Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Coffee’s ready. </p>

<p>12rmh18 - D will be here 4 or 5 days. S arrives after midnight on Monday (or should I say Tuesday?). The two of them will head out sometime Wednesday or early Thursday. Too short, but to be appreciated in any event.</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee alice!</p>

<p>whew gsharp…glad the internship worked out!</p>

<p>tried to convince S2 to come home and help me clean for expected visitors next week… not happening :)</p>

<p>very sweet 12rmh!!</p>

<p>Good morning. :)</p>

<p>mommusic - have a great trip!</p>

<p>G# - Best of luck to your D with her internship. And, maybe your DW’s other husband can help with wedding expenses. ;)</p>

<p>At our house, S is still enjoying his internship and D picked a “shadow” opportunity with a local PT. She’ll do that 6 - 10 hours per week, when she’s not supersizing your order at McD. </p>

<p>Today we’re attending my cousin’s wedding. :)</p>

<p>Then, tomorrow DH competes in a half Ironman: 1.2mi swim, 56 mile bike ride, then capped off with a half marathon. 70.3 miles total. :)</p>

<p>Have a great weekend.</p>

<p>I just had to say HI so this location in the ‘burbs doesn’t collect too much dust.
I was a faithful lurker every day, but never post much. I don’t want to miss the peeks into my "friends’ lives". I don’t do FB, so if everyone leaves for that, it will echo a lot in here.</p>

<p>G#m7, sounds very tough with the Dad’s. This coming Fathers Day seems like it is shaping up to be a toughy in the G#m7 house. ACK on the starting internship drama! my heart stopped just reading it. Glad you didn’t say anything until it was resolved.</p>

<p>12rm, glad you were far from the shooting and that the shoe was on the other foot. I don’t think that has happened to us yet.</p>

<p>DB, let us know about wedding decor and comedy. There is ALWAYS some comedy at weddings! I am looking forward to my niece’s in July.</p>

<p>mommusic … seeing grandson, eating chocolate … don’t need to tell you to have fun!</p>

<p>I haven’t any college news since neither kid deigned to reply to emails this week … DS is done with this quarter and has no finals scheduled for this finals week. He is staying at school to see friends graduate and then going direct to a conference . He is supposed to be going to the dentist and wrapping up his research. I have no idea what he is actually doing. Got the notice from the DMV for his new DL… he’ll be 21!!! How did THAT happen?</p>

<p>Sounds like the perfect vaca mommusic! Enjoy…</p>

<p>G# - thank goodness the internship worked out. That would have been terrible!</p>

<p>I helped S move in to his apartment in NYC last weekend for his internships. Everything went pretty smoothly - and he loves both his internships. Apartment is very nice. He is happy as can be.</p>

<p>On Monday, I help D move in to her dorm at her new college for a summer scholarship program. Should be interesting…</p>

<p>When I return home next Thursday, I will officially be an “empty nester”. Whoa. Really? I love both my kids like crazy - - but this is like a dream come true!</p>

<p>Breakfast is on me this morning as we prepare to take D2 to DC to get moved in. Good luck finding a place to sit and eat your chocolate chip pancakes among all the stuff. :wink: In keeping with today’s theme, I tried to get DW to make pancakes in the shapes of the US Presidents. :rolleyes: … round it is. ;)</p>

<p>thanks for breakfast gsharp!</p>

<p>esobay… know the feeling…mine is taking classes and finishing his research too… but other than that i have no idea what he is doing</p>

<p>good luck with the moves kennedy and gsharp!</p>

<p>Morning all. Finally managed to make hotel reservations for next year’s graduation. Twice the normal rate but we are at the the location we wanted to be. D said, “Yeah, remind me to make dinner reservations WAY in advance, too!” The joys of a 5,000 student university in a suburban town a half hour from the nearest metropolitan area…</p>

<p>Started my grad school applications today and registered for the GRE…well, I guess this is happening.</p>

<p>T-C, my D is getting ready for the GRE too. I think she’s signing up for mid-August. She came home from B&N with 3 prep books.</p>

<p>Just completed 3 days of hotel reservations for DGS Harvard graduation May 2014! I managed to do it on hotel reward points, saving a bunch of $$$ (patting myself on the back) I was almost as excited as when the acceptance notice came in — (Maybe not as excited - Ha!) …
and DGS is getting settled in, rooming with 2 other interns at the same company - should be an interesting summer for him in California.</p>

<p>good luck tc!! and to laf’s D also!!</p>

<p>way to go bubbe!!</p>

<p>Wow - Laf and Bubbe - you inspired me to look into hotel reservations for May 2014 - and thank goodness I did! Most hotels are already booked - but I was able to find rooms without going to one of the neighboring towns. Now I am going to tackle dinner reservations…</p>

<p>good morning all…coffee is ready!!</p>

<p>glad you got a room kennedy!!</p>

<p>wow - lots of dust and cobwebs over here… I wonder if anyone from CC is monitoring traffic on these threads and comparing it to prior to the move…</p>

<p>Good morning! Happy Monday! </p>

<p>I agree scualum LOTS of cobwebs!</p>

<p>Yes. Exile is lonely.</p>

<p>D is home. We had time for a long walk on Saturday, and we went to a yoga class together on Sunday, as well as our favorite Sunday pastime - NYT crossword puzzle. Tonight a couple of her college friends who are living in the area are joining us for supper. And later tonight (or should I say early tomorrow morning) S is due to arrive. Alas, at the moment he is too busy with taking everything down to the wire to contact us, so we assume stress levels are high but have no direct knowledge.</p>

<p>We got our rooms for graduation a while ago. It’s hard to know what to do about dinner(s). There aren’t too many choices. For D’s graduation her house threw a barbecue/pot luck for themselves, their friends, and families. It was lovely. Maybe S’s group can do the same - although with all boys it seems less likely. We shall see.</p>

<p>Good morning. </p>

<p>Good luck to t_c and Laf’s D! </p>

<p>I’ll join Bubbe, alice, Kennedy and Laf in the “We got a hotel for graduation club.” I booked 2 rooms. One would have worked. But, this way D can have space and privacy. Or, if they are up to the travel, grandparents can take the second room. </p>

<p>That’s about it from here. Have a great Tuesday, everyone. :)</p>

<p>Howdy, iPeeps.</p>

<p>Just coming up from graduation hoopla with ds2, plus a dog crisis and ds1 just got home yesterday. It’s been nuts!</p>

<p>I haven’t booked hotel rooms yet because I wasn’t really planning on staying in the college town so I hope it won’t be difficult to get a room at one of the nearby towns. I’ll work on that at some point this summer. I like where ds2 and I stayed when we moved ds1 in his sophomore year and will likely try to get that place. There also was a wonderful restaurant nearby that would be great for a graduation dinner, though I doubt any family will be going besides the four of us.</p>

<p>Oh there you all are! LOL. I haven’t really been on CC in a few weeks and haven’t been HERE since before our um, relocation ;)</p>

<p>All is well. D2 is a HS graduate! D1 is back from her semester with the Mouse. </p>

<p>And I’ll go back and read what I missed…</p>