Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>aliceinw–thank you for supporting my opinion on kneidel! Frankly, I think it’s a poor word choice as there are valid competing spellings. It’s a transliteration. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>I wish DS would take an interest in cooking. We are going away for a couple of weeks and he will need to take a minimal interest in it, that’s for sure! Not to mention cleaning up after himself, cutting the grass, watering a few things. I don’t think he’ll starve and I’ll be happy if the house is in one piece when we get back. :)</p>

<p>I see OSU’s president has resigned after sticking his foot in his mouth too many embarrassing times. He was not representing his university, Columbus, Ohio, or academia well at all. </p>

<p>Looking forward to our vacation. Seeing the Atlantic ocean AND the Mediterranean…seeing the kids and the grandkid…eating some good food that I didn’t have to cook… :)</p>

<p>Trying to get back in the swing of things after our 12 day visit to NYC for D1’s graduation. We had a wonderful time. We ended up staying an extra day as our flight Sunday evening was delayed and we would of missed our connection so we rebooked our flight for Monday afternoon.</p>

<p>We had lots of time with D1 and even though it rained on graduation day it was still a great time. We had many good meals, bottles of wine and cocktails and walked for miles! D1 is working her nanny jobs for the next few weeks then starts an 8 week summer camp job. She is still dancing 3-4 days a week and seeing her vocal coach and is looking at an acting class in the evening for the summer. She is so happy to really be starting her “grown up” life as an actor living in NYC!</p>

<p>coffee is ready!! nasty storm going on here</p>

<p>G’morning, and thanks for the coffee.</p>

<p>Sorry to hear about the nasty storm, p56. We have had some around here, but I suspect not as nasty as what you experience. Today is lovely, but it will turn over to stormy later and the rest of the week doesn’t look so great.</p>

<p>Congratulations to showmom’s D1 on graduating! It sounds like she has those bill-paying gigs lined up, so now all she needs is that proverbial “break” to get a “real” gig lined up. Best to her.</p>

<p>Good to “see” those of you still stopping by.</p>

<p>Good morning! Thanks for the coffee. No storm here, just the normal June Gloom (early morning low clouds and fog).</p>

<p>It looks like S2 will be able to pick up some hours this summer at the tennis club in between his Travel Study in Greece. So that is good news. </p>

<p>We are in the middle of “banquet season” at the high school. We have three this week alone. Two more weeks until graduation.</p>

<p>Hi there. </p>

<p>showmom, it sounds like your NYC graduation trip was wonderful. :)</p>

<p>Congrats to your S, aliceinw. Nice honor.</p>

<p>Congrats to ds, alice!</p>

<p>I’m too consumed with ds2’s graduation festivities (and yesterday’s 25th wedding anniversary!) to post here. I’m definitely on a hamster wheel.</p>

<p>Just caught myself up on a lot of work for my online classes since Blackboard is going down this weekend. The stress of these 7 week classes is aggravating but I am okay now. </p>

<p>New house update: Move went well and we are settled in. Happy overall :D</p>

<p>good morning all…coffee is ready!</p>

<p>happy anniversary and graduation yds!</p>

<p>happy move went well mdem</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee, p56. </p>

<p>Happy anniversary, YDS. And hope those graduation festivities are fun. </p>

<p>Modem - glad that the move went well. Not sure I can imagine 7 week terms. I did law school in 11 week terms and my kids’ college does 10 weeks, but 7??!!?</p>

<p>That was mdem, not modem.</p>

<p>alice - They break up he sessions into different terms so I have 4 classes that end June 30 and two others that end August 6. It is difficult but a quick way to get through classes I am not a huge fan of.</p>

<p>Waving to everyone from a drive-by posting.</p>

<p>Good morning and TGIF. :)</p>

<p>TGIF! About to go on vaca to relatives where the beer flows freely! Then to countries where cheese & chocolate abound, Indonesian food (rijstafel) and then on to felafel and other exotica! AND we’ll see the grandson! :)</p>

<p>good morning all…coffee is ready… have a wonderful time mommusic!!</p>

<p>Thanks. </p>

<p>And as I predicted, after I ran around all week getting us ready, DH says this morning he needs a European adapter (gave our other one to SIL a while back.) :rolleyes:
Quick trip to Walmart!</p>

<p>Have a fabulous trip, mommusic.</p>

<p>And thanks for the coffee, p56.</p>

<p>I am so excited that my D is coming home tomorrow. Now if I only didn’t have to work today . . .</p>

<p>I’m hoping that TS Andrea and I don’t meet in my travels today…</p>

<p>Hero(ine) of the Week – Showmom’s “grown up” and talented D1!</p>

<p>LAF – I’m not sure if D2’s compass is missing or just atrophied. She had something even better than GPS… a willing Mom to drive her wherever she needed to be. ;)</p>

<p>Ain’t aliceinw looking all spiffy in that new car? Maybe its just ‘cuz she has the Ultimate co-captain S and a D on the way home!</p>

<p>Checkers and her laundry ain’t looking half-bad either. :wink: It must be the 2 weeks of sun and fun. Happy B-Day to D15!</p>

<p>TWINMAMA looks doubly happy this week! :slight_smile: :)</p>

<p>T_c – Hope you’re enjoying Princeton. Two words… “Thomas Sweets” ;)</p>

<p>Mathmom – Sorry that you didn’t have better luck picking up guys at your reunion. :wink: You might may to try a different subset. ;)</p>

<p>Kinderny – I get to have both mama-drama and grandmamma-drama. I’ve decided that you should just be allowed to say anything you want once you reach 100 YO.</p>

<p>Jackiee-fee – Have fun. We’ll be waiting for your safe return.</p>

<p>Mommusic – You have fun too with your gastronomic adventure! Remember you friends when you return. ;)</p>

<p>YDS – Happy ¼ Century of Wedded Bliss! ;)</p>

<p>I watched the video of Ben Benanke’s commencement speech this year. Very well done. Who knew that the Chairman of the Fed had a sense of humor…
[Remarks</a> by Ben S. Bernanke on Vimeo](<a href=“]Remarks”>Remarks by Ben S. Bernanke on Vimeo)</p>

<p>In “Dads” news, it is an emotional roller coaster with both dads, ergh. One funny-ish story. In one of his non-lucid moments, my FIL asked DW where she was living now with “her other husband.” :eek: Later that day she told me that she hopes that her other husband is much younger and has more energy. Can you feel the love? :rolleyes:</p>

<p>In college news, it has been a VERY intense couple of days. D2 is supposed to start her internship Monday, but had not received the information that was supposed to be sent to her “a few days prior to starting.” She called and despite having an Offer Letter in writing and email confirmation from her supervisor, they did not have any record of her coming. Of course, she had already declined all other offers and we have paid for housing for her for the summer. After dozens of phone calls and much consternation, the supervisor finally got everything straightened out this afternoon and she starts Monday! She is ecstatic because this internship is at an agency at which she has wanted to work for years… it is her “dream job” (for now). We move her in Sunday. Whew!!!</p>

<p>Mommusic: wishing you a Bon voyage and a great vacation!</p>

<p>Happy 25th Anniversary to YDS!</p>

<p>G#: good luck with TS Andrea - I’m wishing you safe travels today and all the best in moving your D2 to her summer internship this weekend. Thanks for the dads update - sending PVCs for both dads.</p>

<p>Alicew: enjoy having your D home. How long will she be staying with you?</p>

<p>Mdem: I’m glad to hear that the move went well. I hope you’ve been able to get caught up with your online coursework.</p>

<p>I just had a “first.” I am in LA and there was a shooting about a mile from where I am. S2 sent a worried text asking if I was alright (I was not near the shooting so I am fine). Usually I am the one checking on HIM, so it was very sweet to have a role reversal where he was concerned about ME.</p>