Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>it’s Friday! Time to break out a different type of drink! cheers!
Y Y</p>

<p>G#, as for the no-compass thing: I think GPS will be the death of our kids ever learning to find their way around. D called me on her drive home from college. I asked her, “Where are you?”
D: In Connecticut… ummm… I think we just passed Hartford.
Me: Oh, so you took 84?
D: No, we’re on 95.
Me: Well then you definitely didn’t pass through Hartford.
D: Oh well we just passed through some city. Maybe I saw a sign for Hartford.
At that point I figured out she had just passed thru New Haven, where 91 exits to the left toward Hartford.<br>
I should add that we have driven the route she was on literally HUNDREDS of times since she was a baby. At one point H and I suggested that perhaps she should look at a map before she drives somewhere. “Why? I have GPS.” (sigh) </p>

<p>But I shouldn’t complain! She’s here for the summer and has agreed to be our dinner chef! It’s so great to come home from work and not have to figure out what to make for dinner. Might not be the best for my diet though… the first night she made bacon cheeseburgers with avacado. They were tasty though…</p>

<p>good morning all…coffee is ready!</p>

<p>Slow day here in the 'burbs. That is both the IRL and these virtual burbs. Here it is one of those hot sticky days where you don’t want to have to move too fast. I struggled a bit in yoga class - back bend work is really difficult DOR me - though it does feels great when I can make it work. Then we picked up our car, which is beautiful. I drove home in the new car while H went to get a new battery for mu watch (yes, I’m spoiled). When I got home, I discovered I was locked out so I sat on our front porch in a rocker for an hour, just enjoying the warmth, the sun/shade/breeze and looking at the things growing in our yard. Lovely.</p>

<p>coffee is ready… do we even need a full pot?</p>

<p>Not for me, p56, I’m caffeine free. Off to yoga this morning. Hoping to hear some news from the kiddos today.</p>

<p>Good morning! Thanks for the coffee p56!</p>

<p>It is a slow weekend here. I have been having a hard time tearing myself away from the French Open. Next week S3 has three banquets and Prom on Saturday. D1 has 8 more days of student-teaching and S2 is gearing up for finals.</p>

<p>Hi, everyone! Checking in from my new apartment in Princeton (Waving at ProudMom and G#'s kids!) I have a nice big room and my roommates are nice…but there’s no AC, which would be okay except that it’s 90 degrees this weekend. Nothing like coming back from a mile long walk with 40 lbs of groceries to a non-air conditioned apartment :D</p>

<p>I just got back from my college reunion. Turns out the 35th and 50th reunion get great seats for the commencement talk which is held completely separately from the actual commencement ceremony which I did not remember at all. Oprah was pretty darn good and oozed charisma. Saw a bunch of old friends including my very brief sophomore year boyfriend who is just as adorable as he ever was. (We were friends even after we broke up.) I have now figured out why I had such a hard time getting any guys in my House interested in me, they were all gay! They were laughing that back then, they didn’t know who was gay either.</p>

<p>Waving Hello to everyone</p>

<p>Just got home from our cruise late last night. Today has been a whirlwind. Pick up the dogs…get groceries…MOUNDS of laundry…pick up birthday cake…did I say MOUNDS of laundry?..and a 16th Birthday party for D15. I am exhausted.</p>

<p>Tomorrow I’ll go back & read all the posts I missed. I hope everyone is safe from all last week’s storms.</p>

<p>S10 goes back to College tomorrow. Not really College, just College town. :sad: It has been really nice having us all together for 2 weeks. :)</p>

<p>coffee time (pardon me for not serving it in the mug)
We leave for our trip to see D tomorrow. Very excited! Will probably not post while I am gone, or very little.</p>

<p>Good morning and happy Monday. :(</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee. Sounds like everyone is busy and settling into summer schedules. </p>

<p>Thanks for the great recap G#. I hope your dads feel better every day.</p>

<p>Laf - You’re lucky. I asked my D to be our dinner chef. She turned me down. :(</p>

<p>So I have been reading here- but not posting much. Things are generally quiet (except for mama drama but she is going to be 80 , so what you gonna do?). Haave been experimenting with hot weather cooking, making things that D would have turned up her nose at. The roasted corn/tomato/avocado salad was a hit. The Asian beef salad with fish sauce dressing, not so much. :eek:</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee. And Bon Voyage, jackief.</p>

<p>I actually heard from both of my kids this weekend, and both sound good. S is finishing up classes this week, with exam period over the weekend/next Monday. He has mostly projects and papers rather than exams - so a lot of work, but he sounds relatively un-stressed considering. His big news is that he was selected as one of the co-captains for his Ultimate tea for next year. Apparently, it had not really crossed his mind that he would be considered, so he is feeling quite honored. Says it will be a lot of work, though.</p>

<p>Happy Monday.</p>

<p>I’ll join kinderny in posting after being away for a while. This will make CC very happy, as the note at the top of the page urging me to post can now take a rest :wink: .</p>

<p>Things are quiet here as well. D2 finally heard from his last, hold-out internship position and the answer was a negative. Luckily he had already lined up the lifeguard position at an amusement park from the prior two years. Not many weekly hours to start until schools are out for the summer, so a lot of sleeping until noon and late nights with friends. We’ll also pay him to stain the deck and do some other large-scale outdoor improvements. So far it’s pleasant to have him home, although I can sense a tense undercurrent in his interactions with DH. It’s definitely time for him to move out and on.</p>

<p>Hi all! I’ve been terrible about posting recently…hope everyone is doing OK :). We finally have summertime weather in the Northeast, but I don’t like going from the 50’s to 90 degrees in one day, but I guess I shouldn’t complain! </p>

<p>Tomorrow we’ll be picking D1 and D2 up at the airport. D1 has been in Edinburgh for the semester and D2 flew over to meet up with her on May 18th. They spent the first few days in Scotland, and then when D1 was finished with her exams, they travelled to Ireland, Belgium, Paris and London!! They are now making their way back to Edinburgh (at least I hope they are ;)) to fly home tomorrow. They have had a FABULOUS time and except for getting lost a few times (people have taken pity and helped them with directions :)) no major snafus. We’ve Skyped with them a couple of times and followed their postings and photos on Facebook, but I can’t wait to see them in person and hear more about their awesome adventures!! We’ll give them a few days to sleep off their jet lag…they each have summer jobs lined up beginning in mid-June.</p>

<p>DB, in exchange for D’s chef duties, we’re paying for her gas this summer. Perhaps you just need to sweeten the deal…</p>

<p>last coffee from me from the US for a while. I don’t think I will use my limited data allowance for cc (sorry guys) but if we are at places with free “wee-fee” (as it is called in France) I will try to check in.</p>

<p>TWINMAMA- that trip sounds great. My D has had a chance to visit some great cities. And she has two more months abroad!</p>

<p>is initiatelaunch around? Wondering if he is a hockey fan possibly covering his head with the terrible towel? I know two games is not a series win, and I hope the show tonight’s game on the plane, although I should be trying to get some sleep overnight.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>good morning all…coffee is ready</p>

<p>woohoo for summer jobs, internships, travel and chefs!!!</p>

<p>have a wonderful time jackie!!</p>

<p>Just stoppin’ by to say hello. This is S’s second to last day of class before reading period (2 days) and exams. There will likely be no more news from him till he gets to the airport next Monday afternoon, though a mom can hope, can’t she?</p>

<p>Sounds like lots of exciting travel beginning and ending around here. “gai gezundt und kim gezundt” as my mother would say (please don’t check my spelling - for those of you who are national spelling bee afficionados, I consider “knaidel” a yiddish word and would have spelled it “kneidel”)</p>