</p>

<p>Mommusic – I see that you celebrated “The Rite of Spring” Day with crepes. I worked the story into a Change Management discussion on Wed. … Yes, I know, I’m the world’s most boring person. ;)</p>

<p>ProudNJMom – I’ll strike you a deal. If your S2 helps D2 get on the right train, I’ll make her share her granola bars. :wink: Or if he’d like a less traumatic method, I hear that food plays a role in Reunions. ;)</p>

<p>Re: GRE/LSAT – I think that after this semester D2 is thinking that she may want to get a real job out of UG and give it a year or two before going back, but is checking options this summer. DW agrees and told me that D2 has just been really “intense” this whole week. She thinks that D2 should take some time to have some “fun” after graduating next year.</p>

<p>In dads news, FIL is still in rehab with extreme up and down days. My father did the whirlwind medical tour this week starting in rehab, then the ER, followed by ICU, followed by cardiac room, ending back in rehab all in one week, ugh! Funnyish story, the rehab place called DW this week and told her that they had tried to reach her mother, at which point DW explained that her mother has been dead for 7 years and that would be kind of hard to do. Because DW has my last name, they thought that she was my dad’s daughter and had actually tried to contact my mother to let her know that the ambulance was taking my dad to the ER. We have them truly confused at the rehab facility. DW needs a mental break so she’s off to what she calls her “Cougar Crush Concert”… Hunter Hayes(?). Not sure if he is honeybee material or not.</p>

<p>In wedding news, DW and D2 went to watch D1 try on dresses one night this week. I received pix messages of the dresses to which I made helpful comments like, “I hope she plans on wearing a sweatshirt over that.” I also got a pix of D2 pretending to be screaming in agony… such a supportive sister. :wink: On a positive note, the “Shared Savings” clause wins again… the dress that D1 liked came in almost 50% under budget. :)</p>

<p>In college news, D2 flew back to campus to help with pre-graduation events called “Reunions.” She called me from the train station and wanted me to help because she hadn’t seen any of the Princeton trains yet. After talking a while, I figured out she was on the NYC bound side of the tracks, so I stayed on the phone while she went to the other side where she saw some “young people” and someone she knew and no longer needed my help. :rolleyes: That’s my kid who was born without a compass. ;)</p>

<p>Funny about the compass, G#. My D was born WITH one. She can go just about anywhere, whether she’s been there before or not, and tell you which way is north. She began giving our nannies driving directions when she was 3, including arguing with them that they were going the wrong way and having them suffer the embarrassment of finding out that she was right.</p>

<p>Thanks for the update G#!</p>

<p>S3 comes home tonight from his week in DC. I really missed him, so the empty nest might be harder to get used to than I originally thought. </p>

<p>S2 has an apartment lined up for next year. Same price as this year, just a little nicer and a tad farther from campus, but still easy walking distance (which is lucky since he does not have a car). The bummer is that it is mid-June to mid-June, and his current apartment was September to September. So we will be paying for 2 apartments this summer. Oh joy. </p>

<p>D1 is finishing up her student teaching. Hard to believe how fast the year goes by.</p>